Size Difference World (vore, insertion, tiny) Upd Feb 9

Forum for the Vore games, and other downloads
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Size Difference World (vore, insertion, tiny) Upd Sep 29

Postby HelenGiantess » Sun Sep 29, 2024 12:15 pm

The devlog continues! I'm doing my best to keep up with game development.

Those who are not interested in reading the devlog can just scroll down and see the concept art for the game's cutscenes.
Well, let's get back to the topic.

Some people have asked me why the cutscenes are so short and contain so few images.
I've talked about this in other posts. To those who have asked me, I have answered via email. But maybe someone else is interested in a reply to this question. So, I decided to write about it here.
First of all, I want to say that this game is at the prototyping stage. The final version of the game will have more images, and the existing images will be redrawn.
I am now asking to think about one thing. If I draw the images completely from zero, it takes 3-4 days per image (not taking into account my workload at my main jobs). Even now, when the game doesn't even have the first location finished, and the cutscenes have an unfinished look, the gameplay has over two hundred images!!!!
Now, please think about how many images the game will have when it is completed! I'm even afraid to imagine it! Most likely several thousand images! How long will it take me to draw that many images? It will most likely take several years!
I, at first, tried to make the final version of the images at once. But I started to receive a lot of reproaches and claims that the development is moving too slowly.
I started using neural networks to create parts of the images. However, in order to publish the game on Steam, for example, I would have to remove all the content created by neural networks from the game. No matter how I do it, I will still have to remake the images.
Let me remind you that most of the work of creating the game I do alone. I don't have a team. There is only one faithful and reliable assistant whom I can fully trust. One assistant is not enough to speed up the work many times over.
There has to be a compromise. Since I can't create a team to develop the game, I have to make some sacrifices. In this case, the number of images in the cutscenes.
Yes, there will be more images in the final version than there are now. But they shouldn't be too many that it will take years to redraw them. As much as I would like to satisfy absolutely everyone, I am not omnipotent.
Now to answer again the question of why the game doesn't have proper gameplay.
As I've said many times, I have another, less complex project in my priority right now.
The devlog on the other project is here:

I will definitely start working on the story component of the game when I finish the other project (or when the other project is more than half done). After all, a Size Difference World game is an adventure. In such a game, the story is important. But story development is one of my weakest points. Unfortunately, no one can help me with the story, so I'll have to do everything myself.
At the moment, I'm just building the world of the game. And I'm doing it while I'm not working on the main project.
So far, I've created a few more sewer locations (more locations to come). There are already a few NPCs living in these locations. For the cutscenes of these NPCs I temporarily used old images and improved them a bit. These images are uploaded in the attachment.
The working build of the game has been updated.
It is available on my Patreon and Boosty.
The public game prototype of "Size Difference World" is available here:

If you would like to help me with game development, you can follow the link below to find out how to do so:
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This is purely voluntary and I am in no way forcing anyone to pay!

Posts: 174
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2022 12:41 pm

Size Difference World Devlog Oct 13 2024

Postby HelenGiantess » Sun Oct 13, 2024 9:29 am

I'm happy to continue the devlog!

Those who are not interested in reading the devlog can just scroll down and see the concept art for the game's cutscenes.
Well, let's get back to the topic.

A very happy event happened recently. At least, a happy one for me.
I was contacted by the follower under the nickname Shiphtur and offered to help develop a scenario for the Size Difference World game.
This offer is an incredibly happy event for me. After all, it would have taken me much longer to create this game on my own than with anyone else's help. After all, the game is supposed to be a big one, and I have a priority project called Final Exam. With that in mind, I even stopped working on the script at one point and switched to just creating the game world. Not everyone liked it, according to the negative messages to my e-mail.
Things may change from now on! I really want to hope, I believe that together with the scriptwriter the work on the game will go much faster and more productive! Despite the fact that the other game will still be my priority project (simply because that game is much simpler by all criteria), Size Difference World will now be created not as I please at a certain moment, but according to a clear algorithm.
I've already inserted new dialog in the opening scene of the main character's conversation with the admin girl. The meaning of the dialog remains the same, but, in my opinion, now this dialog looks and reads better. Many thanks to Shiphtur! I really hope for our long and productive work together!
Already now I have a new part of the script with new dialog, which I will take to work soon. We'll see how it turns out.
One thing I want to mention right away about the images inside the dialogs. As I've said many times, it takes much longer to create images than it does to write dialog text. And even longer than creating game locations. Therefore, it will happen that in the new dialogs, instead of size-difference images, there will be picture-blockers with text. I think this is quite acceptable! And it will be easier for me to create images, having the dialog storyline in front of me. Images will be added to dialogs later.
Well, and so that my follower will not be bored reading the text, I will publish images not related to games. My old friend Sam Smith helps me to create these images. Thanks a lot to him too for his invaluable help!
The working build of the game has been updated.
It is available on my Patreon and Boosty.

