Archive > Xali > Vore stories > Werewolf CoVore Up -1: Do Not Open Until Xmas
9 or 10 years before another fateful party, shortly after the turn of the millenium...
Leopold Jones, a mediocre lawyer in a small local law firm and painfully aware of that fact, had the requisite bald pate with black hair having retreated down as low as his ears, the requisite rumpled white shirtsleeves and little round eyeglasses, the requisite long hours and was now slumped forward onto his desk, sighing deeply. Not an uncommon position to see a man of his (early middle) age and position in, working during the holiday season, just a day before Christmas. But he had more reason than most to be letting the hard wood surface leave a deep red mark on his forehead right now.
Mr. Jones had been very, very close to finalizing the requisite divorce, which would be the only thing on that list of requsitions to give him any satisfaction. The few he'd confided in about looking forward to making things official after months of living apart were surprised he was looking forward to splitting with Lorena. After all, most reckoned she was out of his league.
Well... yes, which had always been rather the problem. Lorena had lost interest in her stable, dependable, boring husband quite early on but been pressured into staying by her old-fashioned family since the pair had adopted a kid during their 'honeymoon period'... giving the both of them a roller coaster of highs and lows, but mostly lows, as they tried and failed to make it work. And then a few months ago his wife had told him "we're pregnant!" despite the fact there'd been a dead bedroom for something like a year at that point and that 'difficulties' Leo had suffered accomplishing precisely that were why they'd adopted several years ago.
There'd been a fight and a separation and now, a couple months later, a phone call and a surprise meeting. Lorena had lost her job and played the "I'm going to have to have an abortion and my parents will never speak to me again even to visit my mother in the hospital" card. Despite all the obvious holes in that argument Leo just couldn't bring himself to spurn her at such a time of the year, and as of today, Lorena and their adopted son Warren were moving back in, just in time for Christmas eve. At least that'd be nice for the kid even if that meant the whole cycle was starting over again.
And yet that wasn't the worst of it. As the lanky, nervously smiling law partner in front of Leo's desk - who the latter would have called one of his few remaining friends, up until now - well knew, things had just gotten far worse.
"You know, Leo, I'm starting to wish I'd just walked out of the office instead of saying everything when you started pressing for full disclosure..."
"No, Artie," Leo said in a sharp, peevish voice, glowering up at his fellow lawyer, "that would've, in fact, been far, far fucking worse, which is amazing to speak of. Now I know that maybe I could've been a little more open, kept you in the loop a bit more, let you know about how things progressed with Lorena when you tried to pull that thread at the watercooler yesterday. And, on some level, I get that your heart was, in some absurdly bent sense of the term, in the right place with this. But..."
His eyes stared wildly as he put his hands on his temples and looked up. " what world did you grow up that you think it's ok to try and cheer up your friend going through a rough divorce by arranging to send a hooker to his house as a," out came the air quote fingers, "'surprise Christmas present'? Were you raised by wolves or something?"
The thin man standing for the inquisition put his hands up on his hips nervously. "Ah, well, mostly Lexie is more like a stripper, really, although she did say that 'it's up to him' when I asked how far she was planning to-"
"Give me her PHONE NUMBER, dipshit."
Artie swallowed and looked over his shoulder, making sure no-one was eavesdropping. "Uh, sure, but, well, she sent me a picture of herself in the outfit she was going to be wearing and I didn't see a lot of room for a cell phone.."
"Then give me her AGENCY's phone number, or her pimp or... Goddamn it, my 4th grade kid is there, you know that?" The haggard man furrowed his brow and thought intently as his idiot friend rushed off to try and find that number. He knew Lorena wasn't going to be getting back in until very late, the wee hours of the morning most likely.
The most complicated part was little Warren, who was back in his own room with a timed lock. As if life wasn't complicted enough they discovered, much too late to do anything about it, that they'd adopted a really 'special' kid, and not really in a good way. For the past couple of years he'd been... changing, whenever there was a full moon, and according to the calendar that was going to be the case tonight.
Leo could only imagine how much trouble his wife'd had trying to make arrangements for it the month or two she'd been away with Warren in her posession. He'd gotten wild and aggressive several times, and grew stronger when his little ears and tail popped out... If anything their son was even cuter when he became a werewolf but both knew he had the potential to be seriously dangerous. Normally there was a timed lock on Warren's room designed to be set to keep his bedroom door sealed shut for 14 hours at a time whenever a full moon evening was coming on. Had he remembered to set that lock and get it ready for tonight? Having gotten out of the routine and with all this stress, Leo couldn't remember.
While waiting for the slavedriver of a boss to go home so that he could get out of there (not even Christmas Eve was a good enough excuse for them to let out early), Leo started occasionally dialing the phone. But, of course, Warren knew not to answer it and this "Lexie" woman wouldn't either, if she'd already gotten there... He silently cursed himself for forgetting to demand Artie return the copy of his housekey after allowing his stupid 'friend' to housesit for a week last year during a family vacation.
The best thing to do would be to sneak out early and make sure this "Lexie" woman left almost immediately. He pulled up the email Artie had sent so he knew what to look for... and his mouth went dry and a nervous, involuntary cough crawled up his throat. Okay. 'Almost' immediately, since good money had been paid and all. An hour and a half dragged by before he decided that he was going to go ahead and go, since it was already dark and the full moon was out in force... only to immediately run into the worst holiday traffic he'd seen in a decade.
