Archive > JessicaVoire > Jessica's Origins > Trouble in Paradise > Trouble in Paradise (Ch. 1)
I looked around myself with dreamy eyes. Why couldn't all of my life be as peaceful as this?
Lying in the cool stream, I felt like a new person. The kiss of the tea coloured water as it soaked through my thick fur was so soothing. The spring air was warm, but the water was beautifully cool to the touch. I lay back against the rocky riverbank, looking up through the dark canopy of the stone pines at the white cotton clouds that drifted through the delicate blue sky above.
I didn't really know where I was. After three days of wandering, I had found myself in an area of wilderness which appeared to be completely uninhabited. Maybe it was a national park of some kind...I couldn't be sure, I knew so little about this country. I hadn't yet found any paths, however, which was an encouraging sign. Even if people did come here, they surely couldn't come in great numbers or very regularly. This place was far too serene and unsullied.
I cast a glance over my shoulder. My pack lay by the trunk of the nearest tree, the contents emptied out onto the ground around it. There was my canteen, my hunting knife, a change of clothes and a few other bits and pieces which were either useful or treasured. My eyes fell on the plain little notebook and pencil which lay among my things.
I turned away and shut my eyes tightly for a moment.
'No, I'm not going to think about that now. I won't let it spoil this moment.'
To distract myself I reached over to the small pool which nestled among the rocks beside me. My clothes from this morning were lying in it for a much needed soak after the long walk.
I held up my loose-fitting grey T-shirt. It still looked fine, though the lower back was starting to become rough from my pack rubbing it as I walked. I gave it a final rinse and hung it over a nearby branch, then did the same for my baggy pants, my black bra and my underpants.
Looking at them made me sigh. I did miss having nice clothes, but living like I did, there was little money to buy them with and no point in owning them. My fur kept me warm in all but the coldest weather and I only needed clothes for decency - in case I ran into any people or needed to visit a city or town, although those visits were becoming rare. I had lived near quite a nice town for almost three years and done enough work here and there to pay for food and a membership at the local gym. But my hunger and my cock never let me settle anywhere for long before stirring up trouble.
My cock was the other reason I needed clothes. I wasn't ashamed of being a herm: it was very rare to have both sets of parts and, by itself, I found it pretty hot. But for all that I was a feminine looking herm, I was hung even by male wolves' standards and that drew too much attention. Nearly every incident had happened because of someone finding out about my mixed gender, so I hid my shaft and my balls under tight underpants and baggy trousers, only releasing them when I was sure I was alone.
Now though, my male addition lay limp in my lap, thanks to the beautifully cold water of the valley stream.
The cold was such a wonderful thing. It didn't fully quench the ever present heat in my loins, but it made a world of difference. My head felt clear for the first time in ages. It was such a rare thing for me to be able to think without a fog of lust hanging over my mind, I had almost forgotten the feeling. Normally the desire would only leave me for the day after I had fed, when I was in no state to enjoy the sensation. But now, lying naked in this cool stream, alone and unashamed, I felt...content.
Smiling, I slipped off the bank and kicked against the rocks, pushing myself out towards the centre of the stream. I dropped my head beneath the water and dove a little way down, trailing bubbles from the fur of my neck as the air was squeezed out of it. Damp silence filled my ears as I drifted through the clean water. Then, when my lungs were spent, I arched my back and broke through the surface nose first.
I breathed out and took in a fresh lung full of the warm, clean air. Then I stretched myself out and started swimming slowly upstream. I used to swim regularly at the gym, so I was overjoyed to have the chance again. My feet kicked lazily, while my arms slid alternately through the air and water in a graceful motion. I moved at a leisurely pace, making as little noise as possible and simply enjoying myself. I was conscious of the feeling of the water flowing over my more sensitive areas, but it stirred nothing in me.
I swam upstream and downstream at the same steady pace for what felt like an hour. When I at last tired, I rolled onto my back and allowed myself to drift with the flow of the water.
I was a little way upstream and out of sight of where I had left my things, but I wasn't worried about them. The sun was gradually dropping towards the trees on the opposite bank, so I made a point of enjoying the warmth of its rays on my belly and face as I floated through the water, gradually drifting back down the river. My ears stayed beneath the surface, muffling the sounds of the world above. I shut my eyes for a little while.
When I opened them again, I felt ready to return and set about making myself a camp for the night. Sighing lazily, I let my legs sink down into the water and adopted a slow breaststroke. I didn't have very far to swim. The river had carried me most of the way...back...
My ears twitched. There was a new sound floating through the trees from up ahead. It was faint, but I fancied I could hear the soft crunching of pine needles underfoot.
I perked up. Maybe it was a deer! I hadn't eaten very well on the journey here and I was really craving something substantial. I only had my knife, but I was a pretty good ambush hunter.
