[AIW] Another Inner World - S02E07 - Updated 01/31

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[AIW] Another Inner World - S02E07 - Updated 01/31

Postby Progressive » Fri Jan 31, 2025 6:06 pm


Download the latest game version: Season 2 Episode 7: Under Tail!

If this is your first time experiencing AIW, you’ll want to play through Season 1. This includes episodes 1-14.

Discord server for any discussion or feedback regarding AIW.

Another Inner World is a long-form text adventure with dating sim elements about you, a very normal person with normal sexual preferences. After an exciting encounter with a truck, you find yourself in a strange world populated by monster folk, demi humans, and ordinary people all eager to make a meal of you. The story is mostly linear and on-rails, and your choices (the ones you survive, that is) all inevitably push you through a world-saving adventure tale with a central cast of romanceable companions. There are currently five party members to become entangled with, and one more will appear in the future.

You can play in your browser! Gameplay is simple: you read, you click, you make questionable choices, you get eaten, you watch others get eaten. Repeat until satisfied.

The current game release includes 21 episodes with over 1.3 million words and nearly 200 distinct vore scenes (mostly soft oral same-size vore, with occasional unbirth, anal, and other options). You can find a quick preview of what you’re getting into here.

The project patreon is currently paused. A future announcement will contain more information about early-access and project support through patreon. Thanks for your patience!

Content Tags:
What to expect:
Spoiler: show
  • Soft, same-size vore (all forms of ingestion)
  • Female and NB pred
  • Both male and female prey
  • Fatal and non-fatal scenes
  • Gratuitous sexual content
  • ’Light’ digestion

What not to expect:
Spoiler: show
  • Player as predator
  • Male pred
  • Cock vore
  • Hard vore
  • Disposal
  • Long-term weight gain
  • Graphic digestion
  • Any character below the age of 18

A full list of scenes can be found here, usually updated within a few days of a release. Spoilers abound.

Here are instructions on exporting and importing your save files between versions.

Known Bugs and Issues:
Spoiler: show
  • [S01E05] While exploring Amberglen with Mira, attempting to leave the canine demi's tavern the first time results in an error and will force you to reload your latest save. You can still leave (and avoid the game over) by heading upstairs, then backing out before entering the room.
  • [S01E08] If you were visited by fake Mira while bathing, selecting "Pretend to cast a spell" during the final encounter with Eury will lead you to the end-of-season scene gallery rather than back to the intended mid-episode checkpoint. Either do not trigger this game over or create a save file beforehand to avoid losing progress.
  • [S01E12] An extra line break is rarely added during one of the longer sequences. This is purely visual and has no effect on gameplay or saves going forward. I currently have no idea what’s causing it, but will attempt to solve it in the future.
  • [S01E13] There’s a very small chance the sequence with Ashlyn will display an extra line break. This should be a minor bug, but if it starts causing problems, please send a message about it.
  • [S01E14] The text in the side bar changes color on one page in particular. This will be amended with some fancy coding at a later date.
  • [S02E05/S02E06] Occasionally, the meeting with Sazelle gets confused as to there whereabouts of your companions—Ashlyn in particular, because she’s always causing problems.
  • [S02E06] There is an infinite loop during the evening exploration (you can move between the party wing and the central temple area infinitely). While not a problem, this will be changed in the future.
Last edited by Progressive on Sun Feb 02, 2025 10:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [AIW] Another Inner World - S02E07 - Updated 01/31

Postby Progressive » Fri Jan 31, 2025 6:07 pm

[reserved for future use]
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Re: [AIW] Another Inner World - S02E07 - Updated 01/31

Postby GeisKhan » Fri Jan 31, 2025 9:53 pm

The story continues and Lloriel has art! I did see your spoiler about certain things, and I'll just say I can appreciate good characters and writing and won't bash something just because it has pronouns, and can get my rocks off on playing as or interacting with different genders (and vore of course) just fine.

Also I just realized that the player character is actually in the art; they're in Mira's belly XD
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Re: [AIW] Another Inner World - S02E07 - Updated 01/31

Postby Quarters » Fri Jan 31, 2025 11:33 pm

While I've enjoyed playing the beta versions of this chapter, I quickly raced through previous sections to get to new stuff. For the release version, I'm once again reading everything and came across a line that I absolutely love:

"The mirror knows you’re hiding something. And it shouldn’t fucking know that."

I don't know why, but it just hits so well. Still have more to go through, but I will still say this has always been my favourite vore game on this site.

