Archive > MisterEbony > My Pet Tigress
My Pet Tigress
by Mr. Ebony

You must think I'm kinda unusual to have a furry for a pet.

You haven't seen anything yet.

You see, this particular pet has a very unusual diet, one Ihave to work very hard to meet.

Let me explain by saying the whole thing from the beginning. I was about 13 years old when we got her. We found her at a shelter for homeless furs. She was about my age it seemed, and so cute.

Green emerald eyes that shone bright, a beautiful coat of ornage and black, with white right where her tummy was, a form that made you just want to go up to her and hug her.

Yes, she was a little on the plump side. But I didn't mind. I was soon to learn why.

Welol, we bouight her, and she was oh so happy to be bought. She purred and hugged me, snuggling. Guess she was as much in love with this arrangement as I was. So what could I do?

I hugged her back. An without thinking, I even kissed her.

Yes, I kissed a fur.

Cool huh?

Anyways, we paid fo her, and my parents said she was our pet now. Our slave. I couldn't see her as that. She was my friend. I asked her if she had a name, and she shook her ehad. Maybe she cannot speak, I thought at the time.

So I named her Belle. Yes, the name meant beauty in some language, I cannot remember which, but it fit. I bought her the most beautiful collar, spent all my money on it too.

It was adorned with little diamonds, and had a fur coating on the inside to make it more comfortable. She loved it, I think because it was bunny fur.

That was when she spoke for the first time. Her voice was pretty, like a soft song being sung by the most beautiful of birds.

"Oh... thank you... I love it."

I was stunned that she spoke. My parents told me before she would never speak, they were trained not to. But I always hoped that was wrong. I was glad to be right.

"You're welcome Belle." I told her. She smiled and hugged me again. Oh how I loved those hugs. I was just hitting puberty, and I was...

Well, That came later of course.

Anyways, a few days after she told me thanks, we began to talk regularly. She told me she was sold as a cub for millions, so she could be a pet for a nice family. She was glad she got one, many human families she had heard about were less than kind to furs.

I knew that, but I never accepted it. Hadn't our old hatred of animals and fur creatures died when they became bipedal, in some ways like, or betetr, than humans? Many said no. They wanted them to remain just simple animals for meat, for pets, for sport.

I hated that. It made me sick whenever I heard dad talk about his fur hunts.

I started to wish I was the one hunted for meat, given all the terrible things humans had done. I started to wish some furry hunter would shoot me to take home to his kids, and they would have ME for dinner, saving maybe my shirt as a trophy.

I would have been honored to have that fate. And one day... I told Belle.

She heard my feelings on furs, and I cried when I was finished. I HATED that she was a pet to my parents. By this time, she was my friend. Maybe even my true love.

"It's ok, I don't mind being a pet to you. You treat me like a queen." She said, holding me tight. I looked into her eyes.

"I... I want to be YOUR pet." I said, without thinking. "I read these stories of how humans would be taken in by furs, fattened up, and eaten. I.. I want you to do that to me."

She looked like she was going to laugh, but then she saw how seious I was. "You really want that don't you?" She asked.

I nodded. I had to tell someone how I felt, someone who would understand. And she did.

"It's strange..." She said, blushing under her fur. "For awhile I've wated to be one of your fur coats, to keep you warm at night, to be constantly close to you." She moved as close to me as she could. I was sweating, but I opened my arms. She went into my hug, and nuzzled my chest.

I guess that was when I truly fell in love. And when our games began.

We began to play hunting games in the woods, without my parents knowing. I would bring a basket of toppings and such and given them to her. Then, I'd run into the woods, her giving chase. When she caught me, she took me back to our little camp.

"mmm... I'm having human for lunch today!" She would say, sprinking spices and pouring sauces all over me, licking them off and even giving some playful nibbles. "mmmmm... yumyum!"

I would laugh and wriggle, pretending to struggle, pretending to want to escape. But escape was the last thing I wanted. She was fulfilling my fantasies over and over. But more and more I wanted to REALLY be her food.

It rerached a head when I turned 15. I had started really getting cozy with Belle in the evenings, she and I often sleeping together, but not sexually. But then I had the dream.

She was in it, dressed as a chef, and I was on the table, looking so much like a rabbit. She began to shave off my fur, and I was there, naked, wanting to be in her.

And she knew it. A big pie pan was waiting, and she sliced me up into it. I could see myself all chopped up in the pie, with all sorts of other spices and veggies, ready to bake.

And baked I was.

I was cooked ever so slowly. I could feel the heat as I cooked.

Then, out I came, and she began to eat...

And I woke up.

I felt all wet when I did, and incredibly happy. I knew what I had to do. I was tired of parents who saw furs as just a hunted species.

So I ran away with her. That very night.

I took her collar off and smashed it apart, cutting it to peices with a pocket knife. She looked at me, still half asleep, suprised.

"Why?" Was all she asked.

"I can't do it anymore." I said. "I cannot simply call you my pet. You are my love, the woman I care for... and I want to be with you forever."

