You always had a vague interest in
biology. It wasn’t enough to make you spend hours upon hours
studying out of dusty old textbooks but you certainly had an interest
in the weird and wonderful side of organic science. Beyond potato
clocks, you were testing how quickly food is digested and the net
mass of food converted to waste. You were reading up on parasites and
those strange cases throughout history of weird pallets and tastes,
like Tarrare. The more you looked at it, the more links you ma
Soiled Scent of Science
By: Pactborn
Favorited: 8 years ago
Clarissa sat
in her hut by herself. A red ornate bow in her chestnut hair. She was
sat on her bed with her knees up to her chest as she thought about
what to do. When gifted with such magical power the world was truly
your oyster but the childish sorceress often got bored very, very
easily. She could turn the sun into a ball of glittery yarn for the
day is she wanted, but that seemed boring. With a snap of her
porcelain tidy fingers, a million pink mongooses would ransack the
nearby town of Wens
Delicious Dairy
By: Pactborn
Favorited: 8 years ago
Ding-ding. The bell above the door
of Sugarcube Corner rang out, announcing the arrival of an early
riser. Blue ears rose up, the mare behind the counter getting into
position and straightening out her frilly yellow apron before Cup
Cake greeted the customer. “Good Morning, Neon!” she declared
with a soft smile, his unmistakeable striped blue scarf giving him
away in a heartbeat.
“Good morning, Mrs. Cake,” the
grey earth pony replied as he nervously ran a hoof through his green
Baking Up a Storm
By: Cainiam
Favorited: 8 years ago