Archive > Kooshmeister > Stories > Where He Belongs: Bill's Destiny
Part I - The First Meeting
Ian sat in a soft-backed booth in a nice, upscale restaurant. He was a very large young man, over six feet tall, and a little overweight, although from his frame it could barely be noticed when he was wearing clothes save for a big of stomach that pressed out against his shirt. He had long wavy brown hair, auburn in sunlight, that frizzed and flowed out of the ponytail he tried to keep it back in. He searched for his friend Robert who he was supposed to meeting at the restaurant.
Robert was a friend of Ian's who he knew from college, a well-built man who had become a wildlife vetrenarian almost immediately out of college. He enterted the restaurant accompanied by a second, smaller man, who stood off to one side and wasn't very noticable at the moment. Robert spoke to the maitre'd who pointed over to the table Ian was sitting at. Robert nodded his thanks and headed over, smiling. "Hi Ian, sorry we're late. We go stuck in traffic," he said.
Ian smirked at his friend. "A likely story," he said. His eyes turned to Robert's companion, and he forgot for a moment what he was doing. He felt his pants tighten.
Robert followed Ian's gaze, blinking. "Oh!" he said, and then motioned for the other man to come over. He did so, looking a bit shy, to say the least. Robert smiled and put an arm around his shoulders and said, "This is Bill."
Bill was smaller than both Robert and Ian, a mere five feet seven inches, with a very thin, bony frame, although you couldn't tell at the moment in his button-down shirt and slightly bagging slacks. He had short, neatly combed brown hair and wore gold-rimmed glasses.
"He's my new boyfriend I mentioned to you over the phone," Robert continued.
"A good catch," Ian said, putting on a fairly convincing smile.
"Yeah, really. Say hi, Bill," Robert said. After Bill didn't say anything, he smiled and gave the shorter man a playful little shake.
Bill managed a small smile and said, "H-Hi." It was clear that he was unaccustomed to being in public places like this.
"Well let's all get settled in," Robert said and he and Bill sat down at the table across from Ian, Bill never taking his eyes off of Ian. There was something about him, and about the way he said "A good catch."
Ian's body was becoming insistent, his cock hard as a rock in his pants. He tried to distract himself by calling the waitress over. She came over notepad and pen ready. "Are you three ready to order?" she asked.
Bill reached up and adjusted his glasses which had become crooked, and Robert nuzzled him Bill's neck, making the nerdy man smile for the first time that evening and giggle a bit. Robert stopped nuzzling Bill and turned to the waitress. "Uh, yes," he said. "I'll have a Sprite to start with, and I think the steak will do. Bill, sweetie?"
He turned back to Bill who had begun staring at Ian again for some reason. It took a nudge on his arm from Robert's elbow to make him look over and acknoledge the presence of the waitress. "Oh!" he said, feeling a little embarrassed, cheeks flushing. "I'll have a C-Coke, and a plain cheeseburger. Just meat, bread, and cheese."
"Always the same thing," Robert chuckled, then looked expectantly at Ian.
"I'll have the fettuchini alfredo and a glass of water," Ian said. Ian smiled softly and spoke without looking away from Bill, a strange glint in his eye. Bill licked his lips, looking at the waitress, then at Ian just in time to catch the glint in his eyes. He felt his pulse quicken.
"Just water?" the waitress asked, pausing in her jotting.
Ian broke his gaze to look at the waitress, thinking she must me new, or possibly distracted by the three men, all attractive in their own ways. He simply nodded. The waitress shrugged and looked like she felt incredibly stupid and nodded, jotting that down. "All right," she said. "Anything else? Appetizers?"
"Some mozzarella sticks, please," Bill said politely, still watching Ian. The waitress nodded and after getting that written down, left.
"You and those mozzarella sticks," Robert said and resumed nuzzling Bill, then turned his head away from Ian and their lips met, the two men kissing softly, Bill's shyness momentarily dissipating as he enjoyed the familiar, welcome feeling of his boyfriend's mouth. They finished quickly, not wanting to get carried away. Ian bit his lip in the moment of the kiss to prevent himself from doing anything, having returned to a state of outward calm by the time the two other men were done.
Small talk was had, with Bill not saying much of anything and seemingly trying to avoid eye contact with Ian. He thought Ian was nice, and handsome, but he felt weird when their eyes met. Ian smiled and participated in the small talk, catching Bill's eyes when he could. Throughout the entire conversation, Robert remained totally oblivious to anything that was going on between his boyfriend and Ian, not noticing the way Ian looked at Bill or the way Bill was acting even more nervous than usual.
The waitress returned with their drinks and the mozzarella sticks. "Thank you," Ian said as the glass of water was set down in front of him. He picked it up and sipped it, picking up one of the straws left by the waitress.
The arrival of the beverages and appetizers gave Bill something to focus on besides Ian and he immediately helped himself to the mozzarrella sticks, eating them quite greedily. Ian set his glass back down and smiled watching Bill, reaching for a mozzerrella stick or three himself.
"Better get one before they're all gone, Robert," Ian said, winking at his friend.
"He's crazy about those things," Robert said, managed to grab a couple amid Bill's almost comical frenzied grabbing and eating.
Bill, cheeks bulging with chewed-up bread and cheese, looked a bit sheepish, smiling. Ian grinned at the sight and munched on the ones he'd wisely hoarded on his napkin, taking time to savor them all in a deliberately suggestive manner, slowly sliding each one into his mouth past his full lips. This was lost on Robert, but not Bill, who swallowed his mouthful with some effort as he felt his cock hardening in his slacks. He then sipped his Coke with one of the other straws, and not long afterwards felt a pressure in his bladder. He had to go. He hated public restrooms, but he had neglected to go back at the apartment and so he really, really needed release.
"Robert, I'm gonna go use the little boy's room," he said softly.
Robert nodded. "Hurry back," he said, "the food'll be here soon."
