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The Empress Epherion By 8th Demon -- Report

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Empress Epherion rules a small empire by necessity. Her rule is characterized by two key points of interest: First, every decree she issues is met with overwhelming enthusiasm and compliance from her subjects. Second, all her subjects come to her to receive their death.

When a subject grows too old and frail, or too sick to recover, even if a subject just wants to end their life prematurely, they come to her palace. Once within her chambers, the subject may choose how they will be consumed. Some few will choose anal vore, others will choose direct absorption, the majority choose either to be swallowed whole or to be unbirthed. Once consumed, the subject experiences a solid 16 hours of pleasure until their soul leaves their body and enters the crystal "mask" of Epherion, there to join every person that Epherion has ever consumed in the Mental Consensus and the Spiritual Orgy. The collected thoughts and memories of every citizen of her empire for the last 400 years yield a benevolent personality and the Consensus has ruled from within the Empress since she first rose to prominence as a cult goddess.

Though it is widely known that the crystal of the Empress - frequently downplayed in public with the retractable flesh face - was originally a crystal mask, many believe that the crystal now takes the place of every bone from the original body. The most prominent outward sign of this is the crystal dome sliding under her scalp and hair at the apex of her head. Epherion started as a normal woman but has since grown to staggering proportions, nearly twelve feet tall with a heavyset build. Her exact weight is difficult to ascertain since she remains levitating at all times.

Empress Epherion began life as a woman and a crystal mask. The archaeologist Feria discovered a mask made of crystal clear sapphire in an ancient ruin along with an inscription referencing the mask in a ritual of mourning. The mask was designed to cover the face down to the nose and over the forehead to where a man would start balding. A few years later, her pre-adolescent son and daughter took ill during a plague. As they were dying, Feria took the mask and wore it into their room. As she sat by their bed, she felt an uncontrollable urge to bring them close to her. When cradling both children in her arms didn't satisfy the urge, she stripped all three of them naked and returned her children to her womb. The urge did not leave her, even then, and she tried to remove the mask, only to find it impossible to remove.

She approached her husband, belly swollen with their children, and when he was reluctant to embrace the change in his wife, she swallowed him whole. Dawn found her reveling in the squirming mass of her family now within her enormously distended belly and at least temporarily free of the compulsion. She spent the day masturbating with any phallic object she could find. As evening drew close, the wild movement inside her slowed and eventually ceased. As the last thrashing and squirming died out, three wisps of smoke entered the mask, clouding it a little and taking the silhouettes of her husband and children. Feria could feel the thoughts of her family start to mingle with her own, their newfound union forming a consensus.

As the souls of her family mingled and their corporeal forms began to absorb into Feria's body, the craving returned. The consensus came to a decision and under the cover of darkness (and with surprising grace and stealth) she snuck into the neighboring house and took the sickly child there into her womb. She entered again with the next house and swallowed the two dying girls there and again with the next four houses after until she had amassed nine new, young bodies squirming within her womb and stomach. She managed, barely, to waddle home and mark her door as a plague site before dawn woke the rest of the village.

There was an uproar over the missing children for the next several days, which distracted from Feria's midnight stroll to the plague sick house. New layers of fat and muscle lined her body and her breasts had grown beyond any clothing's capacity to contain, yet she was lighter on her feet than she had ever been. By the time anyone thought to check on the plague patients, every infected person in the town resided within the towering, quivering mound of Feria's belly.

Feria was taken (with no small effort from her captors) to the obelisk in the town square. There she remained for the next few weeks, her belly gradually shrinking as the rest of her body grew both larger and taller. Eventually one of the bereaved mothers came to speak with her only to find that the Feria she had known was now subsumed by the consensus that had built inside her head. Feria spoke words of comfort to the woman from the memories of her daughters, from the collected wisdom and grief of the townsfolk she had consumed, until the mother lay draped over Feria's naked breast, sobbing gently into the growing woman's flesh. Two days later someone noticed that the plague had disappeared and the town soon attributed it to Feria and that mysterious mask. She was soon released and if not celebrated, then at least honored for her service.

When one of the elders' health began to fail in earnest, Feria came to him and offered him one last day of pleasure before he joined those of his family who had died in the plague. A week later the man agreed and chose to be swallowed. Thus began the service of joining Feria's new consensus, like a living totem of ancestors for the entire town. Soon Feria began offering this service to people of the neighboring towns, and word spread farther and wider as more and more of the dying chose this new option. As her legend spread farther, her name was translated back and forth so often that the newcomers called her Epherion.

Before Epherion really understood the implications, she had been a constant presence for an entire generation in her home town, and the newcomers from ever farther afield referred to her as a goddess of fertility and death. Her stature now measured seven feet tall and she had begun levitating as a matter of course.

A cult quickly formed around her made up of locals and immigrants alike. Couples would ask for her blessing and her mercy and she found that trying to explain her mortal origins was an exercise in futility. When her followers asked for a code of laws and morals to life by, she found that her mental consensus acted as an incredibly efficient democracy where the best policies won out. Towns and even some distant cities started adopting her new book of laws and a clergy grew up in the mythology of the great goddess Epherion. Eventually the various churches found the source of their holy book and campaigned for the people of every city and town within five hundred miles to elevate their goddess to the station of Empress.

After Epherion's elevation, her clergy formed a college of priestesses and erected a temple for her residence. Her closest male followers formed a royal guard, often a constabulary force in the various reaches of the empire, rarely used but always present. Each year the college would elect a new High Priestess and the royal guards would elect a new Captain of the Guard. These two would be coupled and given numerous, potent fertility herbs and concoctions. The couple would then closely serve the empress until the High Priestess reaches the apex of her pregnancy, her belly and breasts rivaling those of her goddess by scale. Two days before the High Priestess would give birth, both she and the Guard Captain give themselves to their empress and enter into the loving embrace of her womb.

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Posted by maxpayne98 5 years ago Report

Gotta love soul vore