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[Discussion] Lost interests and more.

Posted by NicoTheRapidash 7 years ago


---Edit for Yesterday---

Oh, wow... I didn't expect there to be any activity on this post. I was angry when I wrote this. Thank you for at least paying attention to the little guy!
---My reasoning for the Edit---

I decided that It's best to delete what I said, since it came off as sounding aggressive and sounding demanding -- neither of which I want.
If I came off as that way, I apologize deeply.

With that said, I would like to address the major problem I had with my own post: My attitude.

I cannot say this enough - I was angry that I lost yet another person due to lack of interest, and I simply was too angry to think straight - But seeing the comments made me decide that I should rewrite this in a much more professional tone.

---Why I haven't updated my LFRP post---
I truly wanted to amend this by saying that I wasn't really thinking about the long term, and whatnot. I AM aware that I haven't updated my LFRP post in a while, and I have a few reasons for that:

    Reason 1: School I have school from Monday-Friday, and I do happen to be a bit busy and not have time.
      Reason 2: Family I don't want to ignore them, after all!
        Reason 3: I get busy Well, I do have a lot of friends to talk to - I'm also juggling the responsibility of being one of the admins for my Discord Server and TF2 Server, so that's also a major fact of it.

        I do have plans to revamp how I grab the attention of others for my LFRP post - This is a long overdue thing, and I am slowly going to be in the process of making it happen.

        ---Future Plans---
        Show my Desired Post Length when it comes to RPs. (This is one of my top priorities, as I hate getting one-liners all the time. >~>
        Show who I can play as, what role I tend to play as with that character, and what the setting will be for that character.
        Make it a little more flashy, and less messy.
        Be more open to feedback.
        Attempt to be more active on here.

        ---How can Improve and such?---
        If any of you have comments or suggestions on how I can improve, or ways to help try and catch the attention of people.... do not hesitate to give me a shout! (No, I won't change my stance on saying no to sex and anything like that.)

        Also, if any of you want to just talk to me and ask me how I'm doing and whatnot, that's fine too!

        My skype is Nicodapeek (That's the best place to talk to me)
Comment on [Discussion] Lost interests and more.


Posted by DissociatedChaos 7 years ago Report

Well, I don't think I've ever RP'd with you myself, probably. But I can tell you what makes me lose interest in an RP.

There are three or four main things that will cause me to slowly stop wanting to play with someone much, as a general rule:

1. Tiny posts - If we're both doing one line every few seconds, fine. But I generally post no less than about a paragraph, unless it's just OOC silly stuff not intended to go on much. Even with that, I slowly scoot up to three or four lines, and then if it continues longer, full paragraphs. Reply to a paragraph or more with one or two words, or a single short sentence with any sort of regularity, and I'll think you don't care about it any yourself, and lose interest.
2. Taking control of your partner's character without permission - It's one thing if you have mind control going on, but even then, the other person is playing a character. Let them do so. If you make them stare at your ass rather than saying that some hypnotic magic drew their eye towards it, or make them scream out rather than letting them do so, you might as well write alone, since it's now you controlling both characters. The exception to this is if you have permission out of character to do some minor things you think are obvious to let you write more. Do that while doing tiny posts, and you hit two strikes at once.
3. Readability - This one is something that people bring up often, and people get annoyed about often. You don't need to be a grammar Nazi though to run spell check or right click and select check spelling, and make sure things don't look like they were typed by a third grader. Lacking any punctuation at all is even worse. A few misspelled words or commonly misused ones? Fine, most people but the worst Grammar Nazis won't say a thing. pst Someting leik tis n u wll b dropepd yb ost mepple. :P Though I doubt you have that problem much, since you had a post that wasn't painful to read for this. Just mentioning it for completeness right now.
4. Disparate effort and reward - Ultimately rolls most of the rest into it in some ways, but if someone works to post long or semi long things to you quickly, and you take an hour to post three lines, they're going to be annoyed. If they try to advance the plot and you hang around something they clearly don't care as much about, they'll get annoyed. If you don't reply for two hours and then drop off the chat and don't sign back on for another day or two without even sending a PUB to tell them you were dragged away... most people will get annoyed. Follow some basic rules of common decency and respect though, and you avoid that. Talk to the partner and ask them about things if it seems like they're starting to lose interest, and make sure to show that you have that interest as well. And tell them that if they're starting to not feel something, or they're feeling burned out of a given role or character, that it's fine to break from that, either for them to do other things and come back, or to start up something shorter on the side or something if they still want to do things with you at the moment. And if they just don't think the current RP is all that interesting, ask what would be more interesting, and what was dull, and correct for the next RP or in that one.

If you remember to avoid all the cardinal sins of RPs, and try to talk to them and make sure they're enjoying things, and they still seem to lose interest, they might just need a short break from the same partner. Some people can keep one partner for years and never get bored, others need some variety. And some partners are just not that great, and don't think about their partners. Or they wind up overloading themselves with 18 RPs at once and have to try to order who they play with when. It'll vary by person to person for what you need to do to keep their interest or get it back, too.

