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Adventure RPG 2-315 By Rayen -- Report

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Posted by TryMeIke 6 years ago Report

not just fatla, drakefatla.


Posted by Kartomic 6 years ago Report

Off-handedly mention that Drake!Myla would make exploring that ruin easier. Who knows what sort of goodies could be inside? It would at least make coming out here worthwhile.

Stop by Malor and say high to Marcus and our flame elf pal, then head back to Erada in the morning. Shame we came away from this somewhat empty handed. :(


Posted by delete35h0026tb26b9 6 years ago Report

It's adorable


Posted by JiklokEmisaryOfSteel 6 years ago Report

Ah mother... blue is a nice contrast for you. Right then, we should press forth to Erada. Although seeing Marcus' reaction would be fantastic along the way. I am fine with either decision mylady makes.

May steel line thy path


Posted by Havoc 6 years ago Report

you want to go all the way to Erada whilst Myla's using the Runestone? it'd most certainly burn out and be useless over that distance.


Posted by JiklokEmisaryOfSteel 6 years ago Report

A lot of people seem to assume we have no way of moving should Mother Myla revert to her normal self. The stone makes it easier for her but it is not impossible for her to move otherwise. Two things to note about the stone. One is digestion control, she can burn the wolf quicker meaning there is less for hef to haul after. Secondly, the stone uses less energy outside of combat as per Rayen's words himself.


Posted by Graywolf18 6 years ago Report

From a role playing point of view, maybe Myla would like to stop in for some clothes? I mean, she's wearing a broken tent right now soo..


Posted by Havoc 6 years ago Report

I'm never said that, I was merely concerned for the runestone itself. it took around half a day just to get to malor, and from where-ever we are to malor, that would place undue stress on the runestone, energy usage or not. also, an encumbered Myla is a vunerable Myla, and digestion or not, she's going be be one tubby fluffy when she turns back. off balance and needing to adjust. such a thing would be better suited to the relative safety of a town rather than the middle of combat.


Posted by Sergit 6 years ago Report

Let's go to Malor.

It's a shame we can't giv info on Alice to the poeple in charge and get paid, but it's alright.

Let's visit marcus!

Also, both Fat Myla pic and Drake myla pic in the same update? The wait was well worth it!


Posted by Petz22 6 years ago Report

I would say Head to Malor first and say hi to Marcus and our elf acquaintance. Maybe we could quickly see if her strange behavior has increased (could it be related to the newly revealed ruins?).

Once Myla has gotten the last of the greatwolf digested, we should then head to Erada.

What does worry me though, is that Garret and Bluebell (unless we head directly to Erada) might try to look for us, and I really fear what could befall them...

On the other hand, Garret is a cinnamon roll whom is quick to escape danger, and Bluebell can fly, so..

Anyways, nice update as always, and I enjoy seeing everyone have a bit of fun (and Myla have a bit on the side) ^^


Posted by DeityV 6 years ago Report

What better cardio than lewds? Clearly we must lewd the Drakela eventually. I say we go to Malor unless we have adequate supplies for setting up camp along the way to Erada. Seeing how far Myla can travel is likely to be a factor.


Posted by Graywolf18 6 years ago Report

Oh goodness, Myla is Ultra-THICK! I doubt we'll have any issue identifying the fake Myla for a few weeks now should she decide to pop up. Lets stop by Malor and say 'hi' to Marcus and tell him we killed the Greatwolf in the area and just leave him with that without explaining anything else... just for luls. Then go and deal with the inevitable ambush Tahtsu is being pressured/blackmailed into setting for us. Then once all our enemies are laid bare, and groveling at our feet, we shall hug Tahtsu and comfort her and escort her to Ken for aid.

Drake Myla's boobs probably weigh more than Floria does at this point. Also kinda curious how they managed to restrain the Leviathan between Myla's legs... I doubt they made her panties from the tent.


Posted by Jaxed 6 years ago Report

Malor, that drake stone probably can't last all the way to Erada.


Posted by Demicus 6 years ago Report

Might as well stop in Malor. Check in on everyone. Chat with the cute elf. :3


Posted by cloudrunnerteeny 6 years ago Report

we should bring Alice along!


Posted by zerowag 6 years ago Report

stop in malor give Myla time to rest and let the ruin recharge no sense pushing it with magic artifacts


Posted by AnominableBreadman 6 years ago Report

We should head for Malor, we need to give Myla and the drake stone a rest else the both of them could burn out. Perhaps letting Myla know that she is still very attractive on the way there. Not only because it is true, but more importantly to make Myla feel good about her figure instead of regret all the time, it was this kind of thinking that made her drink a chest reduction potion in the first place.

