Archive > Humbug > Blog > Going to weigh in on this too. [Report]

Going to weigh in on this too.

Posted by Humbug 3 years ago


I've been hemming and hawing about posting anything concerning what's going on in the U.S. (and apparently starting to foment throughout various parts of the rest of the world too). I'm a very political person, but I try to keep it separate from my furry garbage most of the time, but I think it's probably a better idea to put my opinion out there than to keep it to myself, if only to show solidarity with people who seriously need it right now.

Here are my stances on this situation:

* Yes, there is systemic racism, particularly against Black people and Indians, but also heavily against Latinos, and to a lesser extent various other races. Systemic, meaning it's built into our culture and the structures of power within said culture. The fact that we still have slavery in this country in the form of a double-whammy of pointless laws meant specifically to put people in prison for long periods of time (specifically the drug war) and prisons using their prisoners for free labor is something I don't hear talked about much. Although minorities commit drug crimes at roughly the same, or even less, rate as Whites but are disproportionately arrested and convicted is a pretty compelling statistic that there is a racial component to this.
* Racial privilege exists. There are things I don't have to worry about and even directly benefit from being White. Black privilege exists too, but affords far fewer benefits. Same for various other races. To acknowledge racial privilege is simply to acknowledge that race plays a part in our social interactions.
* I am glad these protests are happening. I think that is fairly uncontroversial. What is more controversial is...
* I am in favor of the concept of rioting. My primary criticism of the way it's happening right now is that they are too haphazard in their targeting, and they should be focusing on destroying the things that cause the situation they are rioting over.
* Looting is counterproductive, but it is such a minor element of this that to point to it exclusively just shows that your priorities are out of whack. There are looters, but there are also people in these riots actively preventing people from looting. The crowd is mixed, and right now it's very uncertain if the looters are even part of the cause in the first place or just opportunistic assholes.
* I am a coward, so my support is exclusively monetary and verbal.
* I've had my beefs with the Black Lives Matter organization's tactics, but I have always supported their stated goals. I support them now more than ever.
* Antifa is a non-presence and way too quick to label someone as a Nazi, but if there's a time the ideas behind it are needed, it's now. Maybe the people in it can use this situation to grow up and focus their aggression toward those who are actually fascist. And maybe, if that time comes, they'll do more than just throw milkshakes at people.
* I sincerely hope that, when push comes to shove, the U.S. military defends us against threats, both foreign and domestic. Domestic includes the current commander-in-chief unless he starts walking back this tough talk about shooting civilians without due process.

That's the gist of where I stand on this situation. I will not block anyone for voicing a different opinion than mine, but I will not engage in discussion with you either. I'm tired. We're all tired. Everything has been terrible this year, as much as I tried to make light of it in my last journal, and I think we all just need some rest. But our president has made no effort to allow that rest, and instead is stoking the flames with military threats on his own citizens and making me wonder if we're actually going to go into a violent revolution. I hope not. I hate violence. But I recognize that some people simply can't be persuaded without it.
Comment on Going to weigh in on this too.


Posted by heromc 3 years ago Report

I wish your thoughts were more of the norm, too many people with crazy opinions out there :(

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Posted by Humbug 3 years ago Report

I try to be reasonable, but honestly at this point, I kinda don't blame people for being unreasonable. Shit's fucked, yo. Historically, we are not living in the worst period of human history by a longshot, but I'll be damned if it's not the worst period in modern memory. It's exhausting, and emotions are going to flare.

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Posted by Zephyr42 3 years ago Report

This is probably the most approachable opinion I've seen on this site on this issue. Thanks. Here's hoping for a just and lasting peace out of this shit.

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Posted by Humbug 3 years ago Report

Yeah. Usually things have to get terrible before people get kicked in the pants enough to fix them. I guess we'll see.

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Posted by Güita 3 years ago Report

how intense is the looting? i am worried because a similar situation occurred in Chile (where i live) and when they started looting, they took everything. When there was nothing left they started burning down supermarket chains and private buisnesses, this is what im scared of happening in the US.

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Posted by Güita 3 years ago Report

also, sorry if my english is bad.

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Posted by Humbug 3 years ago Report

So far as I'm aware, the looting isn't that bad. I don't think it's going to get that far here, honestly, because the dynamics thus far have actually been pretty positive in favor of the protestors. Even some police are joining in with them. But I've been wrong plenty before, so we'll see.

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Posted by Güita 3 years ago Report

Nice to know, thanks

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Posted by Humbug 3 years ago Report

Sure thing. :3

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Posted by MirceaKitsune 3 years ago Report

Sounds a lot like my own thoughts, you're really spoken this well! I'm weary of ANTIFA in general due to some of the things I heard about them, so I can't say I support them per say... I definitely do support the protests though, as well as SOME riots that are justified (no severely harming or killing people though).

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Posted by Humbug 3 years ago Report

I think Antifa has its heart in the right place, but lacks the organization and the focus to pick its targets properly and actually affect change.

