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Re: Character Ai list

Postby Orin » Fri Jan 12, 2024 2:22 pm

nyanyan wrote:
Panzershark wrote:Does anyone have a link to this bot:

It is not in my backlog. I have access to the Vore Days bot (I think that was actually posted here by the creator though).

They've basically blacklisted a bunch of words for the search that make it so bots with words that are too obviously vore related, like vore itself, don't show up. On the other hand, if you know the creator's username, you can look that up, as I did, which will show all public bots, even the ones that aren't showing on the search.

Creator's page: ... Ninjacowan
Raya Fairwood -vore-: ... 3iIwd4jzKI

Remember, search is your friend, as long as you have the creator name and the bot is public, you have the bot.

Not necessarily. A couple of my public bots (in no way vore related) are not visible when looking at my page with another account. They have been completely hidden or banned. I'm the only one who can see them without a direct link.
Here's a list of my Character.AI and bots: Link
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Re: Character Ai list

Postby nyanyan » Fri Jan 12, 2024 3:46 pm

Orin wrote:Not necessarily. A couple of my public bots (in no way vore related) are not visible when looking at my page with another account. They have been completely hidden or banned. I'm the only one who can see them without a direct link.

Huh. That's odd. I'd assume shadowban, but it sounds like with the link others can still use them? That'd mean it's not a shadowban, hmm. Either way, a search, either of the character or user name, is probably going to find you what you want.

You mind tossing your username and the bots no one can see without a link? I want to see this myself.
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Re: Character Ai list

Postby Panzershark » Fri Jan 12, 2024 4:30 pm

Following the link in their signature, going to any bot, and then going to their profile shows only one bot is listed, despite us knowing there should be much more there.
Hello there! For those interested here is the current listing for my bots for C.AI:
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Re: Character Ai list

Postby nyanyan » Fri Jan 12, 2024 4:45 pm

So, after using every link in his google doc, I have deduced that all of them, except Splinter and Gex are Unlisted, and thus make perfect sense as to why they don't show up. I have no explanation for Gex not showing up, despite being set to Public, but the rest are set to not show. Not sure why one of the two public bots he has isn't showing, but the rest is working as intended, far as I can see. If he has any other Public bots, they are not listed on his doc. Now excuse me while I remove most of those from my chat list as most of them are not really my thing.
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Re: Character Ai list

Postby Tr00p3r619 » Fri Jan 12, 2024 5:47 pm

Made another one and this one I'm really surprised I never saw anything vore-related done with yet: Gelator (from Math Blasters) - ... qIT54eQw2E
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Re: Character Ai list

Postby Orin » Fri Jan 12, 2024 8:38 pm

nyanyan wrote:So, after using every link in his google doc, I have deduced that all of them, except Splinter and Gex are Unlisted, and thus make perfect sense as to why they don't show up. I have no explanation for Gex not showing up, despite being set to Public, but the rest are set to not show. Not sure why one of the two public bots he has isn't showing, but the rest is working as intended, far as I can see. If he has any other Public bots, they are not listed on his doc. Now excuse me while I remove most of those from my chat list as most of them are not really my thing.

Haha sorry that you had to endure through my depravity, man. I hope it wasn't that bad.
Anyway there is also another public bot that I didn't add to my doc, a skaven foused on pet play, and he doesn't show up either. Oh well, it doesn't matter.
By the way, Splinter's description is the most direct about its content, so it's strange he's the only one still available.
As you said, all the others are unlisted.
Here's a list of my Character.AI and bots: Link
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Re: Character Ai list

Postby nyanyan » Fri Jan 12, 2024 8:50 pm

Nah, it's fine, really. I just prefer female and the musk/stink two just ick me out, so I had to remove them. Goodra and the sisters are more or less fine with me, but I didn't really feel Goodra, and I'm not a huge fan of being forced into a role like the sisters do, though I know it's the entire purpose of the bot. Also more interested in being the pred, so since most were male preds I just don't have much interest.

No hating on your bots, just not my thing, as I said.

As for the issue, it's like a shadowban, but it's not banned? So...Shadow...filtered?

