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Now for a more normal update...

Posted by Cuddlekins 4 years ago


Now that April Fools has passed, I figure we're in need of a regular update.

My story for April is coming along smoothly, and will include some familiar faces. Trying to decide if I wanna break my schedule and start on my June story early in light of current events, but progress on my other project has been going too well for me to want to step away for too long. At most, I'll prolly write some on my nonlewds, and them come back here to put out another story. There is an idea I just had that I'm eager to give a go, but we'll see how I feel later in the month. I'm actually way backed up on ideas I wanna write, so there's no shortage if I decide to commit more resources to lewds.

Also, obligatory COVID-19 update: Soo, things have gotten a bit worse around here. Well, a lot worse... Not a lot of cases in this county still, but the statewide cases are spiking real bad, and yes I am still working. I'd rather not be out in these times, but I need a paycheck and I dun wanna leave my coworkers high and dry on overnights, so we'll see how that goes :c Of course, with so few customers, I've been able to catch up on my reading, so I suppose it's not all bad.

Anyway, thanks again. Hope everyone stays safe tho. :c
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