Compound 20 (A Text Adventure made in Quest)

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Compound 20 (A Text Adventure made in Quest)

Postby MaxTwenty » Mon Feb 03, 2025 1:48 pm

Compound 20 is a text adventure featuring OV, AV, TF, and some other things.

CAUTION: This game contains sounds. Although there is an option to disable sounds (type readme at any time to check options), I'm not 100% certain I hid every single one behind it; some may play anyway.

You can download the latest release of the game from here: ... ompound-20
It runs in Quest 5.8, which means that in order to play it you will have to download said program and install it. To my knowledge this is for Windows only. You can get it from here:
IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED to use the web player. The desktop version is riddled with distracting (but harmless) engine errors; the web player seems to actually break the game in unpredictable ways every time it lags. Which is often.

Currently there are two characters/sections implemented, with plans for more in the future, although it will be a while before I pick this up in earnest again. Specifically, Battery (F/Lucario) and Streak_(F/Renamon) are more or less complete until more characters get added. There's a fair bit you can do with them, although the great majority of the resolutions/game overs are OV and AV and the content is definitely more focused on Streak_'s section for now.

Feedback is welcomed and encouraged, especially bug reports; I'll try to fix the latter in a reasonably timely manner. Obvious dummy messages (IE: [character] loses patience and eats you) are also high priority fixes. Please understand however that this is not quite an open invitation for requests; the dippy way I've gone about building this means every addition can easily increase the complexity exponentially, especially due to characters interacting in various game states.

Currently implemented:
  • Oral/anal vore, mostly bad ends, player as prey
  • Oral/anal vore, player as pred
  • Transformation, Streak_ and player
  • Digestion, player as prey (to Battery)
  • Endo, one particular scene (Streak_)
  • Character interaction (get these two in the same room and sparks fly)

Intended (not guaranteed) additions:
  • Characters:
    • Coburn (M/Coywolf/Cartoony chaos)
    • Jesse (M/Fox/Charismatic Villain)
    • Momoko (F/Red Panda/Ninja)
    • Seban (M/Goat/Literally the devil)
  • Some sexual content (intention is to make it skippable via prefs)
  • More character interaction, including possession, collection, and whatever else seems like a natural occurrence.

Known bugs:
Spoiler: show

No idea what this one's about, seems to be in the engine. As far as I can tell, it doesn't actually affect gameplay, but I haven't found a way to get it to shut up.


And another, less common. These three all seem to occur at random; if any of them are consistently happening in one place, please let me know.

MUCH more problematic: Taking from the Microwaveable Entrees, Energy Drinks, or Extra Toilet Paper seems to make it impossible to load a save, which as far as I can tell is a boneheaded case of Quest not seeing cloned objects. For now, please bear with me on this, I'm considering a few workarounds but they're all clumsy.

I've lost count of exactly how many resolutions I've put into this game, but there's a bunch. If there's enough interest I can put together a walkthrough, but for now I'll leave it to people to explore. However, I will include a few spoilers for those who want to get right into it:

Escape from Streak_'s section:
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Once you get her to transform, ask her to team up (couple ways to do this).

Go back to the wooden room, look at the wooden weight, ask her about the string. Then ask >Could we make it conductive? >Run a wire through it. She'll bring you one. Give it back right away, ask her about her claws, and to strip the wire.

Return to The Cafe, check the front desk, then refrigerator. Open the freezer, put the wire in, close it. Wait. When it dings you can take it out again.

Use the wire on the string in the wooden room, but be careful at this point; you basically have one action before it breaks. Push the string. Ask her if that will work. Follow her out after.

And no, I'm not at all certain this conforms to meatspace logic. This is the most directly intended route; from here, you can work backward to a lot of the resolutions. (And one more if you pull on the string like a dingus)

The one endo situation:
Spoiler: show
Give Streak_ an entree (frozen or cooked) or an energy drink, ask if she's okay, where does it go, is it safe. She'll offer to eat you just once and let you escape.

The 'dom' route:
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This is kind of a second route, although nothing is stopping you from doing it right away. If you 'sneak girl' in the cafe before she's paying attention to you, you'll have the option to steal her digivice from her. If you get it, quickly wear it and transform; she'll be unable to fight you.

From here you can still do the escape route, although you're in control. The main differences are: you'll need to scrap an open computer for wire, claw the wire yourself, and surf out on it once you're done.

Note that you really want Matty to be where you can keep an eye on her for this route...