If you would like to help me with game development, you can follow the link below to find out how to do so:
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This is purely voluntary and I am in no way forcing anyone to pay!

Attached below are images not related to the game. They are created specifically for this devlog by doing some minor processing of my old images. Want more images? Check it out on Patreon, or on Boosty (strictly voluntary).
Posts: 174
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2022 12:41 pm

Size Difference World Devlog Oct 22 2024

Postby HelenGiantess » Tue Oct 22, 2024 12:27 pm

I decided to make an extra regular devlog post without waiting for another weekend.

Those who are not interested in reading the devlog can just scroll down and see the size-difference image.
Well, let's get back to the topic.

My friend Shiphtur sent me a new part of the script he wrote especially for this game. Thank you so much for your help!
As of today, I'm going to start implementing this part of the script into the game. I hope very much that I will be able to tell about the first results on the next weekend.
More changes to the locations are forthcoming. I have changed locations before, and, even more than once. I hope that the current changes will remain forever. After all, now all changes happen according to the scenario.
There are plans to move buildings, create new offices.... And, yes, the girls now have names.... Many thanks to Shiphtur for supplementing the script with schematic explanations.
Size Difference World 2024_10_18 11_59_17.png
Size Difference World 2024_10_18 12_04_35.png
Size Difference World 2024_10_18 12_17_38.png

Also in the plans are new changes in the sewer locations. I think I'll have a scenario part describing the actions in the sewers very soon.
And, as I've been informed by the script writer, it's coming to the first plot point.
For obvious reasons, I haven't updated the working build of the game. Hopefully an update will be available this weekend.
The most recent working build is available my Patreon and Boosty.

If you would like to help me with game development, you can follow the link below to find out how to do so:
Spoiler: show
This is purely voluntary and I am in no way forcing anyone to pay!

Attached below is image not related to the game. It is created specially for this devlog. Want more images? Check it out on Patreon, or on Boosty (strictly voluntary).
Posts: 174
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2022 12:41 pm

Size Difference World Devlog Oct 27 2024

Postby HelenGiantess » Sun Oct 27, 2024 11:49 am

In my head, chaos replaces vacuum. In an effort to restore order, I will attempt to continue the devlog.

Those who are not interested in reading the devlog can just scroll down and see the size-difference image.
Well, let's get back to the topic.

My friend Shiphtur is writing an excellent script for the game! Personally, I could never write something like that in my life.
This weekend I started reorganizing the game locations according to the script. So far, the above ground locations have been rebuilt. The next plans are to rebuild the sewer locations. Honestly, I don't know what will happen in the sewers yet. I don't have the part of the script that describes the actions in the sewers yet.
As for the already existing part of the scenario, it is so excellent... that the RPG Maker MV engine is unable to realize this scenario in its entirety. I'm very sorry to see this happen, as I really enjoyed the scenario. Unfortunately, however, I don't have the knowledge and skills to realize everything that was written.
The scenario, so far, on the finalization and re-consistency, so, instead of dialogs of many NPCs, there are now inserted empty spaces. Alas, the game engine, as well as my crazy life situation, impose a lot of limitations. I have to adjust to them.
You can see the changes to the locations in the updated working build.
The working build of the game is available on my Patreon and Boosty.

If you would like to help me with game development, you can follow the link below to find out how to do so:
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This is purely voluntary and I am in no way forcing anyone to pay!

