Archive > Deathbat99 > Dragon Maid > Dragon maid Vore 2
  Miss Kobayashi's dragon maid vore part two: Wrath of the big titted former Goddess, and where do babies come from
 Lucoa sits at home waiting for her young master Shouta to come home from elementery school. Normally she would follow him and protect him to and from school since she was his familiar, but he told her to stay home because her appearance is distracting to all the boys and the dads too. Lucoa never saw a problem with it but it did have her confused because she thought all human females were super attractive with large breasts that's why she made her human form look so over the top sexy with large tits.
She hears the front door open and starts rushing to the door to great her master. But she paused for a moment when she heard sobbing then she dashed downstairs to see what was wrong. Only to find Shouta covered in scrapes and his shirt was torn and covered in dirt.
"Shouta baby what happened to you?" Lucoa asked with concern.
" I don't wanna talk about it." Shouta replied wiping his tears.
" Ok just go clean yourself up and we can talk after you've calmed down." Lucoa said in her normal positive way.
Shouta just ran upstairs, took a bath and got changed but he didn't come back down to talk to Lucoa. So she went upstairs to him. She started talking to him about what happened thinking that he probably got hurt at school and was embarrassed to tell her. But then Shouta he was beaten up on the way home by some bullies and her thought process changed.
"Well if you have bullies just talk to a teacher when you go to school tomorrow." Said Lucoa.
"They weren't from the school, they were some guys I bumped into on the way home." Replied Shouta. They were eighteen years old they beat me up and took some of my stuff.
Shouta covered his mouth relizing he said something he shouldn't have. He lifts his head and looks at Lucoa and sees something he never thought he'd see....the look of rage in her eyes. Lucoa was always so cheerful and carefree, never getting angry not even once. For her to show such anger is as intriguing as it was terrifying.
"Where were they, what did they take and how many?" Lucoa asked in her calm voice.
Shouta was to scared to answer for he feared what she would do with such information.
" Answer the questions Shouta." Said Lucoa.
" They are four blocks down in an abandoned car repair shop, they took a pocket watch my dad gave me and there are four of them." replied Shouta.
"Good boy Shouta." said Lucoa. Now stay here and rest while I go take care of this.
" No I won't let you go I order you to....." Shouta said before he was cut short.
Lucoa used a sleeping spell on him that would keep him out for hours giving her plenty of time to take care of business. While she knows he will be mad at her for what she did, but this is to protect him from seeing what she is gonna do.
She locks the front door on her way out and goes looking for the boys that beat up Shouta.
"They may be young and stupid but it doesn't mean I will forgive them for hurting my master." Lucoa thought. On this day they will know the wrath of a Goddess.
Lucoa starts heading down the street towards the abandoned repair shop and starts coming up with a plan on what to do with them and what to do after to get away. As she walks her belly begins to grumble and that gives her an idea on what to do with them. She will distract them with her sexy figure, and then eat them which shouldn't be hard since they are 18 year old boys. But simply eating them wouldn't be enough, they need to be scared out of their minds when it happens.
 She was so focused on wanting to eat them she almost walks past the shop. She walks inside and quickly finds the watch and puts it in her pocket. After searching she finds the boys hanging out in an large office upstairs. She let's herself in and smiles and wave while she introduces herself.
While she enters the office she closes and quietly locks the door behind her, but the boys were so distracted by her huge knockers that they didn't even notice. " So you boys wanna have some fun?" asked Lucoa in a seductive tone. "Cause I'm looking for a good time and I this was the place to get one."
Lucoa swings side to side causing her breast to jiggle around and keep them aroused. They start moving closer drawn to her like moth to flame. They were inches away from her just watching her jiggle her breasts around. The teens were so focused on her breasts they didn't notice that the lower half of her body became like that of a serpant and it slowly started to coil around where they were standing but not making contact just yet, the coils keep going up and up until they were level with their abdomens.
" S-So what's your stuff?" one boy finally choked out.
"Oh my friends call me Lucoa." she replied. The coils that had laid in wait to spring the trap finally squeezed tightly around their bodies and then Lucoa told them what her real name was.
 " However the Aztecs called me the Quetzalcoatl the feathered serpant." Well really I'm a dragon with a human boy for a master. A boy you chose to bully and for the crime of harming my master you are to be my dinner!
Lucoa quickly changed her upper half and head to her true form then opened her mouth wide, and as the boys screamed in terror she swallowed them all whole in one bite. They slid past her throat and formed a massive bump in her serpentine belly. Lucoa slithered over to the couch that was in the office and turned back to her human form as she laid down on the couch rubbing her massive stomach. " Oh it's been ages since I've eaten so many people!" Lucoa said orgasmically. I'm gonna enjoy digesting all of you and adding you to my tits. But if there's one thing I'm gonna enjoy more than that it's masturbating on this couch.
She manages to slide her shorts and panties down to her knees and proceeds to finger herself. As she gets more agressive her belly sloshes all over the place and started to create a lot of gas. Until Lucoa let out a belch so loud she shattered some windows and set off some car alarms. After that she quickly finished up, put on her perception blacking spell and walked home enjoying her nice full belly as the boys kicked and screamed inside her. By the time she got home Shouta's mother was there and had found him asleep.
Lucoa revealed herself and brought Shouta's mother up to speed. She tells her everything, how he was beaten up and then how she tracked down and devoured them all.
