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Spring Cleaning - Progress

Posted by TheDragonBoy 3 years ago


I'll be editing this journal post as I go through my spring cleaning. I'll list which stories I've done so far and any thoughts I had when revisiting them. I think I'll edit them all before updating the live versions, to give you guys time to share your input.

I'll be going through my stories in the order they were written. If you have corrections you'd like to share, please do tell me even if I've already reviewed that story, since I might have missed that particular mistake (just check to see if someone else has already pointed it out first).

Last Update: July 18th


My Little Snack 1: Light Within

I was expecting mostly grammar or spelling mistakes in my "spring cleaning", but I found myself doing a fair amount of sentence restructuring and adjusting my word choice. I'm not rewriting the story by any measure, but there were more changes than I expected. I also made a few formatting changes, like starting a new paragraph each time a different character speaks- a formatting convention I didn't adopt until a few stories later.

Status: Edited


Cand-Berry Sauce

Remembered that My Little Snack wasn't my first story and realized the new DeviantArt layout was playing tricks on me. Considering this was my first-ever story, there weren't that many changes I wanted to make. Found a couple typos, restructured a few sentences, nothing major.

Status: Edited


Trusting Your Sibling

Wow... I still really like that story. Apparently, so do most of you as well, considering it's by far my most viewed work. It was my first real unbirth story- I was still exploring and imagining how everything would look and work in my head as I was writing it. It was sort of a "first time" sort of thing, and I'm not sure I'll ever write something quite like it again. That, combined with the choice of characters made for a truly special piece of vore fiction, if I do say so myself.

After sleeping on it I even realized something. The tension in that story ultimately comes from the characters and their relationship, as opposed to the physical danger. It's Dipper's willingness to help his sister vs the awkwardness involved in doing so. It's Mabel's desire to explore and pleasure herself vs her concern for her brother's safety. Neither want to let the other down, both want to help. Sure, there is physical danger in it evnetually, but that's only faced because of their relationship.

I'm not sure exactly how much this applies to unwilling yet, but looking over my favorite vore stories- written either by myself or others- I seem to enjoy most the ones where the character relationships are the primary source of tension.

I can remember writing a couple of my stories- scenes that were obviously dangerous with digestion, suffocation, mortal peril- and I could never shake the feeling that they were missing something, they almost seemed boring. They were still good writing, I think, but they were somehow empty- at least to me.

This is what I think I was missing: tension resulting from the actual characters and their relationship. After all, what is death but having to say goodbye to the ones you love? I'll try to keep this in mind while writing in the future, hopefully it will make for some good stories.

...Oh yeah, right- the edits. I did catch a couple mistakes, but they were mostly typos. I adjusted the punctuation in a couple places, swapped out just a few words and restructured maybe two sentences. I found very little else to correct- hopefully I wasn't just too distracted by my trip down memory lane.

Status: Edited


Summer Pisses Off Ethan

Not much to edit on this one, probably punctuation more than anything. Adjusted a couple lines of dialogue. Started new paragraphs whenever a new character started talking. That's about it.

Status: Edited


My Little Snack 2: Close Call

I'm not sure how not sure how effective this story is as an aphrodisiac, but as a story I really like it. I almost forgot to edit because I was just enjoying the plot. There were a few things I caught, though. Typos, formatting, new paragraphs, the usual. For the first time I did end up adding a little too. Just a sentence or two in the last couple paragraphs to elaborate a bit more on Lily's mindset.

Status: Edited


My Little Snack 3: Hunters

Much like #2, I really like the story I wrote here. There was hardly anything I found to correct, though one notable example is that "whipping" one's eyes is quite different from "wiping" them. Still, it was mostly just paragraph changes and restructuring a couple sentences.

Status: Edited


My Little Snack 4: Origins

These MLS stories might be my favorites in terms of just being pleasant to read. I remember them being pretty nice to write too. Too bad I don't have any more ideas for them.

Not much to edit. A couple typos where I put the wrong word or used "it's" instead of "its" (why is English so dumb?).

Status: Edited


My Little Snack 5: Bellyache

Looks like I did a pretty good job writing MLS. Again, only a small handful of minor corrections and an enjoyable read. That "you have two holes" scene is both funny and a bit cringey to me. I wonder how you guys liked it?

Status: Edited


My Little Snack 6: Playing Along

Might be the shortest story I've ever written, just over 1000 words. Still, I found a couple mistakes.

Status: Edited


Decided to take a break from My Little Snack, I'll finish editing that series later.


Incidental Intimacy

First (any maybe only?) time I ever wrote flat-out sex. Also the most I've ever described male genitalia (I'm not into that, so I usually avoid it, but it seemed very appropriate for the story- fair trade and all). I wasn't 100% comfortable with those things at the time, not that I'm exactly sure why, but that feeling hasn't changed. Even so, I think it's a decent story, and out of all the characters I write with I think I picked to right pair for the job.

As usual, I found a few cases where I used to wrong word (e.g. "breath" instead of "breathe"). And I restructured a few of the paragraphs because I still hadn't yet picked up the practice of starting a new one when a different character started speaking.

Status: Edited


Replaying some of The Last Guardian put me back into a My Little Snack mood. Such a good game :)


My Little Snack 7: Nightmare

I was going for a particular feeling when I wrote this, a particular color of betrayal that makes one's heart sink. I find it an elusive seasoning that can make for a really good vore story. I'm not sure I hit the mark, but this was my first attempt. I hope you guys liked it anyway.

Why can I never get the difference between "sweat" and "sweet"? English can be really stupid sometimes... lots of the time. Aside from that, more of the same type of edits and not very many.

Fun fact, after the edits, this story is exactly one word longer than #6.

Status: Edited


Yes, I'm skipping stories, but this is the next one I actually felt like reading


Rusted 1: Revenge

I like this story. I think I did a pretty good job with it. No reservations. Kinda odd that I'm more comfortable writing about dragons murdering humans and digesting them alive than I am writing about sex, but whatever.

Only one or two real corrections in this one. Like the rest it was mostly paragraph formatting and swapping out a few choice words.

Status: Edited


Returning The Favor

The squeal to the big hit; it can never be quite as good, can it? I like it, though. It fits as a natural continuation and has some great content. I should do more body-swap at some point, I always have fun reading it.

Aside from one spot where I typed a couple words twice, I can't remember correcting any actual errors. Just the usual paragraph changes.

Status: Edited


Magical Munchies

Maybe my favorite SVTFOE story out of the ones I've written. I definitely like it more than the previous one. Another example of how the tension was heightened the the character relationship, rather than just the usual mortal peril. Not quite as good a "Trusting Your Sibling", but still.

I actually found a fair number of typos in this one. Incorrect words and punctuation mostly. No real changes to the actual story or dialogue, of course.

Status: Edited


Rusted 2: The Deal

All around good vore story, if I do say so myself.

Very few changes here. Since there's only one main character who speaks there weren't even many paragraph changes.


Rusted 3: Trust

I think I did a good job with these. I really enjoyed the tension, even though I'm the one who wrote it.

A couple little things to fix. I wrote the wrong word a in a couple places ("through" when I meant "threw", "drawing" when I meant "withdrawing", etc). And then there were the paragraph changes- which weren't many, because there wasn't too much dialogue in this one.


Rusted 4: Encounter

Reworded a couple sentences, changed the start/end of a few paragraphs; more of the same.

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