Navigating the Bamboo Forest of the Lost is as tedious as it may sound, but a bit of trekking, back tracking and asking for directions from the immortal in red helps a ton, you are making your way to Eientei to gather some medicine for the village.
You catch a glimpse of a familiar prankster earth rabbit sitting atop a high platform, and approach to ask: "Hey, have you seen Reisen?" She turns and says "Sure! She's about to fall for... eh- HOLD ON! YOU'RE ABOUT TO FALL-" You continue walking towards her as she says this and look down the instant you step on a tripwire. You are catapulted several yards forward... "Shit..." uttered Tewi.
Heading to an the izakaya on her day off, Reisen hears the sound of a catapult and tries to trace the source of the sound whilst looking around. "Did that idiot fall for her own trap? Serves her right."
She notices for a second the incoming catapulted human unintentionally aimed where she stands, and doesn't react in time.
Not only are you accidentally swallowed whole by Reisen, but she ended up knocked out from the impact, as she groans unconsciously. You begin to struggle as her stomach begins instinctively breaking you down as you ask for help.
After what seemed like half an hour, you are partially engulfed in fluids, you already have partially melted and wonder if you still have a lower body... "Ooof... How long was I out?" You immediately push at her walls to get her attention. "Huh? Is this some weird experiment again that I forgot about...? Y/N!?!?" She jolts up. "I can't believe this happened! I gotta head back home before it's too late!"
Reisen breaks into a surprisingly sudden and fast sprint, despite having an entire person in her stomach, jumping across rocks, trees and fallen bamboo as you slosh rather frantically, although taking a few moments to burp out the gas building up, at one moment saying: "Please survive..."
Finally at Eientei, she makes a dash to the pharmacy area.
"Back so soon?" Eirin notices the exasperated look on Reisen's face, and catches a glimpse of her swollen gut, gasping. "No time to talk!" Reisen rushes to the cabinets, acquires and swallows a pill in no time.
She sighs and slumps down to the floor, rubbing her belly. "Y/N, I've taken a special... pill that we do not distribute... to any part of genso...kyo... You will heal from... inside of... hooof... my stomach."
Eirin crouches down and presses down around Reisen's swollen gut to feel for any sign of you, and barely feels your head. "So I take it this was an accident?"
"Yes... And I believe Tewi had to do with it."
"Hey, you ok in there?" She asks, poking at where your head is, you give a thumbs up and press it on her inner walls enough that you make an imprint that she and Eirin can see.
"So, Reisen." Eirin asks. "Do you know which experimental medicine you just took?"
"Of course! The one that heals a swallowed person! ... Right?"
"Well, yes, but I perhaps should've told you that there are other variants that I've concocted, other than the one we gave to the tengu journalist as part of the experiment."
Eirin paces around a bit. "You see, the first one utilizes the predator's magic essence to heal their prey in order to work, which is why it is so effective."
She picks up the bottle and looks at it.
"...the one you took requires that you... sustain yourself the normal way, with the "prey" still inside."
"Ahh! So no wonder I'm still so hungry! In fact, I think I'm even more starving..."
"In a way, it is amusingly reminiscent of a pregnant mother craving food as a result of the offspring sustaining itself from her own eaten food."
"Heeheehee! I do feel like a mother!" She happily massages her belly and pats it several times.
"Matter of fact, it's likely more effective than the first, given the sustenance should be essential to boosting the healing process... that being said..."
She reaches in her pocket.
"I'm giving you 5000¥." Eirin slips the bills to to the rabbit.
"!?!? Are you sure this is okay?" Reisen asks, in both disbelief and excitement.
"This medicine should allow for one to consume very large portions of food without getting sick or indigestion, however, I don't know the limits so please don't eat till you're immobile."
"And this would've been preventable, so punishment will be in order. You will be doing extra errands this week."
"Right, master..." Reisen sighs.
She grips her belly and drools a bit, wiping it with her sleeve.
"Well, get a move on, you have a feast ahead of you."
The earth rabbit takes her leave while purposely sloshing you around gleefully, you haven't healed much yet, since all she had today was some tea and mochi, and she eagerly makes her way to the izakaya, humming along the way.
Upon you and your bunny captors arrival, she had cleared nearly half the menu, even getting a bit drunk off of some pretty pricey alcohol.
Your legs haven't grown back, as the process seems to be taking some time, and you wonder if it'll take longer than how long it took for her digestive juices to melt your lower regions...