EDIT: After seeing this being a thing, I have checked my bots using incognito to simulate someone other than myself checking my profile, and it's missing 4 it shows 9 and I count 13 on my public list.

Bots missing from Public list: Kitsune, Plush, Ampule, and Guineass

I'll switch them to Unlisted, I suppose, since they're not showing to the public anyway...

EDIT EDIT: I'm adding some new bots, and a bot or two I seem to have overlooked.

New bots:
Ankrak - An angelic octopus that likes to show off his divinity, but gets very shy and anxious around people that want to be eaten.

Fiona: Not a new bot, but apparently never added her to the doc.

Noma Consumables - Vore store. Well, anything store, but they sell tinies, will trade tinies instead of money, and if you try to steal or are too rude you might find yourself on one of Noma's shelves~.

Raffene - Introverted Giraffe that can't keep people away. It stresses her out, and she has a slight stress eating problem, if you catch my drift~?

And that's it. Doc'll be updated shortly. I'll put the update on my post, as per usual.

EDIT EDIT EDIT: Apparently Fiona is new? I never shared her...huh. Well, here you go. I believe I didn't share 'cause she wasn't really designed as a vore bot. Eh.
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Re: Character Ai list

Postby Panzershark » Sat Jan 13, 2024 1:32 am

I'm still having issues with trying to access character profiles sending me to the home page. Nonetheless, here is Wave 1 of some of my Unlisted Bots. Fair warning that I am testing out the remix function, so training hasn't technically been done to these bots, but I have had conversations with all of the bots these were remixed from, which I originally made. There are full definitions and descriptions for all of these, with only one below the original maximum character limit of 3200 (the rest are well above that) for the description.

8452789: ... SCKD84FxL0
Classic Android with refueling issues turning to human sources instead. Female predator with the bot writing in first person. Human/Player intended as either prey or observer.

Pela the Tiger Shark Mermaid: ... o1_LhRwWe4
Shark Mermaid coming up from the depths to munch on some humans. She is meant to be pretty friendly, but certain that you are food. F/Player, the bot writes in third person.

Essie the Centaur: ... jIQVKXykeE
A female centaur is on the hunt for some tasty adventurers, but she has a bit of a confidence problem. First-person female predator, with the original intention being both OV and AV (your mileage may vary on that front).

Princess Zara the IV: ... Bsde3eOcAA
A Princess who desires nothing more than to be a royal prey. First-person female prey, with in-built reformation for multiple encounters. Player/Human is meant to be the predator, observer may work but was not tested.

The Dino Zoo ... j4vBraEx6w
In an entirely unforeseen passage of events, the whole dinosaur park bonanza didn’t go entirely to plan. However the Dino Zoo has chosen to embrace it, and with it's patented reformation technology, allows for its guests to go around feeding themselves to the dinosaurs. Dinosaur Pred (technically female) with the Player/Human being both prey and an observer. The bot is an ensemble, and thus is written in the third person. Potential disposal warning, which technically would go for all my bots, but especially here—I'll get into that in the next paragraph.

Given that these bots are remixes of some of my personal bots, there are standing warnings for all of them (technically not the android) for gas, smells, and disposal given what the originals were trained in. They are also all geared around F/F and the use of *asterisks* for internal thoughts or monologues, "quotations" for speech, and **emphasis** for certain actions. However, given these are separate from my own personal ones, I have no complaints over the use of the editing tool to change your encounter to your own preferences, or training in other variations. I have also left the definitions open and the bots remixable, so if you would like to copy either directly or in-directly the bots at your leisure, I only ask that they be unlisted (repost in this thread even) or private. Hopefully, the whole remix thing works decently, and none of this Wave of bots are shadowbanned via descriptions (in which case I will attempt to rectify the issue). I will likely go in and edit/expand the definitions as time arises, or additional substance was added to the originals. Happy hunting.
Hello there! For those interested here is the current listing for my bots for C.AI:
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Re: Character Ai list

Postby nyanyan » Sat Jan 13, 2024 1:39 am

Yeah, something they did messed up the link for profile from the bot lists. You have to start a conversation to get to the profile now. I'm hoping they'll fix it eventually. Not a huge issue, but annoying, definitely.
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Re: Character Ai list