Warren scratched and rubbed in annoyance at his furry ears and swished his tail. This time at least he'd remembered to take his pajamas off so he didn't tear them up. It was so unfair that he couldn't see anyone or even go to his school group's event on Christmas Eve, and had to stay cooped up in his dark, chilly bedroom without even any TV! Why was it such a big deal if anyone saw him when he was all furry, the boy always wondered on nights like this? He wasn't hurting anybody by having a temporary tail. Knowing that he had to keep this secret made it even more hurtful that the other kids at school always called him "slow" and "weird" and other names.
But at least Christmas was going to be back to normal. That long "in-town trip" he'd been on with mom had been starting to make him worry a little bit and being back home at last was a relief. But with all the energy his mom and dad had been expending running around and arguing with eachother over every little thing he had a nagging, creeping worry that "Santa" (which he knew was actually dad - come on, he wasn't that gullible, it was unbelievable that his parents hadn't come clean on that whole story yet) wouldn't have gotten around to getting him one of those new Nintendo game systems, the kind with those high-tech little discs. At this rate, imagining the disappointment of nothing but clothes, sports equipment and yet another 'edutainment' game system was making it impossible for him to sleep... Especially since he felt a vague, indescribable craving every time the moon transformed him like this. He'd tried breaking the rules and eating some cookies earlier, but he couldn't even bear to swallow them - the sweet flavor suddenly tasted nauseating.
And then there was a 'bump' from somewhere in the nearby rooms. Well... if they were going to be claiming it was 'santa' coming early (though the sun had only gone down an hour or two ago), Warren figured he may as well go snooping around and see if he could get into the closet where he knew the presents were kept. If dad had snuck home early without telling him then he'd just say he was looking for Santa, or perhaps that he thought that he'd heard a burglar like in one of those funny movies that always came on TV this time of year. Sure enough the door wasn't locked today, and so he crept stealthily out into the house on all fours, trying to be as quiet as a mouse...
"Lexie" (real name Alessandra Gilder, not that her clients needed to know that) did a slow turn in front of her client-to-be's bedroom mirror, chuckling softly. The tall, statuesque 26 year old 'dancer' had really outdone herself this time. Her long platinum blonde hair was done up in an elaborate braided bun with a red bow and a droopy red 'santa hat' was atop her head. The backless 'santa blouse' she was wearing had long, baggy fur-frilled sleeves but the front clung tightly to her DD-cup 'tip generators', those little white puffballs sewn onto the red fabric bouncing and swaying with every step she took in her bright red stiletto heels. For the moment, the cleavage it gave her was covered by a loose red fur-trimmed shawl she wore over her shoulders, ready to be tossed aside as soon as was opportune.
But the most enticing part was what she wore below the waist. The furry fringe of her blouse stopped just below her belly button and there was no skirt to accompany it, revealing her white satin panties and garter-belt, the straps of which were tight enough to dig into the springy cheeks of her well-toned ass, with sensual white silk stockings running up and down her luscious legs. She giggled softly again as she moved to get in position. This was great - getting paid for as much as 4 hours, most of which she'd spend relaxing on a bed. At this rate she was going to make it through grad school without a cent of loan debt. Some people might think it sad to be working as a stripper (and maybe a little more than just that, depending on how things went) on Christmas Eve but so far as Lexie saw, it was a wonderful gift she was giving someone, a memorable experience, and the fact that she got a 'gift' in return was only fair.
Getting an idea of how to make the best impression, the sultry young woman pulled open the sliding closet. Sure enough there were some beautifully wrapped gift boxes in there. Lexie pulled them out and tossed them on the bed, starting to artfully arrange them to present a tableau, with her gorgeous ass to be placed right at the center as soon as her lucky John walked in.
There was a soft click of a door from out in the otherwise dark and silent house. That must be him now. "Showtime." Lexie whispered to herself as she killed the lights, spreading the presents out on the bed and flopping down on her stomach in the midst of them. The erotic dancer thoughtfully put herself in a sensual crouching position with her eyes beckoning back over her shoulder and her soft, round treat of a backside elevated and wiggling from side to side enticingly.
Surprisingly the one who entered the room didn't flick the lights on. "Merry Christmas, big man. Why don't you turn the lights on and come see your 'special stocking stuffer'?" But then, her eyes widened and her throat constricted when she heard a raspy little voice say: "Uh... Mom? Is that you...? Wait, you're... you're not mom."
 Over her shoulder she could see that the one standing in the doorway was... short. Very short. With her eyes not adjusted to the darkness yet it looked like he was wearing some kind of stupid animal-themed pajamas or jumpsuit. "Hey... w-what the Hell? Oh shit!" She winced. Her stupid third-party client hadn't mentioned anything about Mr. Jones having family home! Talk about an awkward situation. "Um, g-go back to bed, little boy." she said, clearing her throat and trying to sound authoritative.
"Wait a second... those are my presents! And mom and dad's presents too, I recognize the box with the electric razor mom helped me buy him! What are you doing with my presents, STRANGER?!" the squeaky, scratchy voice of the kid demanded.
Lexie wasn't sure how she could stand up without lacerating this poor kid's innocence worse than if she just stayed still, considering her outfit. "Um... I'm one of Santa's helpers, okay?" she said, willing herself to adopt the sweetest most mellifluous (and condescending) tone she could. Even though the kid was kinda tall if he was still wearing animal pajamas, surely he was still at the age where he'd believe in Santa, right?
"Don't lie to me, I know there's not really a Santa!" the kid said in an arrogant, shrill tone that grated on Lexie's ears. What an obnoxious little brat. Lexie silently made a mental note to double-check that her contraceptive prescription was up-to-date. The curvaceous dancer sighed heavily but then went on speaking in her sweet voice. "Don't you know you should listen to your elders little boy? You're being, uh, naughty. Now get to bed right away or I'm going to tell Santa and you won't be getting ANY presents at all tomorrow morning except for socks."
