Archive > Caudle > Odd Couple
Hester’s bed rose and fell, rose and fell, rose and fell. It always did, that was how she liked it. Winter was approaching, and it was incredibly soft and warm despite the chill she felt approaching in the air.
  Still, it could have been softer. She would have to fix this. She awoke before her lover, as was often the case, he was getting quite lazy these days, not that she was complaining. She quickly hopped off his belly and onto the floor of their abode, a shared room carved into the trunk of a massive tree. It had taken him quite some time to make it, but he didn’t mind sharing, not anymore.
  Outside these wooden walls the world was not the safest place. Lords and would-be-Kings had skirmishes for land and resources, highwaymen and cutpurses roamed the more well-traveled carriage trails and forest paths.
  They didn’t have to worry about any of that now, they didn’t have to worry about very much at all.
  Behind her Gus made a sleepy noise. She’d trained him not to roll over quite some time ago after what had been a rather humid night under his belly, so instead he simply shifted his arms and smacked his lips, a thick ursine tongue slipping from his mouth to lick along the dry, sleep-riddled surface.
  Hester considered waking the bear, but decided against it. She’d get him breakfast first…
  With a flick of her bushy tail, Hester set about getting dressed, opting for the clothes of a simple woman. She was small, barely coming up to Gus’s hip, but that just meant it was easier to store her variety of clothes amid the tree’s various little cubbies. She dressed quickly, pink to offset her auburn fur, a simple blouse and skirt, though she was sure to put on a surprise underneath for later…
  With that she left Gus to sleep and wandered out into the early morning of the forest with a smirk on her face and a plan formulating in her head….
  The caravan was hungry, and as a result the caravan was grumpy. Bolov did not like a grumpy caravan. A grumpy caravan meant grumpy men, and grumpy men were inefficient. They needed plunder and they needed food, whichever came first. Was it too much to ask for a village ripe for the taking? He wasn’t asking for kingdoms, or even fiefdoms, all he wanted was to get as rich and as laid as possible before getting out of dodge.
  “Do you even know where we are?” His stoat second in command picked at his ear irritably as he sat on what remained if a gnarled old log. “Or are we totally lost?”
  The fox’s ears twitched as he gave a growl. “We are not lost. We are just in the progress of finding where we are, Daleb.”
  “That sounds like lost,” Daleb snorted.
“And if you don’t shut your maw, the only sound you’ll be making is choking noises from your cut throat.”
The stoat’s ears perked, then folded back
submissively. “As you say. But if we don’t find some sort of distraction soon it’ll be both our necks.” He groused. “Unhappy beasts are traitorous beasts.
  “True….” Bolov didn’t let his worry show through. “Still, I’m sure we’ll find something soon, this is fertile land, there’s sure to be a settlement ripe for the plunder. We just have t-”
  A gasp cut him off, every eye among their band of fifteen some odd men turned towards the treeline, in which stood a fairly curvy squirrel midden, looking to all the world like she didn’t realize what she’d just walked into. Perfect.
  “O-oh….” The maiden said, clutching a small basket in which she had been collecting berries. “Uh...I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt your gentleman.” She gave a demure flick of her tail, turning towards the forest. “I’m afraid I got a bit lost, could you direct me back towards the large old oak? It’s the marker to my village.”
  Before any of his other men could pounce upon the poor thing Bolov took the initiative. One maiden was a fine prize, but she could only be passed around about five or six times before being tied into uselessness for at least a day or two, then she’d only keep for about a week between all of them. No...a whole village of maidens, that would be far better plunder.
  “Oh, sweet dear.” He put on airs, every inch the gentlefox as he took her hand in his and gave it a gentle kiss. “Of course, we, a collection of knights.” He emphasized the word to the motley crew of beasts behind him, already leering at the hippy squirrel’s curves with hungry eyes.
  He felt them back off a bit as he spoke, they weren’t the brightest, but they’d been thieves and miscreants for long enough for the same train of thought to occur to them as well, when given enough time to get their crotches in check. There was chorus of murmured agreement behind him as he put on his best trustworthy grin.
  “Just point us in the general direction and I’m sure we’ll be able to find your tree, and your village.”
  “Oh! Oh well thank you! I just don’t know what I’d do without your help. I’ve never been beyond the forest before sir, and I’ve always been told such dreadful stories! I was afraid you’d be some band of marauders or some other such horrid thing!”
  “Why my dear,” Bolov’s smile oozed up along his muzzle. “We are certainly nothing so terrible as all that.”
