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Maria and a Magical Bottle of Misfortune By DeadStrategicCactus -- Report

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This is a colored sketch done by  A0IISA during his monthly colored sketch streams.

Maria mulled over the bottle that rested upon the table in her backroom, the pregnant fortune teller looking at it with absolute focus as she continued to ponder. It was a bottle that contained no physical substance within it or any kind, let alone a visible substance. By all means it was an empty bottle… except Maria could feel the magic within it. For whatever reason, this bottle had a sizable amount of magic within it and she was trying to figure out why.

“Hmmm… what could this have been for? I can’t imagine there’s any reason why someone would dump magic into an empty bottle. It must have been some kind of ancient experiment or ritual perhaps…” she paused her thoughts to look at it more before shaking her head several seconds later. “Well, it matters not. There’s nothing harmful going to come out so chances are I can just open the bottle up and suck out the magic to add it to my own. This should give me a significant boost in power!”

Grabbing the bottle and pulling its top off, Maria immediately grabbed it put the opening to her lips and the- her eyes widened as she felt a powerful vacuum within the bottle suck her up head first! She had no chance to fight back as the glass container sucked Maria up, breasts, belly, butt, and all within a matter of seconds as though she was nothing before landing back on the table… its top somehow coming back up before suddenly a ‘belch’ was released by it that made its top float for a second. Nothing else remained of Maria and it was seemingly as though she had met her end.

It took a couple minutes, but the bottle began to wobble and move around on its own before its top was knocked off once again allowing a stream of mist to erupt from it… only for some of the mist to begin assuming a more human shape. Within a few minutes the mist had come together to form the upper body of Maria Nitocris, now without her robes and in a much more revealing outfit. After being reformed from the mist, Maria seemed to snap out of a trance as she was quick to look herself over noticing her new attire and the fact her legs hadn’t materialized yet.

“Oh… so that’s why there was magic in it,” Maria said before letting out a heavy sigh.

Comment on Maria and a Magical Bottle of Misfortune

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Posted by portal2player 6 years ago Report

will she get sucked back in because she doesn't have a master/mistress that released her? seems logical that would happen.


Posted by DeadStrategicCactus 6 years ago Report

Yes, Maria would only have a minute or so of freedom before she gets sucked back in for good this time until someone comes along and rubs the bottle.


Posted by portal2player 6 years ago Report

neat. i know i would love to be her master.


Posted by portal2player 6 years ago Report

also is she smoke inside the bottle or just tiny? if she is just smoke while inside the bottle i wonder how she was even able to make it wiggle to get the top to pop off.


Posted by DeadStrategicCactus 6 years ago Report

When fully inside the bottle, Maria is treated to existing within a pocket dimension she has control over. The same applies to all genie/djinn characters within my setting, because Maria isn't one naturally.


Posted by portal2player 6 years ago Report

i see so how was she able to make the bottle wobble around the 1st time wouldn't she have been unable to?


Posted by portal2player 6 years ago Report

i mean i get she would have control over a pocket dimension but how does that apply to being able to make the bottle let her out the 1st time? just curious.


Posted by DeadStrategicCactus 6 years ago Report

Honestly, the opening wobble doesn't really have a solid explanation and I'm not too worried about it. This picture and the scenario are just a fun little thing I wanted to see drawn.


Posted by portal2player 6 years ago Report

ah i see. nice job tho. kudos to u and a0iisa.


Posted by Deviantfan16 4 years ago Report

1st Wish: Immortality
2nd Wish: Dimensional Travel Powers
3rd Wish: Her to be free of the Lamp. This is the most important one to me