Attached below are images not related to the game. They are created specially for this devlog by doing some minor processing of my old images. Want more images? Check it out on Patreon, or on Boosty (strictly voluntary).
Posts: 174
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2022 12:41 pm

Size Difference World Devlog Nov 17 2024

Postby HelenGiantess » Sun Nov 17, 2024 11:04 am

I'm continuing the devlog, trying to ignore the various difficulties, which, towards the end of the year, are becoming more and more... But that's not what this is about!

Those who are not interested in reading the devlog can just scroll down and see the size-difference image.
Well, let's get back to the topic.

Me and Shiphtur, the author of the game scenario, have finalized the concept of the story. A lot of things had to be simplified so that the development of the game wouldn't take years. Through trials and errors, we removed difficult game mechanics, emphasizing the story... and, of course, the size difference between the player and other game characters. Hopefully, the game won't become less interesting because of this simplification.
By this weekend, I had completed the dialogs of the girls from the initial building in the game. This, of course, does not mean that, in the future, these dialogs will remain unchanged. Changes may have to be made. I also want, in the final stages of development, to make more images in the cutscenes. I am often told that, at the moment, the cutscenes are very short. Don't worry, this is just a working build. There will be more content in the final version!
When transferring the finished script into the game, I faced the problem of how hard it is to work with text written by a third-party author. I am in no way criticizing Shiphtur. He writes a great scenario! The problem is me!
The biggest problem is that English is not my native language. Before transferring the scenario into the game, I definitely need to read and understand it. For this I use an online translator, which unfortunately doesn't always translate correctly. I have to think about every word, understanding the meaning of some phrases solely by context. This makes the development process very difficult, but I believe that we will overcome this difficulty.
Next in line is the story branch of the narrative. But in order to start this branch, I need to make some changes to the locations. The sewer location needs to be redone, and a few new rooms need to be added.
I have already started creating new locations in the sewers. They are not finalized yet, so no need to be surprised. I, don't know yet, but I feel that the sewers will play an important role in the game. After all, that is where the story branch will start.
The working build of the game has been updated.
It is available on my Patreon and Boosty.

If you would like to help me with game development, you can follow the link below to find out how to do so:
Spoiler: show
This is purely voluntary and I am in no way forcing anyone to pay!

There is an image in the attachment that is not related to the game. It was created specifically for this forum to increase reader interest (I hope). Images of the game's cutscenes will be in a similar style.
Want more images? Check it out on Patreon, or on Boosty (strictly voluntary).
Posts: 174
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2022 12:41 pm

Size Difference World Devlog Nov 24 2024

Postby HelenGiantess » Sun Nov 24, 2024 11:09 am

I've had some free time, so I'm continuing the devlog.

Those who are not interested in reading the devlog can just scroll down and see the size-difference image.
Well, let's get back to the topic.

It's been about a month since the development of this game has moved beyond the experimentation, trials and errors stage. Today is the day that I have felt this fact as strongly as possible.
I would be very happy to speed up the development process, but unfortunately my three main jobs at the factory don't allow me to do that.
But let's not talk about sad things. Today I finished preparing the necessary locations to insert the part of the scenario I have into the game. It seems to me that some sort of story branch should start with this part of the script. Why do I say “it seems to me”? The thing is that the author of the script Shiphtur (again, I thank you so much for your help) sends me the script in small logically complete parts. I don't know what is waiting ahead for the player. The part of the scenario that is in front of my eyes right now looks like the beginning of some kind of storyline. Next week, I'll start putting that part of the script into the game.
Looking back on the past, I can safely say that despite the fact that the game's development is still in the very beginning, the game has gotten a lot more done in the past few weeks than it did in the previous period. Since the beginning of development, the game has had several concept changes. But it is only now that the concept has taken its final form. Let me tell right away that it is different from what is freely available on What is posted on represents one of the later prototypes. I will definitely make a free-to-play demo of the game in the future when the game has more content. Unfortunately, I can't say when that will happen, because this game, despite being as simplistic as possible, is still quite complex. Please keep an eye on the devlog so you don't miss this moment.
The working build of the game has been updated. It is available on my Patreon and Boosty.

If you would like to help me with game development, you can follow the link below to find out how to do so:
Spoiler: show
This is purely voluntary and I am in no way forcing anyone to pay!