  “Well I’m glad to hear it. Follow me then! I’m sure we can find it together.”
  The motley band, now richer one maiden, set off into the forest. She led the pack, which none of the following beasts minded. They got to watch the bobbing of her hips as she walked, her thighs and rump shifting as she avoided stones and rocks in the earth, the fluffy banner of her tail leading the eye right down to where it peaked over the rim of her dress, a slight muffin top giving appealing jiggles as she lead them.
  Being a squirrel, she was a good bit shorter than even the smallest of their crew. It would be so easy to take here now, rough and hard in the forest. But no, patience won out at the promise of a great bounty of sweet things with which to play, they would bide their time and wait.
  After a while, they did indeed come to a big tree, an old oak, at which point the squirrel maid’s eyes lit up like starlight.
  “Oh we’re here! We’re here!” She singsonged.
  Bolov came up short in his step, sneering despite himself. “I don’t see a village anywhere, just trees for miles.”
  “Oh, well we can’t just let our village be seen by anyone mister. We hide it, there’s a guard inside the tree. Come on and meet him, he’ll lead us the rest of the way. There’s room enough inside for all of you.” She smiled, ushering them towards a door so well made it was hard to tell it from the rest of the gnarled trunk. She opened it, ushering them all through one by one into the darkness of the tree inside.
  Little did they know that the maid had purposefully closed all the blinds, little did they know that after the last of their band had funneled into the tree that she would close the door behind her. Little did they know she would take her ‘surprise’ from under her dress, a small vial of pink liquid. And most of all, little did they know she would take a handkerchief, put it over her muzzle, and smash its contents against the ground….
  Gus finally stirred. It was well past noon now. The bear’s nose twitched, that wet black surface taking in the scent of distilled dozeberry heavy in the air. His eyes opened to find Hester sitting in front of his face, her eyes lidded as she waited for him to stir enough to speak.
  He finally managed after a while, leaning his head up to look at the squirrel maid sprawled across the expanse of his belly. He blushed slightly at the feel of her.
  “Good Morning Hester…” He mumbled sleepily, trying not to sound worried at that smell, and the look in her eye. “I-I hope you slept well.”
  “I did, pretty well,” she replied, pressing her cheek down into the warm chub of his belly, her body already sinking a fair ways into his form, almost like living quicksand. “It’s been even nicer since you outgrew all your shirts.”
  Gus attempted to move, but the weight of his own form prevented him from getting far. At most he managed to lean his neck up enough to get a better view of Hester’s smirking face. The rolls of fat under his chin doubled at the effort, piling one atop the other as his softness warred against itself.
  “Yes…” He gave a low grumble, feeling the lethargy of his weight creeping in a bit more, even though he’d just woken up. “I-I suppose you do feel a bit nice up there.”
  “I do….” Hester purred. “But I think you could be a bit softer.
  Gus wobbled a bit more at the loaded sentence. He was more than fat enough for hibernation. It was starting to get to the point where he worried that even when the spring thaw came, he would still be too hefty to move efficiently. Currently running was a daydream, and walking normally was such an effort that he hardly bothered.
  “I-I don’t think that’s a good idea Hester…” He gave a little wheeze, attempting to sit up again, but flopping back to the cave floor with an audible ‘thlump’ sort of sound, sending his belly jiggling under Hester’s far smaller form like a waterbed.
  “I do…” Hester cooed, stalking across the malleable surface of Gus’s stomach to gently run a single finger up along his many chins, the sensation of it earning a little noise from the bear’s deep throat as he lifted his head on impulse to allow the touch, the rolls of fat along his neck shifting to settle behind his head as he did. His chubby arms fidgeted about at his sides as he was made helpless to her touch. “Which is why I brought you a present…”
The squirrel hopped down from his stomach. She had a fair ways to fall, her own rather pear-shaped figure wobbling slightly upon impact with the ground as she scurried to his front. Gus couldn’t see her over the massive curve of his belly, but the sound of her voice cast visions of her beckoning motions into his brain.
“Come now, let’s get you up. Up, up, up!”
Gus groaned. He didn’t feel like getting up, but he knew better than to disobey Hester’s orders. He tried to heft his ursine bulk forwards. It took a few tries, waving his massive arms back, then forth, then back then forth, each successive swing pushing the chub that surrounded every joint forwards, sending it wobbling in the direction he wanted to go until at last inertia won out over gravity and he was pressed forwards into a semi-sitting position.
He caught his breath a moment, the effort tiring him more than he thought it might have. He got his first full view of the cave.
