ultimated wrote:I've been reading through these rules and they seem very promising! I'm hoping to run a very lightly modified version for my group in an upcoming game.
I'm happy to hear that! If you want any more help in detail, feel free to send a PM to me.
ultimated wrote:1. How is a character's Swallow DC calculated? There's a table in the document that specifies what kind of save the prey makes based on what the predator's vore attribute is, and there's a section on vore attacks where the way a vore attack is calculated is clearly laid out, and "Swallow" has proficiency, but other than this there seems to be no formula for Swallow DC that I can find.
The DC for something is always the base value +10, so a Will DC is your Will save +10, and your Swallow DC would be Swallow + 10.
ultimated wrote:2. Is it intended that both predators and prey get the Healthy bonus to all vore actions? It seems like it's intended as a mechanic that makes it harder to eat somebody before whittling them down with attacks, probably vore attacks for extra stacks of Salivated, but since the predator is also Healthy at 50%+, all their save DCs are equally higher too, so the prey's buff cancels out and effectively becomes pure debuff once they're below half health.
Right, this is a bit unclear at the moment I see. Vore bonuses only applies to saves, so it only makes it harder to eat people, and does nothing on the pred side of things. I have gone through the rules now and I realize that the rules as written contradict this, in particular the section on Vore Modifiers. I am correcting that in the new version. Regardless, this means that as the battle goes on, two heavily salivated opponents are both more likely to finally eat each other.
It also made me realize that vore attack bonuses and penalties can very easily be confused with vore bonuses and penalties. So I'm going to rename that in the new version to make it clearer.
ultimated wrote:3. Do vore modifiers such as Salivated and Healthy apply to Swallow Save and Swallow DC?
Vore modifiers does apply to Swallow Saves, but again, does not affect the pred side of things.
Looking over your questions I realized there were things that needed fixing. I already had a relatively large update done most of the way, so I figured it is better to just have the new update ready before I answer.
2025-01-11 update changelog: * Did a major restructuring of the rules as a whole. The rules are functionally the same as before, just presented differently.
- Split the rules up between Introduction, The Basic Rules, Player Character Options, and the Game Master Section.
- Moved around a lot of the rules text to hopefully make it easier for new players and game masters to take in.
- Rewrote a lot of the basic chapter to be simpler and explain things in more detail.
- Made some changes to formatting to hopefully make it clearer and easier to read.
- Added reminder text for action, reaction, and free action symbols.
* Changed Escapist dedication effect to reduce the DC of the Gulp Check instead
* Clarified how to calculate Swallow DC
* Changed wording used to inflict Salivated to “adds x to Salivated” (from “is Salivated x”)
* Changed Vore modifier to Resilience modifier
- This should make it easier to differentiate from bonuses to vore attack and to intuit how it actually works
- Also rewrote the Resilience Modifier rules text to go into more detail and to not contradict my intentions
* Fixed some various small spelling mistakes and errors