How strictly are you into endo?
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Re: How strictly are you into endo?
Well, I myself can only find enjoyment in nonfatal, non-cruel vore. This of course includes a large portion of the Endo content out there. That said, I find the other types of intentional nonfatal equally enjoyable. Painless digestion with reformation, full tour, certain gentler varieties of sentient fat etc. ( and I do mean specifically INTENTIONAL nonfatal. I sometimes see works labeled as nonfatal where the predator was actively trying to kill the prey but the prey managed to escape. Which…well, I suppose it’s TECHNICALLY nonfatal, but it certainly does miss the point for me, as the main reason I can’t enjoy fatal vore is that any vore scenario where the predators emotions towards the prey aren’t positive or at least sympathetic just ain’t gonna do it for me)
Darkonnocturna - Somewhat familiar
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Re: How strictly are you into endo?
Ginbug wrote:Okay the title is a bit confusing but I had trouble of thinking of a way to word it. Basically what I am asking is: How deep is your preference for endo when compared to other types of vore? For instance, for myself, I am pretty much only into endo and non-fatal encounters. I will still look at vore artwork and stories, but usually I just use my imagination to remove the digestion/death. It's even to a point where if I see certain types of death scenes in a vore work it can ruin my day, specifically young kids being killed in a brutal way. It makes me wish that the Endosomatophilia community was larger so that we could have our own websites and a larger pool of artists.
It's basically all endo for me. Other types of vore generally aren't my sort of thing, particularly when it comes to scat/genitals, or death. Kids being involved is just another level of unpleasantness.
Also a bit of fantastic voyage style body exploration, but I'm not sure whether that qualifies as endo, vore, or a secret third thing.
- T145
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Re: How strictly are you into endo?
I'm very much squicked by vore and am strictly into endosoma...with conditions. It doesn't do it for me unless a human/alien/robot/whatever's body is my own personal place to explore (i.e. no "internal city" scenarios), I'm tiny enough to do so without causing any harm, and there's a certain connection between me and the larger being - even if it's unrequited and I, the vulnerable tiny creature, am the only one with feelings for the dominant one. Also, I never find myself considering reproductive organs or the uglier parts of the digestive process - i.e. everything beyond the small intestine. Very tough to find content that meets this criteria so I usually just write my own and hoard it to myself 

Sharpely - New to the forum
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Re: How strictly are you into endo?
Extremely so, to the point I kinda just don't register vore as the fetish I have despite the fetish spaces im in regularly exposing me to it by default. Instead I see endosoma as a different fetish from vore for all intents and purposes on the grounds a lot of the things I like (be it entrapping, full tour or unbirth) are rendered impossible by the situation of fatal or even soft digestion vore. So I believe making the distinction and separation clear to more people to be beneficial to all parties involved. If you asked me what fetish I have I wont say vore, I will however say endosoma. As there are a lot of preconceptions of what vore is online and offline already, it risks miscommunication to say "I like vore (but safe)" instead of "I like endosoma".
- Jihhh
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Re: How strictly are you into endo?
Sharpely wrote:I'm very much squicked by vore and am strictly into endosoma...with conditions. It doesn't do it for me unless a human/alien/robot/whatever's body is my own personal place to explore (i.e. no "internal city" scenarios), I'm tiny enough to do so without causing any harm, and there's a certain connection between me and the larger being - even if it's unrequited and I, the vulnerable tiny creature, am the only one with feelings for the dominant one. Also, I never find myself considering reproductive organs or the uglier parts of the digestive process - i.e. everything beyond the small intestine. Very tough to find content that meets this criteria so I usually just write my own and hoard it to myself
It's unfortunately, a rare niche. But endo is rare in and of itself, and a niche within that is even rarer.
Jihhh wrote:Extremely so, to the point I kinda just don't register vore as the fetish I have despite the fetish spaces im in regularly exposing me to it by default. Instead I see endosoma as a different fetish from vore for all intents and purposes on the grounds a lot of the things I like (be it entrapping, full tour or unbirth) are rendered impossible by the situation of fatal or even soft digestion vore. So I believe making the distinction and separation clear to more people to be beneficial to all parties involved. If you asked me what fetish I have I wont say vore, I will however say endosoma. As there are a lot of preconceptions of what vore is online and offline already, it risks miscommunication to say "I like vore (but safe)" instead of "I like endosoma".