Bill got up and left the table. Ian watched him leave, sipping his water again, before smiling to himself.
Bill walked into the men's room, and was relieved to find it utterly desserted. He found that going to the bathroom in public, especially peeing, was very difficult for him to do, and had there been other men in here he would have used the stalls. But he was alone, so he made a beeline for the nearest urinal, undid his belt, unzipped his pants, and fished his semi-hard penis from his underwear, and began to urinate.
Back outside, Robert looked back at him he smiled and sipped from his glass as well. He counted to thirty in his head, despite his body's urgings, before looking back at Robert and saying, "You know, I need to use the bathroom, too."
"Yoo too?" Robert said. "Dang. All right, but I'm taking a bite of your food!"
Ian scooted out of the booth and stood, straightening his shirt and walking swiftly toward the men's room, his jeans holding a substantial bulge.
Bill started when the door open and froze as Ian strode in to stand at the urinal beside him. As though someone had turned a faucet his peeing stopped altogether even though he wasn't done. Bill instantly ge broke into a cold sweat. Ian unzipped his fly, taking out his cock, and began to relieve himself as well. The other man towered over Bill by nearly a foot as he let out a continuous stream from his bladder.
Bill shivered a bit, turning to look at Ian, swallowing. He couldn't for the life of him force himself to resume peeing, even though sometimes the sound of someone else going inticed him to go as well. He felt like going and using one of the stalls, but didn't want Ian to think he was weird. Then, something truly odd happened. Bill suddenly felt the urge to REALLY look over... and down. He felt a surprisingly pleasant shiver go up his spine as he did so. What Bill saw was a truly massive endowment. Bill felt his mouth open suddenly. His jaw was literally dropping at the size and girth of Ian's penis. Ian sensed Bill was looking and smiled a little, continuing to release the waste fluids from his body.
Bill was so entranced by what he saw he never even thought about how odd it would be if someone came in and saw one man looking over at another man's dick while he was taking a piss. Thankfully, no one did, but Bill wouldn't have cared if they had because he was too busy admiring Ian's bigness. There was something about that cock, he thought to himself ludicrously. He couldn't quite put his finger on it but he kept getting this insane thought that somehow his future had something to do with Ian, and his cock in particular.
After a while the flow ended and Ian tucked his manhood away, out of sight, zipping his fly and moving to wash his hands. Bill snapped out his stupor as soon as Ian had finished peeing, and quickly turned to focus his attention on the flush handle in front of him.
"Hurry up, Bill, so we can eat, okay?" Ian said, catching a glimpse of Bill in the mirror as he finished washing his hands and dried them, before opening the door and heading back into the restaurant and towards the booth.
As soon as he heard the door shut Bill cast a glance over his shoulder to make sure Ian was gone. He finally managed to make himself resume urinating thankfully, as the pressure in his bladder had been unbearable. Tucking his penis away and zipping up and buckling his belt, he washed his hands, then dried them and leaving the men's room.
Bill returned to the table, and sat next to Robert again. Bill's cheeseburger, Ian's fettuccini, and Robert's steak had indeed arrived in the time he and Ian were in the bathroom.
"There you are, sweetie, what kept you?" asked Robert. Bill said nothing.
Ian had already started on his food, ignoring the fact that as promised, Robert had eaten a forkul of the fettuccini in his absence. He slowly spun the noodles on his fork and deposited them into his mouth just slowly enough for the act to be considered sensual. Robert was too busy taking note of Bill's sudden sweatiness to pay any attention to how Ian was eating.
"Bill, baby, you're all clammy. Are you all right?" Robert pressed.
Bill was staring at Ian, but then said, "Huh?" and looked at Robert. He managed a nod and said, "Mm-hmm, I'm fine. It was just real stuffy in the bathroom. R-Right, Ian?" He gave a pleading look at Ian, not wanting his boyfriend to know he'd been staring at another man's cock so lustfully, as he considered himself a very monogomous lover.
Ian smiled warmly, a mischevious glint in his eye. "I'd agree that it was pretty hot in there, yes," he said. Bill bit his lower lip as he instantly got the double meaning of Ian's statement. Ian took another sip of his water, staring at Bill, knowing he'd have him where he belonged soon.
Robert nodded. That was enough for him. Even though Ian wasn't at all sweaty like Bill, was Bill's boyfriend thought no more about the matter. "All right then, let's eat," he said, and began to carve up his steak. Bill nodded and took a bite of his cheeseburger, staring across the table at Ian.
Ian smiled softly, munching on one of the mozzerella sticks, before returning to his pasta, taking breaks to drink. Ian let Robert do most of the talking, speaking only when necessary, his eyes drifting to meet Bill's often as he continued his meal.
Bill of course kept watching Ian eat, secretly enthralled by the way he ate it so slowly and sensually, but then he mentally kicked himself and looked down at his plate. What was wrong with him? He was Robert's boyfriend, and he had up until now been completely monogamous to him, but now he was having these thoughts about this guy he'd only just met and knew nothing about. He kept his eyes on his plate and although Robert spoke throughout, Bill said nothing for the rest of the meal.
Soon the food was done and dessert was ordered. Despite not really being hungry anymore - he hadn't really touched his french fries - he ordered an Oreo cookie shake. Robert had a small ice cream sundae. Bill's mood brightened when he began eating the shake, spooning the contents of the frosty mug into his mouth. Ian ordered the Oreo cookie shake as well, and used the provided straw for now, leaving the spoon for the dregs and the whipped cream.
By the time the waitress was bringing the check and the sounds of Ian and Bill slurping what remained of their shakes could be heard, Robert looked at his watch. "Whoa," he said, "it's late. We need to head on home so we can get a good night's sleep. We both have work in the morning."