His earlier guess that the smell permeating the cave was dozeberry proved to be correct. Sprawled around the cave were all kinds of critters, voles and stoats, ferrets and shrews, and, most prominent of all being the most well dressed of the addled lot, a fox with a cape and regalia. All in all there were about fifteen of them he surmised. All were out cold and mumbling, sure to wake up later to quite the surprise.
Gus’s stomach gave a low gurgle at the sight, a sudden jolt of energy passing through the bear’s massive body. He felt it gnawing at him. He imagined the taste on his tongue, the salt of fear and the struggle of unwillingness, the fight against the inexorable pull of his throat as they struggled not to ultimately be bound within the tight musculature of his throat.
Despite his reservations, Gus licked his lips. Hester didn’t miss this, of course Hester didn’t miss most things.
“Mmmm, yes, looks good hmm?”
Gus’s belly betrayed him again as it gave another low gurgle, he tried to quell the craving building within him. At the state he was in currently he hadn’t seen his feet for weeks, and touching one paw to the other was a challenge nearly insurmountable. Still he attempted to reason with the squirrel.
“Oh...Oh I’m not sure Hester, I-I mean I just had such a large meal yesterday, I’m still digesting. Perhaps I’ve had enough f-”
She scampered up his belly to press a finger to his lips silencing the bear as she stood along the wide arc of his stomach just before the chins started.
“Don’t you fret about that, just let me worry.” She turned away from him, looking back over her shoulder and giving her hips a playful shake. The bear gave another little noise at the sight. The fact he could no longer see his feet had another sharp drawback. He also no longer remotely had the ability to touch his own member. Only Hester could give him satisfaction, and as he watched those wide hips sway in front of him, Gus felt a stirring in his loins, the need joining with that of his craving to make the small rodent lass a little harder to say no to.
With that she lept down again, walking over to the nearest unconscious beast, a rabbit dressed in shoddy clothing. Hester fished a handkerchief from between her breasts and pressed the fabric, smelling of some strange concoction, to his nose.
The rabbit groaned, his eyes fluttering as whatever she had drugged him with earlier was mostly undone by the scent of whatever strange substance permeated that handkerchief. It took him a moment to come completely into focus, Hester’s soft hands stroking along his silky ears, his head pressed into her lap.
“W-what happened? He murmured soothed by her ministrations. He gave a little murmur at the touch, and tried to lift his hand to touch hers in kind, but found that he couldn’t. “I...I can’t move…” His voice grew steadily more panicked. “I can’t move!”
“Hush now, dear one,” Hester whispered with oozing sweetness. “I’m well aware of that, and it will wear off in short order, though you will be preoccupied at the time.”
The rabbit’s vision came into clarity as memory replaced haze. He scowled at her. “You! You bitch!” His eyes darted around, seeing his fallen comrades. ‘What did you do to us!? When the captain wakes up you’ll….you’ll!....”He trailed off as he realized there was a shadow looming over both of them, getting closer by the moment.
Gus’s muzzle, a trail of drool dripping down his utmost chin came into view of the rabbit, his eyes widening as his ears attempted to quiver in fear.
“There we go, nice and quiet…” Despite her small size, Hester was stronger than she looked as she shoved the limp rabbit towards the bear. “Enjoy~”
“E-enjoy!? What do you mean enjoy!? There’s a bear in here! L-let me go! Help! Help!”
Gus looked at helpless body below him, his stomach gurgles turning into growls of need. He couldn’t control it any more, and as Hester’s gaze turned steadily more lustful, it overtook him. His tubby arms reached downwards, just enough space between them to close around the rabbit’s shoulders. His screams and shouts and curses descended into incomprehensible gibberish as attempted to trash, actually beginning to get some response from his drugged body, though his wriggles were more that of a frantic worm then any real coordination, his limbs flopping around uselessly as he was lifted above Gus’s maw, the bear taking a moment to look down at Hester, the smallest iota of restraint still hiding under those steadily more hungry eyes.
Before he could say what was forming in his head, a plea for sanity against her ever growing lust for his size, she spoke first. It was the simple two words she always used, and the simple two words that always worked.
“Just one.”
Instantly his brain went along with it. Just one. One delicious squirming little morsel. The dozeberry draught that had sent the rabbit to sleep was wearing off more fully now. He was wriggling so beautifully in between Gus’s paws, arms straining to be free from his grip on his shoulders, neck leaning up and away exposing the slope of his throat. Gus wondered how a slow lick along the nape of the trapped fur’s neck would taste, the salt of fear and struggle, the warm sensation of a body within his body.