Warren not only refused but loped closer and inspected the bed. For some reason he couldn't quite understand it was hard to tear his gaze away from the white fullback panties cradling this strange lady's butt, and the long thighs tightly wrapped in smooth white silk. But there were no boxes big enough to conceal what he was looking for. "My Nintendo! Where'd you put my Nintendo? I've seen the boxes at the store, these are all too small!"
Lexie felt her fraying patience snap. That was enough. If the client(s) asked for the money back she'd tell them to go to fuck themselves. "Alright. Fine, you know what? I'm leaving." she sensually straightened up and shuffled towards the edge of the bed on her knees. "Have a Merry Christmas you little brat. Here's a gift - your parents were too cheap to buy your stupid Nintendo and I wouldn't bet that your daddy is going to be sticking around here many more months, either." She flicked the lights on... and froze in surprise at what she saw.
There was a kid, still clearly below his full-grown height, standing there, sure enough... but he wasn't anything close to normal. The 'pajamas' he was wearing were fur, complete with a tail that swished energetically on its own behind him. In a lot of ways he was adorable - he could've starred in a live action movie about a kid werewolf and people would've loved it, including Lexie herself, probably. But it couldn't be real. "Is that some kind of... some kind of Halloween costume...?" Lexie said, eyes widening and trying to blink the optical illusion away. But the massive pupils of the kid's eyes were clearly inhuman and when he opened his jaw Lexie saw real flesh and a long flat tongue rasping over his lips.
Lexie hopped to her feet and started shuffling awkwardly towards the door as quickly as her unstable footwear would let her. She tried to keep her distance from the strange kid but he followed her. Not only did he keep accusing her but he added a growl that sounded just like someone's puppy getting angry at an intruder.
"Grrr... I see what this is! You're a burglar, like in that movie! Pretending to be Santa or his helper so that you can come and steal everything while my parents are out! I'm not going to let you get away!"
"Stay away from me, you little freak! Jesus... what is this, some elaborate prank? Are there television cameras hidden in here?" Lexie's beautiful face soured as she gave the little furry beast a hard shove, sending him stumbling backwards. He still weighed quite a bit less than her, after all.
"Owwwww, my tail!" Warren whined. Then he looked back to Lexie bending over the bed where the presents were - to retrieve her purse, of course. But to Warren it was a last desperate attempt at plunder by a thief. "Noooo! Stop, you better stop right now and wait until my parents get back...!"
Lexie turned around and gave him a shove. "I told you to piss off, brat! Don't make me tie you up and lock you in the bathroom. Honestly, that might be the only way you learn some manners." the tall, curvaceous blonde said, her words swaddled in an aristocratic bearing that belied her current choice of part-time job.
When he saw the tall, adult woman move to disdainfully smack his face away some instinct in Warren triggered, and as a simple reflex he opened his mouth and caught Lexie's pale, delicate hand on his tongue. One reflex led to another and he gulped heavily, sticking her hand down his throat and trapping it there. Warren coughed and sputtered, not quite having planned that - but he didn't want her to hit him or get away, so he pushed forward as he tried to grab her by the waist.
"What the fuck?!" Lexie stared in disbelief at her hand stuck in the wolf-kid's throat up to the elbow. "AHHHHHHH!" she shrieked, arrogant dismissiveness giving way to squeamish horror. "Let go, let go!" She reached down with her free hand and shoved it right against Warren's cute, sensitive little nose, trying to force him back. That uncomfortable touch made Warren toss his head back and flex his jaws... which had the surprising result of making said jaw unhinge completely, coming loose like a snake's and even beginning to stretch in the middle. It seemed that both upper and lower jaw could stretch far more than what rigid bones would seem to allow. The result of this blur of motion was that Lexie's other hand ended up inside his mouth, and a surprisingly strong canine tongue curled around her free wrist to pull it in. Although slippery and slimy, Lexie's reaction time was just slow enough for her manicured pink fingernails to tickle the already-crowded back of Warren's throat, leading to another hearty gulp. Now both hands were shoved together inside his throat.
Rather than pull back, Warren noted that extending his own arms and wrapping his fingers around the santa-suited stripper's arms felt right under the circumstances. He was suddenly reminded, in his current childish, moon-deranged state of mind, that he was also very hungry, though he didn't follow that thought through to any logical conclusion.
"Let go, let go of me!" Lexie's voice was just short of shrill enough to crack glass. Thanks to her wobbly, impractical heels, she couldn't kick or knee him without falling. She staggered backwards far less gracefully than her usual smooth, sensual movements, but Warren was just dragged right along with her, stepping after her rather than digging his heels in. She smacked him up against a dresser, drawing a satisfying squeaky yelp of discomfort from the boy... and also shoving her other arm in up to the elbow.
Recalling that he was light enough to throw back a moment ago, Lexie turned sharply to the side, trying to swing Warren away from her, and lifting the little wolf up off his pawed feet in the process, forcing him to hang on for dear life. It was, in a funny way, reminding Warren of the game his mom had always played with him, swinging him around by his arms, before he'd 'got too big for it' three or four years ago. With this leverage, he wasn't too big for it at all, and Lexie was a very fit, energetic young woman, after all. She hit him several times against one of the dressers, making a twisting motion to try and get him off of her. Rather than dislodge him she only succeeded in turning the boy around so that he was facing the same direction as her. If it weren't for her greater height he'd have to bend over backwards; as it was, she was forced to bend down over him, squeezing his shoulders against her ample bustline.