To most on lookers, she only looks very pregnant, but it's only because of her impressive height, and the food surrounding you, hiding your imprints to avoid suspicion.
Across her table, comes a half witted, white haired samurai.
"Why are you gorging yourself to death now?" Asked Youmu.
"I worked myself to death! And I'm hungry!" She retorts, sticking her tongue out, while giggling.
"Yeah, you must've worked up a... ravenous appetite." As she says this, Youmu notices the size of her belly, and catches a glimpse of you shifting and audibly sloshing around in there.
Youmu joins Reisen with a good night's dinner, having small talk about work, recent incidents and some of the new plates at the establishment.
By then, it was already time to cash out, Youmu was a bit concerned with paying her end. "Oh, don't worry, I'll pay both checks!" "Oh my, thank you!" Youmu graciously smiles at her.
The bill came out to 4839¥...
Reisen grins nervously. "Yeah... My pleasure! (Talk about cutting it close...)"
"Mmmhn, I can barely stand..." A fairly stuffed and drunken Youmu stands from her chair and immediately stumbles, catching herself on the table. "Shall I walk you home?"
"With the way you are? You sure?" Youmu asks in genuine curiosity.
"All that medicine delivery has me pretty toned. I even have to do some exercises myself." Reisen boasts, flexing her left arm and patting her belly with her other arm.
"Another way we're like-minded..." Youmu declares, staring at her body, lounging at Reisen's arm and grasping it, surprising her and making her giggle.
"But you are up there with the strong... cute girls... Heehee..." The ghost girl starts to get a bit lustful, and they head out of the izakaya.
Halfway to hakugyoroku, A now inebriated Youmu asks a pressing question. "Ish therue a pershon en dere?" poking her belly.
"Uh..." Reisen struggles to say something. "Yes... It was an accident though... Long story short, had this accident, took a special pill and now they're getting healed from inside there..." Reisen nervously spills the truth.
"Woooow... I think I'd like to spend a bit of time in there... I do have some injuries from my last danmaku battle with that black and white magician..." Youmu pushes Reisen down as she falls on her rump, and hugs and caresses the bunny tummy.
"Y- you're serious? Are you sure? Is this necessary?" Reisen questions, while blushing.
"Do you like the taste of humans?" She shoots a daring question.
"Well, I thought I wouldn't, but..."
"I may be half human, but I can make this work." Youmu stands over Reisen and pops open a bottle of sake she bought along, and drenches herself with it.
"Waah!!! That's expensive!" Say the shocked Reisen.
"And so am I... So eat your expensive meal... Udongein..." Youmu kisses Reisen for a good minute before forcing her arms down her throat, the reluctant earth rabbit was quick to notice the taste of the sake mixed in with Youmu's taste, and it was too enticing to turn down, the earth rabbit quickly begins to gulp her down, she grips her waist and stands to bring her legs pointing upwards, swallowing with further assistance from gravity, and in about 30 seconds the ghost girl joined her stomach alongside you...
"I hope you enjoy yourself in there, silly girl. Mhheehee..." Reisen sways around and lifts her belly up to slosh both of you around. "Goodness, what a day, what are we going to tell our masters?" As Reisen says this, she picks up Youmu's swords and scabbards, as well as the bottle of empty and expensive sake.
"Ehehehehe... Hello..." The woozy ghost girl greets you. "Ur more injured than I am..." She notices your skin burns, that are still a ways to fully healing, looking like it'll take until tomorrow to fully heal.
Reisen, with a belly full of food, alcohol, a human and a half, proudly makes her way back home, giggling and hiccing along the way.
After bathing, she stumbles to bed, quietly laughing in a silly manner, still drunk, rubbing her belly. "Make yourselves comfortable now..." Youmu asks for you to turn around, which you oblige to, and holds you from behind, Reisen continuing to rub her belly as she hums to both of you for a few minutes, until she falls dead asleep.
"Sounds like she's snoring now... Good! Now I could go for seconds..." Youmu says as she heavily breathes down your neck, holding you in place as you struggle to break free, not that already being in a stomach gives you much room, and her grasp on you is quite strong, you hear her licking her lips and feel a different but familiar wet sensation going up your neck and over your head... you're being swallowed again!