At the same time, it is close enough that it could go either way, since one of the main points of entry is usually through the mouth. Endosoma itself also has a bunch of categories that would blur that line even more, since you have people who are into the same-size sort of thing (stomach only), others who might be into something more like Osmosis Jones, and a third kind who might be Fantastic Voyage-esque body exploration.
Plus, Endosoma is probably not nearly as popular, nor as well-known as vore, so most people would have no idea what you're on about, and may just tie it back to vore if you explained.
- T145
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Re: How strictly are you into endo?
Sharpely wrote:I'm very much squicked by vore and am strictly into endosoma...with conditions. It doesn't do it for me unless a human/alien/robot/whatever's body is my own personal place to explore (i.e. no "internal city" scenarios), I'm tiny enough to do so without causing any harm, and there's a certain connection between me and the larger being - even if it's unrequited and I, the vulnerable tiny creature, am the only one with feelings for the dominant one. Also, I never find myself considering reproductive organs or the uglier parts of the digestive process - i.e. everything beyond the small intestine. Very tough to find content that meets this criteria so I usually just write my own and hoard it to myself
I don't share the aversions you have on the colon or genitals but agree that the more personal connection aspect sounds nice. Just the whole wandering around in their body aspect is neat, mentioning robot or alien has me guessing there is non-standard anatomy going on.
T145 wrote:At the same time, it is close enough that it could go either way, since one of the main points of entry is usually through the mouth. Endosoma itself also has a bunch of categories that would blur that line even more, since you have people who are into the same-size sort of thing (stomach only), others who might be into something more like Osmosis Jones, and a third kind who might be Fantastic Voyage-esque body exploration.
Plus, Endosoma is probably not nearly as popular, nor as well-known as vore, so most people would have no idea what you're on about, and may just tie it back to vore if you explained.
I have lead with endosoma just fine, the line of inquiry shifts to be more in line with what I want to talk about usually. The subgroups within endosoma I tend to think easier to work with even if some have pointed out there is a division between that more cuddlier same size endo and the more (usually) perverted gut spelunking where the endosoma, of which does include
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- Jihhh
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Re: How strictly are you into endo?
Jihhh wrote:Sharpely wrote:I'm very much squicked by vore and am strictly into endosoma...with conditions. It doesn't do it for me unless a human/alien/robot/whatever's body is my own personal place to explore (i.e. no "internal city" scenarios), I'm tiny enough to do so without causing any harm, and there's a certain connection between me and the larger being - even if it's unrequited and I, the vulnerable tiny creature, am the only one with feelings for the dominant one. Also, I never find myself considering reproductive organs or the uglier parts of the digestive process - i.e. everything beyond the small intestine. Very tough to find content that meets this criteria so I usually just write my own and hoard it to myself
I don't share the aversions you have on the colon or genitals but agree that the more personal connection aspect sounds nice. Just the whole wandering around in their body aspect is neat, mentioning robot or alien has me guessing there is non-standard anatomy going on.
It is, and personally, I find it neat when writers and artists take some unconventional anatomy and run with it. The usual human-type is nice, but so is having a robot/alien, and taking all of that to the logical conclusion.
Jihhh wrote:I have lead with endosoma just fine, the line of inquiry shifts to be more in line with what I want to talk about usually. The subgroups within endosoma I tend to think easier to work with even if some have pointed out there is a division between that more cuddlier same size endo and the more (usually) perverted gut spelunking where the endosoma, of which does include. But how sex verse someone is tends to be a range with soft/fatal vore stuff as well IIRC. Maybe likewise someone into harsher vore likes entrapment endo still? Unsure. Like with me a part of the appeal of endo is that the prey is both helpless and immortal, yet the cuddly protective pred angle also appealing. Not a real contradiction come to think of it- it becomes a keep the prey safe inside you kinda deal. Yet I have noticed I am in this place where I have do have a broad range of endo interests despite being averse to even softer vore stuff with draining/TF being the edgecase areas. For instance, sentient fat is very ehhhhhh for me even if I am well aware there is reformation/respawn. As it still negates the ability of the prey to spelunk inside the pred.Spoiler: show
That is a fair point, since there's an argument to be made that the label isn't all that meaningful.