[ Reply ]


Posted by Vae 7 years ago Report

Everything Chaos just said is spot on for driving away partners but, assuming you're doing all of that correctly, I would also recommend being as open and receptive of other's interests as you can possibly be.

Your LFP post actually seems pretty restrictive, seems like you only enjoy a very narrow window of interests which not only limits potential partners but can get pretty stale and bore the ones you do get. If you expand your horizons farther your partners will have more fun and you will probably find some new things you actually DO enjoy.

I used to be quite specific in my RP requests and, just like you, I would lose partners regularly. Over a year or two, I began just saying 'yes' to everything and it got me into a LOT of uncomfortable RP situations but I pushed through and gave each one a full effort. Eventually a lot of things started growing on me to the point that my original interests are more of a niche part of the spectrum. I havent had a partner leave without warning (presumably lack of interest) in quite a long time at this point, but I remember how frustrating it was.

This is just my opinion however, provided with the genuine hope to help your desperate situation and not at all meant to be offensive. Good luck!

Edit: Remembered one other tip:
It pays dividends to make your partner feel appreciated, especially if they deserve it. From politely thanking them for expressing interest to providing positive feedback after a scene. Maybe throwing out an OOC "wow that post was good" If its clear they put some timae, thought, and creativity into it.

As selfish as it sounds, I revel in praise and it makes me want to keep submitting quality additions as to keep up with the positive image my partner has made of me.

[ Reply ]


Posted by NicoTheRapidash 7 years ago Report

"Vae" wrote:
Everything Chaos just said is spot on for driving away partners but, assuming you're doing all of that correctly, I would also recommend being as open and receptive of other's interests as you can possibly be.

Your LFP post actually seems pretty restrictive, seems like you only enjoy a very narrow window of interests which not only limits potential partners but can get pretty stale and bore the ones you do get. If you expand your horizons farther your partners will have more fun and you will probably find some new things you actually DO enjoy.

I used to be quite specific in my RP requests and, just like you, I would lose partners regularly. Over a year or two, I began just saying 'yes' to everything and it got me into a LOT of uncomfortable RP situations but I pushed through and gave each one a full effort. Eventually a lot of things started growing on me to the point that my original interests are more of a niche part of the spectrum. I havent had a partner leave without warning (presumably lack of interest) in quite a long time at this point, but I remember how frustrating it was.

This is just my opinion however, provided with the genuine hope to help your desperate situation and not at all meant to be offensive. Good luck!

Edit: Remembered one other tip:
It pays dividends to make your partner feel appreciated, especially if they deserve it. From politely thanking them for expressing interest to providing positive feedback after a scene. Maybe throwing out an OOC "wow that post was good" If its clear they put some timae, thought, and creativity into it.

As selfish as it sounds, I revel in praise and it makes me want to keep submitting quality additions as to keep up with the positive image my partner has made of me.

I admit: At the time of writing this, I was kind of frustrated and wasn't thinking too much. So yeah. I didn't expect this to actually get some attention -- I do need to brush up on fixing the LFRP post. I just haven't had time due to things like school and life getting in the way. Hahah.

I just didn't expect there to be people that truly paid attention to this -- I thought this would be left alone. Good to see how some people pay attention to the little person at least. :)

[ Reply ]


Posted by NicoTheRapidash 7 years ago Report

"Vae" wrote:
Everything Chaos just said is spot on for driving away partners but, assuming you're doing all of that correctly, I would also recommend being as open and receptive of other's interests as you can possibly be.

Your LFP post actually seems pretty restrictive, seems like you only enjoy a very narrow window of interests which not only limits potential partners but can get pretty stale and bore the ones you do get. If you expand your horizons farther your partners will have more fun and you will probably find some new things you actually DO enjoy.

I used to be quite specific in my RP requests and, just like you, I would lose partners regularly. Over a year or two, I began just saying 'yes' to everything and it got me into a LOT of uncomfortable RP situations but I pushed through and gave each one a full effort. Eventually a lot of things started growing on me to the point that my original interests are more of a niche part of the spectrum. I havent had a partner leave without warning (presumably lack of interest) in quite a long time at this point, but I remember how frustrating it was.

This is just my opinion however, provided with the genuine hope to help your desperate situation and not at all meant to be offensive. Good luck!

Edit: Remembered one other tip:
It pays dividends to make your partner feel appreciated, especially if they deserve it. From politely thanking them for expressing interest to providing positive feedback after a scene. Maybe throwing out an OOC "wow that post was good" If its clear they put some timae, thought, and creativity into it.

As selfish as it sounds, I revel in praise and it makes me want to keep submitting quality additions as to keep up with the positive image my partner has made of me.

I admit: At the time of writing this, I was kind of frustrated and wasn't thinking too much. So yeah. I didn't expect this to actually get some attention -- I do need to brush up on fixing the LFRP post. I just haven't had time due to things like school and life getting in the way. Hahah.

I just didn't expect there to be people that truly paid attention to this -- I thought this would be left alone. Good to see how some people pay attention to the little person at least. :)

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