Cruel Endo

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Cruel Endo

Postby LegitUsername » Mon Sep 13, 2021 8:29 pm

Curious to see what y'all think about this. Whether it's regular endo that's just portrayed as cruel due to unwilling prey, or if it's cruelty that goes the extra mile into being explicitly horrid, I'm still interested.

Personally, I love. I think that endo is inherently crueler than digestion simply because of how hostile a stomach would be. At least with digestion, it won't necessarily last, you'd die eventually. With endo? No such luck. You're stuck there~. That said, I really love when the pred goes hard with the cruelty, turning it into outright torture in some cases.

Again, interested to hear what you all think of this concept.
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Re: Cruel Endo

Postby ElyBlanche » Mon Sep 13, 2021 10:24 pm

I think it's fine, though I'm always more into just fatal digestion. Prolonging it for hours to even days or weeks. Endo hasn't ever really been my cup of tea but I think it could be fun under the right circumstances.
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Re: Cruel Endo

Postby Reiku » Tue Sep 14, 2021 5:12 am

I like the idea of permanent entrapment, though I prefer to keep it light on pain/icky stuff, and keep the cruelty emotional, just the torment of the prey winding their way through the pred forever is just a deliciously awful fate.
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Re: Cruel Endo

Postby LegitUsername » Tue Sep 14, 2021 5:27 am

Reiku wrote:I like the idea of permanent entrapment, though I prefer to keep it light on pain/icky stuff, and keep the cruelty emotional, just the torment of the prey winding their way through the pred forever is just a deliciously awful fate.

I honestly couldn't agree more. I do enjoy some physical pain, but the emotional torment is what really makes it great~
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Re: Cruel Endo

Postby SnakeEyes » Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:20 am

I love to write full tour stories with no digestion, which kind of turns into endo. Like after days of being in the person's body, trapped in a tight tube, anxious to come out, the pred holds their urge to release their bowels. The prey sits stuck at the end of the ride, ready to come out with freedom so close but the pred holds them in. I like to think of endo causing discomfort for both the pred and prey. Their body naturally tries to push out this foreign object while they resist, and the prey feels this sense of claustrophobia and humiliation being stuck in someone's colon
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Re: Cruel Endo

Postby NightRoller » Fri Sep 17, 2021 10:49 pm

My personal fantasy world, confined to my mind throughout childhood, often included the self-insert version of me being stuck inside of a predator/monster (monster not being monstrous, but looking quite rather human), or in their capture, or held in an embrace I couldn't escape if I wanted, for hours, days, weeks, years, or even decades on end.

I didn't like the cruelty aspect so much of it, it wasn't with the vibe of them intentionally hurting me, but more like the self-insert was "too good" (yummy, cute, valuable, rare, desirable (as a mate or as an object) that those "monsters" couldn't help but want to catch me and keep me as long as they could, according to that fantasy's rules.
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Re: Cruel Endo

Postby DannyChocolate » Sat Sep 18, 2021 8:57 am

I much rather see it as the "Fantastic Voyage" Plot that is ever-so common in cartoons. Host has a disease/someone has gone into the host's body to mess with it (Swayzak, you know who you are) and a character shrinks down to go in and get rid of it/them. No cruelty involved, unless your name is Atomica...
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Re: Cruel Endo

Postby threk » Sat Sep 18, 2021 10:01 am

I find it somewhat odd that it's as underutilised in this community as it is. I still enjoy digestion stuff but yeah, unwilling endo can be so much more torturous, it's a shame it doesn't quite receive the same level of attention.
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Re: Cruel Endo

Postby Trebortron3 » Sat Sep 18, 2021 10:37 am

Reiku wrote:I like the idea of permanent entrapment, though I prefer to keep it light on pain/icky stuff, and keep the cruelty emotional, just the torment of the prey winding their way through the pred forever is just a deliciously awful fate.