By sheer luck, Warren's scrabbling, flailing legs happened to kick off of an open dresser drawer. He still didn't quite have full control of his own strength when in werewolf form, and the unintended motion ended up sending him up ass-over-elbows into the air, making Lexie grunt with surprise as the young wolf-boy suddenly ended up right over her.
With no rational input from his mind Warren, for the first time, experienced his body starting to engage in truly involuntary motions, like when the family doctor tapped his knee with a hammer. His jaws immediately strained to open as wide as possible and his hands scrabbled animalistically forward. One grabbed Lexie by her shoulder and the other latched on to one of her jiggling breasts.
"MMMF!" The first muffled cry of alarm was actually from Warren as his tongue slid down over Lexie's gorgeous face and pulled her entire head into his jaws alongside her shoulders. The rough feel of cloth and hair ticked his sensitive throat and her flailing hands started tickling the inside of his tummy. He felt his nose and ears redden. Even though she was a burglar he felt he needed to apologize for grabbing such an 'impolite' place, even though he didn't know all about the differences between males and females yet he knew what you were absolutely NOT supposed to do.
But... then again, if she was trying to escape and ruin Christmas, Warren thought, didn't he need to use any handhold he could get? And it felt so wonderfully soft and pliant under his hand.. he squeezed a little tighter, and felt a prominent firm bump pressing against his palm.
Suddenly, both Warren and Lexie realized they couldn't breathe, and both had a similarly panic-stricken reaction to it. The wet, slimy, frictionless embrace of his throat around her face made Lexie try to swing the little freak forward and off of her, but instead just ended up accidentally bending her arms at the elbows, which allowed the tight space they were in to force them to stay bent. A tongue licked her throat, and hot, tight lips stretched down over her shoulders. With the wetness of his throat stretched over her face like plastic wrap, Lexie already felt as if she were drowning and began shaking her upper body frantically, an instinctual squrim for freedom which, thanks to the leverage of gravity, had the opposite effect.
From his vantage point Warren could appreciate each curve of Lexie's vivacious body as he slowly descended over her. Two enormous, wobbling mounds of pleasantly soft flesh squeezed together around his nose. The involuntary motions came again as a rippling swallow ran through his throat, seizing Lexie's head and shoulders. To Warren's astonishment those huge bosoms, covered in thin red fabric, were compressed by his lips, stretched a dozen times wider than he'd thought possible, and squeezed against the roof of his mouth. The feel of those two big, springy protuberances filling his mouth before he squeezed them and the first of Lexie's torso into his gullet sent a strange tingle of delight, almost frightening in its alien intensity, through Warren's body.
Lexie was engulfed completely in hot, wet darkness. Her arms were being forced to curl up somewhere, and now she felt her shoulders and breasts being squeezed together by a slimy, near-frictionless tube. A echoing slurp filled her ears as she fruitlessly tried to call out for help. Without thinking she was still trying to step backwards, to somehow get away from the werewolf pup who'd balanced all his weight above and on top of her, letting his own mass drag his gullet down over the body that had tempted tens of thousands of dollars out of the pockets of countless admirers. She almost managed to get to the door, which she knew was open, when she tripped over one of thost stupid Christmas presents.
Even though falling headfirst might have been better, the colorfully-clad hooker instinctively tried to keep her balance as she wobbled on her heels. One slipped off as she fell painfully hard onto her backside, exposed save for her panties and lacy white garter straps. That impact caused Warren's overstretched maw and greedy, sucking throat to slide forcefully down over her tummy. Warren felt like blushing again as he found himself staring very closely at the front of Lexie's panties and luscious, kicking legs in the white silk stockings.
The young woman found that her shoulders, along with the crown of her head, were being forced up against an obsstruction now... there was no deeper she could go. For a moment she dared hope that he simply couldn't swallow again. But the throat relentlessly kneaded and compressed her curvaceous chest, and the impact of her rump on the carpet proved enough to make the chamber she was in stretch like rubber to admit her upper body.
Warren was quite worried now. He felt like he was slowly exploding. The pressure against his insides was almost unbearable. His flailing legs still couldn't touch the floor. He wanted to back off and get the woman out of his gullet so he could at least breathe again... but he had no leverage to do so. With a simple process of mind he went with the instincts that told him he just needed to clear the obstruction in his throat by finishing swallowing and he could breathe freely again... he already felt a lot like when he'd hold his breath til' he turned purple to 'punish' his parents when he was even younger and brattier.
Without meaning to his nose was pushed right up against the surface of Lexie's silk-clad crotch, and a very strange musk filled his nostrils. Somehow that smell suddenly made a part of him feel, strangely, that he wasn't yet full ENOUGH. Her rump was waggling and bouncing back and forth against the carpet as she eventually slipped her other high heel off and struggled to stand. Not wanting to be thrown around again and made dizzy, Warren wrapped both his hands around that great big pair of springy, pumping ass-cheeks and swung the stripper's flailing stocking-clad legs so that they did the same thing that had gotten him into such trouble: blindly kick against the heavy oak dresser nearby.
Disoriented though she was, Lexie felt a tiny spark of hope as she felt like she finally had her feet on solid ground again, and tried to pull herself upright. But instead, using leverage against the actual floor, the wolf-boy crawled forwards. She shuddered and let out another shriek of alarm as she felt a rough, hot canine tongue curl over her perfectly toned butt, and the strong little hands holding onto her lower cheeks toss her forward into the throat.