I ran with her deep into the woods, deep into fur territory, where no human was really supposed to go. Here I knew we could do this. Here I could be with her.

I looked to her once we reached a clearing in the forest. I kissed her for a long time, holding her tight. "Eat me, Belle. This i my last command as your owner. Eat me all up, and don't let a bit of me remain."

She looked at me with wide eyes. "I... I can't... I don't want to lose you."

"I damned myself by laying with you last night. My parents will seethat we were lovers, and they would kill you. I cannot let them do that. If the collar is gone.. .and I am in your belly, you can say I raped you... and you would be free. I can do that for you. I love you!" I screamed hte last part, crying and holding her. I was saying a last good bye.

She nodded, crying herself. She knew I was right, they would kill anyone involved in a fur human relationship... even their own child.

But not a fur. Furs see them as wonderful, and see only the love. Maybe that is why I started to see them then as a better species... they saw only the love, not the fur and skin.

So, she agreed to eat me. I knew this was it. I was going to die, but I was going to also be with her forever. I couldn't have been happier.

She told me to remove my clothes. I did.

Naked, she looked me over.

"I want to burn you into my memory." She said sadly. "No one else will be loved more, and I will love you for all time."

"That is why I must feed you Belle." I said, smiling, free. "I love ytou too. Now, you can give me that fur coat."

She giggled, remembering that old wish of hers. She held me close. "One last time... for a memory." She began to kiss me. And I knew what she wanted then.

One last arousal... one last lovemaking. It wasn't sex, it wasn't rape... it was love, and no one will ever truly know how it was. To put it into words would seem dirty. I leave it to the imagination what we did that time, what we thought was our last time.

I could feel her teeth at my neck when we were done. She was going to kill me first, so I wouldn't fele pain. But i stopped her.

"No... please... I want to be inside you... alive." I said, wimpering. She nodded and agreed, not really wanting to murder me.

How could she? What was I thinking when I wanted this?

I was thinking of being whole inside her... swallowed whole and alive, for one last snuggle.

So that is what she did. She opened wide, and began to tak eme in, feet first, so I could see her face until the last.

I could see her emerald eyes, shining like jewels.

her lovely form, eager to accept me.

That tummy, rumbling as it awaited to welcome me home.

And her smile, making me know that we were both free from bondage now.

Bit by bit, I was swallowed up. I wondered how I tasted, and if she really liked this as much as I did.

I eeped as I filled her mouth in passing with my erection, blushing as I did, her giggling some. It was kind of silly, but there it was.

Slowly, surely, I slid in, my feet feeling her silky stomach, My whole form cradled and hugged by her throat.

And when all that was out was my head, I kissed her nose. One last kiss good bye.

Then, she swallowed. I was inside her, totally, completely, forever.

But it was NOT the end.

See, one thing I had forgotten about furs. Some of them, like Belle, have second stomachs. Non-digestive stomachs for storing food. It was not common knowledge, Only she new it.

And when I saw that was where I wound up, in a silky sac with plenty of air, I cried for joy. We could be together forever! I held her insides and lost control, crying for a long time, happy and sad at the same time.

"My master," She said, "I will always love you. Let's make a new life now, you and me. I will still care for you, but all I ask in return is your love."

"You have it and more." I said, snuggling in.

I remember that day. She tooks us into the woods. We found a nice little place of our own int he community of fursons. And I was welcomed as one of them.

That was 10 years ago.

A lot has happened since then, but it all was wonderful. I write this story, this note, to ask a few things.

First, don't look for me. I do not wish to leave. Belle and I are truly happy, though I occasionaly wind up in her cooking. It is never more than in fun, and our lives are full.

Second, to tell all humans to free the fursons. They deserve the right to freedom, a right we have to reason to take.

And last of all, the reason I send this to my family: I am greatful for getting me Belle, whatever the reasoning behind it. In some ways, she is still my pet tigress, but now she is also something more.

She is my wife.

and we are truly happy.

One day, when you have accepted us, we will welcome you as family, and you will be seen as equals by the other fursons.

And even meet your grandchild.

Until that time, tell the world just one thing: It doesn't matter who we are or where we came from. All that matters is love. The LORD told me that long ago. You taught me that by your actions.

And now, I know it because of Belle.

My Pet Tigress.

(At this point, the letter ended. No one knows what became of the writer, but it is believed he lived happily ever after. The letter was given to Mister Ebony to write as a story, but he felt he should publish it as is. It has a very clear lesson: LOVE is the answer. No matter what anyone or anything says, LOVE is the key. It is his prayer that all who read this will agree.)


Mr. Ebony
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My Pet Tigress By MisterEbony -- Report

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A quickl little story I made with a very clear message. I hope everyone reads this.

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Posted by FanficFetishist 16 years ago Report

That was INCREDIBLE. I love it. A truly sweet and lovable story. :)


Posted by FanficFetishist 16 years ago Report

That was INCREDIBLE. I love it. A truly sweet and lovable story. :)


Posted by BarkAtTheMoon 15 years ago Report

I agree! This is SPECTACULAR! Love it. Very deep and loving.