Download the latest game version: Season 2 Episode 7: Under Tail!
If this is your first time experiencing AIW, you’ll want to play through Season 1. This includes episodes 1-14.
Discord server for any discussion or feedback regarding AIW.
Another Inner World is a long-form text adventure with dating sim elements about you, a very normal person with normal sexual preferences. After an exciting encounter with a truck, you find yourself in a strange world populated by monster folk, demi humans, and ordinary people all eager to make a meal of you. The story is mostly linear and on-rails, and your choices (the ones you survive, that is) all inevitably push you through a world-saving adventure tale with a central cast of romanceable companions. There are currently five party members to become entangled with, and one more will appear in the future.
You can play in your browser! Gameplay is simple: you read, you click, you make questionable choices, you get eaten, you watch others get eaten. Repeat until satisfied.
The current game release includes 21 episodes with over 1.3 million words and nearly 200 distinct vore scenes (mostly soft oral same-size vore, with occasional unbirth, anal, and other options). You can find a quick preview of what you’re getting into here.
The project patreon is currently paused. A future announcement will contain more information about early-access and project support through patreon. Thanks for your patience!
Content Tags:
What to expect:
Spoiler: show
What not to expect:
Spoiler: show
A full list of scenes can be found here, usually updated within a few days of a release. Spoilers abound.
Here are instructions on exporting and importing your save files between versions.
Known Bugs and Issues:
Spoiler: show