Archive > CoolKaios > Blog > Vore Art Reviews for Artists? [Report]

Vore Art Reviews for Artists?

Posted by CoolKaios 2 weeks ago


Just an idea I was batting around was making little reviews here on this blog featuring vore artists I like (or who ask)
Kinda like a little critique, pros, cons...what I like about their work what I do like.

Part of the reason I'd do this is because I've been a "lurker" for a long time and now as an aspiring artist I know how hard it is to make content.
And I want a way to keep track of so many artists throughout the years and in some small way let them know their appreciated.

Also it will be a great way to keep track of Artists I enjoy and maybe if it's really successful I could make a compendium or something?
LOL not sure.

One difficulty I can already see is who I review and why and honestly it will just be on a whim at first...
There are so may artists out there that I cant possibly find them all, and also my niche interest might not lead me to see certain people on my radar, or I might miss an artists for som other reason, so all decisions would just be my unofficial opinion and just kinda general vibes. I tend to write faster than I draw so this might be a neat way to keep giving you guys more content.

Tell then see yall later~
If you think it's a good Idea let me know.
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