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Friend Request Posted 1 year ago
So, I am uh lookin for friends plese?
What would I do If I could do anything? Write about you. Interactive Fiction Continuation Posted 1 year ago
The main way in which I will continue the interactive fiction I was working on is over here:
What would I do if I could do anything? Write about you. Posted 1 year ago
You see a massive sleeping green dragon sprawled out before you. It is under a green tarp stretched on top of poles over a football field.
You are on the beach in front of a group of vacant beach condos on stilts. They are on a small island, a sand bar of a size. The beach is behind and all around. The condos are set back on one side of the beach reaching the tallest height. It is sunny, warm, and the tide is out. The waves lightly lap the beach.
More tarps over poles are setup under one next to the dragon. Under a set of them is a mew, an evee, a snorlax, and a mudkip. They are cuddled by a sleeping jackalope that is laying down on beach towels.
A pregnant bear lays against the snorlax looking on a cell phone. A fat ginger cat is laying against the dragon with a Samoyed...
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Yes Posted 2 years ago
I am here because I wish to locate somethin' to "tickle my fancy" if you know what I mean. I'm in a mood.

Therein I am now bullshatting of what is happeninining to me here now.

Much hast happened. I am so officially breaking my general social media fast (not entirely a fast because I have popped onto facebook rarely and youtube is social media and I have a youtube premium subscription).

Anyways... anyways... so why I am here is that I was set to visit my sister this christmas and a week before it I started to come down with sore throat. Then cough, then fever, then fah.

I haven't had such abrupt loss of taste and smell in my life. Maybe my energy is generally down but I am in isolation so yes I got covid.

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Do you want to be in a story: Alan's Candy Dreams Posted 2 years ago
This is neat, I just copied and pasted the entry I put in here to my webserver wordpress and it brought in the links. That's awesome.

Anyways, I am posting this journal entry again in case anyways missed it. If you want to RP in a Fat Furry type RP that will be made into a story, Please see here:

I have two sign ups already. Hoping for more.
Let me tell you a big bad vore story Posted 2 years ago
Let me tell you a big bad vore story.

Once there was a bear, a snake, and a frog. They were vore friends. Most often the snake would eat someone else and the bear and the frog would sit next to the snake and rub its belly.

The frog, having a big mouth could eat the bear and snake pretty easily. The bear struggled to eat the snake or the frog. The snake had no problem with either.

One day, the friends got seperated and were in the woods on a path to the frogs pad. The snake came across a bunny.

The bunny said he would show the snake the way back to the path. But when the snake went ahead the bunny slurped up the snake with ease. The bunny patted his tummy that had the outline of the snake on the outside.

Then the bunny set out...
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Weekly Update 2/4/2020 Posted 4 years ago
I am doing my hobbies one day at a time and rotating them. I got a lot of hobbies. This past weekend had me catching up on movies, shows, and videos. So far so good. I am adding beading back to my list of hobbies. I did it once, and it was spurred on by religious reasons as it is now. I was going to include candle and incense making but I don't have enough room for anymore hobbies. I think things are going steadily well otherwise, including Meditations. My hobbies were inclusive of drawing and creative writing, music, etc.
Weekly Update 1/27/2020 Posted 4 years ago
I'm doing alright. This past week, I worked on my meditations becoming frustrated with those. I worked on beading for making a mala and a few other religious necklaces. Hung out with friends on Friday. Cory suggested things to do with my meditations so I hope those make a difference. Nothing else much happened of note.
Weekly Update 1/20/2020 Posted 4 years ago
I didn't get to make the post I wanted so here I go again. I got my temporary crown in until February 3rd. I can't eat anything on the right side of my mouth or anything sticky. We had a production day on Saturday since we were shut down most of monday. I took off so it didn't matter to me. I've been struggling with my meditations and I discovered I was pushing ahead to other ones before completing the ones before it such as sitting still. So I am going back to give the sitting still another go. This includes trying not to blink. Then I'll go back to breathing concentration.
Weekly Update 1/19/2020 Posted 4 years ago
This past week, We worked Saturday again because of down time on Monday. I got my temporary crown on so didn't work that day.