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Update n stuff (commissions, Requests, Patreon)

Posted by JackHereTheRealOne 4 years ago


Let's make this quick.

Commissions: Though I am already working on a few, I will be doing a few more after I complete the ones I am already working on, and after I post the requests and other various images either tonight or tomorrow, worse case, Saturday.

Requests: As stated above, I will be posting the requests from last months request winners soon. I am a bit slow on handling the final touches on them. Next to me stopping on them while working on Halloween images, and I have also been playing the new CoD game like crazy, so there went a lot of my time >_>

Patreon: Posting this here to save me from having to do more work. Patreon rewards have been locked in and ready to go. Check em out on the 1st of December when they are all done, as usual.

Later gator
Comment on Update n stuff (commissions, Requests, Patreon)


Posted by Ento 4 years ago Report

Quick comm question; Would you be willing to do cooking vore, or nah?

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