I didn't dare swim any faster for fear of spooking whatever it was. Unfortunately I couldn't smell it yet; the faint breeze was blowing in the wrong direction. I told myself to be patient and kept moving silently through the water. The bend in the river ahead meant that I was nearly back at camp.
When I rounded the turn, however, I came face to face with not one, but two does. They saw me almost immediately and both gave a friendly wave and smiled girlishly.
I forced myself to smile back, but inside I was panicking.
Not anthros...they weren't supposed to be anthros...
"Hey there!" one of them called out pleasantly.
They had to be sisters. They both had exactly the same fur: a creamy cappuccino brown, giving way to white on the belly, chest, neck and forearms. A cluster of white dots appeared on their shoulders too and there were also faint flecks under their eyes - as though they had little white freckles on their cheeks. Their faces were beautifully feminine, with a softly pointed chin and a short little muzzle ending in a brown button nose. They were both dressed in the same clothes: a tight fitting, sleeveless tube top and a pair of skin hugging gym shorts, through which their fluffy little tails poked. Their dainty feet ended in cleft hooves, leaving no need for shoes.
Where they differed was in their choice of colour and hairstyles. The doe who had spoken to me was dressed in a black top with navy blue shorts and had left her golden blonde hair to fall down over her shoulders in loose, flowing locks. The six dull points of her little pair of antlers peaked out from between the sea of gold, as did her adorably soft ears. On the other hand, her sister was dressed entirely in white and wore her much longer, fuller hair in a ponytail. Also, her fringe was swept forward and to the left so that it would sometimes hide her eye. Her antlers were slightly smaller than her sister's and only the one on her right was visible through her hair.
As I took this all in, I was trying to figure out what to do. For the moment, the best thing seemed to be to answer them.
"Um...hi." I called back, sounding extremely shy.
They smiled even more now that I had spoken.
"We were wondering whose stuff this was," the doe with the ponytail remarked, "but I guessed you'd just gone for a swim. It must be so nice in there!"
I nodded and smiled, still floating a little way up river. I was hesitant to go any closer, but at the same time I felt like an idiot for not swimming up to greet them. Something of my discomfort probably showed, because the doe dressed in the black top suddenly covered her mouth.
"Oh! We're not intruding are we?" she asked, genuinely concerned, "Is it just you? Were you looking for some time alone? I'm so sorry!"
I found myself taken aback and suddenly I felt guilty for giving her the impression that I wanted to be alone. Even though I did.
"No!" I blurted out, swimming towards them, "No, you''re really not bothering me. I just didn't expect to see anyone else out here that's all."
The flustered doe seemed relieved, but her sister was just chuckling.
"You're always so panicky Tess." She teased her in a whisper.
Stepping forward, she held out her hand to me as I neared the shore. I reached out to take it, when I suddenly became conscious of my exposed breasts. I hesitated and brought my free arm up to cover them as best I could. The doe giggled in amusement at my shyness.
"Don't be embarrassed, we're all girls here." She said with a good natured smile.
She gave me a little wink of reassurance. Stealing a quick glance down, I saw that the dark water was still hiding my waist. Relieved, I smiled back at her and shook her hand gently, letting my other arm fall away from my breasts.
Her hand felt so small in my grasp and for the first time I realized that the two girls were just on the right side of five feet tall - perhaps 5ft 4 at the most. It was only their slim build which had made them look closer to my height from this perspective.
"I'm Beatrice," the bolder doe said, brushing her hair aside so she could look at me properly, "Bessy for short. And this is my sister Tess, or Tessy if you want. It makes us sound more like a pair: Bessy and Tessy."
The second doe came up and stuck her hand out, apparently having recovered from her embarrassment.
"What's your name?" she asked sweetly.
As I shook her gently by the hand, my smile became sincere. These two seemed really nice.
"I'm Jessica," I replied, then just to be fair I added, "Jess is also fine."
Tess let go of my hand and stood up next to her sister. They both wore identical, warm and friendly smiles.
"It's nice to meet you Jessica." Beatrice said.
"You too." I replied, beginning to forget my apprehension.
Oddly, I didn't feel any real sense of lust or hunger in the company of the two girls. In the back of my mind, I reasoned that it must have been a combination of the cold water and the fact that it was still daytime. I didn't give it much thought though; I was really quite taken with the friendliness of the two does.
"Would you mind if we joined you for a swim?" Tess asked politely.
I smiled unthinkingly.
"Sure, you're very welcome." I replied.
"Great!" Beatrice piped, "I'm so in the mood to get out of these sweaty things."
To my horror, they both began to strip out of their tight clothing. Tess pulled her black shirt off, unclipped her bra and slipped out of her gym pants in just seconds, tossing them idly down by the bank before trotting up and leaping into the water beside me in a graceful dive, beaming with child-like glee. She surfaced with a small gasp and a little squeal at the cold and then laughed it off and began rinsing her hair in the water, getting it well soaked.