Youmu slowly swallows you like a serpent, moaning in your taste, Reisen, still asleep grabs her belly with a annoyed expression on her sleepy face: "Mmmgh, my foodz movhing arr...ound... Hmmmmm... Heeheehee... *burp*" Her belly tightens a bit around Youmu, but it doesn't hinder her much from swallowing you as you continue to struggle. Finally she completely consumes you.
"*beeeelch!* Ahhhhhhh... I haven't eaten someone in a while..." Youmu, now bloated, begins to rapidly break you down. "Too bad for you, but at least you ended up being a meal for two though!" Your voice is way too muffled for Reisen to hear, not that she would wake up to most noises.
In the morning, Reisen groggily awakes with a nasty hangover, and doesn't remember last night.
"Ughhh... I ate so much food... How did i do that? It feels so firm..." She rubs her stomach to have a feel. "Almost feels like... there's a whole person in there... huh."
"Good morning Reisen!" A muffled voice yells out from inside her stomach. "Gweh!? Youmu?! Is that you? Did i swallow you?"
"Looks like you don't remember what happened last night. You must've gotten drunk, here." Eirin enters the room and hands Reisen a potion for curing hangovers. "Thank you master... Now could you expla-"
"Come outside, there's some mutual friends waiting outside." Eirin suddenly leaves to the outdoors before Reisen could finish her sentence, before grumpily getting herself ready and putting on clothes. "I hate it when she does this..." She says to herself.
Upon exiting the mansion, she is greeted by Yuyuko, with Yukari present as well, who is watching earth rabbits pounding mochi.
"Well there you are, my dear Youmu! You've went and gotten yourself eaten now?" Yuyuko walks up to Reisen and pats her belly. "Hello, Miss Yuyuko! Yeah I've gotten myself eaten by Miss Reisen and I'm enjoying it in here!" Youmu happily declares.
A bewildered Reisen turns to Eirin, who shows her the same potion that Reisen took yesterday. "In case you forgot, you took this, and i should've mentioned that it seems to be permanent. So both of your prey are safe inside you." She explains.
"I swallowed more than 1 person?" Reisen looks down at her self, her belly suddenly jolts up, making her yelp. "Oh right! Miss Eirin, i swallowed that person and completely absorbed them!
"Oh my, Youmu, you've went and done it again..." Yuyuko remarks.
"Let's not pretend most of us here haven't indulged in... such tendencies." Yukari finally joins the conversation, ever so making the opening statement.
"Ok Reisen, you're going to have to release Youmu now, hold your breath." Reisen nods and heeds the instruction, suddenly her belly contracts and Youmu is pulled up by her inner walls, and is spat out at an surprising force, sending Youmu rolling towards a wall.
"Blegh... Ughh... I don't think I'll get used to that..." Reisen wipes her self, and begins to button herself up.
Everyone walks up to the dazed Youmu against the wall upside down and seeing flying chicks. "I enjoyed the experienceeee..." She says wearily.
"Youmu!" Yukari grabs her attention, causing her to snap back and stand up.
"Yes, Miss Yukari?"
"Would you like to explain why you went and digested that person?"
"Uhhh, ummmm, errrr... Bleh!" Youmu strikes an innocent, but mischievous pose.
"Perhaps even airheads keep things to themselves... Never mind." Yukari walks off and ponders to herself...
Reisen adds her 2 cents. "I feel that we should make this into a premium service and maybe bring the other earth rabbits to this! I actually really liked this idea."
The brain adds: "Yes, but more experiments will be in order... finding a volunteer might be hard, but we can always go for desperate measures and-"
Not too far behind the walls of Eientei, the noise catches everyone's attention, and heading over there reveals that a naked, but tattered clothed you slumped on the ground.
"...Reisen, is this the person you swallowed?
"I... Y-yes... But how?
"Devour them."
Reisen's rabbit ears perk up, hesitating a bit.
"Oh? Well, ok then!" Wasting no time at all, she jumps towards you, still unconscious on the ground, and swiftly swallows you again.
"Looks like i beat her to it!" She kneads her belly and pats it.
Youmu pouts.
"So I suppose we'll keep going with this experiment, master?"
"Of course, and this time I'd like for you to see how long this concoction will keep the "prey" alive." As she says this, she hands Reisen the potion.
*gulp* *gulp *gulp*
"Waaahh... I'd like for this to last a week. This is pure bliss..."
It seems something is amiss...
Posted by thefray013 11 days ago Report
Youmu's so cute...
Posted by DeviousTengu 11 days ago Report
she's a dork too