" Well I guess that means proper thanks are in order then." Said Shouta's Mom. Since my husband is over seas in America on business for the last week and will be for about a month, my bed has felt kinda empty and masturbating can only do so much. I'll just to cut to the chase. Do you wanna fuck while those boys digest?
"Of course but on one codition." Said Lucoa.
" What is it?" asked Shouta's mom.
" You have to fuck me with some boys in your belly too." replied Lucoa.
"I actually missed lunch so it's a deal." Shouta's mom agreed.
She locked lips with Lucoa as she regurgitated two of them, the slid right down her throat and into her belly popping the button on her pants. She licks her lips with satisfaction as she rubs her belly. She takes Lucoa by the hand and heads for the master bedroom where they both strip naked and proceed to make love as they free fall onto the bed. They embrace rubbing their bellies together as they kiss and grope each other and caress every curve on each others bodies. Even as the prey in their bellies kick and squirm to try and get out they do not stop. Over the next two hours with occasional breaks they they do everything they can possibly do with each other.
The teen boys seemed to have run out of energy and quit their struggles and their cries for mercy as the two women continued having sex until they both climax.
"Ahhh that was amazing!" said Lucoa. But now that fun time is over I'd like to have the two boys in your tummy back.
" Aww why?" asked Shouta's mom. The feel so good in my belly.
"Because they were originaly my dinner." said Lucoa. Plus do you want your son to see you like this and then have to tell him why?
"Hmm you make a valid point, ok their all yours." said Shouta's Mom.
She locked lips with Lucoa again and forced the the teen boys out of her stomach and Lucoa swallowed them again. Lucoa rubbed her stomach a few times then told the prey in her belly that they should get very comfortable because she intends to keep them in there for a very long time.
Many weeks go by and Lucoa digests them very slowly and rubs her stomach constantly when she is alone masturbating at home. But when she has to go out in public or Shouta is around she puts a concealing spell over it so no one can see it. She takes 6 weeks to digest all four eighteen year old boys completely their weren't even bones left.
One night as she sits up stairs watching the last of her bulging belly fade away and her breasts get larger she over hears Shouta asking his mom something.
" Mom where do babies come from?" asked Shouta.
" Uh w-what was that?" Shouta's mom asked.
"Where do babies come from?" he asked again.
" Oh...well you" Shouta's mom struggled to answer. Suddenly the clock chimed nine times. " Oh gee look at the time it's time for you to go to bed." She said with relief.
Shouta went upstairs, brushed his teeth and then went to bed no questions asked. He fell asleep fairly quickly. Lucoa observed him for a moment thinking about how to curb his curiousity and save his mom the trouble of trying to explain to him, that's when she had an idea that would be easy for him to grasp. She decided to shove him into her womb as he slept. As soon as she was certain that he was dead asleep she dropped her shorts and panties.
Lucoa quickly but carefully inserted him inside while trying her best not make even the slightest sound. Once he was completely inside she put her underwear back on and got changed for bed.
She climbed into bed and went to bed rubbing her belly like an expectant mother. " So this is what pregnancy is like?" Lucoa thought before she fell asleep. The next morning Lucoa went downstairs to get breakfast, Shouta's mother who was sitting in the kitchen already spit out her coffee after she saw Lucoa with a big belly.
" Did you eat my son?!" she asked in a panic.
" No no of course not." Lucoa said. He's in my womb just like a little baby.
" Why did you put him in there in the first place?!" asked Shouta's mom.
" Well last night I overheard you two talking about where babies came from so I put him in there so I could make him less curious." Said Lucoa. I won't give him the details on how they are made though, so he won't have the mental picture stuck in his head until many years from now. So let's just enjoy breakfast for now before he wakes up. I'll explain things to him while you go about your business.
Lucoa manages to eat a full breakfast before Shouta starts to wake up. He starts to toss and turn, punch and kick trying to figure out where he is.
" Oh good you're finally awake." said Lucoa.
"Lucoa where are you?" asked Shouta. " Outside." Lucoa said. " Umm Where am I?" asked Shouta. " Inside me, and I must say you feel really good in there." Lucoa replied.
"YOU ATE ME?!" Shouta asked in a panic. I knew it you are a bad demon that only wanted to eat me!
" No Shouta I'm not a demon I'm a dragon and I didn't eat you, you came in somewhere......different." said Lucoa.
" I'M IN YOUR BUTT?!!" Shouta yelled.
Lucoa couldn't help but laugh a little at her master for thinking that.
" No you're not in my butt, you're in my womb." said Lucoa.
There is silence as Shouta tries to understand his situation.
"Last night I heard you asking your mom where babies come from so I decided to show you first hand by putting you where they come from." Lucoa said as she tenderly rubbed her belly.
"But how does it get here?" Shouta asked.
" The answer to that question can only be answered when you are older." said Lucoa.
"But I wanna know now." Said Shouta.
" Well I'm sorry but I can't tell you that information." Lucoa replied. Think of it like this. Much like how you must level up in magic skills to learn more and more advanced spells, you must "level up" or in other words get older to learn the secrets of life. Do you understand?
" I guess that kind of makes sense." Replied Shouta. I guess I can wait until I'm older to ask those questions. But I do have one question. When are you gonna let me out of here?
"Oh don't worry I'll let you out before we go to bed." Lucoa reassured. But I am gonna at least keep you in there until after dinner.
Lucoa waddled around with Shouta inside her womb all day, and she made the most of every moment.
to be continued.......
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Dragon maid Vore 2 By Deathbat99 -- Report

