Archive > Cinnamonhydrangea > Blog > More change [Report]

More change

Posted by Cinnamonhydrangea 4 years ago


So.. writing has been a lot more tedious than I thought it'd be and I've found myself drawing to escape it. It's just not fun for me anymore and I don't like to rush. In that case, I'm taking back my rule on "not posting anything until I finished writing" since I'd probably never post again. That brings me to something else I wanted to mention. That means I'm not going to take any writing commissions at all. I want to only do drawing commissions since I find it more fun. That being said, any writing commissions I had taken are now void. I'm sorry but I don't think I'll write again for some time. The only exception would be if in a drawing commission, a client wanted me to write a little drabble to go along with the drawing. I wouldn't add anything price wise but that's going to be the only writing I do now. Apologies for the inconveniences.
But with that out of the way, if you still like me, look forward to my upcoming drawings! Don't worry, I mean it this time. Although if you follow my tumblr, you already know what I mean. But there's one that I haven't posted anywhere that I'm particularly excited to show..~ They're in my drafts and I'll be posting them shortly!
Comment on More change


Posted by FurryOllieWolf 3 years ago Report

Free commisson?

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