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Posted by HuskyWolf 3 years ago Report

Actually, I think that BLM and ANTIFA are both within the same subject of “Okay, great idea! But bad execution”

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Posted by SarahTheCuteVixen 3 years ago Report

I genuinely agree with you on this dude. You put it in the words i cannot express

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Posted by Humbug 3 years ago Report

Thanks. :)

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Posted by SarahTheCuteVixen 3 years ago Report

No problem. How did you get so good at writing your thoughts down?

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Posted by Humbug 3 years ago Report

I used to be an English teacher, so lots of preparation via education.

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Posted by Birichino 3 years ago Report

Well, that's about how I'd assess the situation, although I can't think of the military as being on the right side. The protests are happening because everything about the status quo came to a head, so if we're talking about ideal resolutions, the White House just being stormed and the government rebuilt ASAP, before more casualties accrue, may be better than the movement making a minor, probably temporary or isolated step towards police accountability. If protesters focused, maybe they could address and apply more pressure to the chain of causes, though, and get things like better and transparent police training, bodycams and better distribution of funds, and consistent accountability for police actions, trying them for any crimes they commit, even in uniform.

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Posted by Humbug 3 years ago Report

Honestly, knowing the people in the military I know, and what they tell me, it's kind of a 50/50. Yes, they're taught to obey at all times without question, but nowadays, that question actually is there in the back of all their minds. It's one reason there's so much depression amongst servicemembers: A lot of them have consciences that get violated. So we'll see.
But yeah. Police reform seriously needs to happen, for all of our sakes, not just minorities.

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Posted by MaskedSinner 3 years ago Report

I really didn't expect to see a political opinion in a place like this... It was a surprise indeed, but a welcome one

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Posted by Humbug 3 years ago Report

I don't very often, but this seemed important enough to use my platform for.

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Posted by MaskedSinner 3 years ago Report

It is kinda funny though heuheuehu, but i'm sure every act counts :)

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Posted by PhantomWolf 3 years ago Report

First allow me to say I respect your open-minded POV and honesty and the fact that you can acknowledge that systemic racism is a thing when so many others are in denial.
Although I strongly but respectfully disagree with you about "Black privelege" being a thing, this is honestly the first time I've heard that term.

I also respect you voicing your passion for politics. I myself am no that political IRL, Democrat Republican I don't trust either one at this point. (I guess that would TECHNICALLY make me "Independent" but hey I digress).

Each party is run by people with agendas and agendas change.

As for current happenings it's been a long time coming and I truly think we heading towards a second Civil War (or third perhaps since some believe the Revolutionary was technically a Civil War). As we all know history repeats itself and this same storyline as the Rodney King incident and the subsequent 1992 Los Angeles riots

For too long has police brutality issues been swept under the rug or overlooked now an innocent man is dead and six year old girl is gonna grow up without her father.

Meanwhile this clown of "President" hides in a hole like a rat while the country he's supposed to be leading burns.

Either way this nation and this world is headed for a change and change never comes easy.

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Posted by Humbug 3 years ago Report

Thanks for being respectful even if you strongly disagreed with one of my opinions.

I didn't define Black privilege because it wasn't really the topic of conversation, but every race has some societal advantage over others in some way or another. I will in no way say that it by any means makes up for drawbacks to being a certain race or evens the playing field, but Blacks in the United States do have various advantages, small though they may be. Examples: Affirmative Action was put in place to help, and may afford a small advantage over an equally destitute White person. Yes, it was created to combat a widescale issue, but on an individual level, it will benefit Blacks more than Whites. More importantly, though, Black issues receive the most attention out of all minority blocs. Native Americans are in roughly as bad, if not worse, situations, and no one cares about them because they're a tiny percentage of the voting populace. Whenever minority rights come up, it is almost always Blacks and Latinos. And yes, this is in response to an extant problem, but it afford an advantage. Just a couple of examples of what I was talking about.

But yeah. We seem to be heading toward a Civil War again, but I don't know if we really have the guts to actually go into it? Everything is chaotic and unpredictable right now, so I'm kinda just waiting to see how things go while doing my small part in nudging things in the way I want them to go.

But yeah. Fuck this president. I hate him and his cowardly, narcissistic bitch ass, and I always have. How anyone can see him as strong just baffles me. It's like seeing a child throwing a tantrum and admiring that child's assertiveness.

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Posted by PhantomWolf 3 years ago Report

Hey he's who the People wanted and most of his supporters are just as stupid as him. I wonder how many of them regret voting for him.

Everyone who I knew during the last voting season all condemned Hillary Clinton like she was Lilith reincarnated and honestly I don't know where they got their information from. In my opinion she was the lesser evil and Trump has been proving that from his very first day in office

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Posted by Humbug 3 years ago Report

Well, sort of. He didn't get the popular vote; he was only put in because of our nonsensical electoral college. But enough people wanted him that he was a contender, yes.

Hillary's bad. Really, really bad. But yes, she is at least competent and would've been reasonably effective in a crisis situation. I just would've hated her even more after she inevitably sent us to war against Iran, and possibly Russia.

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