As for Alice, I'd at least like to give it one more try to convince her to help out our engineer friend, mainly because I think those two could make an awesome duo as well as help each other out, though I have mentioned this before.


Posted by forgreatjustice18 6 years ago Report

I hope Myla becomes a glutton and never loses the weight! Eats everything in sight!


Posted by Razgriz 6 years ago Report

Myla has achieved Telri level breasts.


Posted by Razgriz 6 years ago Report

Anyway. We've been delayed a lot by the wolf; so we should head straight for Erada. Plus it may help Myla burn off some calories.


Posted by BigD 6 years ago Report

I'd say go straight for Erada. It would make a few vore-ish encounters possible that way. x3


Posted by JScofi 6 years ago Report

Go to malor. Not only should we try to get to a city before dark (and let myla rest on a proper bed) but that runestone's not gonna last forever. better to take the short trip and let fatla *cough* myla rest off the runestone. i imagine she's gonna be a bit slower like this too...

Also, ask why alice didn't seem phased by a fat wuff turning into a drake.


Posted by Rayen 6 years ago Report

Alice isn't phased cause TF runestones are a commonly known concept in the world. :V

They're rare to come by, but most people know of them. :V


Posted by Havoc 6 years ago Report

Wish Alice well and then head back to Malor. at the very least, it'll let us get miss fattybuns some rest, maybe even some err... proper clothing. In addition, we don't risk burning out the runestone.


Posted by RumiBelly 6 years ago Report

stop in Malor, that runestone won't last forever


Posted by Thagrahn 6 years ago Report

Runestone will make it to Malor, but Erada will probably be to far for it, plus a rest there will give Myla more time to reduce her belly. While there, we can aquire new cloths for Myla, and report that the GreatWolf has been delt with.


Posted by FaceInCrowd42 6 years ago Report

(Floria pretends to not just give Myla belly rubs because she enjoys it)
Myla: Yeah right, you just enjoy it.
(Floria stops pretending)
Myla: Dammit, at least pretend you're not just doing it for fun!



Posted by AwokenedWispKP 6 years ago Report

It might be nice to establish some kind of way to contact Alice if at all possible, or ask if she could find a way to set something up in the future without you being around to really hand something to. I dunno. But she definitely seems like a helpful person to have around in a pinch. However, without the hands of a mechanic.. I'd say her crude work with the Armor is likely nearing some of it's last days, but it doesn't seem likely that she'd get near civilisation due to the risks.

(Side note: Is it possible that the greatwolf could've actually eaten Alice if she didn't have the party's help? It would avoid her due to the noise, so she couldn't hit it.. and it seemed prone to breaking down after using the boosters. If she kept doing that and the wolf retaliated at some point, eventually it'd rip the armor apart to get to the soft female center.. -ahem-..)


Posted by Ryan-Drakel 6 years ago Report

Stop by Malor. Might get supplies there.


Posted by NotBatman 6 years ago Report

Malore should be our goal, for multitude of reasons, from myla recovering, the runestone cooldown, informing marcus the big woofer is down(or up in myla, symantics), and that people should be able to go to those area, let alone if there was a bounty on it.

hmm...discuss with alice on what she prefer us to say about her, or to kyleen considering she may want to be on her good side being her fan(service*cough*)

lastly ask alice what she think that gas was, we arent sure what it did to us either.

now...for us, did any of you guys discuss or bring up HOW and WHAT to report? its best we get something cooked up already, rather then wing it when that update comes around, because it dosent seem there will be a suprise danger between now and that meetup.


Posted by NotBatman 6 years ago Report

hmm...silly curiosity, if floria is her own person and we just wisper ideas to her, why havent she made any messages aimed for us, the 4th wall isnt as sturdy apperently, its made of wall-y stuff after all.


Posted by DarkPinkie 6 years ago Report

Well, Myla say she should probably go on a diet. We must prevent this at all costs! Even if we have to feed her our protaganist. Should be easy if it get's to that point, just do stupid shit.

Anyway it was nice having a run in with AAA but now we need to continue our quest of getting Myla checked up on and getting Elykae home.


Posted by Bright 6 years ago Report

With a dragon and a robot, who's gonna pick a fight with you?