He’d taken the rabbit’s feet into his maw before he’d even realized it, a thick ursine tongue curling between toes and around ankles, causing his meal’s uncoordinated struggles to increase, the rabbit letting out a shocked laugh despite himself as that thick, wet curl of tongue pressed against his wide soles.
The rabbit’s garbled words turned into disbelieving whimpers as his toes pressed against the clenching entrance to Gus’s throat, half-heard ‘Nos’ and ‘Stops’ issuing forth into the air. Gus had been the gentle sort before meeting Hester, mostly eating berries and fish, rarely snacking on a living fur. But now, his struggles, his slight terror at being devoured, they were overpowering...intoxicating. The taste of his sweat, the sweetness of his fur, his own muscles straining as his ankles were pulled into that ever hungry esophagus.
“P-please help me!” The rabbit managed to lift a forearm, everything above that trapped under Gus’s massive paws as they held him tight, a surprising amount of muscle hiding under that expanse of chub. His struggles got him nowhere as Gus’ tongue curled between his calves, wringing every bit of flavor they could from his struggling body.
Hester had done this to him. At first she’d simply asked for a place to stay, but before last year’s winter, after she had stayed for some time and they’d gotten an amicable kind of companionship, she’d gotten a bit more...controlling.
Gus liked her from the moment he’d met her, her shape was pleasing to the eye and she was a sharp wit, but just how sharp he’d never imagined. They’d begun fooling around a few scant weeks after she’d made her home in his cave, and she always dominated the bedroom, telling him what to do, where to touch, never afraid that his far larger form would crush her, or harm her, fearless despite their difference in size.
She’d learned his weak spots as well, pushing his buttons as well as if he’d been an instrument and she’d practiced her whole life.
Hester had spent her night sleeping on his tummy, and when she’d decided she’d wanted a softer bed, there was no saying no. First it had been the occasional squirrel, like her, pulled into the cave and gobbled up like so much honey as she urged him on, no chewing. Hester liked to watch them struggle under his skin, her own little gastric prison. She would nestle against his bulging stomach, tease and taunt, whisper and sweetly promise things, but never deliver. She got off on it, and judging from the way her thighs were grinding together under her dress, she was getting off on it right now.
Most of the dozeberry had worn off by the time the rabbit’s waist entered Gus’s ever more hungry maw, yawning wide to accept the fur into the confines of his mouth. It was too late by then, his paws were firmly trapped against the undulations of of the bear’s throat, all he could do was wiggle impudently and shout in an attempt to wake his comrades. Hester’s smile grew, she knew that without her antidote they would be sleeping for some time to come.
“S-stop! Please! I’ll give you anything you want! I-I know where Bolov keeps his gold!”
Hester stopped grinding her thighs together for a moment, her smile taking on a strange edge as she stepped a bit closer to the rabbit, using her agile body to climb up along Gus’s bulk as the rabbit vanished just up to his shoulders into Gus’s maw, his wriggles visible through the bear’s thick throat.
Hester eyed him, eyes sharp as he struggled. “Gold you say?”
She stood in front of the rapidly vanishing rabbit, “Y-yes! Gold! Gold and jewels! Just get me out of here! Please! Please!”
She placed a finger on the tip of the rabbit’s nose, his terror riddled eyes crossing to look at it. “Well gold and jewels are nice.” Gus’s jaws yawned wider, giving Hester view of his throat clenching around the rabbit’s body as she pressed a bit closer, putting her other hand along the front of the bear’s neck, feeling the lagomorphs powerful legs straining to push him forwards, up and out of the grip of those powerful jaws to no avail. “But all I wanna do, is watch you sink~”
The hare gasped, giving a yelp as she pushed gently forwards, Gus’s throat taking the hint as he gave a powerful, audible swallow. The rabbit’s wriggling renewed as his head was pulled into the humid cavern of Gus’s maw. His eyes got wider still, vision framed by strands of saliva and deeply pink cheeks rimmed with thick black uprising lips, the tongue that had blanketed him from cutting himself on Gus’s bottom teeth pulling back to rest under his chin like some kind of slick pillow.
“P-please, d-” He was cut off as Gus’s lips slapped audibly shut with a low rumble from the bear. The last thing he felt before being ultimate surrounded by Gus’s body being Hester’s hand tweaking his nose before it pulled out from Gus’s mouth, a strand of saliva connecting the bear’s lips to her fingers, before she smeared it along his cheek with a friendly pat.