GeisKhan wrote:Also I just realized that the player character is actually in the art; they're in Mira's belly XD

Never even occurred to me until you mentioned it, lovely detail!
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Re: [AIW] Another Inner World - S02E07 - Updated 01/31

Postby Phurr » Sat Feb 01, 2025 1:08 am

That was a fun chapter.
Spoiler: show
Although I'm somewhat sad those guys won't get an encore appearance. Evil doppelganger party just has so much potential.
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Re: [AIW] Another Inner World - S02E07 - Updated 01/31

Postby EnderTG » Sat Feb 01, 2025 5:03 pm

Great to see this back up and going. Also, yay for big Vanille. Do wonder if that will come with an increased appatite, given her vehemence against predation.
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Re: [AIW] Another Inner World - S02E07 - Updated 01/31

Postby TuckingFypo » Tue Feb 04, 2025 2:08 am

Love the update so far, with one exception.

Spoiler: show

Sherine getting eaten.

Now her getting gobbled isnt the problem, i just wish you showed more of it as even now my only thoughts
was "how?".

She's bigger, stronger, and more successful than Salma, and generally the best in the group at subterfuge and seduction. How did the other Lamia get her?

Overestimation plus element of surprise should have seen her go down face first. Just holding a knife to her and say "let me eat you" should have ended in a fight and even a loss shouldn't have seen her gobbled up as quickly as was shown, plus lack of injuries not related to digestion when she gets free. She could move just fine when willing out of Salma, so it wasn't a poisonous bite that did it. We just lost sight of her for 10 seconds, there was no consumption or hint of it at that time, and 10 seconds later Salma slithers around the corner with the bulk of Sherine already down her gullet.

The only thing i can think of is she went in willingly, as the knife only came into play at the end. But with her attitude before and after that doesn't make sense. When she first got gulped i was expecting that she did it on purpose so she could throw the fight from the inside rather than get cut up. After all she's much bigger than Salma, thicker with more muscle, and she's effectively wearing Salma like a sock so she should have more control of salma's tail than salma does.

Just what we saw didn't really make sense to me.

Unless i just missed something incredibly obvious anyways. If I did, point it out lol.

And damn, MC missed yet another opportunity to go Lamia spelunking. They are my favorites. Damn near everyone else got to go inside the sexy snek but the MC.

Also yeah, agree with the other poster it was i bit disappointing the doppelganger party getting killed off. Would have made a very interesting recurring rival. Enemies one episode, reluctant friends another, belly mates and stuff later before a season climax.

They seemed interesting, beyond veck or w/e. That one ironically was least interesting to me.

Nothing big.

Thanks for the update. Hope you guys figure out the path forwards.
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Re: [AIW] Another Inner World - S02E07 - Updated 01/31

Postby Hordrig » Tue Feb 04, 2025 6:59 pm

TuckingFypo wrote:Love the update so far, with one exception.

Spoiler: show

Sherine getting eaten.

Now her getting gobbled isnt the problem, i just wish you showed more of it as even now my only thoughts
was "how?".

She's bigger, stronger, and more successful than Salma, and generally the best in the group at subterfuge and seduction. How did the other Lamia get her?

Overestimation plus element of surprise should have seen her go down face first. Just holding a knife to her and say "let me eat you" should have ended in a fight and even a loss shouldn't have seen her gobbled up as quickly as was shown, plus lack of injuries not related to digestion when she gets free. She could move just fine when willing out of Salma, so it wasn't a poisonous bite that did it. We just lost sight of her for 10 seconds, there was no consumption or hint of it at that time, and 10 seconds later Salma slithers around the corner with the bulk of Sherine already down her gullet.

The only thing i can think of is she went in willingly, as the knife only came into play at the end. But with her attitude before and after that doesn't make sense. When she first got gulped i was expecting that she did it on purpose so she could throw the fight from the inside rather than get cut up. After all she's much bigger than Salma, thicker with more muscle, and she's effectively wearing Salma like a sock so she should have more control of salma's tail than salma does.

Just what we saw didn't really make sense to me.

Unless i just missed something incredibly obvious anyways. If I did, point it out lol.

And damn, MC missed yet another opportunity to go Lamia spelunking. They are my favorites. Damn near everyone else got to go inside the sexy snek but the MC.

Also yeah, agree with the other poster it was i bit disappointing the doppelganger party getting killed off. Would have made a very interesting recurring rival. Enemies one episode, reluctant friends another, belly mates and stuff later before a season climax.

They seemed interesting, beyond veck or w/e. That one ironically was least interesting to me.

Nothing big.

Thanks for the update. Hope you guys figure out the path forwards.
Yeah, the episode is wonderful, but it's sad, that there is a lack of "exploration" of lamia insides
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Re: [AIW] Another Inner World - S02E07 - Updated 01/31

Postby TuckingFypo » Thu Feb 06, 2025 12:38 pm

Hordrig wrote:
TuckingFypo wrote:Love the update so far, with one exception.