Ian smiled at Bill for what felt like the millionth time. "Well, I bid you tow a good night's sleep," he said. "I'll pay the check tonight, boys. It's only fair since I got to meet your new boytoy, Robert." He winked at his friend, turning his eyes back to Bill.
Bill blushed and Robert smirked and grabbed Bill's ass, making him go "Yipe!" in surprise and begin giggling. His laughter tapered off, though, as Ian looked at him again. Nevertheless, he said, "Oh, uh, thank you, Ian. It was n-nice to meet you."
Ian smiled wide. "And I you." He kept his teeth bared in the pretense of a smile.
Bill shrank back a bit, moving closer to Robert. something desperate and hungry lurked behind Ian's eyes. He had to admit, he was slightly scared of Ian, and, at the same time, excited by him. For both of these reasons he wanted to get out of the restaurant as quickly as possible and tugged insistently on Robert's arm in a manner which Robert took as being playful. Good-byes were said and then Robert and Bill left, Bill glancing back towards Ian only once.
Ian gave a polite wave as Bill looked back at him, before slumping in his chair, overwhelmed with the feeling of irritation and impatience his subconscious was sending at him for letting Bill get away. He paid the bill and went home, telling his body soon. Soon he would be where he belonged.
On the ride home, Robert expressed some displeasure at the way Bill had behaved, telling him he had been a little rude by not saying much. Bill, for his part, couldn't get his mind off of Ian and the insistant thoughts that kept invading his brain telling him that somehow, he was with the wrong man. But he loved Robert, and he showed it when he reached over and rubbed Robert's thigh affectionately and apologized for being so distant at dinner.
At his apartment, Ian sighed and stripped down to nudity, feeling much freer and as such, his massive manhood swung between his legs. He stroked himself, promising his body that he would collect what was his at the soonst opportunity. When he went to bed he dreamed of Bill, wrapping his arms around the younger man, holding him close, and putting him gently where he belonged.
That night, Bill and Robert settled down into bed. They cuddled and kissed a bit but both were too tired for sex, and besides, they had to get up in the morning. Robert fell asleep quickly, but Bill sat up for most of the night, still thinking about Ian. Finally, he fell asleep, and he dreamt a very bizarre dream, about Ian's cock and nothing else.
Part II - The Last Night
Soon, a week had gone by. Robert and Bill had seen Ian a few more times since the dinner at the restaurant; in fact, it seemed to Bill that whenever they left their apartment for anything other than work or errands Ian insisted on tagging along. Ian made lots of excuses to tag along with them every time. More than once Bill considered telling Robert how nervous and uncomfortable Ian made him, but each time he decided against it. Robert and Ian had known one another for years, and Bill, a relative newcomer into their lives, stirring up trouble might get Robert mad at him. So he kept his worries, misgivings, and above all his desires to himself.
Despite Ian always being with them, there were, thankfully, few instances where he was left alone with him, and never for very long. But Bill's heart sank the day Robert said he had to fly to Los Angeles to see his mother in the hospital. Bill could not come because Robert was concealing his homosexuality from his parents. Bill couldn't very well ask Robert not to go see his sick mother, so Friday morning he drove him to the airport and saw him off with a good-bye kiss, as usual finding it ironic that his lover didn't mind being gay in front of people he didn't know, but was adamant about his own family not knowing.
Robert would only be gone three days, and be back on Monday. On the drive back to the apartment complex where he and Robert lived, Bill kept thinking about Ian. He knew it would be incredibly rude but he decided that he would isolate himself in the apartment and not come out until Robert returned, in order to keep from seeing Ian. Even if Ian meant well, and even if Bill thought he was handsome and had secretly masturbated to thoughts of him, there was something... some truth in Ian that Bill was not ready for.
And on the first night of Robert's absence, Ian made his move. He drove over to the apartment that Robert and Bill shared. Bill had no idea that his plan to just avoid Ian outright was going to be destroyed before it was even out the gate. He was lounging on the sofa in the living room, watching a movie on TV - Van Helsing. Even though he had it on DVD, it was on so he decided to just flop down to watch it. It was during the carriage chase sequence through the forest that Bill heard a knock on the door. So concentrated was he on the film that it never crossed his mind that the late-evening caller just might be Ian. He rose and went to the door, wearing a blue plaid button-down shortsleeved shirt, his tan slacks, and clip-on tie along with well-polished penny-loafers. He'd gotten past the stage where he just wandered around in his underwear. He opened the front door.
His jaw dropped when he saw it was Ian. He didn't know how, but he managed a small, "Hi."
"Hi," Ian smiled, his tall figure nearly filling all of the open space in the doorway. He was wearing a black loosefitting shirt over a dark violet tight fitting undershirt that clung to his trim yet built torso. On his legs was a pair of heavy black denim jeans that were rather loose, falling to rumple on top of his large black converse sneakers. Around his neck is a small pewter ankh pendant. "I thought you might want some company tonight, what with Robert away and all."
Bill suddenly found himself at a crossroads. Either he could let Ian come in, or he could deny him admittance. The latter would be exceptionally rude of him but it let him spend the rest of the night in peace, without Ian there to inflame his unwanted feelings revolving around the bigger man. But on the other hand, if he did so, he would just go on being tortured by his thoughts whenever his mind wandered, and there would be no rest. Something within him made him want to let Ian in, so they could discuss this. With Robert away in Los Angeles, this seemed to be their only chance to do so.
Finally, Bill made up his mind. "Uh, a-all right," he said slowly, then, a little more lively, he said, "Come on in," stepping back and opening the door all the way.
Ian stepped slowly, smiling down at Bill, a bit of his long hair falling down the side of his face from there rest that had been tied back in a manner that looked quite endearing. "Thank you," he said.