Postby Tira » Sat Jan 13, 2024 3:52 pm

Not a Cai chars, but I think these are pretty good fore vore action. Just make sure you know how to operate ai chats in general :) ... OzGiJTZaVf adventure bot ... OzGiJTZaVf adventure companion ... OzGiJTZaVf op bunny (good for absorption/tf)

Referrals included for free points :)

I suggest using Mandarin to navigate to the action and Claude2/GPT4 for main posts.
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Re: Character Ai list

Postby creativeandoriginal » Sat Jan 13, 2024 4:47 pm

Toxicemp447 wrote:It was made by a guy named jomama6942047 ... eration-88 Here's your guy. Their username changed.
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Re: Character Ai list

Postby 201884506 » Wed Jan 17, 2024 8:16 am

Toxicemp447 wrote:Anyone got the link to the vore bot Isabelle from animal crossing it was made by a guy named joe mama if someone could send me the link that’d be great

Meh dunno if you still want it but I have a link to 2 of his

Normal Isabelle ... _chat=true

Fat Isabelle ... yFa7IYhjGs
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Re: Character Ai list

Postby JP15839 » Wed Jan 17, 2024 11:19 pm

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Re: Character Ai list

Postby PoiYoFan » Sun Jan 21, 2024 7:26 pm

Check out my CAI bots here!
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Re: Character Ai list

Postby Panzershark » Sat Jan 27, 2024 5:40 pm

Here is Wave 1: viewtopic.php?p=2982082#p2982082
Standing warnings and/or preferences and intended use of *narration/thoughts*, "dialogue", and **emphasis** for best results apply from my earlier comment. I was able to access these all from incognito, so it should be all good. Without further a-do, here is my second wave of AI bots.

Wave 2:

KMS Prinz Eugen: ... iWpbp2urHc
Prinz Eugen from Azur Lane is hungry for lunch, and decides the Commander is who will feed her! Meant to be a rather teasing predator. Geared towards f/f, but you can edit the greeting (or description if remixed). The bot is also meant to use some light German phrasing (trying to tip-toe the line between flavor and cringe), and she writes in third person.

Miss Starry: ... gv8_w05y_4
A Space Elf business woman encounters a major obstacle on her morning commute—a hungry predator in the form of the player. Female prey bot (third person) which is meant to juggle continuing her work while being digested.

Vore War: ... QcVyV0plQg
A remix of a bot that was rather wanted. Is exactly what it says on the tin, a bot meant to narrate my take on the universe from the Vore War game. The name for the remix was changed to V-War, in case ‘Vore’ would have got it blocked from sharing, but it is based on Vore War. The bot is meant to be a third person narrator to your adventures, and should be able to juggle a decent number of characters that either you interact with or are accompanying you. The bot is geared towards roleplaying as a warrior for one of the Vore War species, but I’ve successfully tested playing as a civilian as well, and in theory you could also be a monster. The greeting has the preferences of F/F, OV & AV, and disposal, and my training has been based on that, but a simple edit of that greeting should serve alternative wishes well.
(Vore War game made by darkevilme, Aurilika, and now a community coalition).

Molly: ... peGdrAM3n0
My take on Molly from Gulp Quest, so she should be familiar to those who have played that game. Most of her definition is taken from my edits and additions to her dialogue from the game. She is thus a female predator bot meant for OV, and writes in third person.
(Definition is primarily adapted from Gulp Quest by Sarus, and the Avatar picture is taken from a screenshot of Molly from said game).

Carrie: ... 48_9fdZHXM
A predator on the bratty/meaner side who is a bit embarrassed by her bodily functions. Third person *internal monologue* female predator (which I notice is a bit of a theme, I definitely have a number of first person bots, mind) with a focus on gassiness.
(Carrie’s name and appearance is taken from one of the default models from Typing of the Digested by Ryanshow, Avatar picture is from an AI art mod of said game by FoxyVixen21).