Beatrice didn't quite follow suite. As I watched, keeping my expression as nonchalant as possible, she lifted her hands to the base of her top. Pinching the white fabric with her delicate fingers, she drew it up past her head. There was something purposeful about her movements, which drew my attention to the emergence of her sizable breasts from underneath the fabric. The full orbs, clothed in soft white fur, were cupped by a stylish ivory-coloured bra which she unclipped and rested on top of her little backpack - that lay beside mine. Then she squeezed her fingers into her shorts and slipped them off, along with her ivory-white lace panties, in a single smooth motion. Her pussy was only just visible as a delicate pink line between her white folds.
After setting her clothes aside, she turned around and looked at me with the same innocent, friendly smile they both wore. I smiled back, grateful that they couldn't see me blush, and watched her leap into the water just as her sister had done. When she surfaced, her fringe hung across her left eye, but this time she left it there for a while.
"Oh, this is heavenly..." She said, laying back and floating like I had done. She kicked her feet, splashing myself and her sister a little, as she turned herself round so that she could see my face more easily.
"Have you come here before Jess?" she asked.
"Um, no. Actually, I kind of found my way here by accident." I replied, still having to hide my embarrassment and mild arousal after
Tess stopped playing with her hair and looked at me with interest and surprise.
"What do you mean? Didn't you get a map at the gates?" she asked.
"No I...I mean I don't actually know exactly where I am." I replied, thinking ahead about how to explain.
"You mean you're lost?" Beatrice asked, a hint of genuine concern creasing her soft features.
"Well...not exactly. See, I've sort of been touring the countryside on foot," I supplied, deciding that a half-truth would be the best answer, "you know: camping here one night, moving on in the morning. Just going where the fancy takes me really."
Both Beatrice and Tess perked up with interest.
"That sounds really cool?" Tess remarked.
"Yeah, that's pretty awesome Jess." Beatrice agreed.
"But aren't you scared?" Tess asked, "You know, being out in the wild all alone. What about the predators?"
I bit my tongue to hold back the words 'You mean there's others out there?'. Of course she meant the feral kind.
"Not really. What kind of predators do they have here?" I asked instead. I already knew the likely answer.
"Nothing really," Beatrice laughed, "just some lynx and smallish snakes."
She turned to her sister with an incredulous grin.
"Honestly Tess, you're going to make Jessica think you're paranoid at this rate."
Tess pouted and folded her arms comically.
"Alright Bessy, but there are bigger predators in some of the other parks. And anyway, what about those criminals that sometimes hide out..."
"Oh no you don't!" Beatrice shouted.
Laughing, she slapped her hand across the water and sent a burst of spray in her sister's direction. Tess squealed girlishly and held up her arms in defence.
"Oh! Now you're gonna get it sis!" she growled playfully when the water had settled.
Narrowing her eyes, she swung her arm and sent an even bigger splash back at Beatrice, who covered her eyes and then sent another back at her. As they traded blows, squealing and giggling merrily, Beatrice suddenly glanced over to me and treated me to a broad grin as she shielded her eyes from Tess's latest assault.
"Come on Jess!" she called out laughing.
To drive home the invitation, she brought her arm up from under the water and sent a light shower raining down on me. I laughed as I automatically raised my hands in defence. Forgetting everything else, I eagerly joined in the fun.
We swam around in a loose triangle, each trying to splash the other without "getting wet" ourselves. Sometimes the two of them briefly teamed up on me, but then one of them would take a sneaky shot at the other and then it became every girl for herself once again. Other times one of them would join me for a little while and we'd do our very best to drown the other in splashes. Beatrice liked ducking under water to avoid our assaults and she would often reappear a few feet away, ready to surprise one of us. Soon though, Tess and I learned to gang up on her when she tried it and we would blast her with water until she screamed in playful rage and blindly returned fire.
I giggled uncontrollably all throughout the water fight. I hadn't had fun like this in ages. The two does reminded me of my little sisters - who had often pulled me into similar games with just as much enthusiasm in the pool in my parent's back yard. Half blinded by the water, I could hardly even see if I was actually getting either of them and I doubted they were aiming as carefully anymore either. My longer, stronger arms sent far more water flying their way though, so that eventually it was the two of them who gave up and called a truce.
With the game over, we all bobbed about, catching our breath and laughing weakly in between the panting. Beatrice's sopping wet hair hung across her face like a mop, almost totally hiding both her eyes. Tess's hair was also a mess, but she just pushed it out of the way and lay back in the water like her sister had done before. She wasn't quite able to hold herself level though. She leaned her head back and shut her eyes for a while, wearing an adorably happy smile on her little brown muzzle.
I was smiling too and when I had my breath back I sighed happily and said,
"That was so much fun! I can't remember when last I laughed that hard!"
Beatrice laughed and her sister giggled too.
"I can't remember when last I got so wet!" she exclaimed, fiddling with her hair band.