The next swallow was the most powerful yet, getting a firm hold on her hips and rump almost immediately. Even her protruding legs were over half as tall as Warren, but the space she was in had already stretched around her entire upper body... was there any stopping this? At last the reality of her situation hit home even as she struggled to draw an acrid breath after emptying her lungs shrieking her head off: she was in the stomach. This kid was steadily swallowing her whole despite his smaller size, and not slowly, either.
Warren felt a strange, growing sense of contentment as his stomach expanded massively, squeezed between his shoulders and the floor. The feel of the lady's enticing ass being squeezed and kneaded by his throat on the way down was even nicer than her boobs had given him. One of her garter belts got snagged on one of his small, not particularly sharp teeth, and he absentmindedly dislodged it with a finger before going on swallowing, his tongue washing over and savoring the soft, smooth feel of her thighs now. He started to stand up even as he continued swallowing, bringing her in up to her knees. The lady now mostly in his stomach very much did not want to be there and was squealing and mewling in distress. Her elbows jutted sharply out before his eyes, the lumps moving violently with her struggles as he felt her face and hands pressed up tightly against the core of his body.
With her knees sliding into his throat and only her delicate stockinged feet and lower legs kicking up and down protruding from his jaws, Warren paused, noting that he could choke down a narrow stream of breath at last (also ending up swallowing quite a bit of air into his expanded stomach as a side effect).
Leo's worst fears weren't quite realized: sure enough, there was an unfamiliar bright red sedan parked conspicuously in his driveway, but at least Lorena wasn't home yet. He didn't even properly close his own car behind him as he flew up to the front door, shoulder slamming against it with his momentum as he fumbled for the keys.
The house inside looked dark and quiet. Naturally, this 'Lexie' woman that Artie had hired would be in the bedroom, and he wasted no time in rushing there.
What he found when he threw that door open was something that beggared his imagination. In the first split second he registered Warren there - a place he was most DEFINITELY not allowed to be! - balanced on a white beanbag cushion. But then he saw - no matter how he tried to blink the sight away - that the 'beanbag' was not only attached to Warren, but it was shifting and writhing violently with the motions of something inside it, like a cat stuck inside a burlap bag.
Looking quite surprised himself, Leo's werewolf son had two shapely, stocking-clad calves protruding from his jaws. Down a few feet away from Warren were a couple of seductive high heels that Leo recognized from the picture he'd been sent.
"What...? WHAT??!!!" He pleaded desperately, shaking his head with disbelief. "Sweet Jesus! Warren, what are you DOING?" Belatedly, he reached forward and tried to grab onto the enticing feminine feet with toes curling in and out in a desperate show of distress.
Without thinking clearly, Warren sharply tossed his head back and swallowed hard, pulling the cute little feet into his jaws and into his throat. Lexie gave a wail of despair as the last part of her outside Warren's impossibly cramped body felt his jaws re-hinge and close behind them, tongue licking at her soles ticklishly before they were swallowed in one great gulp, sliding down to join the rest of her. She felt the tight, muscular passage which had admitted her snap closed behind her big toes. She was now curled up with her shoulders and elbows all together in a tangle. Her face was pressed up in such a place that the excited pounding of the little werewolf's heart nearly drowned out the sound from outside. Although a lot of air had gone in with her she was already dizzyingly claustrophobic and exhausted.
Leo saw the feet vanish down his adoptive son's throat and the boy-wolf giving him a reproachful, sullen glance. "Oh, um, oops. I was just thinking, I'm not supposed to talk with my mouth full, so..."
"Did you just eat a woman?!!" the middle-aged lawyer demanded with a desperate intensity that hadn't been in his voice for well over a decade now about anything. "Oh Hell! She's... she's alive in there! How did you even manage... to..." his head was swimming and he drew a hand over his brow, feeling like he was about to faint.
"I heard a noise, dad!" Warren said in a pleading, apologetic tone. "She came in your room and was going through all of the Christmas presents in the closet! She's a burglar, just like in-"
"NO! No, she isn't!" Leo was in a panic like he'd never known was possible - though not quite the same degree of panic Lexie ws experiencing in her unbearably tight fleshy confinement, feeling as if her entire body were being groped and kneaded at once, bands of muscle constricting rhythmically around her chest, hips, shoulders and everything else. Warren's furry pelt was stretched so drum-tight around her body that Leo could clearly make out the cleft of the same lust-inflaming apple of an ass that Lexie had prominently displayed in her photo.
"There's no time to explain! Do as I say, alright?" Leo had never been the best at laying down the law, in either his family or professional life, and he'd known that Warren became wild and uncontrollable sometimes while transformed... in fact, if anything was surprising, it was how relatively lucid and communicative the boy was being. "You need to spit her out!"
"How?" Warren asked innocently, resting a hand on top of the huge writhing bulge he was crouched over. Just as Leo was considering how to begin to explain something like that the situation got even worse.
Suddenly a pair of lights flashed through the windows and Leo felt as if his heart stopped for a second. Lorena was pulling up into the driveway. "OH DAMN IT! Warren, get back to your room, right now! And don't come out, no matter what! I'll..." his mind raced. After having made such a huge deal out of Lorena's infidelity, being caught with a hooker in the house would be an unmitigated disaster, especially if it had "corrupted" Warren like this.
"...I'll take mom out for some last minute shopping, spit her out and let her go as soon as you hear the front door slam on the way out, alright? GO! We'll talk about your punishment later!"