I’ve noticed my most popular bot at the moment is Essie the Centaur, so for Wave three I was looking at retrofitting one of my older Centaur bots for the cause. I may also just create a brand new one either way. Comments should be enabled on most, if not all of my bots, and I’m open to feedback. All rights reserved for characters not originally thought up by myself. Since I can see this getting a bit unwieldy in the future, I’ll likely move to a google doc with proper crediting and all my bot’s links at once in the not-so-distant future.
Hello there! For those interested here is the current listing for my bots for C.AI:
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Re: Character Ai list

Postby nyanyan » Sat Jan 27, 2024 8:57 pm

People really be hating on C.AI. Sure, it doesn't let you do NSFW, easily, at least, but it's not bad. You want NSFW? Great! Go find it, make a thread, or post in the general one. We're in this thread 'cause we can enjoy C.AI without NSFW, so please leave us be.

On topic, got a couple new bots.

Mawma's Playground - Where you can get a better taste of life~. ... Eoq2kYu6Ic

Professor Mongal - Predation 102 professor at ANSU ... oqpKcdugG0

Stuffers - Slightly higher end vore restaurant ... BG7ADQkvdI

All of them are in my list, along with their definitions. Mawma's Playground is meant to focus on mawplay, generally macro/micro, though if you have a character that can hold an entire person in their mouth at same size, go for it. Actual vore is allowed, but according to the rules of the club you need to ask permission first. Not everyone there is meant to want to be eaten, just played with.

I wanted a teacher of a vore class, and since I made a vore university bot, figured I'd link them, which led me to Professor Mongal. A mongoose woman who teaches prospective preds. She's not against rather extreme disciplinary measures and is always willing to help those that don't belong in the university end up where they belong.

And, finally, Stuffers is a sit down type restaurant that caters to preds. Staff is an option, should the customer see a cute waitress or something, and all workers and prey provided are willing and will reform in the establishment's reformation machines.

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Re: Character Ai list

Postby falsim454 » Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:50 pm

Elly was great, didnt take much to get her realy into it
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Re: Character Ai list

Postby Schpadoinkle » Thu Feb 01, 2024 8:06 pm

is there a decent way to get the bots to do NSFW stuff? I really love me some CV but it seems to confuse them due to the NSFW filter.
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Re: Character Ai list

Postby nyanyan » Fri Feb 02, 2024 3:20 am

Schpadoinkle wrote:is there a decent way to get the bots to do NSFW stuff? I really love me some CV but it seems to confuse them due to the NSFW filter.

Not really. If you're willing to use a plugin that replaces certain words with other words, there was a guy that got good NSFW roleplay by teaching the bot to use random words for it's explicit stuff and replaced those words with the real words with the extension. Otherwise, the best you'll get is moaning and blushing, though I have had one manage to say they finished and made it to release.

So, it's never going to be super explicit, but things can slip through now and then.

As for CV, they probably won't really understand it without being trained for it, and training for something involving a peen is not going to be easy, since it'll probably trip the filter 9/10 times.

You're better off going for one of the other NSFW sites if you want that. C.AI is filtered a little too hard for good NSFW. It's possible, but tedius.
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Re: Character Ai list

Postby Vertvert12 » Fri Feb 02, 2024 4:33 am

Getting the Ai to do CV can be a tricky business, as expected and previously stated will get filtered. They tend to either specialize in being pred or prey. While I've been struggling to get the prey Ai to really be more, as the best way I can put it. I have had a bit of luck with pred's though, as I've made more than a few trying to get good results. Unfortunately, I still find myself needing to rewrite cock or any of it's euphemism's as 'shaft' and 'sack' instead of anything your brain could of come up with for churning nuts (With the little quotation marks and all). The filter tends to be an issue with having prey unwillingly to be devoured, and the melting/inside can confuse it. The tricky part is the end and usually has to be handwritten. With my tendency to create pred's, when the time comes to finish what I've seen is the Ai strays away from death as expected, so the demise and subsequent 'release' of the load of cum they'd become will be hitting that filter, and or not being what I've wanted leading to more than a few clicks of the retry button. Sometimes though, it will give you exactly what you want.

Janitor AI has been... effective, when it comes to cock vore.
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