In the attachment (in addition to game screenshots) are images not related to the game. They are created from my old images specially for this forum to increase the interest of readers (I hope). Images of game cutscenes will be in a similar style.
Want more images? Check it out on Patreon, or on Boosty (strictly voluntary).
Posts: 174
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2022 12:41 pm

Size Difference World Devlog Dec 1 2024

Postby HelenGiantess » Sun Dec 01, 2024 2:40 pm

The development of the game is continuing. And with it, the devlog is continuing too.

Those who are not interested in reading the devlog can just scroll down and see the size-difference image.
Well, let's get back to the topic.

This weekend I continued to create the beginnings of some sort of storyline. I honestly don't even know how the storyline will progress. After all, the scenario writer Shiphtur (thank you so much for your help!) is sending me the scenario in small parts. It's not a misunderstanding at all. It's just something we agreed on, and it was my initiative. Working this way, I get less confused and make fewer mistakes....
Since I started working from a scenario, I've realized that I hate working with text! Apparently, I'm the type of person who is more comfortable with pictures. I guess that's why I like to create different images.... But working with text makes me depressed. Most likely, my chaotic pace of life is to blame. Working with text requires more concentration and more time. If, when creating an image, I can break away for other things at any time, I can't do that when working with text. When I come back to working with text, it takes me a long time to remember where I left off. Bookmarks and notes don't help.... And it is very sad...
But I don't despair, because I want to make a good game no matter what.
This weekend I created the necessary characters and created some dialog for them according to the scenario. No images for the cutscenes yet. I will create images a bit later, when I finish the part of the scenario I have.... There's not much left to do...

What I've been able to do, I've added to the working build of the game. To see the dialogs of the storyline, you have to get into the sewers. Let me remind that, at the moment, you can only get to the sewer through the toilet in the building of the initial location.
The working build has been updated.
It is available on my Patreon and Boosty.

If you would like to help me with game development, you can follow the link below to find out how to do so:
Spoiler: show
This is purely voluntary and I am in no way forcing anyone to pay!

The attachment below contains images not related to the game. They are created from my old images specifically for this forum to increase reader interest (I hope). The cutscenes in the game will be in a similar style.
Posts: 174
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2022 12:41 pm

Size Difference World Devlog Dec 8 2024

Postby HelenGiantess » Sun Dec 08, 2024 1:28 pm

I'm posting the continuation of my devlog, if it can be called that.

Those who are not interested in reading the devlog can just scroll down and see the size-difference image.
Well, let's get back to the topic.

Today I completely finished adding to the game the part of the script that I had.

Now I can relax a bit, as I have a completely different and more enjoyable work ahead of me in the coming weeks.
While the author of the scenario Shiphtur (I am eternally grateful for his help) is preparing the new part of the scenario and correcting my mistakes of the current part, I can switch to creating images for the available cutscenes.
Size-difference images are a main feature of this game. The game will include hundreds of images.
I decided that it would be illogical to postpone the creation of all the images to the final stage of game development (as I wanted to do before). I think I'll just burn out creating that volume of content. It would make more sense to create this many images step by step.
Luckily, the situation allows me to realize what I had in mind. Shiphtur and I had previously agreed that he would create the script in small parts. The reason is the same - small volumes of content are much easier to process than large ones. It's very important for us to make our work easier, because we are working on the game in our spare time. Personally, my free time is disastrously short. I've said this many times before.
Now, while Shiphtur is working on a new part of the scenario, I can work on creating images, instead of which there are now text stubs in the game. Creating images is a very long job. It's much longer than inserting text from the script and creating new locations. The image creation process is the biggest part of the game development process. However, the process of creating the images is, for me, the most enjoyable. I love creating images the most!
I will try to make these images as close to the final version as possible. It is possible, of course, that I will have to redo some things in the final version of the game. Most likely, a lot of rework will have to be done to bring all the images to the same drawing style. The images from the initial locations (these are the earliest images) will be redone anyway... But later... In any case, it will take much less time and effort to remake the images than to create them from zero. And a game with images in the cutscenes looks much better than a game with text stubs instead of images.
The working build of the game has been updated.
It's available on my Patreon and Boosty.

If you would like to help me with game development, you can follow the link below to find out how to do so:
Spoiler: show
This is purely voluntary and I am in no way forcing anyone to pay!