"But I don't - Uh, okay, going!" Warren, red with embarrassment, struggled to get to his feet. It was a testament to his greatly enhanced strength that he was even able to get his enormous, lumpy belly full of wriggling feminine curves off the ground... and even then, it was only barely. Lexie the so-called "Santa's helper" was making such an enormous bulge in the youth's stomach that the lively, lumpy tummy Warren was sporting hung down past his knees nearly to his furry feet. When he walked - or rather, waddled - the massive weight wobbled up and down, bouncing against the carpeted floor with every other step.
Lexie was so shocked by what she overheard (the stomach was stretched so tight that sound carried pretty well through a half-inch of muscle and fur, especially since Mr. Jones was yelling) that it took her a moment to respond. "NoooOOOOOO! Don't leave me in here! I can't-" she coughed and sputtered as the stench washed over her, a chemical smell that made her eyes water and her nose and throat burn, "I can hardly breathe..! I don't want to d- AHHHHH! STOP THAT!" Her terror was joined with rising indignation as Warren, trying to move a bit faster, dug his hands under a bouncing belly bigger than he was and inadvertently hefted her up a few inches higher using her breasts as handholds.
"Oh, *huff*," Warren said as he struggled towards his room, "Ok, it's like my pet mouse, I need to make sure some air can get in. Umm... here we go." He puffed out his cute little furry cheeks with air and swallowed, repeating the motion several times as he slammed his bedroom door just in time.
"Wow... I don't think I can get on the bed with this much weight. You're really heavy in there, Miss Burglar." Warren said in a discordantly calm, cheerful voice. Lexie was pausing to catch her breath. The air was acrid, humid, and stiflingly hot. It felt like she was in an oven. She wordlessly squealed and pouted in horror and discomfort as she groped around the pitch-black space trying to find the entrance to the throat that had admitted her. At least she could breathe, for now...
Then, though, a terribly ominous sound echoed all around her: a deep, reverberating groan that chilled her to the bone, reminding her of where she was and... Lexie's eyes suddenly widened in shock... what happened to things inside a stomach. That heady realization was punctuation when several droplets of some new liquid dribbled down on her from above and began trickling down over her thighs, soaking through her stockings and past her skimpy red dress.
"AHHHHHHH!!!! Oh God! It's starting to digest me!! Someone HEEEELP!" she used up quite a bit of the air Warren had given her in a lengthy, high-pitched wail. Driven to desperation, Lexie began thrashing around, trying to get away from the new threat - but it was coming from all around. Before she knew it the liquid was pooling around the bottom, making her upper back and neck start to sting... then, to burn.
"Shhh, shhh, please Miss Burglar, don't try and get me in any more trouble. I need to wait for-" Warren interrupted himself with a loud, deep belch that made him wince and clamp his hands over his muzzle at how loud it'd been... leaving her without air and making the elastic stomach cling tightly to almost every inch of Lexie's seductive contours.
Noticing that made her start kicking and elbowing a lot more sharply, making his stomach hurt, Warren gulped down more air and sighed, bringing his legs together (and unintentionally squeezing Lexie's pretty face between his thighs). "Digest... Oh, yeah, I remember what we read about that in science class. Food is softened up with stomach acid and dissolved so it can go through the, uh, what's it called... intestine. I guess since you're in my stomach, it thinks you're food. Wow... does that mean if you stayed in there long enough you'd turn into poop, Miss?"
"HNNNGGGGRRRRMMMFMFFFFFFF!!!" Warren covered his ears in embarrassment. Clearly the curvaceous female 'burglar' didn't appreciate that line of speculation. "Oh, um, sorry. Let me move a little so you can talk."
"H-hospital! Kid, please, I'm begging you - you have to go, get the phone, and call the hospital, so they can get me out of *cough* here!" Lexie said, quavering desperation filling her once proud voice."
Leo Jones was making uncomfortable small talk with his gorgeous wife (gorgeous even with a conspicuous bump that he was all to aware wasn't his poking out under her blouse) when he heard a faint burp echoing from several rooms over, setting him on pins and needles. "So, as you can see dear," he said, holding her hands in his, "I hate to drag you back out but since we're back together and this is going to be, uh, Warren's last Christmas where he gets to be the center of attention... I figured we should go get a few more... you know..."
Lorena giggled. "Oh, my dear... he'll be fine. I used the last of my personal savings to get him that game system he wanted, he's not going to care about anything but that come tomorrow morning. You're the one who deserves to have a very special Christmas, honey... you've been so good to me. So don't worry about a thing, because you aren't going anywhere..."
There was a metallic click. Leo looked down and saw that his hand was now in a set of metal handcuffs attached to the headboard of the bed. While he was still recovering Lorena hopped onto his lap, pushing his other arm towards the opposite end of the bed. In his state of shock Leo couldn't fight back and before he knew it, his other hand was being clicked into place. "Wha- L-Lorena, you don't understand..."
"No, no, you were right before. The dead bedroom is because I wasn't putting in the effort, wasn't initiating," the tall, buxom woman said with a smile, licking her lips. "So that's why I decided to break out some special gifts, from before we met, that I was always too embarrassed to share with you. My therapist said it was a good idea. I think you'll really like the leather outfit I can still juuuust barely squeeze myself into." she giggled, going into the closet. "Don't worry about all the presents on the bed there. You've been working hard all day, I'll go place them under the tree so our boy can have fun sneaking looks at them before the sun comes up... but only after I've given you the first taste of your present. And it's not a one-time thing, this one is yours to keep, my king..."
"LorenAAA-MMFF" Leo began to shout in alarm but was cut off by his wife pushing down on top of him and locking her lips over his, putting her hand on his belt... and, damn it all, he was still 'excited' down there from having been thinking about that young Lexie woman in her santa costume (and, to be fair to Lorena, who was very good looking for a woman in her late 30s, she didn't compare to the blonde who'd been hired to give Leo a sexual christmas present before Lorena had taken that task on herself).
