CAUTION: This game contains sounds. Although there is an option to disable sounds (type readme at any time to check options), I'm not 100% certain I hid every single one behind it; some may play anyway.
You can download the latest release of the game from here: ... ompound-20
It runs in Quest 5.8, which means that in order to play it you will have to download said program and install it. To my knowledge this is for Windows only. You can get it from here:
IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED to use the web player. The desktop version is riddled with distracting (but harmless) engine errors; the web player seems to actually break the game in unpredictable ways every time it lags. Which is often.
Currently there are two characters/sections implemented, with plans for more in the future, although it will be a while before I pick this up in earnest again. Specifically, Battery (F/Lucario) and Streak_(F/Renamon) are more or less complete until more characters get added. There's a fair bit you can do with them, although the great majority of the resolutions/game overs are OV and AV and the content is definitely more focused on Streak_'s section for now.
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged, especially bug reports; I'll try to fix the latter in a reasonably timely manner. Obvious dummy messages (IE: [character] loses patience and eats you) are also high priority fixes. Please understand however that this is not quite an open invitation for requests; the dippy way I've gone about building this means every addition can easily increase the complexity exponentially, especially due to characters interacting in various game states.
Currently implemented:
- Oral/anal vore, mostly bad ends, player as prey
- Oral/anal vore, player as pred
- Transformation, Streak_ and player
- Digestion, player as prey (to Battery)
- Endo, one particular scene (Streak_)
- Character interaction (get these two in the same room and sparks fly)
Intended (not guaranteed) additions:
- Characters:
- Coburn (M/Coywolf/Cartoony chaos)
- Jesse (M/Fox/Charismatic Villain)
- Momoko (F/Red Panda/Ninja)
- Seban (M/Goat/Literally the devil)
- Some sexual content (intention is to make it skippable via prefs)
- More character interaction, including possession, collection, and whatever else seems like a natural occurrence.
Known bugs:
Spoiler: show
I've lost count of exactly how many resolutions I've put into this game, but there's a bunch. If there's enough interest I can put together a walkthrough, but for now I'll leave it to people to explore. However, I will include a few spoilers for those who want to get right into it:
Escape from Streak_'s section:
Spoiler: show
The one endo situation:
Spoiler: show
The 'dom' route:
Spoiler: show
And lastly, the wackadoo way to make Streak_ and Battery meet:
Spoiler: show