The attachment contains images not related to the game. They are created from my old images specially for this forum to increase the interest of readers (I hope). The cutscenes in the game will be in a similar style.
Posts: 174
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2022 12:41 pm

Size Difference World Devlog Dec 15 2024

Postby HelenGiantess » Sun Dec 15, 2024 10:19 am

I'm publishing the post with the continuation of my devlog.

Those who are not interested in reading the devlog can just scroll down and see the size-difference image.
Well, let's get back to the topic.

As I said before, I added a part of the script to the game, which was written by my friend Shiphtur (thank you so much for your help).
Admittedly, I wrote some of the text myself. It concerns some dialogs with Scarlet and Laraya. Perhaps that's why these dialogs turned out to be uninteresting, which was immediately pointed out to me by several followers.
I have already received some corrections from Shiphtur, as well as one additional dialog. But this weekend I decided to switch to other work.
I've said before that I find it very difficult to work with text, especially text not written by me. And, in order not to go crazy, I just need to change activities.
I stopped working with text for a while to switch to making images for the previously created cutscenes.
Unfortunately, despite the fact that I enjoy working with images much more than text, creating images is very time-consuming. I need to make more than 20 images for the created cutscenes. This weekend I only was able to make 3 images. They have already been added to the working build, and can be seen in the dialog in the sewers.
Honestly, I would like to make more and I will definitely think of ways to speed up the process. Maybe I'll alternate between making images for the cutscenes and making images from the list of requests.
Either way, I'll come back to the scenario when more images for the cutscenes have been created. I think I'll have a new part of the scenario by then.
The working build of the game has been updated.
It is available on my Patreon and Boosty.

If you would like to help me with game development, you can follow the link below to find out how to do so:
Spoiler: show
This is purely voluntary and I am in no way forcing anyone to pay!

The attachment contains the image not related to the game. It is created from my old image specially for this forum to increase the interest of readers (I hope). The cutscenes in the game will be in a similar style.
Posts: 174
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2022 12:41 pm

Size Difference World Devlog Dec 22 2024

Postby HelenGiantess » Sun Dec 22, 2024 1:23 pm

I'm continuing the devlog, trying to do regular weekly posts.

Those who are not interested in reading the devlog can just scroll down and see the size-difference image.
Well, let's get back to the topic.

As I said earlier, now that I've added the scenario part to the game, I've switched to making images. Over this and the previous weekend, I made 7 size-difference images for the new cutscene. These images have already been added to the working build of the game, and can be seen in the dialog in the sewers. Also, all new images have been added to a special private gallery on my Patreon and Boosty.
I have one unfinished image left that I planned to complete today. Unfortunately, I had to take care of some urgent household chores, so this image is on hold until next weekend.
In addition to the unfinished image, there is one more image left to do for the current cutscene. After that, I'll have the choice to either start making images for the next cutscene or switch to fixing some dialog. The author of the scenario Shiphtur (thank you so much for your help) sent me some corrections back last time. I think after I finish creating all the images for the current cutscene, I'll switch to scenario corrections for a short time. These corrections are minor, and don't seem to involve creating new images. Therefore, it probably won't take too long. And once I finish these adjustments, I'll start creating images for the next cutscene. The next cutscene has more images, and I'll need to think about how I can speed up the image creation process.
I think, by the time all the images are done, Shiphtur will send me a new part of the scenario.
So, the game build pipeline seems to be up and running. Of course we would like the development to go faster, but unfortunately we can't work on the game full time. We are creating this game in our spare time. Let's hope that we will be able to bring the game to release.
I would like to remind that all images created for the game are not finalized. The images from the initial location will be redone definitely, because we used a different drawing technique initially. New images will most likely be reworked and improved a bit too. But this will all be in the final stages of the game's development.
The working build of the game has been updated.
It is available on my Patreon and Boosty.

If you would like to help me with game development, you can follow the link below to find out how to do so:
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This is purely voluntary and I am in no way forcing anyone to pay!

Attached is one of the images I created for the catscene. The rest of the images created are on my Patreon and Boosty.
Posts: 174
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2022 12:41 pm

Size Difference World Devlog Dec 29 2024

Postby HelenGiantess » Sun Dec 29, 2024 12:22 pm

It's time for a new devlog post.