He could still admit it. Lorena and her lawyer would divorce him and take half his money and leave him a broken shell of a man but he could tell her everything. But... he'd told Warren what had to be done, hadn't he? Surely the kid would let that poor woman out soon enough. The happy Christmas morning he'd imagined... he couldn't bear to throw that away. So, he kept silent, and tried to put the sexy young blonde stripper writhing around in peril in a space several sizes too small out of his mind.
Warren was listening at the door, resting his hand on top of the squirming bulge Lexie made. Still no door slam. Now that the excitement had passed slightly he was feeling... excited. Excited and content like never before. Even though Lexie kicking and elbowing around in the massive bulge hanging down to his ankles was a bit uncomfortable, looking down and seeing her curves there was also indescribably satisfying.
"AIEEEEE!" Lexie squealed again as the stomach growled wickedly again and the pool of acids rose ever higher, kissing the sensitive skin of her chest and making her delicate hands, as well as her knees and elbows, redden and burn from all the groping against the fleshy walls surrounding her. "Hurry up, please, please hurry! The hospital!"
"But it's Christmas Eeeeeve," Warren whined, giving his huge belly a pat as it started to noisily churn around its sexy occupant. "I only have a few more days off school, I don't want to be stuck at a hosptial all day for it! Besides, my mom and dad told me I can't ever let anyone see me when I'm furry like this so I would have to wait until morning..." He sighed and gulped more air indecisively. This time when he felt the need to belch, he thought to muffle it, and felt quite proud when it came out barely audible.
Lexie was passing beyond the point where rational thought or conversation was possible as her desperate survival drive kicked in, when she felt her skin start to tingle and sting with the first touch of digestion. "Let me out, let me out, let me ooow-w-w-w-wut!" she pleaded helplessly, any adult authority her voice may have held shattering.
Warren grunted. "Darn... my legs are getting really tired, too. You're sooo heavy, Miss. Besides, if you hadn't have come in here and tried to steal our presents, you wouldn't be in my stomach getting digested right now. It's your fault, really! Don't blame me!"
The word 'digest' drew a renewed round of sharp kicking from Lexie's powerful legs, but she simply couldn't get any leverage against anything - her hands, knees, elbows and shoulders all slid nigh-frictionlessly against the springy flesh surrounding her when she tried to move position somehow.
Suddenly, Lexie felt her face and chest being pressed against the hard surface of the floor and felt a sudden weight and pressure bearing down on her. She felt two hands and a bony muzzle and cheek pressing down against the soft contours where her perfectly rounded ass was making the most prominent bulge in the front of the furry belly.
To say that the sudden additional pressure was unwelcome to Lexie was an understatement as Warren put the entirely of his weight on top of his bloated furry tummy. The muffled scream and renewed forceful struggles that Warren felt from inside his massive stomach were met by the boy-werewolf with a soft chuckle. "Heeheee, you know, your butt makes a nice, comfy pillow, Miss Burglar! Let me try laying here on top of you for a minute and maybe it'll help squeeze you out of my throat."
It seemed like the boy laying down atop is stomach had been a signal for the stifling fleshy prison to greatly intensify its activity. The gurgling noises that echoed all around Lexie grew deeper and louder, and pinned in place she couldn't get away as the rising acids started to submerge her completely.
"NNFFFFFFF! MMRRFFFFFFFF! HLFFFFFFFFF! AHHMFMFFFFF!" All sorts of loud, muffled cries and pleas for rescue reverberated through Warren. But surprisingly, rather than disturbing, he found the older woman's muted screams and frantic, feisty struggles to be deeply soothing. After all, the important thing was that he'd stopped her from making off with the family's presents and ruining Christmas Day, and if it took him a little longer to spit her out, that was too bad!
"Mmmm...." Warren let out a loud yawn as he rocked back and forth on top of his massive, squirming belly full of curled-up stripper. "This is more comfortable than my bed, actually. I don't know how to spit you out, Burglar Lady, so I'm going to relax right here until my dad comes in to help pull you out. I'm sure you'll learn your lesson about trying to steal Christmas after this!"
Lexie's latest round of plaintive cries for rescue were cut off by a long, low burp burbling up from Warren's jaws. "Mmmf... MMMFFFF!!" The flesh clung to Lexie's beautiful, aristocratic face like shrink wrap, but unlike last time, there were no gulps of fresh air forthcoming, even when Lexie bucked and writhed as sharply as her exhausted body could manage in the tight, clinging sack of slimy flesh.
Warren's only response to her muffled shrieks and plaintive squeals of alarm was to let out a long, loud snore. The terrifying realization that the werewolf boy had fallen asleep using her curled up figure as a sort of bed made Lexie fight and struggle with every ounce of energy she had left, trying to roll him over and startle him back into wakefulness. She was momentarily hopeful when a trickle of fresh air reached her... but it was only the result of a deep yawn that Warren followed with a lazy lick of his chops and a satisfied swallow.
The gorgeous grad student had always known there were risks in this career, but being swallowed down whole by a pre-adolescent werewolf and digested alive hadn't been one she'd given any consideration. Suddenly, going into student loan debt didn't look so bad.
