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How to calculate the weight of your giant characters Posted 9 years ago
First, imagine the creature as small, or human sized, and think how much it would weigh. Let's take a hypothetical girl 'Jane' for starters. Jane is five feet tall, and weighs 110 pounds. Now, how much would Jane weigh if she was a 55ft tall version of herself?

Calculate how many times over her old hight that is: 55 ft / 5 ft = 11

Jane is 11 time taller now.

It's tempting to say her weight would also be 11 times bigger: 11 x 110 lb = 1210 lb

Sounds like a lot maybe, but this would only account for the weight of a 55 ft tower of 11 normal sized Janes standing on each other's shoulders. If that tower were a single person, she would be only as wide as the original Jane. Yikes!

To get to her final hight, Jane needs to grow...
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The perfect name for a book Posted 10 years ago
Today I had a great idea strike out of the blue: the perfect title for a collection of vore stories, should I ever want to write one. The name seemed so delightfully magnificent that it had me grinning like a fool at my own cleverness. What was it? Are you ready for this? The Nomnomnomicon!
Come on, you have to admit that pretty awesome.

Unfortunately a quick check online shows that the name was already taken by some lame blog that has nothing to do with vore. ( Oh well, so much for my originality.
Commission Posted 10 years ago
I recently commissioned a sketch from 4ofSwords, and I'm very pleased with the way it turned out! :)
Fast Story Posted 11 years ago
Discovered this random story outline generator by YumiGumie, check it out, it's fantastic!

Here is the story I made based on a one-time random generation:

Once upon a time there was a big, strong, hansom human named Human Man. No one could hear him because of the red and white slippers he wore, he was just so stealthy.

Human Man was secretly half-human. The only one who knew this was his own mother and her big fat house cat, whom she had told in a moment of weakens. This house cat was so big that it made Human Man look like a mouse by comparison. No surprise then when one day the cat pounced on him as he was gardening....
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Story in development, star crossed pt II, need help! Posted 11 years ago
A while ago I started the story Star Crossed, but I have yet to finish it ( I am a very slow writer). I finally have a second part, a rough draft, but I'm not entirely happy with it. I could really use a little proof reading, also a second opinion on the content and structure. I'm feeling sort of stuck. Maybe my work is good, and I'm just too close in to see it/obsessing over nothing. I don't want to post a half-assed attempt and sour the first part, which I thought was pretty good.

If anyone out there liked the first part and want to lend me a creative hand in shaping the second, please PM me. I'll send you what I have and you can tell me what you think, even add parts and change others. With a little help, maybe we can get this albatross off the ground.

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Victorious Dragons Posted 11 years ago
Hi portal, I'd like to share some drawings that I did years and years ago. They all portray huge dragons (or monsters) gorged and glutted on the hapless flesh of their victims.
Star Crossed Illustrations Posted 11 years ago
So I'm working on a new story, Star Crossed

I thought it would be fun to have a few illustrations to go along with it.

Amada Bear, one of the characters involved.
Self Image Posted 12 years ago
Grimglut here! The great, the prolific!

I'm working on my first interactive story, it will blow your little minds, so be careful now ( ). Anyway, dashed up some illustrations to go along with the story and needed somewhere to post them...therefore:

Paradox Posted 14 years ago
Grimglut here! The Great... The Masterful...The Unerring...

I'm going to try and be committed to this, my blog; and so as not to lose the interest of my legion viewers, I will be posting updates as frequently as once a year, maybe even twice if the mood takes me. Yes I know that in human time this is quite a span, and many may even pass away of decrepitude between posts, screaming in anguish at the thought of never reading my wonderful words again. But I can't help that your life span is so pathetically short, just try and pass the thrill of anticipation on to your hoard of grandkids, alright?

How is it that such a short lived race of ignorant apes came to encrust the world anyway, it's something of a conundrum ? Ah, and so it is that I smoothly slide into the...
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My Gold, Your Paper. Posted 14 years ago
Well losers,

Here I sit, atop five times my body weight in genuine gold, and my body weight is not to be taken lightly.
Okay, so the bottom layer is just copper, but that's not the point.

I have more gold than Coronado can shake a stick at, I have more gold than king Midis, I have more gold than your weakling athlete fellow, Michael Phelps. (by the way, that award for long-distance flying should have gone to me, I mean the guy doesn't even have wings for heaven sake!)

The point is I was right! (I always am)

You should have seen the lines of dopes lined up outside my lair, trying to convince me to "invest" my wealth in their company. They told me how they had received returns of “thirty present annually”. They would open...
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