Another Inner World Season 2 Episode 5 - Final Update

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Another Inner World Season 2 Episode 5 - Final Update

Postby thecheese01 » Tue Mar 08, 2022 10:05 am


IMPORTANT: Following a year of half of escalating abuse that culminated in Progressive's takeover of Another Inner World, including changing passwords to forcibly lock me out the Patreon and numerous other shared accounts, the original version of AIW is on indefinite hiatus. The discord server below contains more information (probably too much information) on what exactly occurred, so I'll avoid reiterating every single point here.

The main takeaways are as follows:
  • Season 2 Episode 5 is the last episode written by AIW's original authors.
  • As much as I would love to continue the project on my own, I'm also only one half of the team that made AIW what it is. Worse, Progressive's actions have tainted AIW for me, and I don't know when/if I can separate the world and characters I love from the person who's ruined them.
  • As a result of the above, I have released an outline/synopsis for the remainder of Season 2 and all of Season 3. I know it's not much, but it's the best I can do, and I hope it will provide closure to anyone who wants it.

Season 2 - Season 2, Episodes 1-5 - Note that you’ll either need to load a save file from Season 1 (link below) or use the included save builder to generate a playthrough. I recommend the former.

Season 1 - Season 1 - This includes episodes 1-14. Start here if this is your first time playing AIW.

The outline/synopsis for the remainder of Another Inner World - Be warned; nothing is held back.

Discord server for any discussion or feedback regarding AIW, including the above synopsis.

You, an average young person with no peculiar or inconvenient fetishes whatsoever, are the victim of a brief (and violent) encounter with the business end of a truck. You wake to find yourself lost in a strange land, accosted by disturbingly feminine monsters, fantastical demi humans, and even seemingly ordinary people—all eager to show you it’s what on the inside that really counts.

Another Inner World is a long-form text adventure with dating sim elements designed and written by Progressive and myself. The final release includes nineteen episodes with over a million words and a boatload of distinct vore scenes (mostly soft oral same-size vore, with a mix of unbirth, anal, and a few other methods of ingestion for spice), plus variations. You can find a quick preview of what you're getting into here.

The core narrative of the story involves our unwitting protagonist—you, naturally—thrust into a world of ravenous predators and tasked with fulfilling an ancient and horrendously cliché prophecy, all to stave off some nebulous threat and presumably save the world. The story is predominantly linear, with player agency primarily centered around avoiding (or, let’s be honest, deliberately seeking) gastric demise.

In addition, you’ll have the option to pursue relationships with your companions as you travel and face danger together. As of the current public release, you encounter four party members, although more will appear in the future. As the story progresses, more scenes will begin to diverge as you befriend and potentially romance your group.

The gameplay is pretty simple: you read, you click, you make a few questionable choices, you get eaten, you try again after some space-time fuckery puts you back at the moment you got a little too curious.

Additional Information:
Another Inner World’s narrative has been thoroughly outlined and is fairly on-rails. Most player choices concern your immediate survival and the relationships with your companions. This means that the first few episodes have fewer choices, though as the story progresses, you’ll start to experience more and more branching scenes primarily centered around character interactions. Episodes will never diverge entirely.

Also, please note that the pronoun selector is currently only available in season 2. We’re planning to extend this feature to season 1 at a future date, but for now it's exclusively male.

Because Another Inner World relies heavily on narrative, we strongly advise that you go in blind for your first playthrough for the greatest impact. However, relevant tags are listed below for content-warning purposes.

What you can expect:
Spoiler: show
  • Soft, same-size vore; predominantly oral, although expect some variety
  • Female and NB pred
  • Both male and female prey
  • Fatal and non-fatal scenes
  • Gratuitous sexual content
  • “Light” digestion

What you will not find:
Spoiler: show
  • Player as predator
  • Male pred
  • Cock vore
  • Hard vore
  • Disposal
  • Long-term weight gain
  • Graphic digestion
  • Any characters below the age of 18

A full list of scenes can be found here, updated to the latest episode a few days after its release. Spoilers abound.

A guide on how to export/import your saves between versions/seasons.

Known Issues (may contain spoilers):
Spoiler: show
  • [s1e05] While exploring Amberglen with Mira, attempting to leave the canine demi's tavern the first time results in an error and will force you to reload your latest save. You can still leave (and avoid the game over) by heading upstairs, then backing out before entering the room.
  • [s1e08] If you were visited by fake Mira while bathing, selecting "Pretend to cast a spell" during the final encounter with Eury will lead you to the end-of-season scene gallery rather than back to the intended mid-episode checkpoint. Either do not trigger this game over or create a save file beforehand to avoid losing progress.
  • [s1e12] An extra line break is rarely added during one of the longer sequences. This is purely visual and has no effect on gameplay or saves going forward. We currently have no idea what’s causing it, but will attempt to solve it in the future.
  • [s1e13] There’s a very small chance the sequence with Ashlyn will display an extra line break. This should be a minor bug, but if it starts causing problems, please send a message about it.
  • [s1e14] The text in the side bar changes color on one page in particular.
Last edited by thecheese01 on Sun Feb 02, 2025 4:30 pm, edited 71 times in total.
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Re: Another Inner World - A Vore Isekai Text Adventure

Postby DASexual » Tue Mar 08, 2022 10:32 am

Sounds like it could be quite fun~! Hope to see this continued in the future and create a nice story with plenty of fun in it~
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Re: Another Inner World - A Vore Isekai Text Adventure

Postby Creaturedude » Tue Mar 08, 2022 1:00 pm

Thoroughly enjoying this!
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Re: Another Inner World - A Vore Isekai Text Adventure

Postby SmaxTheDestroyer » Tue Mar 08, 2022 1:10 pm

I look forward to playing this when I get home from work
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Re: Another Inner World - A Vore Isekai Text Adventure

Postby Aickavon12 » Tue Mar 08, 2022 4:12 pm

will there be a female protagonist in any of the versions later on?
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Re: Another Inner World - A Vore Isekai Text Adventure

Postby ForggotenPrey » Tue Mar 08, 2022 6:55 pm

Just finished the publicly available episodes and they are so good I can not wait for more content if I could do the patreon I would but irl stuff prevents me from doing so, this is the first vore game I'd legitimately consider paying for, also are their plans for a Vanille vore scene?
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Re: Another Inner World - A Vore Isekai Text Adventure

Postby farmlover » Tue Mar 08, 2022 7:25 pm

This is really good!