“Now tell me dear…” She cooed as she watched the hair’s wriggling bulge slowly vanish down the trunk of Gus’s neck, for a moment she was sure she could see the briefest outline of his face pressed against the dense muscle and fat between him and the outside world. She reached down and patted Gus’s stomach with a rear paw, waving them about the way a small girl might whilst laying on her bed. She couldn’t feel the rabbit wiggling inside, there was too much fat. She needed more...much more… “Do you want another?”
Gus’s stomach gurgled louder, a needy growl as it clenched and churned around its new occupant. He couldn’t resist it now, he was drooling terribly, and his brain was overloaded by both her, and its need to consume. In a meek voice, almost embarrassed by his own lack of control he answered.
Bolov stirred. Something was pressed against his nose. He opened his eyes to find the squirrel made who had lured them here pressing a rag of some kind to his mouth. It smelled sharp and spicy, somewhat acrid, like a spiced tea that had been sat out for too long.
He tried to curse at her, but his tongue felt gluey and too thick in his mouth. His eyes darted around the room. They were inside a massive hollow of the tree. They were alone.
His men….where were his men? There were clothes strewn about the hollow, not enough to make any one outfit though. Shoes and mail, helmets and breastplates...then his eyes came to the center of the natural cavern.
The bear’s stomach was moving. It wasn’t just moving, it was positively jostling. No section of it was still, vague forms pressed up from their imprisonment inside the bear’s stomach. The forms were bulbous and hard to make out, but his mind filled in the blanks for him….a paw here...a foot there….the vaguest outline of a face, mouth open in an unreadable expression. Despite their attempts every lump sank inexorably back under the bear’s dense fur and fat. As his vision rose to the bear’s face, he saw the kicking paw and thrashing tail of a stoat as those dense cheeks wriggled and bulged around it, moments before they were slurped up. He knew that color of fur, his second in command Daleb, vanished to join the others inside that living prison.
“W-what….” He said, disbelieving. It wasn’t even really a question, just a statement at sheer impossibility of what he was seeing. His body urged him to run, to get up and bolt as far from here as possible, but the most he could do was twitch his fingers.
The bear was huge. It seemed to be laboring a bit to sit up, wobbling as though some of the weight was recent…
That thought made him want to run even more.
“Good morning sunshine….” Hester said gently, stroking between his ears. “Saved you for last, aren’t you special…”
A low gurgling groan came from the bear. “No….no Hester, I’m too full…”
“Nonsense….There’s only one left…” With surprising strength she hefted the fox forwards by his collar. “He’s the leader too, the sweetest treat…” She drew a hand slowly across the side of his neck, playfully sticking it down his shirt. The fox wiggled what little he could, but could ultimately do nothing to stop her. “They don’t give up easy…”
Gus’s stomach gave another noise, a lower noise than it had made all night as the struggles of the meals within his body sent his chub jiggling about in all directions. It was just one more snack….what harm could it do? She was right...and he did have room...Just one more…He caught himself. That was the rub, there would always be one more. It had been one more last month, last week and just yesterday. There was never one more, just more.
“N-no….” He attempted. But as he caught hold of his faculties, he noticed Hester had let go of the fox. He couldn’t see her, he had no idea where she was until she pressed the whole of her body against his cock, poking from his sheath, nuzzling against it as a dribble of pre oozed down the side. He hadn’t been touched in so long. His body quivered, the whole of him clenching around those trapped furs inside.
“You know you want too….” Hester purred, the sound of it making her body vibrate against him, the size of it almost as big as she was in total as she felt it throb and pulse against her body, her curves pressing softly against its veiny surface. Gus shuddered above her as she ground herself across his most intimate flesh, the press of soft lips against the underside drawing a moan from him. “For me…”
Gus groaned. Already he felt so heavy that he might burst, so much wriggling, shifting within him, so many furs pressing their paws, their faces their feet against him, yearning to be free….but was a bit delightful wasn’t it? They were his now. Held inside his body, soon to join the rolls of fat that rendered him nearly immobile…..
All other thoughts vanished as Hester began to slowly rub up and down, up and down along his shaft. All will vanished under a haze of gluttonous pleasure. Gluttony for touch, sensation and stimulation...and gluttony for food.
By the time Gus’s hunger had settled back on, he noticed Bolov’s dozeberry had worn off to the point where he could limply crawl, and crawl he did towards the door, but despite their heft, Gus managed to reach his arms forwards and, after a few tries, wrap his fat laden fingers around the fox’s limp ankles.