She pulled it off, letting her rich blonde hair hang free. Cupping her hands, she poured water over her head and smoothed back the long locks of her fringe. Then she squeezed her hair tight at the back of her head and slipped the little black band back into place.
She smiled at me.
"I'm sorry if we did disturb your alone time Jess," she said sincerely, "but I'm very glad we met you. Sis and I were kind of regretting coming alone again."
I smiled shyly in return.
"I'm glad too. So do you come here often then?"
"Oh yes! We hike around here all the time, and camp out on the river at least five times a year." Beatrice replied happily.
"That sounds so lovely," I said wistfully, "you're lucky you both enjoy this kind of thing."
"Goes with being identical twins," Beatrice replied, then glanced at her sister with a smirk, "well almost identical."
"Hey! We're not that different." Tess said, pretending to be offended.
"Oh really 'Timid Tessy'?" Beatrice sniggered.
Tess frowned and pouted.
"So I'm not as forward as you. Maybe that's just because I grew up with you embarrassing me all the time by BEING forward." She retorted.
Beatrice didn't respond, but turned back to me instead.
"So where are you actually from Jess?" she asked.
"I lived in England as a kid." I replied. That was true.
"So where do you live now?" Beatrice asked, still treading water alongside me.
"...nowhere really. I just travel around." I answered, not quite able to make eye contact with her.
There was a pause and Tess stopped floating on her back and looked at me with surprise.
"You mean, like permanently? All on your own?" She asked in disbelief.
I nodded. My eyes stayed on the water's surface in what must have seemed like a downcast expression. This was starting to get a bit too personal, but I was struggling to lie to such warm and open faces as theirs. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. They felt so...trustworthy.
Beatrice drifted a bit closer to me, trying to make eye contact.
"Don't you have a family?"
I shook my head.
I shook my head again
"Boyfriend? Girlfriend??"
My cheeks flushed as I shook my head a third time. After a moment's pause, Beatrice reached out and rested her hands on my shoulder sympathetically.
"Awh, sweetie...that's so unfair for you."
I tried to ignore how close she was. The last thing I needed now was for her to find out something about me that was even more private.
"It's not that bad," I protested weakly, "I get to see different places and I'm kinda introverted anyway, so..."
I trailed off. My argument already sounded weak and I could see she wasn't convinced.
"Girl, a beautiful thing like you should have been swept of her feet by a handsome wolf boy ages ago." Tess remarked.
Beatrice smiled and agreed. But then she leant in closer and whispered, so that only I could hear,
"Unless, you're not into boys...?"
I flinched as I felt her hand touch my arm beneath the water. Her fingers traced up along my bicep towards my shoulder. I noticed Tess watching us with suspicion.
"'re not doing what I think you're doing are you?" She asked.
Beatrice grinned at me with playful wickedness as her hand brushed my breast and my breath caught in my throat.
"You aren't into boys." she said to me, loud enough for her sister to hear.
Her sister gasped.
"Bessy!" she exclaimed, though a faint smile was creeping onto her lips.
"I'm right aren't I Jess?" Bessy insisted, her fingers now tracing the base of my neck.
I shut my eyes and took a sharp breath. A quiet "Yes..." slipped out from between my lips.
Bessy's eyes shined with delight. Tess opened her mouth slightly in what seemed like pleasant surprise. She swam a little closer as Bessy's hand dropped to my own, lifted my arm up and pressed my right hand against her left breast. She moaned very slightly and gave me a surprisingly gentle smile.
"Would you be into a little fun with us Jess?" she asked softly.
I hesitated. What if I lost control again? What if night came without me noticing? The two does had been so nice to me, if I lost control and...devoured them...I couldn't bear to think of it!
But then I realised...
I still felt no hunger. Furthermore, despite her teasing touches, I was still quite myself mentally. My cock wasn't even hard yet - although as I thought of it I felt it stir, but that still didn't bring on the hated hunger.
I traced my fingers over Beatrice's breast, eliciting an excited and hopeful little gasp.
I wanted to say yes. They really turned me on, both with their looks and their personalities. The thought of having fun with TWO sweet and gorgeous girls too...oh it was almost irresistible! I'd watched a couple threesomes and there were so many things that I wanted to try. A small part of my mind was also wondering if Tess was hiding a more adventurous side under her timid exterior. I had a strong feeling that she was.
There was still one thing in the way though...
As my hand pulled away from her breast, Beatrice looked at my worried expression and her face fell.
"You don't?" she asked, her eyes pleading for it not to be the case.
I smiled unsurely and took her hand.
"I'm more than into the idea of a little playtime with you both," I replied, trying to be flirty to soften what was to come next, "but there's something you should know about me first."
In response to the puzzled expressions, I drew Beatrice's hand down and cupped it around my balls. Her eyes widened. I dragged her fingers up along the base of my turgid shaft and her mouth hung open in disbelief. I couldn't tell whether she was disappointed or not. At the moment she was just shocked.
"Um...well," she stuttered, "that's...unexpected..."
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Trouble in Paradise (Ch. 1) By JessicaVoire -- Report

