Archive > DriderMan > Blog > Rabbit Hole [Report]

Rabbit Hole

Posted by DriderMan 10 years ago


So a few of you know that lately my life has gone a bit nuts, hence no stories lately but I promise that I will fix that eventually. I have started grad school, moved to a whole new state, and my father is not doing well at all health wise but I can't be there for him. Needless to say the real world kind of blows sometimes. Yet I have noticed an odd trend. While I have been facing these challenges head on (studying for school, skyping with my brother and sick father whenever I can) I have been regressing into childhood interests during my down time. First I started finding Spider-man cooler than usual, then I began playing Magic: The Gathering again, I even pre-ordered Pokemon X version, and I haven't bought a Pokemon game since Sapphire version. This trend has officially gotten silly though as I have begun to read about Power Rangers/Super Sentai on Wikipedia, and have learned they are streamed on Netflix... even found a list of the top 5 stand-alone seasons... I fear that before I see another weekend I will have begun to watch the brightly colored warriors of my youth once again. In closing IT'S MORPHIN' TIME!!!
Comment on Rabbit Hole


Posted by Bright 10 years ago Report

Nostalgia trip, here we go!

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