Quick question, is there a reason some sentences are in green?
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Re: Another Inner World - A Vore Isekai Text Adventure

Postby ThrowawayA1D » Tue Mar 08, 2022 8:01 pm

I love this! I'm guessing green/yellow/red lines have to do with
Spoiler: show
our relationship with other characters changing or something. I'm looking forward to seeing how the protagonist's relationship with Mira and others affect things in the long run...
Also, Mira's adorable!
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Re: Another Inner World - A Vore Isekai Text Adventure

Postby Progressive » Tue Mar 08, 2022 8:40 pm

Working on this has been a ton of fun, and seeing this project be well-received brings me joy. Thank you, everybody!

There are a few quick things I can address in this thread right away, with "official" replies for other questions coming from Cheese soon (we try to come to a consensus first on developement topics, to prevent confusion). Thanks for your patience!

farmlover wrote:Quick question, is there a reason some sentences are in green?

ThrowawayA1D wrote:I'm guessing green/yellow/red lines have to do with ...

ThrowawayA1D is correct. Text with color denotes that your relationship with the character has changed in some way. They roughly follow traffic-light logic (green good, yellow neutral, red bad). This is inspired by how Saint Miluina's Vore Academy handles its relationships (which you should absolutely check out; it's a major influence for this project). We'll see about making this information more obvious.

Additionally, there is currently a minor error (in both the public and patreon releases) in an Episode 1 branch where a link in the middle of a passage isn't displaying correctly. It does not prevent progression in the game, and all the relevant text appears as intended, but there will be an ugly code display about "missing closing arguments". Please ignore it for the time being. We will release an update after we've had more time to process other bug reports in an attempt to try and catch as many as possible. If you do find other typos or bugs, please feel free to post them here or report them on the discord.

Last edited by Progressive on Fri Apr 08, 2022 2:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Another Inner World - A Vore Isekai Text Adventure

Postby EnderTG » Tue Mar 08, 2022 9:02 pm

Good start, cute catgirl. Definitely something to keep an eye on.
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Re: Another Inner World - A Vore Isekai Text Adventure

Postby NovaDragn » Tue Mar 08, 2022 10:06 pm

I love Mira!! Cant wait to see more =]
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Re: Another Inner World - A Vore Isekai Text Adventure

Postby ThexOrion » Tue Mar 08, 2022 10:32 pm

Mira no thoughts head empty. Really enjoyed, would love to see more.
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Re: Another Inner World - A Vore Isekai Text Adventure

Postby Chessa » Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:13 am

It's very cool, it reminds me of a super cute Re:Zero if you've seen that show.
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Re: Another Inner World - A Vore Isekai Text Adventure

Postby VornySnivy » Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:49 am

I came here just for the smut, but now I'm genuinely interested in this story. :D
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Re: Another Inner World - A Vore Isekai Text Adventure

Postby bledthorn » Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:19 am

found a bug at this point in the bar once you spill the drink and say sorry and stick around to see what happens

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Re: Another Inner World - A Vore Isekai Text Adventure

Postby thecheese01 » Wed Mar 09, 2022 3:42 am

Thanks for the positive reception! I'm especially glad you all like Mira so much.

To answer a couple of specific questions:
Aickavon12 wrote:will there be a female protagonist in any of the versions later on?

As stated in the OP, a female-protagonist version is on the table (internally dubbed the "yuri patch"), but it would require a lot of changes, including basically a complete rewrite of every sex scene, which is... a huge undertaking. While it's something we'd both be interested in writing, we're currently proceeding with the male-PoV exclusively until we work out if/how we could tackle this.

ForggotenPrey wrote:[...] are their plans for a Vanille vore scene?

The short and spoiler-free answer is yes, but you'll have to wait a while. Every companion will eventually have at least one scene where they eat the player.

bledthorn wrote:found a bug at this point [...]

Thanks for the report! We'll push an update in the next few days, but for now it's tracked under known issues.
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Re: Another Inner World - A Vore Isekai Text Adventure

Postby Sarus » Wed Mar 09, 2022 11:11 am

I'm enjoying this very, very much :)

The writing is entertaining, smart. The characters well written and endearing.
You got yourselves a new patron good sirs!

My only complaint is with Shana.
She seemed like such a nice girl, it's a crime she got cheated out her meal!

I'll be eagerly waiting for more :D
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Re: Another Inner World - A Vore Isekai Text Adventure

Postby Skittles209 » Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:07 pm

You guys should include something like a scene locator here. Number of x scenes and where they can be found since you created multiple paths.
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Re: Another Inner World - A Vore Isekai Text Adventure

Postby Nayko93 » Wed Mar 09, 2022 4:01 pm

why did you disable the rollback button ?
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Re: Another Inner World - A Vore Isekai Text Adventure

Postby ArtaxIsSleeping » Thu Mar 10, 2022 5:48 pm

Very nice! Well written, genuinely funny and endearing, and a solid amount of content. Rare enough to see any one of those on a new post here, let alone all three. Looking forward to seeing more of this!
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