And lastly, the wackadoo way to make Streak_ and Battery meet:

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It's fairly easy to bring Matty to Battery, but the only way to trigger one of the Streak_/Battery scenes is to follow the 'dom' route, swallow Matty, swallow one of the digivices, and then release her near Battery. She'll pop out transformed.
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Re: Compound 20 (A Text Adventure made in Quest)

Postby mightymaus » Wed Feb 05, 2025 7:18 pm

I like your writing, even if I had to use the guides to figure out the puzzles.
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Re: Compound 20 (A Text Adventure made in Quest)

Postby MaxTwenty » Thu Feb 06, 2025 12:47 am

Thank you muchly! Admittedly, the puzzles were kind of an extra thought as I made this, I'm not at all sure of how intuitive or satisfying they'll be. I'll likely have to study on some text adventures to get a better hang of it going forward.
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Re: Compound 20 (A Text Adventure made in Quest)

Postby SNAKER2D2 » Fri Feb 07, 2025 3:08 am

Okay. So I've tried getting Matty and Battery to meet and it's not working. I've literally tried everything including restarting multiple times and deleting and redownloading the game just to go through it all again, following the guide so closely that I'm almost convinced you made up the scene entirely just to trick people! D:
The problem (for me at least) is that I can't manually release her and swallowing the Digivice does absolutely nothing so I can't even tell if I'm doing something wrong or if the game just isn't working correctly.
That aside, the puzzle is a bit...complex for having no hints. Maybe Matty can have a bit more dialogue about it that's not too vague?
The prey scenes are a lot more detailed than the singular pred scene which kind of annoys me if I'm honest. If you're not gonna be at the very least a bit more detailed on it why have the option? I'd like to see more player pred scenes but it's your game and you can make it how you want! You want a mostly player prey game go for it! I'm just some rando lurker trying to put his two cents out there once in awhile.
Overall I like it. The dialogue is ok and the descriptions are easy to visualize. It has a lot of potential to be a good game it just needs a bit more thought on the puzzles and how to give the player the answer without holding their hand (or paw for that matter haha) and more content overall.
Good luck with this!
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Re: Compound 20 (A Text Adventure made in Quest)

Postby MaxTwenty » Fri Feb 07, 2025 1:38 pm

SNAKER2D2 wrote:Okay. So I've tried getting Matty and Battery to meet and it's not working. I've literally tried everything including restarting multiple times and deleting and redownloading the game just to go through it all again, following the guide so closely that I'm almost convinced you made up the scene entirely just to trick people! D:
The problem (for me at least) is that I can't manually release her and swallowing the Digivice does absolutely nothing so I can't even tell if I'm doing something wrong or if the game just isn't working correctly.

So this bit I should be a little more clear on, my guess is
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you're trying to eat one digivice while having only the one? You do need to find the spare (in computer #5) and eat whichever one you're not wearing, while staying transformed yourself. Although I'll admit there's a very real possibility the scene is not firing for reasons I haven't found yet. There are also different possible outcomes for whether she's human or renamon on release.

That aside, the puzzle is a bit...complex for having no hints. Maybe Matty can have a bit more dialogue about it that's not too vague?
The prey scenes are a lot more detailed than the singular pred scene which kind of annoys me if I'm honest. If you're not gonna be at the very least a bit more detailed on it why have the option? I'd like to see more player pred scenes but it's your game and you can make it how you want! You want a mostly player prey game go for it! I'm just some rando lurker trying to put his two cents out there once in awhile.

Complete agree on the puzzle, I got fixated on adding things to get distracted by, assuming people would eventually brute-force it, but I'm hearing only 'too obtuse'. It'll definitely need at least some subtle nudging. As for the pred stuff... yup, that's fair. I did try to make it kind of situation-agnostic, making something that wouldn't break the context if a player was, say, pressed for time or space or that kind of thing, but it does come off a bit plain. I'll add revising that to the list when I come back to it.

Thanks much for giving it a whirl, this is helpful stuff!
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Re: Compound 20 (A Text Adventure made in Quest)

Postby SNAKER2D2 » Sat Feb 08, 2025 2:53 am

MaxTwenty wrote:
So this bit I should be a little more clear on, my guess is
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you're trying to eat one digivice while having only the one? You do need to find the spare (in computer #5) and eat whichever one you're not wearing, while staying transformed yourself. Although I'll admit there's a very real possibility the scene is not firing for reasons I haven't found yet. There are also different possible outcomes for whether she's human or renamon on release.

Okay that's where the problem is. I've cracked open every case, including #5, before and gotten nothing except the wire so I'm assuming my version is bugged or I've done something I shouldn't have. I'll delete and redownload it again to see if that'll fix it.

Edit: Okay so it worked and I've found the extra device but the scene still won't play! D: I genuinely don't know what else to do. I don't even know what the problem is it's just not working for some reason? Oh well I guess. Hope development goes well!

MaxTwenty wrote:Thanks much for giving it a whirl, this is helpful stuff!

No problem! Always happy to play and help when I can!
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