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Art Trades? Posted 5 years ago
I haven't really done much art in a while and I sort of want to get the new year kicked off with some possible art trades. While I may not accept everybody, if you are interested do let me know by leaving a comment, I don't mind drawing anthros, ponies, ferals or pokemon. Not so much humans but I can give it the ol college try if I decide to do a trade with you and it's what you want.
Back from the Dead... AGAIN :P Posted 5 years ago
This always happens, Life gets busy and I forget to check sites for a long time. Also never did manage to get my HelloNurse account back on FA, So I made a new account over there called 'WaywardSkeleton' if you need to find me there.
Requests? Posted 7 years ago
I want to try and get back into the vore swing of things so, I am willing to maybe do some requests. So throw ideas my way. Do know that I won't draw all requests and I will pry only draw those that interest me. Stuff with ponies, pokemon and snakes (or other feral preds) are most likely to catch my interest. I will mostly do soft oral but I may be willing to do quicksand, goo, slime, unbirth, soul or tail. No hard, AV, CV or post vore scat.
Should have everything uploaded soon Posted 7 years ago
I've been uploading stuff in small bursts each day to not spam. Tomorrow should be the last day of uploads and then I should have everything I want here uploaded.