Those who are not interested in reading the devlog can just scroll down and see the size-difference image.
Well, let's get back to the topic.

This weekend we finished creating the images for the cutscene of the player's talk with Scarlet and Nox in the sewers. Many thanks to my friend with the nickname Sam Smith for his help.
As a reminder, these images will probably be reworked in the final version of the game. However, their essence will not change, and the current images are as close to the final images as possible. Most likely, the images will be changed for the Steam version of the game. In the Patreon, Boosty and Itch versions of the game, the images will probably remain unchanged (except for the images in the initial location, where we used another drawing style; the early images will be changed completely).
Now it's time to create images for the other cutscene, the one where the player got out of the sewers.
But before I start creating a new series of images, I want to fix a few things in the scenario that were sent to me a long time ago by Shiphtur, who I'm also very grateful to for his help.
Though the changes are minor, I honestly can't say if I'll be able to get them done in time for next weekend.
I won't go into the details of the changes. I will only say that after the changes, the player will no longer be able to freely enter the women's toilet and enter the sewers through it.
Thus, I'm switching back to text work next weekend. While I don't like text work, it's a job that needs to be done too. It's an integral part of game development too.
However, that doesn't mean I'm going to abandon image creation. Every weekday, as before, I will publish a new image not related to the game. On my days off, I will try to make at least one image for a future cutscene of the game.
I want to say a few words about another game called Final Exam. I think I have done the main work on optimizing the game's code. I will fix any further problems as they arise.
Right now, as part of the Final Exam game development, I am engaged in building the game locations of the second level. This is very routine and painstaking work, and I don't think my follower will be interested in reading the details. I'm not making any size-difference images for this game yet. I will move on to creating images when I have completely finished creating the second level. That's when I can do separate posts on Final Exam. I'm also not updating the working build of Final Exam... I have, however, updated the working build of Size Difference World.
It is available on my Patreon and Boosty.

If you would like to help me with game development, you can follow the link below to find out how to do so:
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This is purely voluntary and I am in no way forcing anyone to pay!

Attached is one of the images I created for the cutscene. The rest of the images created are on my Patreon and Boosty.
Posts: 174
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2022 12:41 pm

Size Difference World Devlog Jan 5 2025

Postby HelenGiantess » Sun Jan 05, 2025 1:02 pm

I'm continuing the devlog.

Those who are not interested in reading the devlog can just scroll down and see the size-difference image.
Well, let's get back to the topic.

As I said before, I've made minor tweaks to the game code regarding the story.
Aside from minor changes to the player and Laraya's dialog, there was another small change to the condition of one event...
I had previously started creating a branch of events in the sewers. And, until this day, the sewers were easily entered by going through the right door and talking to the right character.
Now the condition of getting into the sewers is a bit more difficult. But not too much.
This is the end of the changes in the code, temporarily, and I'm back to creating the missing images for the cutscenes.
The previous time I created images for the scenes of the player's dialog with Scarlet and Nox in the sewers. As a reminder, all the images that are being created now are not the final versions. Probably most of the images will be edited and improved during the polishing phase. Perhaps some images will be redrawn completely.
Next in line is the creation of images for the cutscene of the player's dialog with Laraya. This is what I intend to start doing next weekend.
Many thanks to my friends with nicknames Shiphtur and Sam Smith for their invaluable help!
The working build of the game has been updated
It's available on my Patreon and Boosty.

If you would like to help me with game development, you can follow the link below to find out how to do so:
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This is purely voluntary and I am in no way forcing anyone to pay!

Attached is one of the images created for the cutscene. The rest of the images created are on my Patreon and Boosty.
Posts: 174
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2022 12:41 pm

Re: Size Difference World (vore, insertion, tiny) Upd Jan 5

Postby Kntstar » Thu Jan 09, 2025 4:50 pm

Loving your work so far. I even joined the Patreon. My First time BTW. keep up the good work.
User avatar
Been posting for a bit
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Re: Size Difference World (vore, insertion, tiny) Upd Jan 5

Postby HelenGiantess » Fri Jan 10, 2025 1:49 am

Kntstar wrote:Loving your work so far. I even joined the Patreon. My First time BTW. keep up the good work.