Bill slowly shut the door and locked it without thinking, his eyes never leaving the taller man as he went over to the couch. Ian knew intuitively what turmoil broiled in Bill's mind and new it would be put to rest once he was where he belonged. He put up a pretense of innocence by commenting on the movie playing on TV. "Oooh, Van Helsing!"
Bill relaxed a little. Maybe Ian just wanted to hang out. Maybe everything would be fine, and they wouldn't even have to bring the issue up. Bill had a gut feeling that this wasn't going to happen, and that this was only the calm before the storm, but he hoped against hope anyway. Smiling, he said, "Oh, uh, yeah. I have it on DVD already. The two-disc ultimate collector's edition. But it was on TV so I figured what the heck. You've seen it?"
Ian smiled as Bill came over, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, eye to eye with the smaller man. He pushed the stray length of hair out behind his ear. "I love it, even though it's not exactly true to any of the novels the characters originated from." He then sat on the couch, spreading his legs and leaning back as Bill sat beside him, spreading his arms along the back of the couch, the bulge of his erect cock quite evident in the front of his pants.
Bill was glad that this was, apparently, all Ian wanted to do, but he couldn't shake the feeling that Ian was toying with him nonetheless, and that this small talk about the movie was a facade. Nonetheless, Bill, who loved movies like Van Helsing, was drawn into the conversation. "Oh, I love it, too," he said. "I look at it as being a new twist on old, overused ideas from all those old Universal horror movies." As he spoke his gaze travelled to Ian's crotch and he saw the bulge there, quickly averting his eyes and looking at the TV as he sat back into the couch, a little too close to Ian, but not moving for fear of looking rude.
Ian watched the movie, letting his arm slip off the back of the couch and onto Bill's bony shoulders, his hand curling down slightly onto his quarry's arm. Bill stiffened. Although although he did not turn his head, he did turn his eyes to look over at Ian beside him. Now more than ever, he had the feeling that Ian had an alterior motive for coming to see him. Probably the same reason he had acted the way he did in the men's room at the restaurant earlier. Ian, though, kept his face forward, smiling and acting as though he was enjoying the film, when in reality he was planning his next move.
Bill started to sweat again, unable to concentrate on the movie, growing more and more nervous with each passing second, and, to his amazement, his nervousness as giving way to a fearful arousal; his slacks got suddenly tighter in the front.
Ian slowly pulled Bill closer as the movie went on, moving in small increments as to not alert him to the action. Bill managed to refocus his attention on the movie, too afraid to pay attention to anything else, so he did not actively notice how Ian was pulling him closer until the skinny nerd was literally right up against the larger man. During the closing sequences of the film Ian began to make his move, his arm on Bill's shoulders sliding down his back discreetly, as if he were taking it back to himself, but it moved to cup the nerdy twink's rump. It was all Bill could do to resist jumping right off the cushion in a panic when he felt that strong hand touching his butt.
Ian looked down at Bill innocently as his hand grasped his ass through his pants, speaking as if nothing was the matter. "I personally would have liked it if Van Helsing were left with the ability to go wolfish at will. It's a very good form, strong and..." He paused, squeezing softly. "...sexually interesting." His eyes wandered to Bill's groin, noting his state of arousal.
Bill sweated a bit more, and started breathing swiftly through his nose, cock getting harder in his pants, shifting uneasily as Ian squeezed his butt. He bit his lower lip. Close to tears, he jumped up suddenly with almost cartoonish speed. "Uh, I h-have to use the bathroom," he said, gesturing to the hallway off the living room, the bulging front of his slacks made even more obvious to Ian. Despite his seemingly baseless fear and unease around Ian, being around Ian had turned him on immensely. "I'll b-be right back," he said, and then hurried off.
Ian watched him leave, slowly turned his head to follow the embarrassed young man as he disappeared into the adjacent hall, barely able to contain the grin that was sneaking onto his face. Standing, he began to remove his clothing, hiding them in the cushions of the couch as he went.
Although Bill did go to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him, he did not need to pee. He needed some time alone to think, sitting down on the toilet, holding his head in his hands. "Get a grip on yourself, Bill," he whispered to himself. The cockbulge in Ian's pants had been the thing that had turned him on the most, and being closer to it when Ian pulled him over had just about driven him insane.
He sat up a bit, looking down at his bulging slacks, ashamed and embarrassed of his arousal, not knowing the true reason for his hidden and unwanted desires; as far as he was concerned, he was just being weak-willed. "All right, th-that's it," he said softly, standing. "I-I'll go back out there and tell him to leave and that'll be the end of it. And YOU," he looked down at his crotch and the lump there, "go down!"
But the concealed erection did not obey. It raged still. Giving a little whimper of frustration, Bill took a moment to remove his glasses, go to the sink, and splash some cold water on his face to cool himself off. Drying himself off and replacing his spectacles, he flushed the toilet, hoping Ian would believe he had actually used the bathroom, and then left and went back to the living room.
What Bill saw upon returning completely threw his entire world off balance. "Ian, listen, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave," Bill was in the middle of saying as he returned. But he stopped dead in his tracks and said no more when he saw, inexplicably, Ian sitting on the couch. Completely nude. Massive cock fully noticable and erect. His cock grew harder in his slacks, impossibly, and his panicky breathing returned. The end credits for Van Helsing were scrolling up the TV screen. "Oh my God," he said to no one in particular, taking a step back.
