Archive > deletobn219gh6 > Blog > Where the heck I've been [Report]

Where the heck I've been

Posted by deletobn219gh6 4 years ago


Hey. So, a lot of you may be wondering "where the heck I've been" or "why I haven't been writing stories lately". I'd like to first of starting by saying I apologize. I'm sorry that if you like my writing, and have been waiting for so long I apologize I haven't uploaded a story or ANYTHING in months. It's just for some reason I haven't been able to put myself in front of the unfinished next part to "Brothers Reunited" because I haven't been feeling that spark that allowed me to churn out 2-3 stories in a matter of weeks.

I really hope I get out of this writers block or whatever's been going on because it's been, to re-iterate, MONTHS. I really hoped I'd get the story out before the new year, but of course I ran into issues both mentally and real-life stuff that just stopped it. That's not to say I don't know how I'm going to write the story. I do, it's just I need to put it into actual wording now. In the meantime I've been commissioning artwork of my OCs as well as other things I like, so depending on if you're into the artists I'm into hopefully you've had something fun to look at during all this waiting.

I applaud your patience, and I hope to get this story done soon. No specific deadline as of yet, but hopefully soon.

- UnknownIncog"Nito"Guy
Comment on Where the heck I've been


Posted by UnknownPerson9876 4 years ago Report

Hey take your time, don't rush it for our sake. I personally find it easier to get out of writters block when I'm doing something I enjoy, it gives me some good ideas.

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