The subgroups, at least, to some degree, can also be put down as preferences, as opposed to hard categories. Some people want humanoids, some want furries, robots, aliens, etc. That could easily be considered a preference rather than a hard subgroup, in much the same way that they would be for "regular" vore.
Though I feel like some parts of endo also blur the lines about whether it would still be considered vore or not. If you're more into symbiotically keeping someone inside of you, or exploring them, as opposed to the eating, or not having the "prey" enter the "pred" without being eaten, that seems more like it would start to creep into its own kind of thing.
But, I also don't necessarily think that there is that much of a link between the two. Someone into harder vore may not like entrapment endo, since while they're similar/related, they are still separate kinks.
- T145
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Re: How strictly are you into endo?
Not strictly at all. I tend to be pretty much 50-50, enjoying fatal, strict endo, and scenarios inbetween. I'm not into the "classic" form of endosomatophilia such as travelling through someone's bloodstream - that might be a fun adventure but not a fetish to me - and I gravitate towards the more "standard" types of vore (oral, cv, anal, ub, breast, roughly in that order). I also enjoy seeing various types of vore mixed together in the same sequence, including different degrees of safety. I feel like fatal content in the gallery is always plentiful and abundant as far as my cravings go, "gentle" digestion with reformation is also easy to come by, while endo tends to be rarer and I'm sorta incentivized to create my own content.
This is an old post, but I wanted to specify. To me, "non-fatal" is a broader umbrella term than endo. Endo represents non-digestive vore, scenarios where the prey's body isn't sustaining any damage by the pred (at least in the context of endo as a subset of vore. I know that by the broadest definition of endo, vore would be a subset of endo instead which is a mind-screw). Non-fatal includes endosoma, safe vore, but also riskier scenarios like a prey who successfully struggles out before being digested. I take non-fatal as meaning non-death, rather than non-violence.
Darkonnocturna wrote:Well, I myself can only find enjoyment in nonfatal, non-cruel vore. This of course includes a large portion of the Endo content out there. That said, I find the other types of intentional nonfatal equally enjoyable. Painless digestion with reformation, full tour, certain gentler varieties of sentient fat etc. ( and I do mean specifically INTENTIONAL nonfatal. I sometimes see works labeled as nonfatal where the predator was actively trying to kill the prey but the prey managed to escape. Which…well, I suppose it’s TECHNICALLY nonfatal, but it certainly does miss the point for me, as the main reason I can’t enjoy fatal vore is that any vore scenario where the predators emotions towards the prey aren’t positive or at least sympathetic just ain’t gonna do it for me)
This is an old post, but I wanted to specify. To me, "non-fatal" is a broader umbrella term than endo. Endo represents non-digestive vore, scenarios where the prey's body isn't sustaining any damage by the pred (at least in the context of endo as a subset of vore. I know that by the broadest definition of endo, vore would be a subset of endo instead which is a mind-screw). Non-fatal includes endosoma, safe vore, but also riskier scenarios like a prey who successfully struggles out before being digested. I take non-fatal as meaning non-death, rather than non-violence.
IddlerItaler - Intermediate Vorarephile
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Re: How strictly are you into endo?
IddlerItaler wrote:Not strictly at all. I tend to be pretty much 50-50, enjoying fatal, strict endo, and scenarios inbetween. I'm not into the "classic" form of endosomatophilia such as travelling through someone's bloodstream - that might be a fun adventure but not a fetish to me - and I gravitate towards the more "standard" types of vore (oral, cv, anal, ub, breast, roughly in that order). I also enjoy seeing various types of vore mixed together in the same sequence, including different degrees of safety. I feel like fatal content in the gallery is always plentiful and abundant as far as my cravings go, "gentle" digestion with reformation is also easy to come by, while endo tends to be rarer and I'm sorta incentivized to create my own content.
I have noticed while I may have some cardiophilia going on as a kink, my endosoma fantasies center more on stuff like full tour or some form of gut entrapment or womb/ballsack entrapment despite at times giving the cirucatory system a shot. It just doesn't have the same fetishistic allure despite the body exploration aspect being present. No neuron activating slimy mucosa perhaps?
- Jihhh
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