Ian smiled innocently at him, knowing the sight of his actual cock would begin the process of removing any resistance to his plan. He stood and walked toward Bill, cock bobbing slowly and enticingly. "But Bill, there's so much more of the night left," he said. He smiled disarmingly, as if he were not naked.
"Oh my God," Bill said again, using all of his rapidly dwindling willpower to keep his gaze fixed on Ian's face, dreading what would happen if he looked down. Swallowing a lump in his throat he repeated, "Ian, I-I'm g-gonna have to ask you to leave." And then, in a quiet little voice, a final desperate plea, he said, "...please."
Ian softly stepped around Bill. Bill was rooted to the spot, and made no move as Ian moved around behind him. Grasping Bill's shoulders, he began to rub, feeling the young man trembling violently. His warm cockhead rested on the small of Bill's back, throbbing in time with his heart's beat. "But I thought we were having such fun together," he said.
Bill's lower jaw quivered, teeth chattering infrequently. However Ian's touch seemed to somehow put Bill at ease. But it wasn't his hands. The massage being given to his shoulders was nice, and calmed him a bit, but what really started the nerd down the path to totally giving in was the cockhead touching his back. Even though he could only feel it through his shirt, the warm, hard erection soothed him when it touched him.
"You should just relax," Ian said soothingly. "Calm down."
Slowly, slowly, Bill calmed down and relaxed as Ian's hands massaged his broad, bony shoulders, and the cock rubbed his back. Soon he had stopped trembling so violently and stood still, although he was still breathing quickly through his nose.
Ian leaned closer, cock continuing to rub at his lower back, fingers squeezing and rubbing at his shoulders. He placed his mouth right next to Bill's ear. "I know what it is that you want, even you don't know it yet," he whispered. He kept rubbing with all three limbs.
"I-I don't understand," Bill finally managed to say, his voice low and quiet. He squirmed uneasily as the Cock rubbed his back some more, making the fabric of his shirt slightly damp with pre. "Wh-what if Robert..." And he trailed off, not finishing the sentance. Ian's statement caught him off-guard. "Wh-wha-what?" he stammered, glancing back at Ian over his shoulder, eyes wide.
Ian grinned as he held his face so near the side of Bill's head. "You've been thinking about me," he whispered. "Me and my Cock. You can't stop thinking about it. All week you've been obsessed..."
Relaxed by its touch, and with his will rapidly dwindling, Bill said, "Y-yes. I-I have. Ever since I s-s-saw you at the restaurant. I've... d-dreamt about the Cock. But only the Cock. I-I mean, you were in the dreams, but I never saw your face, only the Cock." He didn't know why he was suddenly calling "the Cock," but it felt right somehow.
"It's because your destiny is linked to my Cock," Ian said tenderly, humping forwards to press the whole shaft against Bill's back, arms his arms slipping from Bill's shoulders to start to undress him. He unclipped the clip-on necktie, then began to unbutton the shirt that was seperating Bill from where he belonged.
"It called to me," Bill whispered, turning to stare forwards again as Ian began undressing him, not resisting. "W-without words, it beckoned to me, and I wanted to go to it so bad but I was scared," he continued, heart thudding in his chest. Ian could feel it as he was unbuttoning the shirt.
Ian smiled down at him as he finally but all of the buttons undone and peeled the shirt off, his Cock pressing against the twink's bare back. "Of course it did," Ian said, his hand working on the fly of the smaller man's pants. They began sliding off his slim hips even as Ian gently picked Bill up in his arms, Bill giving a small, cute grunt, and headed toward the bedroom that Bill and Robert shared.
He only weighed 122 pounds, lightweight even for a twink like himself, meaning just about anyone could pick him up. But Ian did it so smoothly and effortlessly that Bill was amazed. As Ian carried him into the bedroom, Bill wondered precisely what they were going to do. His dreams and desires were vague, and Ian wasn't revealing a whole lot.
"I-I don't understand," Bill said again.
"You will soon," said Ian.
The bedroom was large and furnished in dark colors. Dark hardwood floors, navy blue paint on the walls. The king-sized bed also had navy blankets and pillow covers. Ian gently carried Bill in and set him down on the sheets. Bill's thin, bony body with a slight tummy was almost fully exposed to Ian for the first time. He still wore his underwear - a pair of tightey whiteys that bulged hugely in the front - and his shoes and socks; dark purple socks and shiny brown penny loafers. Bill had no idea whatsoever what this large man had in store for him. All he did know was that whatever it was, he wanted it deep down more than anything,
Ian started to dance slowly in front of him, gyrating his hips, causing his cock to bob and sway at eye level to Bill. Bill's gaze fell upon the Cock and the whole world melted away. Ian moved forward, continuing his sensual dance, his only apparel being the small pendant he wore around his neck. By know he knew Bill was lost in the sight of his Cock. He knew that Bill was starting to understand that there was somwhere he belonged. Or at least he was starting to figure it out. The bobbing and swaying movements of Ian's Cock had him hypnotized. He forgot that just a few minutes ago he had been afraid of Ian and wanted him to leave. He forgot that he was Robert's boyfriend and that this could be considered cheating. All he knew at this moment in time was that he belonged somewhere. Ian was the answer, he thought. No, the Cock was. But how could that be? Bill did not linger on these questions however. He just watched Ian dance. Watched the Cock dance. For him. His eyes never once left the Cock during the entire show.
Ian kept advancing forward toward Bill, his cock swelling and seeming almost to grow larger, but it may have been it just getting closer. Bill felt his eyelids growing heavy, and for the rest of the dance his head was swimming and tilting uneasily from side to side, eyes lidded. The Cock swayed and bobbed, jerked and throbbed, dripped and humped, as Ian drew the watching eyes deeper into the trance they fell into, knowing his body would soon have what it required. Ian soon stood directly before Bill, mere inches from him. He kept dancing and swaying. At one point, his cockhead actually pressed against the nerdy man's glasses.
