Voretober 2024
“I’ve developed a brand new technique!” she said.
“Technique for what?” he asked.
“A few minutes ago I swallowed a portal generator. So now all I need is this remote for it and this funnel. After that, it’s all about timing.”
“Since when do you have a portal generator? And why did you swallow it? You aren’t making any sen–”
“Now I’ll set the exit portal’s coordinates to deep space. Then
Incompletel Voretober 2024
By: marloweny
Favorited: 3 months ago
Zeke stared up at the cave with amusement. In the past, Blaze had simply come to meet him when they needed to speak, or when he wanted to see the reincarnated god. He’d demurred on allowing Zeke to come visit him, citing the distance, and the fact that Zeke would have to climb a cliff face. The human had simply assumed that Blaze didn’t want him to see his lair, although after seeing Aeternias’ lair, he was pretty sure that any of the others weren’t necessarily going to
Advancing To The Rear
By: immortalsane
Favorited: 3 months ago
8/8 – © ninth –I awakened to the sound of my phone buzzing urgently on the nightstand next to my bed. I groaned and rolled over, cracking one eye open to glance at the time. 6:35 AM?! Way too early, what the hell? I hadn’t even fallen asleep until around 2. I ignored it, waiting until the ringing stopped, already drifting off again.The early morning sunlight spilled through my half-drawn curtains, bathing my small room in a buttery gold hue. Too harsh! I grimaced, putting my a
By: ninth
Favorited: 1 year ago