Archive > Alice3hoping > The Return of Singularity Jain > Return of Singularity Jain - Prologue
Return of Singularity Jain - Prologue
Darkness. Darkness and hunger filled the dreams of Jessica Cruz as she tossed in her sleep. A nightmare she remembered vividly. A pale woman with white hair and those piercing eyes smiled a cruel smile. She was wearing a business suit and her white cropped into a professional manner. Precise and angular. She was standing over her, the tatter clothes and uniforms of over a million people strung around. Occasionally a glance would reveal an empties set of skin. “You broke your agreement with me, Ms Cruz. Had you only accepted the truth of who and what you are back then, then all your little friends might be still alive. But now they are a part of me.” She pats her black shirted belly. “ And now it's time to finish this. And this time, your mine.” Jessica tried to raise her ring in defense, but the monster just chuckled. “Really? Your ring. You think you can take me down with your ring alone. No. I think not.” The blast of green light tried to form a shape, but with a simple parting of the lips, the light was drawn away, sucked into the space between her lips. With a single swallow, the last vestigial remnants of her ring faded. “Now for the prize dessert.” The world around Cruz was dragged out of shape. Or more accurately she had been drawn inside the force of this monsters internal black hole. She tried to fight back, but it was to no avail. The young green lantern was sucked into her enemies black maw, never to be seen again. From outside the white haired creature daubed her lips with a tattered dark pink tracksuit. One that had belonged to the lanterns sister. It had been an exquisite meal for her. She rubbed her stomach as she felt the green lantern slipping away into her abyss. A sudden change in pressure prompted a belch which tossed an empty green ring into her hands, along with her preys tattered light brown shirt. “With that tasty little deal dealt with, I think I will consider our debts to be truly settled.” She chuckled as wiped off the ring and leaves the slightly moist shirt behind. Singularity Jain walking away from the city as a black hole devoured the last traces of the earthborn lanterns existence.
Jessica woke up with a start. She clutched her chest and breathed heavily for a few moments. The room was as it was when she left it. The ring sitting on her jewellery box. She sighed a sigh of relief. Jain was still gone. Locked away in a place she could do no harm, a singularity of her own making. She need not focus on the past, but instead look to the present and future. Speaking of present...her ring was blaring an alarm. “Lantern Jessica Cruz. A reminder to Report to the planet Oa for Ringlink training. Please remember to get changed and not skip out on breakfast.” She was running late. Jessica rushed herself into a set of clothes, and barely managed to give her ring a recharge along with a piece of toast for herself. As she donned her lantern uniform, she smiled as she thought about the possibilities. The dream fading from her mind as She blasted off into space, surrounded by a green light.
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Return of Singularity Jain - Prologue By Alice3hoping -- Report

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Dark dreams herald the rousing of evil from its sleep. Jessica Cruz has a nightmare of a monster from her past.

Singularity Jain, Jessica Cruz and All DC characters and locations are owned by their respective creators

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Posted by THEholySnail 1 year ago Report

Wow! Never thought I'd see something on singularity jain, given how obscure that dc character is.
She truly is a nightmarish pred, especially the lanterns.