"Unh," Bill said, the Cock sliding across the lenses leaving a trail of pre, and for a split second the pressure of doing so made the cumslit open, allowed Bill to briefly look right into the shaft. And then it was gone, closed up and taken away, dragged across both lenses, leaving a long trail of pre. It was as if the Cock had kissed his glasses and then licked along them, and the streak of pre was the saliva.
Bill shivered, then looked up at Ian when he felt his head being petted. After a few moments Ian stopped moving. Taking Bill's head in both hands, he pulled him up off the bed and out of the trance, looking down at Bill with a gentle smile. There was no longer any fear in Bill's eyes. He was totally calm. His glasses were askew, though, giving him a slightly comical appearance.
Ian gently re-adjusted the glasses, smiling softly. He reached down and grasped the light man under the arms and pulled him down onto his knees. Bill knelt on the floor between Ian and the bed in his briefs, socks, and shoes, as Ian tilted his head back with a tender hand to make his eyes face the massive shaft, the head pointed straight into Bill's face.
"Ian," he said softly and calmly, without looking up at the taller man who towered over him, "what's happening?"
Ian shushed him. Suddenly the Cock seemed to swell and double in size, reaching for Bill's face, the slit gaping open wide. Bill gasped aloud at what he saw. "Oh..." was all he could make himself say as the slit came into contact with his chin, squeezing it softly. His breathing quickened, returning to its near-hyperventilating state from before.
Ian stroked Bill's hair gently, cooing tenderly to calm him. His Cock pulled in Bill's chin and sucked up to his nose, pushing his precum-streaked glasses up off the bridge of his nose onto his forehead. As the cumslit climbed up Bill's wide-eyed face, any further sounds he might have made were instantly and completely muffled. Ian's hand gently halted mid-petting and pressed Bill's face towards the Cock's insides, the head flaring open, more of Bill's face entering the eager cockhead, the sliding sliding over his eyes, pushing his glasses all the way up to the crown of his head, then over it. He squeezed his eyes shut, and when he opened them again he could see only darkness. His entire head popped into Ian's "head" with an audible blurping noise, pre running down his neck and shoulders, glasses falling off the back of his head and clattering noisily to the floor.
Ian moaned. "Oh yes, Bill," he said softly. "Come. Come be where you belong. Give yourself to my Cock." He had been waiting all week for this, ever since he first saw Bill in the restaurant. He was rubbing Bill's headbulge through his shaft he wriggled his hips back and forth, flaring the slit wide to get his shoulders in. Muffled groans came from within the Cock.
Bill could hear Ian speaking, but it was muffled through the meaty flesh of the Cock. Inside, he coughed and sputtered as seed filled his mouth, nose, and got in his eyes and matted his hair. It was hot, stuffy, difficult to breathe, and moist... and Bill loved it. His cock bulged in his tightey whiteys down below, a dark wet spot from his pre growing in the front. As the cumslit moved down over his shoulders he actually hunched them forwards so they would be narrower and easier for the Cock to consume.
Ian jerked his hips to one side and the slit swallowed both shoulders up. He then began to press forward, Bill's arms pinning to his sides as the Cock fed. Ian looked down at him, smiling, barely believing this was happening, seeing Bill down to his chest in his Cock.
The Cock was, Bill realized, like a living thing separate from Ian. It was actually swallowing him! Long, smooth, powerful gulps drew him deeper inside with the help of Ian's wiggling hips, and Bill momentarily became panicked as his arms were pinned to his sides. It was only natural to feel instinctual fear at being unable to use his limbs, and he struggled a bit, all in vain of course, before calming down
Outside, Ian could clearly see the outlines of the back of his head, his shoulders, and back pressing through the skin, moving around as the nerd boy squirmed. Leaning forward, he used his weight to help suck him deeper, and soon the cumslit was at Bill's navel. And as the cumslit reached his stomach and stopped there, copiously drooling precum down his belly. It pooled in his navel as his stomach heaved with each breath he struggled to take trapped inside the monster Cock, and also ooze down into his briefs. Bill's head was already at the opposite end of the shaft, the bottom. One more gulp and his head would be squeezed past a tight opening and into Ian's body.
Into Ian's body, and, Bill somehow knew, into his destiny. Bill's head began to be squeezed through the narrow opening and into some chamber within Ian, likely his balls, Bill thought.
Ian rested now, letting his Cock regroup for the last leg of the meal. While he rested he reached down to stroke Bill's defined bulge through the flesh of the shaft. Then, mustering his strength, he pulled the Cock up until it was completely vertical. Bill found himself upside-down. Ian lifted his legs up and over, noting that his legs were hairy in sharp contrast to his chest and arms. They kicked out uselessly in the air, trying to find something for him to stand on so he could get his bearings, as despite being upside-down, Bill had no way of knowing this was actually so.
Gravity made Bill slide down a few more inches, shoulders squeezing after his head and neck. His briefs-clad ass was level with your face, giving Ian a very nice view of the nerd's butt. Ian slapped his ass playfully. Bill's whole body jerked and he yelped within Ian as he slapped him. His cock throbbed harder in the constricting briefs. Noting the response with a soft moan, Ian repeated this move a few more times, giving Bill quite a spanking. Ian smiled and pulled the briefs off of Bill slowly so as not to damage his cock, which nearly was caught in it from being so erect.
His Cock became impatient and started to gulp again. Ian barely had the time to tuck Bill's hard cock into his cumslit to protect it from being painfully bent back before his waist was gone, just his long, slender, hairy legs sticking out of the Cock. Ian managed to turn and sit on the bed, leaning back a little and rubbing Bill's legs tenderly and lovingly. Then, he took both legs, one in each hand, by the calf, and gently started to push him deeper.