Thank you so much! I am very motivated by this!
Posts: 174
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Re: Size Difference World (vore, insertion, tiny) Upd Jan 5

Postby omelettedufromage » Sat Jan 11, 2025 9:33 am

Is this game available on Mac?
Somewhat familiar
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Re: Size Difference World (vore, insertion, tiny) Upd Jan 5

Postby HelenGiantess » Sun Jan 12, 2025 2:04 pm

omelettedufromage wrote:Is this game available on Mac?

Yes, but it was not tested. We have no Mac devices.
Posts: 174
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2022 12:41 pm

Size Difference World Devlog Jan 12 2025

Postby HelenGiantess » Sun Jan 12, 2025 2:06 pm

It's the weekend again, and I'm writing a devlog post.

Those who are not interested in reading the devlog can just scroll down and see the size-difference image.
Well, let's get back to the topic.

This weekend, as I planned earlier, I was busy creating images for the cutscenes in Laraya's house. Unfortunately, it doesn't work out to do game creation on workdays right now. Therefore, I was able to create less images than I wanted to. However, I guess it's better than nothing.
The development of the game is gradually moving forward. The concept of the game has already been determined exactly... Those who have been following my posts for a long time will remember that last year the concept of the game was changed several times, because, in the process of development, there were many unforeseen difficulties. I literally had to start creating the game from zero every time! And it was very demotivating!
Now I can confidently say that this game will see its release.
I would like to thank Sam Smith and Shiphtur for their invaluable help in my creativity. I also want to say a big thanks to everyone who motivates me in one way or another.
The working build of the game has been updated.
It is available on my Patreon and Boosty.
New images have been added to the game, as well as to a special private gallery.
As for my second game (Final Exam), I decided again not to create a separate post, but to write about it here.
The sixth (out of ten) location of the second level in Final Exam is ready. In total, the game will probably have four levels of ten locations. I originally wanted to make five levels, however, many people write to me that the game is too hard as it is... Unfortunately, no one gave me any recommendations on how to reduce the difficulty of the game, although I really asked for it.
The working build of Final Exam has not been updated yet. I'll update it when I completely finish the second level and create all the images for the cutscenes.

If you would like to help me with game development, you can follow the link below to find out how to do so:
Spoiler: show
This is purely voluntary and I am in no way forcing anyone to pay!

Attached is one of the images created for the cutscene. The rest of the images created are on my Patreon and Boosty.
Posts: 174
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2022 12:41 pm

Re: Size Difference World (vore, insertion, tiny) Upd Jan 19

Postby HelenGiantess » Sun Jan 19, 2025 1:04 pm

The week has gone by so fast. At least for me. It's time for a new devlog post.

Those who are not interested in reading the devlog can just scroll down and see the size-difference image.
Well, let's get back to the topic.

As much as I try, I can't make more than three images for the game per week. Major factory work doesn't leave much free time. I can't leave my children with no financial resources to support themselves. I am immensely grateful to my friend with the nickname Sam Smith, who helps me create images from the list of requests.
However, I think three images for a game a week is a good result too. Especially since for the last story branch almost all the images are finished. Only a few close-ups of the player remain. Many thanks to my friend under the nickname Shiphtur for the excellent script.
Speaking of which, Shiphtur has written a new part of the story branch that I have to transfer to the game. And I'm going to start doing it in my spare time next week.
To be honest, I haven't had a chance to fully read the new part of the script yet, but, so far, I like it all. And for the new storyline, I'll need to create a new location. I feel the plot is starting to develop.
The newly created images have already been added to a special private gallery. And today I added these images to the working build.
The updated working build can be found on my Patreon and Boosty.
I also want to say a few words about my second game called Final Exam. I don't think it's necessary to create a separate post for it.
I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to everyone who helps me with valuable tips. I am writing down all the tips and advice I receive. Of course, this does not mean that I will be able to implement absolutely everything I receive into the game. Some things are simply impossible to implement technically. Other things will require a lot of reworking to implement. I just don't have the energy for that.
In Final Exam, I experimented a bit with the player's hitbox when making a hit. It seems to have worked better than before. At least there are no more situations where the hit goes through an obstacle. I didn't remove the player's pre-hit swing. I think it looks better that way. And it is easy to get used to the delay before the hit with a little practice.
However, I have not updated the working build of Final Exam yet. I think the game needs to be done a bit more so that it can be shown.

