Archive > radmann > (OLDER STUFF!) Stories/Art/Trades - EVERYTHING > 2019 Gift Stories :) > Freedom Is A Dish Best Shared
Liberty smiled over at Calgary, who was licking her lips as she looked at the tied up girl who was placed on the picnic table, surrounded by beer, burgers, and a healthy dose of maple syrup. “Isn’t this a bit cliche, eh?” Cal snorted, addressing her blonde, star spangled friend as she approached the meal whimpering on the table. Liberty giggled at the lack of self awareness from her friend, and walked over closer to the table, the bound girls eyes getting wide as she saw the blonde American drool and reach down, her mind fearing that she was going to be gulped there and then, but Liberty simply grabbed a thick burger, bringing it up to her mouth and taking a big bite.
“So, I get to eat her?” Cal asked, taking a nice deep whiff of how delicious the white, bikini clad girl smelled. “Yep, today’s your day, so I figured that I would treat you!” Liberty said, taking another particularly crunchy bite from the dripping whopper. “Awe, that’s so sweet of you!” Cal blushed, putting her hands up near her cheek in a girly fashion, lifting her bare left foot up behind her own leaf bedecked bum.
“Where did you get such a delicious looking meal?” Cal inquired, picking up a can of craft and cracking it open with a soft fuzzy pop. “Oh, you can take a guess, since it’s almost my day as well, and I figured that you would enjoy a dish of ‘freedom’!” Cal blushed harder understanding exactly what Liberty meant, shifting her smirking gaze away from the food covered table, looking out over the pleasantly sunny coast.
Liberty picked up a beer for herself, and walked over to where Cal was standing, her red, white, and blue covered ass and breasts jiggling as she took a loud sip from her own drink. “You Americans are always so noisy~” Cal poked at Liberty, who simply stuck her tongue out at her. “Yeah, well then I guess your gut is one of us if Americans are that noisy” Liberty poked back. Both girls just stood there for a few moments, each admiring their own green lands on each side of the water, happy to get to enjoy such similar celebrations so close together.
After another moment of enjoying the natural beauty, a muffled set of protests brought both gluttonous girls back to the feast that was ready for them to devour it. “Ready to get the celebration really started?!” Liberty asked, landing a quick playful slap on Cal’s freckled ass, as her equally dotted cheeks were nearly the color of the leaf her country proudly waved. “Yeah, let’s eat~”
While Liberty chowed down on the delicious food of her homeland, Cal picked up the side dish of fries and poutine, shovelling the salty and savory “chips” into her mouth, all the while the captive main course whimpered and watched the two, once skinny girls, extend their guts with their gorging.
Cal patted her bloated tummy, and let out a burp, promptly apologizing as she covered her mouth, earning a grin from Liberty who simply let a guttural flow of air escape her bright red lips, her starry cheeks covered in greasy remains as butcher paper wrappers littered the table. “Goodness, I think it’s time to enjoy my gift!” Cal said, dusting her hands off together from any access salt.
While the girl had mostly remained still outside of her noises here and there, she realized this signalled her doom, as she started once again to struggled as the round stomach of Cal obscured her sobbing view. “Gosh you look better than those burgers!” Cal drooled, earning a teasing scowl from where Liberty sat, guzzling down a big can of alcohol. “Well, better not waste any more time! I don’t want to miss the fireworks!” Cal hummed, hooking her hands under the girls armpits, putting her mouth right on top of the shivering girls head.
Cal started to consume her living meal, as Liberty just enjoyed the show, hammering down yet another drink, her own cheeks turning a bright red pink as she belched again. “Don’t worry, I’ll provide the loud noises if we miss the show.” Liberty said, stroking her sagging and sloshing gut.
Cal already had the upper half of the balled up girl in her gullet, as she shifted her hands down to the soft rump of the shivering girl, who quite frankly tasted amazing, drool slobbering all over the foodgirls body. “Goss see tates sooooo gud!” A muffled form of pleasure tried to escape Cal’s lips, doing about as well as the girl who was trying to escape her consumption was. “You know it’s rude to talk with your mouth full, and here I was thinking you were all matters.” Liberty cracked, as she hammered her chest with her fist to let out another deep burp.
Cal was nearing the ass end of her meal, who was half way down her throat, pleading for her torment to end quickly. A nice soothing breeze touched both of the preds skins gently, as they both sighed. Cal finally had the Union Jack emblazzed undies sticking out of her mouth along with the perky little toes, as she shut her eyes tight, and gave one final swallow, a giant lump travelling down her neck, ballooning out her stomach even more.
Finally Cal let out a massive sigh as she spread her legs out to give her wriggling and whining gut some room, as she gave it a nice deep rub. “Goodness me, she was darn tasty!” Cal moaned, her tongue lulling out of her mouth. “But I can’t help but feel she was… Missing something?” Cal put her finger up to her chin, thinking deep and hard before she snapped her fingers. “RIGHT! The best topping!” Cal cheered as she motioned for the much more mobile Liberty to grab the massive thing of syrup that had laid forgotten until just that moment, and handed it over to Cal, who without any effort ripped the lid off, and put the thick sweet as sin liquid up to her mouth.
Inside the boiling stomach, the sound of sizzling and heartbeat thumps were all Ely could hear, the acids covering her lower half already started to stung, and she tried to keep her head away from the hot liquid, but this would only prove to be a mistake on her part. Seconds later, the hole that had just deposited Ely opened back up once again, and in poured gallon after gallon of heavy, sticky, and sickly sweet brown syrup, nearly drowning Ely before the acids could.
With a final few gulps, Cal finished off the container and set it to her side, a bubbly blow of gas rippling from her sticky mouth. “Gosh, thanks for making today so great Liberty!” Cal said, patting her stomach which let out a low groan as it started to process and work harder at breaking down the human meal. “Don’t mention it, I just hope that you won’t forget that MY birthday is coming up soon, and that it’s gonna be even bigger!” Liberty drunkenly shouted, her tits jiggling as if her flag was waving. Cal just smiled and blew out a heavy breath, happy that today was the start of another great year for her special country.
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Freedom Is A Dish Best Shared By radmann -- Report

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Hey everyone, happy Canada day to all my friends and everyone else up further North. I am a proud resident of Freedom land, but I love all my great friends up in Canada, and wanted to do up a small little gift to celebrate their countries big day! (Don't worry, I am planning on doing something to celebrate my own wonderful countries (soon to come) birthday as well! :D)

This is just all in good fun, and is just meant as a silly little gift, so there is no reason for anyone to get upset.

This is also based off a pic  maniacalfork drew up which you can check out on his page! Not gonna tag everyone since I don't want to spam their mentions, but know I really appreciate all your wonderful friendship, and glad that our countries can be so close!

I just hope everyone has fun reading this short and "sweet" story!

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Posted by Mad51 4 years ago Report

happy canada day to you to eh!


Posted by radmann 4 years ago Report

:D Indeed indeed! I hope you're having a great day celebrating!