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I apologize for any poor grammar.

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Posted by strijing987 5 years ago Report

Very Nice


Posted by Deathbat99 5 years ago Report

Thank you. What did you like most


Posted by Deviantfan16 5 years ago Report

Good story. Lucoa was nice and achieved divine retribution.


Posted by WillingWombPrey 5 years ago Report

An amazing story as always, but you kinda messed up on one thing near the beginning.
Lucoa didn't choose her human form. The way she is in her human form is the equivalent to her beauty and attractiveness as her dragon form. Same with Tohru and Kanna.


Posted by WillingWombPrey 5 years ago Report

Other than that, still an amazing story.


Posted by Deathbat99 5 years ago Report

Thanks I knew I’d make a mistake somewhere. So what parts did you like specifically


Posted by WillingWombPrey 5 years ago Report

The parts involving Lucoa and Shouta's mom. As well as the unbirthing.


Posted by SydneySchoop 5 years ago Report

UNbirth is one good thing. Good job, Death!


Posted by Deathbat99 5 years ago Report



Posted by SydneySchoop 5 years ago Report

Np friendoo


Posted by Deathbat99 5 years ago Report

Anything you’d like to see happen in this series


Posted by SydneySchoop 5 years ago Report

Nooooooope. Waiting on one series already, so I'm gooooood, friendo.


Posted by Deathbat99 5 years ago Report

Just need to work out the stuff for that series in my head and trust me I have a lot of clutter in there