Spoiler: show

Sherine getting eaten.

Now her getting gobbled isnt the problem, i just wish you showed more of it as even now my only thoughts
was "how?".

She's bigger, stronger, and more successful than Salma, and generally the best in the group at subterfuge and seduction. How did the other Lamia get her?

Overestimation plus element of surprise should have seen her go down face first. Just holding a knife to her and say "let me eat you" should have ended in a fight and even a loss shouldn't have seen her gobbled up as quickly as was shown, plus lack of injuries not related to digestion when she gets free. She could move just fine when willing out of Salma, so it wasn't a poisonous bite that did it. We just lost sight of her for 10 seconds, there was no consumption or hint of it at that time, and 10 seconds later Salma slithers around the corner with the bulk of Sherine already down her gullet.

The only thing i can think of is she went in willingly, as the knife only came into play at the end. But with her attitude before and after that doesn't make sense. When she first got gulped i was expecting that she did it on purpose so she could throw the fight from the inside rather than get cut up. After all she's much bigger than Salma, thicker with more muscle, and she's effectively wearing Salma like a sock so she should have more control of salma's tail than salma does.

Just what we saw didn't really make sense to me.

Unless i just missed something incredibly obvious anyways. If I did, point it out lol.

And damn, MC missed yet another opportunity to go Lamia spelunking. They are my favorites. Damn near everyone else got to go inside the sexy snek but the MC.

Also yeah, agree with the other poster it was i bit disappointing the doppelganger party getting killed off. Would have made a very interesting recurring rival. Enemies one episode, reluctant friends another, belly mates and stuff later before a season climax.

They seemed interesting, beyond veck or w/e. That one ironically was least interesting to me.

Nothing big.

Thanks for the update. Hope you guys figure out the path forwards.
Yeah, the episode is wonderful, but it's sad, that there is a lack of "exploration" of lamia insides

Spoiler: show

Yeah, there were several good opportunities too that I could see that I thought would result in that.
1) When Salma first arrived, the MC could have chosen to stick around instead of leave.
2) When Salma wants MC to accompany her to the other puzzles, one of the options was yes but all ended the same.
3) When Salma gave MC a choice to sacrifice himself to save the rest, that was a good spot too!

Still an amazing update, just disappointed that she was dangled in front of us and there weren't any willing/semi-willing options. The same, you lose, get gulped option.
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Re: [AIW] Another Inner World - S02E07 - Updated 01/31

Postby Progressive » Tue Feb 11, 2025 9:43 pm

I'd like to offer a very appreciative Thank You to everyone who has enjoyed the new release and joined the discord.

I've seen a good number of messages from readers wishing for a scene where they get melted in Salma's snake half. I omitted it originally since I'd figured that the repeated gameover exploration where you learn about Salma's motivations for keeping you alive was more interesting than being digested in tube (also, maybe I had a little apprehension because back in S1E8 with Doppelganger Vanille, a lot of readers seemed to feel that it "didn't count" as a scene with her, and I figured I'd save "the special lamia digestion sequence" for Sherine in the future in order to avoid similar-ish sentiment), however, I have since figured out a way to comfortably include a passage where the reader is digested by Salma's tail into the gameover sequence. I'll write it up when I have time and include it in a future release, shouldn't be too much of a hassle as far as I can tell. This past week I've been busy drafting up new content for the next episode. I wanna see how much progress I make on that before making any announcements about patreon and early-access. Thanks for your patience~

Anyway, stay tuned and thanks for playing!
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Re: [AIW] Another Inner World - S02E07 - Updated 01/31

Postby F00dforthot » Wed Feb 12, 2025 12:59 am

I was just about to start advocating for a Salma digestion scene as well ^^; , so happy to hear its on the way!

I think the difference is that AIW does a great job at describing how different the treatment of each pred is, even if the scenario/species is the same or similar. So I don't see a problem with it, especially since Salma and Sherine could not be more different personality-wise and with their relation to the MC, so their digestion scenes should/would be different accordingly (doubly so since Salma currently wants MC alive, so whatevers being added is, I assume, at least partially accidental. Which is highly likely to stay unique to this scene even if theres another Salma scene down the road)

As for Vanille, I think this would probably also be why some would discount it, since Eury treats the MC very differently than how Vanille would in the same scenario, so it isn't really the same (I'm mixed on it personally)

P.S. >.> I would love to see a scene added with Jayah, or Zee, but 80% Jayah. They remind me a lot of Ciala & Irene in a way (though I might just be a sucker for the pred partner dynamic :gulp: ) and a scene with the two of them would be a nice addition if we get a season wide scene pass-through like with season 1
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