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wishlist meme thingamading

Posted by macroflation 4 years ago


saw a certain hungry flower post this thing, and so i figured, what the heck, why not do it, too? something might happen, or it might not. no harm done either way, so might as well!

• Make a post to your journal. The post should contain your list of ten holiday wishes. The wishes can be anything at all, from simple and fandom-related ("I'd love a Snape/Hermione icon that's just for me") to medium ("I wish for _____ on DVD") to really big ("All I want for Christmas is a new car/computer/house/TV"). The important thing is to make sure these wishes are things you really, truly want.
• If you wish for real life things (not fics or icons), make sure you include some sort of contact info in your post, whether it's your address or just your email address where Santa (or one of his elves) can get in touch with you. Your home address is not required!
• Make sure you post some version of these guidelines in your journal, or link to this post (it'll be public) so that the holiday joy will spread.
• Surf around your friend's list (or friend's friends, or just random journals) to see who has posted their list. And now, here's the important part...
• If you see a wish you can grant, and it's in your heart to do so, make someone's wish come true. Sometimes one person's trash is another's treasure, and if you have a leather jacket you don't want or a gift certificate you won't use - or even know where you could get someone's dream purebred Basset Hound for free - do it.
• You needn't spend money on these wishes unless you want to. The point isn't to put people out, it's to provide everyone a chance to be someone else's holiday elf - to spread the joy. Gifts can be made anonymously or not - it's your call. There are no guarantees with this project, and no strings attached. Just... wish, and it might come true. Give and you might receive. You'll have the joy of knowing you made someone's holiday special.

(in no particular order)

1 - cute clothes
2 - 2064: Read Only Memories stuff (physical or digital); i absolutely love this game and all the characters are an absolute delight
3 - artses of mine characters, be it sfw or otherwise; with these, pretty much anything is fair game! if they look cute, throw them in a situation you'd like to see them in!
4 - dutch bros. gift cards, bc their various beverage choices are A+++
5 - money in general, because there's a ton of things that can be done with it -- transportation, food, clothes, games, art, so on and so forth
6 - physical affection like hugs and stuff, because there is no such thing as too much of that
7 - games, bc i totally don't have too many of those that i still have to go through or anything
8 - oculus of some assort, bc there's a lot of neat-looking VR things out there
9 - things for my cat, such as a cat tree, cat toys, catnip, cat treats, litter (bc it's a pain to carry home from the store, sometimes, and more expensive than it rightly should be), so on and so forth -- just not clothes, bc she VEHEMENTLY refuses to wear kitty clothes
10 - for whoever happens to read this to have a good day, week, month, year, and life!

contact info-thing, for purposes of remaining anonymous if you don't want who you are to be known, or discussing details if needed, or any other reason: [email protected]

if you do this and put a link to this page in there, lemme know, and i'll put yours in here, as well!
Comment on wishlist meme thingamading


Posted by Squall 4 years ago Report

I linked to yours in my post.

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Posted by macroflation 4 years ago Report

"Squall" wrote:
I linked to yours in my post.

and yours has been added to the list!

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Posted by Bright 4 years ago Report

I linked.

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Posted by macroflation 4 years ago Report

"Bright" wrote:
I linked.

Thanks much!

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