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Deep Tail Fluff By SupremeToadLord -- Report

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With Nakano returning home for Mother's Day after spending a few days with his mother, Senko plans to celebrate the special day with what he adores most: her tail!

Word Count: 8,432.


Wow, how long has it been since I last wrote Senko content? If we don't count the Shiro story for 8/8 last year… yeah it's been a long while but after so long, a Senko story & it's just in time for my birthday today… even though it's not a birthday-focused piece at all.

So you may be wondering why this is Mother's Day themed despite that having long passed (even longer for me since it's in March over here)... this was meant to be a story all the way back in March but I ended up putting a pause on it and it stayed that way all the way until a little after I uploaded my 8/8 story for this year. I don't usually upload a story for my birthday, in fact I don't really enjoy that day at all but I decided I would this year & remembered this story waiting to be resumed. I haven't completed and uploaded a Senko story in so long and now here we are!

One glance at the tags will tell you I tried something I've never written before: tail vore. This is my first attempt at it so I'm not gonna say I handled it perfectly or anything like that, that's for you guys to decide, especially those tail connoisseurs. Given Senko takes a lot of pride in her tail, I figured she'd be the perfect choice for this so yeah! :3

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I had fun writing it~! In case you're wondering, yes I did see the official Senko game announcement earlier this month! It blew my mind… maybe that means we're one step closer to a Season 2 announcement? I know it's been over five years, I'm gonna keep holding hope!


And as always, the visual representation for the characters in this story~

(From left - right) Shiro, Nakano & Senko: (This art is perfect for all three :3)

The art used for the thumbnail can be found here:

I don't think I could've made it more obvious in this story that I really want to write Suzu. I know I said I wouldn't until Season 2 was announced but my patience is running thin.

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Posted by MasterGryph 5 months ago Report

There needs to be more tail-fluff vore in the world. (As opposed to just tailmaw vore.)


Posted by hi529 5 months ago Report

More Senko, what a beautiful day~


Posted by Jxyzz654 5 months ago Report

Never to much Senko in the world


Posted by GeneralUrist 5 months ago Report

"tail vore" that leads to someone getting absorbed into the plane of infinite fluff is a super cool idea. This writing captures the comfort so exceptionally I can almost feel it!