Bill's senses were overwhelmed as he was slowly and steadily introduced to his new world of darkness and wetness managing to pull his arms out of the shaft so he could reach down and find the bottom of the sac, bracing himself as he began to thrust his trapped cock against the interior of the shaft. Already on the verge of orgasm it didn't take long before he came explosively, letting loose a cry or pure pleasure from within Ian's nuts, his face bulging through the outside of the sac.
Noticing Bill's socks and shoes, he hastened to remove them gently. He tossed the socks over his shoulder carelessly, just letting the pennyloafers fall with a soft clatter to the floor. Bill's feet kicked slowly once bared as they descended down towards the Cock that hungered for him so. Having bared his feet, Ian kissed each foot softly and nuzzled them both, before his Cock grew once again impatient and slurped his legs down to his ankles quickly.
Ian watched as Bill's squirming feet slipped deeper, before scooting on the bed and laying down. He laid his cock down on his chest and looked at the cumslit that had closed tight just on the joints connecting Bill's toes to his feet. He smiled and forced his cock to stop for a moment. Raising an arm, he pressed each toe in past the fleshy lips of the cumslit, moving with an agonizing and erotic slowness. Once Bill's last toe was within him, all that was left of the twink is a human-shaped bulge in his Cock and balls. He stroked the bulge as his Cock once more began to swallow, Bill's form sliding down the engorged shaft to join the rest of him in his nut sac, stretching it further. His Cock returned to it's normally prodigious size even as Bill's feet were slipping out of it.
Bill, left in a stupor from his powerful orgasm, was limp and weak and hardly moved as his lower body was fed into the nuts with him. He did have to move, though, when he found the tight sac not big enough for his whole body, forcing him to curl up. There was a growing pool of semen beneath him, a thick, creamy substance that Bill couldn't resist tasting, and it drove his tastebuds crazy. With a wiggle he settle in, getting into a comfortable position. All the uncertainty and fear he had felt earlier was gone for good, and it would never come back. No. Because Bill finally realized why he had dreamed of Ian's Cock, and why both it and Ian himself were his destiny.
This was his destiny. He was where he belonged, he knew. Where he was meant to be from the day he was born. And it filled him with a swelling of joy. "I'm home," he said softly, just audible enough enough for Ian to hear him outside the sac.
Ian, hearing this, stroked over Bill's bulge tenderly. "Welcome home, Bill," he said softly. "You were born to feed my Cock. I knew the moment I saw you: my nuts are where you belong..."
The bulge wriggled. "Yes, I'm Home! Home at long last. Oh, Ian! Yes!"
Ian moaned and rubbed his rejoicing sac. "Yes, Bill, you're finally home." The sac started to massage and rub over the trapped man inside, pressing cum into his very pores. "And you will never leave home again."
"No, never," Bill gasped, moaning as the sac's walls pushed in on him, rubbing him, making sure every inch of his body was covered in the thick seed it produced. The cum began to seep into the pores of his skin. It entered his nose, mouth, even his ears, as well as his anus and his own cumslit, the wonderful semen invading his very body.
Ian dozed, content, as Bill's body began to feel a pleasurable tingle everyhere his cum touched him.
Over the next several hours, Bill jerked himself to orgasm a total of nine times, until, finally spent, he gave in to the "digestive" processes of the ballsac, and felt his skin, bones, everything softening. He reached up and touched his cheek and realized it was soft, sticky, and runny. He tried to say something, but all that came out was a throaty gargle; his vocal cords were cum. All of him was turning into cum! For a moment, a nerdy twink made entirely of cum crouched in Ian's sac amid a slowly rising pool of more cum, until he slowly began to lose shape and sank down into the cum rising up around him. A soft gurgle and he disappeared from sight, melting down into the rest of the semen.
Ian slept as Bill dissolved into his cum, writhing a little as his body was soon sated with its need for him. His cock let out a belch, releasing all the air Bill had brought with him, his sac shrinking to appear only just noticably larger than it was before he started.
The next morning, Ian awoke with a major case of morning wood. Naturally, he sought to take care of it. He jacked off hard for nearly a half hour before his sac drew up and the cum that was once Bill splattered his face, neck, chest, and stomach. The climax was so powerful that he just relaxed and fell back to sleep once it was over.
When he woke once more, it was evening. His first act awake was to reach down and cup his balls softly. He went and took a shower, washing away the dried cum, and retrieved his clothes from the couch, dressing. He then left the apartment after retrieving Bill's discarded glasses from the bedroom and slipping them into his pocket, patting his groin contentedly.
Part III - Epilogue
On Monday, Robert returned. He came into the apartment to find the TV on, and Bill's button-down shirt and pants lying on the floor in front of the couch. He assumed Bill was back in the bedroom asleep, but when he arrived there was no sign of his boyfriend, except for his briefs, a pair of empty penny loafers, and the bright purple socks he liked to wear. Scratching his head, Robert called out, "Bill?" There was no answer. Later, after a thorough search of the entire apartment turned up nothing, a worried Robert went and got the phone, dialing Ian's home phone number.
At his own apartment, Ian answered the phone, seeing it was Robert's number on the Caller ID. "What's up?"
"Hi, Ian," Robert said, ignoring Ian's usual greeting. "Listen, uh, I just got back from seeing my mom in L.A., and I can't find Bill anywhere. He's nowhere in the apartment, it's desserted. Have you seen him around, or know where he might have gotten to?"
"How should I know?" Ian replied. "I haven't seen him since Friday. He was being truthful, for as a certain Ben Kenobi once said, everything can be true from a certain point of view.
"All right, thanks anyway. Call me if you see him, all right?"
"I will," Ian said cheerfully. "And let me know if you find him. Bye, Robert."
"Sure thing. Bye." Robert hung up.
Ian hung up the phone, then took out Bill's gold-rimmed eyeglasses, kissing them and then putting them up on a nearby shelf, as a keepsake.
The End
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Where He Belongs: Bill's Destiny By Kooshmeister -- Report