Chapter 1: Double the Trouble

So, it's been almost a month since my night with Leila and I'm still on the road, unable to settle. With a...'condition' like mine, the safest place for me to be is away from people. Safe for them that is. I've always loved wild spaces and the quiet of being away from people. And so in a wilderness area, very off the beaten track, I decided to set up camp and enjoy swimming in the beautiful river.

However, I soon discover that the area I've chosen isn't as secluded as I first though, as two gorgeous deer-girl sisters arrive on the scene. They're very friendly and game for some fun. At least one of them, though, seems to have her eye on me for another kind of fun...

And it's been so long since I was able to enjoy intimacy while I was in my right mind...

Bessy and Tessy's appearance was largely inspired by this piece: drawn by Nuzzo. They're an incredibly talented and skilled really is a shame they only do smut and erotica.

The icon is a painting I found on this site and does not belong to me:

This story is dedicated to  Graywolf18 for being the first person to read my first story and for suggesting twins <3

Comment on Trouble in Paradise (Ch. 1)

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Posted by Graywolf18 4 years ago Report

Twins, Basil!


Posted by JessicaVoire 4 years ago Report

Hmhm, Basil?


Posted by Graywolf18 4 years ago Report

Austin Powers? No? I'm old, okay. :/


Posted by bubbalubber 4 years ago Report

I got it


Posted by JessicaVoire 4 years ago Report

I've watched some Austin Powers, but that didn't ring any bells...mind you it's not a film/series I remember with much fondness


Posted by TheMysteriousSadSack 4 years ago Report

A moment of silence for these poor twins bout to get murdered lmao


Posted by JessicaVoire 4 years ago Report

Sadly yes, in chapter 4


Posted by AlimentaryArtist 4 years ago Report

Great narrative as always, love reading about Jessica's adventures her wanderlust reminds me of my OC. X3


Posted by JessicaVoire 4 years ago Report

Thank you very much~'s debatable whether she actually has wanderlust, although she may have developed a little by this point in her life. Living alone and always on the move is more of a necessity than a choice. She was quite content in her little home town before the hunger made itself known.


Posted by bubbalubber 4 years ago Report

Cant wait for part 2 <3


Posted by BurningRuby1909 4 years ago Report



Posted by JessicaVoire 4 years ago Report

I'll be posting it now~


Posted by TastesUndivided 4 years ago Report

Great as always. Love the out-of-vore focus. Really builds the characters and the world.


Posted by JessicaVoire 4 years ago Report

Thank you very much~ The story is what's important to me, lewdness by itself is extremely shallow and loses its sparkle like a piece of cheap jewellery.