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Showing off 2 By Leifkin7 -- Report

"That's about how long you have to live inside of me. So did you want to do this now? I think I can squeeze you in if you don't mind the mess? Oh what am I saying you want to be eaten, of course you don't mind it being messy. You'll settle in nicely with what's left of Markus. Hope you considered the smell though. Once inside fresh air is never going in your lungs again. I don't mind if you want to wait for dinner time though, you can enjoy a few more hours outside before I start processing you."

Inside of Leif, Markus' glasses sat atop a puddle of mush, his lover now using him as nothing but nutrients. Bits of Markus caked Leif's digestive tract, all wet, sloppy, and foul smelling. Markus will go on to become part of the abdomen that surrounded him a while ago, now all processed down. Eventually, Leif will burn him off doing something mundane like moving around something, or jogging a bit, or pumping iron in his gym. Such is the fate of all who want to be eaten by Leifkin.


So opened commissions and so I snagged a few very lovely variants of Leifkin holding up his shirt and showing off the most all too important part of a turian, his abdomen. With just a few layers of flesh we can see or what's left of him that is, as it sloshes around Leif's belly. The turian is very nonchalant about the affair, the fact that Markus was never to be seen again was not really having too much of an affect on him. Though his memory is still pleasant and present in his mind.~ He loved that little mouthful after all.

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Posted by ChaoskampfNunc 6 years ago Report

*Shivers* It's already so tempting.. I'm sure I can wait..