F/M or F/F Unwilling RP, Paladins, Succubus, Disposal

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F/M or F/F Unwilling RP, Paladins, Succubus, Disposal

Postby TheAssAssassin69 » Fri Jan 31, 2025 4:01 pm

Ok so seeing as paladins is dying i thought I'd do some rp ideas I've had for a while now while the game still has fans. So i thought id just write onto my preexisting ad.

Particularly interested in the two fat assed elves, skye and saati.

Hi all ;) I am a little vore author who has written a story where a succubus eats a poor guy. If you'd like to write some degeneracy with me, go right ahead. I don't care about your irl gender either.

I love vore, can't wait to see someone get churned into mush and pudge by some uncaring girl <3 but I also like giantess stuff, and wouldn't mind a story where someone gets squashed into tush mush by a stripper or rogue police officer :D

Please read all of this!

I can play either pred or prey, or maybe even some guy who fucks the pred, or someone who just watches. I don't care as long as vore is involved. And if you'd just like to chat about vore in general and what you find sexy about it, that's cool too. I really love writing vore and hope I can find someone who loves it as much as me ^_^

how I roleplay:

I generally write a paragraph of 3-5 sentences, with the beggining and ending of each rp often being a little longer to set the stage and whatnot. However, I can write more if you like. I generally just try to copy whatever length the other person is using. I LOVE PLANNING and LONG ROLEPLAYS but shorter stories can be fun as well. I am totally fine with going for several days of RP before anyone even gets eaten. This does NOT mean I will rp with you if all you write is 3 words! I will NOT to with you if I can't even understand what you're even talking about!

requirements [/b]

Unwilling Vore or some variation of it
Digestion and fatal
Female preds
Literate people, longer messages ((the only people I ever stop RPing with are people with poor grammar, or people who write very very little. 3 sentences or more is a must.)


Mean or cruel Preds
Anxious prey
Cocky or arrogant prey
Casual preds
Disposal (I love it! Alot! But if you don't want it that's fine... I'll just be a little bummed out.)
Worlds where vore is either rare or kept completely secret
Giantess buttcrush
The canon characters I have listed
Strippers, prostitutes, etc.
Preys who are mostly undeserving of their fate
Preds who eat people for petty reasons (or no reason!)
Sexy preds
Characters with lots of personality to make the story interesting. (after all, with uninteresting characters, what's the point of writing? For the plot? We know exactly how everything is going to end...)
Social media vore. Casually dehumanizing someone on their snapchat is just *mwah*
Models with fake or really big asses. I love the idea that the reason a butt is so big... Is because of all the people someone's eaten... XD

Dislikes (might be able to make exceptions) :

Willing vore (have rarely made exceptions)
Furry stuff (things like cat boys or people with animal tails or ears are fine, I actually quite like them)
Animal preds
Anything too weird. Seriously, ask me before you start writing about your booger fetish.

Massive no-nos :

anything with minors honestly don't even message me if you like this stuff because there's a good chance that I won't want to talk to you if I find out!
Shitty grammar. If you message me and I cannot even understand what you are saying, then chances are I will not even bother. One or two minor typos are fine, but Ive had way too many people send me requests who are like this.
Male preds, sex between two men
Anal vore (anal sex is fine)
Being super duper graphic or sad, to the point where it is depressing or resembles real life torture. I like watching people melt to death as much as the next guy but I don't want to think about the family mourning the death or anything. I'd rather a world where human life is just worthless and nobody cares too much if someone goes missing. Likewise, I do not want any real abuse or torture.
animal preys
Diarrhea disposal
Poop or fart fetishes that aren't related to disposal

Canon Characters I Wouldn't Mind Being Eaten By:

(I can play these characters)

Samus is so hot and one of my favorite preds.

Skye from Paladins

Saati from Paladins

Furia from Paladins big thick angel momma


Loba from Apex (though I don't play the game)

Bayonetta (though I only know her from smash bros)

Elastigirl, she's literally capable of vore, canonically! So hotttt

Twintelle. One of the best booties I've ever seen. Shame there's no porn for her :(

pornstars/instagrammers who's ass I'd like to become a part of

Danii Banks
Anastasia Kvito
Lela Star. Absolutely massive fake ass that I love.
Ms Andrea/Andrea Abeli
Probably more i can't think of at the moment

[u]Original Characters uwu[/u]:

Sadie the Succubus, a super sexy pinkish purple demon girl who offers sex in exchange for food to very sleepy men who probably can't make good decisions because of how tired they are. She absolutely LOVES digesting people and nothing makes her more excited than knowing a mortal is getting processed into a pile of demon dung. She eats more people than any other OC I have. (I wrote a story about her actually, you can read it here https://aryion.com/g4/view/867423 )

Draconia, a beautiful 7 foot tall dragon girl (half dragon, half girl... Not really a scaley) with white wings and white scales that go down her back. She's thicc af and beautiful and also casually preys on smaller races like tabaxi and bunny people in a fantasy world. She's a very casual pred, less mean and more uncaring, though she can be mean if she feels like it.

Courtney, a basic bitch who's also a hot witch. Nobody besides her friends knows that she can shrink/transform somebody and then eat them... often for very petty reasons! She is narcisistic, and stops at nothing to get her way. She'll gurgle you into ass fat, just for some background noise while she scrolls her phone! Haven't actually written... Anything... For her as of writing this, but it's an idea for a character that I've had for a while.

[u]Fav Artists:

You can just check to see who I'm following but I quite like Tasley (probably my favorite guy on the site) and we can rp one of his images if you'd like. I also like AmGiPi from DeviantArt (Giantess fetishist)

That's it I guess. Hope to see some of you guys in my inbox.

Last bumped by TheAssAssassin69 on Fri Jan 31, 2025 4:01 pm.
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