Bolov gave a whimper as he was dragged back towards his massive end.
Hester rubbed Gus’s member all the faster, paying special attention to the bulbous leaking head, the pre leaking from it staining her fur as she grinned lavaciously at the whimpering fox.
“There is no mercy here, only hunger. Go on more….” She gave his cock a squeeze with the whole of her body, the bear moaned and tightened his grip. “For me…”
Bolov clawed clumsily at the floor, his muscles attempting to obey his attempts to escape but only halfway responding to the commands of his fear and drug addled brain as he was lifted upside down in front of Gus’s drooling maw.
“J-just one more….” The bare said at a low rumble, the fox getting a close up view of that wriggling stomach, hefty and full of his entire caravan, moments before his snout met Gus’s, and those jaws yawned wide.
“N-no! No wai-Mmmphhh!”
Bolov’s pleas were cut short as his muzzle was buried within the bear’s, Gus’ hunger obvious as the fox’s nose pressed against the entrance to that thick ursine throat, opening almost gleefully to accept him, thick curling tongue swirling over his cheeks and neck, urging him, pulling him deeper.
Hester’s rubs along that needy length of cock grew in fervor, grinding herself along it, pressing her hips in close as she toyed with her bear, watching as the vague bulge of Bolov’s head stretched that thick throat that rose to consume him.The growing need to escape making the drug that had rendered him motionless wear off more quickly, his thrashes growing urgent and fierce, paws waving in the air as Gus’s jaws flowed over his shoulders.
Hester gave a low moan as she watched, leaning against the undercurve of Gus’s ample belly, the warmth, the motion of the fur’s trapped under that dense fat and hefty coat exciting and thrilling her as their leader sank in to join them.
Gus’s tongue spared no inch of the fox, delving under clothes, wrapping around every inch of him it could with its ursine leangth, even delving into his meals trousers for just a moment for a measure of his taste, slick hot muscle winding around what it found there as Hester watched the bulge form under the cloth, as though Bolov’s pants had been filled by a massive writhing python.
“Oh you naughty thing~” She purred, his cock was spurting more bountifully now, moans issuing around the trapped fox as the unwanted attention spurred him to yet more thrashing and squirming. Even with him mostly vanished down Gus’s throat, Hester was sure she could hear a moan of orgasm as vulpine toes curled dispite themselves, jutting from Gus’s lips as they flapped open and closed against the fox’s thighs to help drag him deeper, thick black and soft in their inexorable pull deeper and deeper.
Soon that was all that was left of the Fox, Gus savored it for just a moment, tongue slithering out, twining around his ankle and flicking along the solepad before the tip wound around a single toe to lather and tease, the bear moaning at the flavor.
Finally it was too much. Gus used that leverage to tug the last glimpse of the fox beyond view, his throat undulating mightily around its wriggling charge as he was dragged beyond sight, a final moan sealing his fate as it rumbled around his body, Gus’s cock giving such a throb that Hester might have been thrown clean off if she had not been ready for it, a spray of his seed nearly touching the sealing and drenching his lover utterly as his last morsel sank to join the rest, his stomach getting just that much bigger for its newest occupant.
Utterly tied, Gus flopped onto his back, breathing heavily.
Hester have his spent shaft a lecherous lick before climbing up along his belly, trailing sticky white strands along his fur, her path occasionally obsctructed by a desperate bulge pushing outwards from inside. She rested just below his chin, giving a low murr as she sank just a bit deeper into the giving softness of his flesh than she had that morning, now with the added bonus of feeling all those furs imprisoned within him, taken by his hunger, the gluttony she inspired.
It had taken all day, the sun was going down, and she rubbed her cheek against her living bed, wriggling with living stuffing soon to be turned into more soft mountunous fat. Gus looked at her in a haze of forced contentment.
“D-did I do good?” He managed.
“It’ll do….” She pressed a pointed ear to his belly, listening to it gurgle, along with perhaps the slightest muffled sound of voices within. “For now….”
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Odd Couple By Caudle -- Report

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A story for: kylos-daikun. It Involves Fat-fur, vore, force feeding of unwilling vore-victims, size difference....all that good stuff.

A squirrel and bear have an....odd relationship. The squirrel likes to sleep on the bear's belly, the bear likes to eat....the squirrel thinks her bed could be just a hair softer....

Anyway enjoy! And if you do enjoy please do leave a comment!

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