HarlequinGemini's posted rules and status.

Accept Requests: No

Accept Trades: No

Accept Commissions: Yes


Hey! I'm not quite available to draw all the time but I really want to try making some money so I might as well use my art for something. Just know I can be a bit on the slow side so please be patient

Will Do / Won't Do

Will Do:
General Weight Gain
Female Pred/Oral Vore

Won't Do:
Male Pred
Anal Vore
Furry content (I'm not an anthro artist)
Vtubers (I don't hate them, I just don't feel comfortable drawing it)
More to add if I can remember


$10 minimum for a basic sketch
$20 for clean line art
+$5 (Sketch)/+$10 (Lineart) to add more characters/extra effort (like internals)/stuff I'm not keen on doing
ⅹ2 will add light color
ⅹ2.5 will do full rendering
For every multiple of 10 I will be adding a +$1 tax on PayPal

For example: A rendered line art picture featuring an internal will be $ⅹ2.5+Tax = $75+7 = $82 Total
Also keep in mind that any multisequence commission will need to pay for each part individually


PM me


  1. Status: Open
  2. Status: Open