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Works Picking Up! Posted 8 months ago

Work has finally started to pick up now, so commissions will start to slow down abit, so I may not take too many more new coms.

There is also a chance Ill stop taking coms in September to prepare for Octobers sale.

That is all, have a good day!
Commissions Reopened! Posted 8 months ago

Nothing really new to report save for commissioned are open again!

Feel free to contact me if you're interested in a commission!

Have a good day!
A change in plans... Posted 9 months ago
NAMASTE! Glad to see you all!

I'm nearing the end of my current coms and will be able to go through with my plans: To take a week long break from drawing in general and come back fresh.

...At least, that was my plan. That plan included my night work starting and likely needing to get myself use to that and balancing drawing. But night work has been...really slow in starting up, more so than I thought, and while my paypal finances grow, the families hasn't been.

As such I'll have to scrap my plan (Again) for now til a better opportunity shows itself, that way I can still keep taking in commissions and making money in case it is needed.

Anyway, I appreciate you all for your contributions to said fund, and will likely be opening once the...
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Commissions Closed! Posted 10 months ago

I know its probably obvious from the top of the page, but I've closed commissions to work on all current coms.

I also am doing this for a future plan I have once I get finished with the coms...oh, and apparently my night time work is starting earlier than planned, but thats just life.

This plan won't be mentioned again til I complete the my current com list...

Anyway, have a good day!
Story Deletions! Posted 10 months ago

This is just a heads up. Most of the stories that I have on here, including ones pre 2010 and otherwise, will be deleted by the weekend.

Night of the Asian Cougar, and Fall of Carma will still be on though.

Most of the stories are old and alittle cringey. I hope to do this to make way for newer stories(Hopefully), as well as a folder for comic scripts for viewers to see(And for any interested commissioners who would like to see them done in a timely manner than I often do).

Anyway, I hope you have a good day!
Reopening and Price Changes! Posted 11 months ago

Sorry for the slowdown, but I will be taking in new coms again.

Comic prices have gone up, and I apologize, but the demand is higher than I expected and truth be told, they take more time and effort to do. ^^;

At some point I may stop taking them so I can finally sit down and try to finish Pool Toy which page 9 is almost fully lined and page 10, the final page, is sketched.

Also, instead of extra characters for regular pics being 60% of based cost, its back to 50%.

Anyway, have a good day!
Starting up on Coms again, but theres a price change in the future. Posted 1 year ago

Basically, everything is said on the tin. I'm gonna be starting on coms again and appreciate everyones patience and understanding.

I have updated the com list, but there is a important note. I'm freezing on taking any new coms for now, as I plan to update comic prices. Now, I'm not gonna do this on my current commissioners, but to ensure theres no confusion and such I won't take any new coms til I do my price change. Hell, I may not even do so, but my aim is still likely a increase on prices for comics(And maybe for regular pic coms).

Thats all, have a good month folks!
Gonna take a Break on Coms! Posted 1 year ago

I just wanted to let you all know thank you for your commissions. What with the slowdown in work and such, its been rather helpful lately!

Now, heres something I have to admit. I feel I've really slowed down in my own work and in general I want to get some stuff done before the month is over, so for the next week I'm going to take a break on coms.

Don't worry, I'll start working on them again when the week is over, its just for the next week I won't be working on any coms. Abit of a mental/physical break to let me get my own stuff/projects done so I can have a clearer schedule for next month, as well as updating and getting a better idea of my overall commissioner list(I'm very bad about not updating it).

Anyway, I hope you all...
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Commissions are Open again! Posted 1 year ago


Today I am open for coms! Slots are limited and I already got a taker, so if your interested, send a pm now!

Note, I may be full by the time I get it, but don't worry, just hold onto your form and wait til I open a slot or so!

Have a good day!
I'll be Opening Soon! Posted 1 year ago

Hope things are going well for you all!

Id just like to note that soon I'll be opening. Precisely on the first or second of February even!

So, before I make the next journal to open up, heres some things I'm going to let you all know ahead of time. There will be a change in the current set up...

1. Limited number for now!

I'm only gonna take five commissions for right now. That will also include being more strict on the multiple slots rule. I've been too willing to make exceptions and thus put on way more work on me than needed. So if you have a multiple part commission(Or more than one), you will take up the appropriate slots.

2. Comic prices going up!

As pic prices are fine where they are...
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