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Sorry, so sorry and Happy(er) New Year

Posted by Tassie 5 years ago


I'm so sorry everyone.
This past year has been overwhelming, with schools, moving again, working a lot of hours and just life. Bury that under a year-end series of disasters, and I feels as though I haven't accomplished anything. This has to be one of the least happy years of my life, even with my little family around me, I feel like everything was going wrong.

I lost my job in the summer, and had to settle for one with worse hours. Then my old home was nearly wiped off the map, and I know there was nothing I could have done if I was there, but I felt like I should have been there to help. I know there wasn't anything I could do, but just being there for old friends and neighbors. I probably would have just been another person in trouble, but I still feel horrible about not being there.
Then, a city to the north of where I live now literally burned to the ground and people are still here with no place to go, and I feel like I wish I could do more. I can't, and I feel terrible for it because I work so hard to just take care of me and mine.
So many good and influential people died. From Steven Hawking to Stan Lee, Arethra Franklin and Vern Troyer, Billy Graham and Kofi Anan, even the very first President I can remember well, it was just one emotional blow after another.

Sorry everyone. 2018 was such a waste. I want to create more because everyone here is so giving and so talented.
I'm going to celebrate with the few people I have in my life and try to be happy and forget all the trouble (but never the people) behind.

Here's to a better 2019, everyone.
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