If you would like to help me with game development, you can follow the link below to find out how to do so:
Spoiler: show
This is purely voluntary and I am in no way forcing anyone to pay!

Attached is one of the images created for the Size Difference World game's cutscene. The rest of the images created are on my Patreon and Boosty.
Posts: 174
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2022 12:41 pm

Re: Size Difference World (vore, insertion, tiny) Upd Jan 26

Postby HelenGiantess » Sun Jan 26, 2025 12:38 pm

Here's the weekend! Game development is continuing, and I'm publishing the new post to the devlog.

Those who are not interested in reading the devlog can just scroll down and see the size-difference image.
Well, let's get back to the topic.

If anyone is just finding out about me and my activity, and this is the very first post you're reading, I want to briefly tell you what's actually going on...
The protagonist is a thirty years old gamer who accidentally gets inside a buggy game. Moreover, this game is not the usual, but erotic, created for size fetishists. The world of the game is populated exclusively by beautiful sexy girls. And the main character becomes the size of a pencil. The goal of the protagonist is to get out of the game in the real world, communicating with the game characters. Unfortunately, not all the game girls are friendly, and many of them are trying to do all sorts of perverted things to the player (for example, swallow, or insert into the pussy). Fortunately, the protagonist is immortal in this game, and the perverted things the girls do can only cause discomfort. The worst thing that can happen to the protagonist is going back to the very beginning of the game...
And now a couple words about the events that, at the moment, are in development... After a little adventure in the sewers, the protagonist finds himself in the house of a strange girl. Fortunately, the girl turns out to be friendly, and, after getting acquainted, she invites the protagonist to visit the bathhouse with her.
The scenario of events in the bathhouse has already been prepared by me. Thanks to my friend Shiphtur for the scenario. This week I will start transferring this part of the script into the game... It seems that the protagonist is waiting for new acquaintances. What will they bring? Surprises? Insights? Discoveries? Trouble? The only way to find out is to keep watching the development.
This week I created the missing images for the dialog with Laraya. There are no girls in these images, just a close-up of the main character. I didn't add them to the private gallery, but rather put them directly into the working build. The only thing I didn't have time to do was creating Laraya's portraits for the dialogs. But that won't take long, so I'll do the portraits next week.
The updated working build can be found on my Patreon and Boosty.

If you would like to help me with game development, you can follow the link below to find out how to do so:
Spoiler: show
This is purely voluntary and I am in no way forcing anyone to pay!

The attachment contains the image not related to the game. It is created specially for this forum to increase the interest of readers (I hope). The cutscenes in the game will be in a similar style.
Posts: 174
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2022 12:41 pm

Size Difference World Devlog Feb 2 2025

Postby HelenGiantess » Sun Feb 02, 2025 12:43 pm

As is tradition, I'm writing a new devlog post on Sunday.

Those who are not interested in reading the devlog can just scroll down and see the size-difference image.
Well, let's get back to the topic.

Events, slowly, progress, and the main character, with a new girl he knows, visits a new location - a bathhouse.

It would seem that this branch is completely unnecessary. However, the events in the bathhouse hint at new friendships, as well as a return to previous events. Perhaps the protagonist will be able to fix the previously spoiled relationship... Although, at the moment, even I don't know that. My friend Shiphtur (thank you so much for your help) hasn't sent me this part of the scenario yet. However, he promised that there are a lot of interesting things waiting for us in the future.
A great way to be the first to know about progress in the game is to follow the posts in the devlog.
The dialogs for the bathhouse location are finished. And next week, while I'm waiting for the new part of the scenario, I'll start creating images for the aforementioned dialogs in the bathhouse. I haven't created images like this in a very long time. I hope everyone will enjoy them.
The working build of the game has been updated.
The updated working build can be found on my Patreon and Boosty.

If you would like to help me with game development, you can follow the link below to find out how to do so:
Spoiler: show
This is purely voluntary and I am in no way forcing anyone to pay!

The attachment contains the image not related to the game. It is created specially for this forum to increase the interest of readers (I hope). The cutscenes in the game will be in a similar style.
Posts: 174
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2022 12:41 pm


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