Long-term or permanent endo is one of my favourite things in voredom, and this encapsulates my preferences pretty damn well. I do quite like some ickiness/grossness to be involved, but that only goes so far, because eventually the prey would get somewhat used to it. For me it's definitely the emotional aspect - I enjoy when the prey can hear what's going on beyond the pred's body (albeit in a muffled/disoriented way) which opens up a lot of options for tormenting the prey. Interacting with oblivious friends/family members, cuckolding them by going out with/sleeping with the prey's partner, or just the pred generally having an enjoyable time going about their life while the prey is stuck being constantly wrung through their digestive system, at the mercy of the pred's body. The promise of release that keeps getting broken is a nice one as well. I enjoy reluctant-to-unwilling prey in that sense. "You'll only be in there for a few hours. [...] Okay, I'm enjoying this, I'm going to keep you inside for another day. Hope that's okay! [...] Yeah, I've changed my mind. You're staying put. Sorry!"
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Re: Cruel Endo

Postby DannyChocolate » Sun Sep 19, 2021 12:10 pm

I only like endo being done for a few hours (but never if rarely is there a time limit in my stories. The characters know when to grow back to normal size. Perhaps this is because of the SpongeBob episode, where there were grow and shrink buttons on the submarine?)
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Re: Cruel Endo

Postby Tarantula » Wed Nov 24, 2021 2:09 pm

Boy do I really think I've softened out of digestion and really started vibing with cruel endo scenarios - idk for sure though, but whether it be a scene with the predator chugging anti-acid just to preserve an already-bewildered and terrorized prey within - or with the predator just.. Naturally not being able to digest, with their stomach merely behaving as a fleshy holding pouch for the prey to thrash inside of for the predator's entertainment. Rough stomach massages against a weighty stomach that make it extra stuffy for the prey are also just - *mwah* - chef's kiss!
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Re: Cruel Endo

Postby M4st3r0fb41t » Tue Jan 18, 2022 4:45 pm

Cruel Endo is... hnnnngh, yes. That sweet spot where my conscience doesn't fuck with my predatory vorny. It's great, whether it's just for an evening, a few days, or basically an indefinite "this is your life now" scenario, to really wear the prey down and keep them drained, both emotionally and physically. I'm an Endo predator but fluff Endo is a bit like whipped cream for me at this point, soft and light but lacking in substance.

Also, cruelty doesn't neccessarily mean a lack of consent... It just calls for a very specific kind of masochism in my prey for them to enjoy it (IC that is). One that I love to grow and cultivate with teasing and flirting.~ :gulp:
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Re: Cruel Endo

Postby NicoTheRapidash » Thu Feb 23, 2023 12:44 pm

It's something I absolutely adore, truth be told.
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Re: Cruel Endo

Postby Jihhh » Mon Feb 03, 2025 11:18 pm

While I absolutely do not like and have never liked digestion of the prey, harsher/crueler endo has its appeal for sure. Unwilling full tour with the prey pushed deep into the intestines despite trying to crawl their way up the esophagus, for instance. The guts sliming and kneading all around the prey in the fleshy depths of the pred is hot as fuck and having them stuck half way through the small intestines is great for deep entrapment. I dont go to filth/scat territory with it however.
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Re: Cruel Endo

Postby joekent » Tue Feb 04, 2025 2:25 am

I love the concept of cruel/dark endo with the opposite notion. I love a prey that turns the tables on the pred and makes the pred suffer in turn. Unfortunately it tends to be a rarity both in the media and in custom made content.
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Re: Cruel Endo

Postby Allex » Tue Feb 04, 2025 5:07 am

just straight digestion and death can be pretty boring sometimes, and becoming fat (even sentient fat) has never really been particularly appealing to me. entrapment is a lot hotter imo with the whole continued struggles and the slow realization of their situation. emotional trauma/panic/grief is also just way more easily relatable than severe physical pain.
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Re: Cruel Endo

Postby Jihhh » Tue Feb 04, 2025 5:41 am

joekent wrote:I love the concept of cruel/dark endo with the opposite notion. I love a prey that turns the tables on the pred and makes the pred suffer in turn. Unfortunately it tends to be a rarity both in the media and in custom made content.

Unwilling pred is probably the most undercatered to genre relative to how many people want it.
Even full tour at least gets used in high quality anims from time to time.
Now the kind of pred suffering? Unsure. There are a couple kinds I see. One is where the prey is like a very cute version of a tapeworm, making the pred need to eat more food constantly. Then there's the "I mess around in your gut whether you like it or not" sort where they'll kick and punch a round to give the pred all sorts of messy squirms that ache their belly. And then there's the gooner sort who suffering wise is varied on how the pred feels about thee being a prey jacking off in their stomach without their permission but I guess said gooner's cum might inflate the pred from sheer amount of cum getting absorbed in goofier scenarios.
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