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This story is based off an RP I did with Tristan Hawthorne, and was written for his birthday (belatedly) which occurred on the 16th of this month. It contains male/male cock vore between humans. I hope you enjoy.

Tristan Hawthorne is © his player.

Comment on Where He Belongs: Bill's Destiny

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Posted by bigteddyz 11 years ago Report

One of the best story I have ever read. Thanks!
Make me cum every time reading this story. Hahaha!


Posted by Kooshmeister 11 years ago Report

You're welcome! Definitely still one of my best, I agree!


Posted by delet0h2b69 11 years ago Report

Aww :(


Posted by Kooshmeister 11 years ago Report

Why the frowny face...?


Posted by delet0h2b69 11 years ago Report

Cause he killed him and his mate will never know :(


Posted by Kooshmeister 11 years ago Report

Oh, right. That. Well, it was his destiny and... yeah, you're right, it is a pretty depressing ending when you really look at it outside of the vore fetish.


Posted by delet0h2b69 11 years ago Report

I don't think it was his destiny...that's just stupid. I think this was a story about a cruel man who didn't care about anyone. The ending almost makes the vore disgusting....:(, lol I can just rewrite a better one in my head.....;(


Posted by Kooshmeister 11 years ago Report

I'm very sorry you feel that way. In any event, "Bill" is me, as that's my real name, and "Ian" is Tristan Hawthorne, my boyfriend at the time I wrote this.


Posted by delet0h2b69 11 years ago Report

And I don't mean any offense. Although I'm surprised that he wanted this as a birthday kill you like that :(


Posted by Kooshmeister 11 years ago Report

He was very preddish at the time. Nowadays he's more the preyish type since we broke up. Go figure.


Posted by delet0h2b69 11 years ago Report

Well he deserves it for rping like this :(, I can see why you broke up with him


Posted by Kooshmeister 11 years ago Report

Actually, he broke up with me.


Posted by delet0h2b69 11 years ago Report

Did he say why :(?


Posted by Kooshmeister 11 years ago Report

For one thing, I took too much advantage of his generosity. He never actually said so, but I knew this was one reason. And although this happened after the breakup, he reacted badly to the story Lab Partners, and thinks I was just using him the entire time were dating. Also, we were never going to meet IRL anyway since I live in North Carolina and he lives in California.


Posted by delet0h2b69 11 years ago Report

Alright, still this story is depressing :(. And yeah guess that makes sense if you were never going to meet


Posted by Kooshmeister 11 years ago Report

Yeah. Oh well. Life goes on. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my other, non-depressing stories.


Posted by delet0h2b69 11 years ago Report

For the most part, I just wish now I didn't read this one :(, not that the writing was bad, it was quite good hehe...


Posted by delet0h2b69 11 years ago Report

I'm also sorry if any of my comments offended you :) it was well writing and sexy. ^^ I'm sorry that you guys broke up though :(. Now that I think about it though, if I was robert I would eventually find out what happened :D and haha try to force Ian to reform Bill "you" cause you're just to great to stay in someone's balls *hug*


Posted by Kooshmeister 11 years ago Report

It's no biggie. I've made similar comments on "permavore" stories myself. And, yeah, that is a pretty decent idea for a sequel.


Posted by delet0h2b69 11 years ago Report

Yay you should totally write it :) I would help you if you wanted even. And yeah again I'm sorry if I offended I didn't meant to offend just to state that I care about life especially yours *hug*


Posted by Kooshmeister 11 years ago Report

Sure thing, hun. :)


Posted by delet0h2b69 11 years ago Report

Aww *love hug* thanks Koosh you're such sweetie xD


Posted by Kooshmeister 11 years ago Report

As are you. :)


Posted by delet0h2b69 11 years ago Report

Thanks *blushes* ^^ I look forward to your next story whether it's a sequel or something random ^^


Posted by Malrinna 5 months ago Report

This has got to be one of my favorite stories. I really enjoy how Bill has no clue, and doesn't care.


Posted by Kooshmeister 5 months ago Report

Thanks! I really loved writing it way back when. :)