One was at home alone with Fours' new pet monitor lizard Mr. Wiggles, when he looked at his watch and saw that it was feeding time. One put down the book he was reading and went into the kitchen where Mr. Wiggles was being kept in a cage. One went into the pantry and got a shoe box down from the top shelf and took it over to Mr. Wiggles cage. One took off the lid to the box and got out a white mouse, One then opened the cage to feed Mr. Wiggles, and that's exactly what One did. Mr. Wiggles bit Ones' right hand and got a firm grip on it. One went to use his left hand to get his right hand out of the lizards' mouth, but Mr. Wiggles took his left hand in as well, covering them in saliva as he swallowed them down his throat. One screamed in terror as his head slowly approached the salavating maw of Mr. Wiggles. One tired to get his hands around the throat of Mr. Wiggles, but the hungry lizard shook his head back and forth as he worked One down his throat and into his stomach. Mr. Wiggles tilted his head back and used gravity to swallow Ones' chest, quickly gulping him down. A few swallows and One was trapped inside the belly of Mr. Wiggles, his useless screams for help nothing more than muffled groans. His belly full and tight, Mr. Wiggles decided to stay in his cage and sleep off his large meal, he only hoped that when it came time, he could feed like that again.