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6/3 - 6/10 Raffle Winners announced Posted 1 year ago
We have 3 winners from here, and 2 from Twitter, all mentioned here:

tldr is that  z3d  gonzaii1313 and  twinkle won here.

If you didn't win this time, don't worry, i'll host another after this one is complete.
Minor update Posted 1 year ago
Apologies on the sparsity lately, finals and whatnot.

Starting next week i'll more time to work on stuff so there should be an uptick.

I'm also planning more of these subsequent sketch based community activities, so hopefully that should start serving as proper intermittent content.

However, while I do plan to upload what I can here as I have been, i'm still not primarily a vore artist, and do have some other things I want to work on simultaneously like I used to do. Currently there's nothing set in stone about that, but I hope that you guys would be interested in the other stuff I put out in addition to what you're already accustomed to. Think of it less like "Oh he's not working on it?" and more "He's working on it, but also offering...
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Regarding the Reimagined Comics... Posted 2 years ago
Taking a little poll here so I know how to divide my time.

Would you prefer I work strictly on the comic here, so that upload after upload is just that comic, even though it may take a bit longer, but it's a continuous story, or would you prefer I do it as I go, so that I can work on other things and give out a wider variety of uploads between each page that comes out?

I figure it's likely one or the other, I'm just interested if you guys just really want them all at once or if I can take my time.
Ko-Fi back up Posted 2 years ago
Howdy folks. Nothing big this time, just wanted to mention my Ko-Fi is now up again.

I uh... had deleted it during a weird time and just never got around to bringing it back.
It's now linked in my bio if, for any reason, you enjoy my work and feel like supporting me or just giving a tip.
The link itself is here:
Warm-Ups 1 Posted 2 years ago
Little raffle going on via twitter for a free bust sketch, something to help me get back into the swing of things.
If you don't have a twitter, unfortunately I don't have anything else in place! But i'll be trying to make these more frequent, so the next one may be a bit more open.

If you wish to participate, you can do so here:
Little something regarding commission revision... Posted 2 years ago
Over on DA I have a poll running right now, link here:

Basically i'm gauging just whether paying over time, or in stages, would work better as an optional method of payment if you don't wish to pay all at once or can't pay all at once. Make it more affordable and available.
With the upcoming revision of my commissions, I believe it should make it fairly accessible, and would appreciate feedback on that idea, in addition to any other ideas you may have that might help when it comes to making higher end commissions something less scary to approach.
If you don't have a DA account to vote, I...
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A certain rule of the internet... Posted 2 years ago
Howdy folks!

Not a super big announcement, but I did want to mention i'm looking into starting to get my newer stuff back onto R34. I just go by "Efir" on there, dropped the "Doodles" part, made it easy, similar to how I have it here on Eka's.

Kinda... didn't upload for a while there so a lot of the stuff is back from my traditional art days, and I wanna start flooding that stuff out, y'know?

Either way, I just wanted to say that If I miss something that is allowed to be posted there (Obviously we know what we can and can't put there, like both Christmas images, Parent Teacher Convorence, and Just a Little Taste won't be there) then feel free to add it. I don't mind my work being shared around, after all, and it doesn't hurt to get...
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Mall Mishaps Panels Posted 2 years ago
Howdy y'all.
I've had a few people ask, and coupled with the commissioner needing a smaller file size for them to upload it to their other outlets, i've went on ahead and cut the comic into individual panels, and will upload them all after part 2 drops into the folder it's in.
I figure it should be waaaay easier to view that way, as the verticality of the comic doesn't lend itself nicely to the funky zoom Eka's and other sites do where you have little control over the zoom itself.

Some panels will be doubled up though, but only the ones where element from one panel bleed into another. Hopefully that doesn't affect the ease of viewing.
Next Reimagining Poll Posted 2 years ago
If you have a DA account and would like to participate and vote on whether you'd like me to do Sister Sandwich or Family Meal first, feel free to use the link provided to cast your vote.

Have a good day, folks!
Coming back soon! Posted 2 years ago
Howdy folks! Hope everyone celebrating Thanksgiving had a great day!

Man, my presence here has been a little scare, i'm aware. I *WAS* going to start putting out some sketches in my lulls of activity, but uh... we know how that went, with that not happening and my last actual uploads being back in October.

I should have a very filling comic commission out here soon as I've been able to full dedicate myself back to art. So once that rolls out here soon and you guys have had the time to check it out, you should be able to anticipate actual content again instead of these weird droughts.

I've been having a bit of a rough go lately but things seem to be picking up.

Apologies on the lack of content! It'll be changing soon!