Archive > Coolwoman > Disney > Three Girls One Helen
Mr Incredbile was alone now, for her she loved why they were gone. She already ate Bob, Jack Jack and Dash. Helen sat on the couch and watched the floor as Violet, Mirage and Evelyn struggled on the floor all tied and gagged up. They were naked as well, tits jiggled and asses wiggled while Helen fingered herself. She cummed on top of the girls and now they were seasoned and ready to eat. Helen stretched her arm out and grabbed all 3 of the girls, they let out muffled screams and kept moving but Helen wanted them in her belly so bad. She opened her mouth as wide as she could and started to lower them inside. All 3 heads entered her mouth and then she swallowed, 3 face imprints bulged from her throat and then they were gone with another gulp. There boobs of all sizes enterted and Helen could not stop sucking on their nipples and licking them. Meanwhile the Violet got her gag out and said
 "Mom please don't eat me I don't want to become shit!"
 Helen heard but instead of anything heart warming Helen started to swallow faster and got the girls legs quickly. All 3 of them started to enter the stomach, it bulged and grew with there bodies coming in. Helen slurped the legs up and swallowed. One satisfied burp later and the girls were all inside. Helen kept burping because the girls tried to fight digestion but it was no use. Helen was gonna shit these women out in an hour because of her fast digestion. Violet untied the rest and unggaged them, they all screamed in pain when the acids started rise and burn. The stomach walls were closing in making it impossible to move, they finally have up and accepted their new role as tit fat. Helen rubbed her stomach and occasionaly pushed against it to see how far along they were, the acids rose over there heads and started to break them apart. Helen squished it and felt Violets bone snap which made Helen smile and knew her stomach was doing well. It gurgled and churned and soon the girls melted down into slush. Helen squished her belly and it she only felt liquid now. Her belly shrank a little which was fat added to her now triple F tits. She could not belive it, they were about the size of 3 watermelons.
 Her belly barely shrank which confused her but then she farted realized why. Helen went to the toilet and bent over to spread her cheeks. Shit started to spit out and log after log came and didn't stop. First it was smaller logs and soon 3 foot logs came and then the water shit piled over. Her belly shrank halfway but more shit kept coming out. Helen grunted and squeezed a thick log out and then smaller ones came again. After 5 minutes of wet shit falling from her ass her belly was normal again. Helen hated wiping so she didn't and left what ever was there. A massive pile of shit was in her toilet and no way it was being flushed to Helen shrugged and spanked her ass and left the stinky pile there
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Three Girls One Helen By Coolwoman -- Report

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The girls are in trouble

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Posted by Evbro22 5 years ago Report

I See you're doing Disney stories now. neat! are you gonna do one based on Frozen sometime? Or are you not comfortable with that? If you do, I have some great Ideas for some frozen vore stories!


Posted by Coolwoman 5 years ago Report

Frozen will happen


Posted by Evbro22 5 years ago Report

Well then, when it does, you know how to message me.