Lexie fought as hard as she could with what strength she had left in her fit, luscious body. People put down car-payment-sized sums just for a few minutes of her time. She had such a bright future ahead of her... she'd never for a moment thought that her story was going to end in such a way, stuffed into a little werewolf's gut on Christmas Eve... and that melancholy thought was followed by the chilling realization that the following morning, she was going to be merely more than this stupid little monster's bodyweight in shit to be disposed of. That terrible notion made her raise her voice and kick her thighs in one last desperate round of writhing... but the air was already growing short and the assault of the acids on her delicate, poorly-protected skin was so bad already that she thought she could feel pieces of herself starting to come off. In several places on her body, the initial burning was replaced by a cool numbness... and as her air supply dwindled to nothing even that pain began to fade. Lexie's last thought was a fervent hope that this little bastard DIDN'T get the stupid fucking toy he'd been so concerned about that he was willing to consign a woman to a cruel fate of digestion over it.
An unknown number of hours later, Warren yawned and rolled over onto his side, hearing a series of unfamiliar noises. "No mom... mmm... I can't eat another bite of marshmallo- Huh?" he suddenly snapped awake. His first thought was joy and excitement. "Ah! It's Christmas! I-" then, with a prickling of his ears he thought back. How had he gotten that burglar lady out of his stomach again? Had his dad come in and helped after he fell asleep?
Reaching down, Warren felt a round beach-ball sized squishy lump pushing out from his midsection. It was quite large, firm... and perfectly round, with none of the sensual curves and lively wriggling lumps that the tall blonde woman had made before he dozed off. "Ummm... hmmm... Uh, maybe I... maybe she..." Warren was interrupted by a tickling sensation in his throat and a sudden sensation of nausea that he hadn't felt at all when 130 pounds of statuesque blonde was bloating out his belly. Leaning over and retching, he felt something long and slimy coming up his throat, coughing and hacking as he spat it out.
Wiping off his mouth at last, the boy werewolf flicked on his lamp, to see that it was the barely-recognizable, acid-bleached red 'santa dress', silk stockings, and panties that the burglar lady had been wearing. He poked through the slimy, wadded clothes as if expecting to find her somewhere in them. "Oh... does that mean she's.... OOOF!" Suddenly he gave a canine yelp and hopped up onto his tiptoes as he felt a familiar pressure in his abdomen, magnified so much more than usual that it was painful. "OW ow ow owwww!" His bloated tummy burbled and shifted, the sensation of gaseous pressure seeming to intensify by the moment. He stifled a burp but, as he dashed into his bathroom, he couldn't do anything about the long, squeaky toot that came out from under his big bushy tail. "I hope dad didn't hear that..." he pouted.
Before he reached his destination, doing an antsy side-to-side dance, Warren had the prescience to grab a can of air freshener before he pushed his way into the bathroom and hiked up his tail, resting his furry little backside (which was a bit wider and softer than he remembered it feeling) on the toilet seat. The bulge under his belly fur was still so big that he had to squeeze it between his knees to even sit there, which only intensified the pressure... until the inevitable release.
With a loud thump and a splash, the first yuletide log of dense brown waste bludgeoned its way uncomfortably out from under the small werewolf's lifted tail. Sheepishly, he depressed the tank lever. "Well... that's that, I guess. It might've been too much to turn her into poop just for trying to steal presents but dad said he was gonna come help, so what was I supposed to do?"
He grunted and laid down another brown coil in the porcelain bowl that was twice as thick, and came with a powerful odor. "Darn. Sorry, lady. Oh, um, I guess... I guess you can't hear me now." a guilty shiver ran through him... but then, surprisingly, a slowly growing shiver of pleasure followed it, running from his neck down to the tip of his tail. Warren couldn't help but let out a cute little yawp as he felt another massive length of steaming hot brown waste squeezed out of him. This time the toilet took two flushes to get it all down.
"Oh well." the young werewolf said casually. "I just need to focus on the positive like the guidance counselor is always sayin'. Hee hee... you know, it's kind of funny, how she was dressed up like one of Santa's little helpers... I still don't know how she got in, maybe she climbed in through the chimney for real? In that case it's only fitting she would sneak out through the pipes, haha!" Speaking so casually about the grim fate of the woman he'd gotten into a tussle with the previous night gave Warren a giddy thrill and he couldn't help but smile as he unburdened himself of more lengths of piping hot waste.
Alas his levity was short-lived, as after a certain point the old toilet simply couldn't handle any more and started backing up water when he attempted to flush again. Not knowing what else to do, Warren just kept squeezing out more and more converted woman... he couldn't believe how much she made. He pleaded and bit his lip, whining piteously, as he tried again and again, concerned that soon he was going to flood the bathroom and really make his dad mad... but, at last, the over-worked toilet managed to suck down the huge clog that a particularly stubborn lump of post-digestion Lexie was making, leaving it terribly stained but at last accepting the last of the mass quantity of waste down the pipes. "Ahhh!" Warren said, sighing with relief and wagging his bushy tail. "It's a Christmas miracle!" He wiped himself off with a toothy grin and tossed the toilet paper in atop the last coil of battery brown before flushing one last time and skipping out excitedly towards the tree and stockings. Surely the consequences for this little incident could be faced up to later, he thought!
Just as he was about to reach the tree, he was grabbed on the shoulder by his dad's firm grip. "Warren!!" Leo hissed down at him, with dark rings under his eyes, looking very disheveled and as if he hadn't gotten a moment's sleep. "You..." he looked down and saw that Warren's midsection was no longer bloated out and dragging against the floor. Though Warren was quite a bit pudgier now, the fur helped to conceal that.
Leo sighed with relief. "Oh thank God. I was worried that you wouldn't be able to let that poor woman out in time. I moved her car to the other side of the street and when I saw it was still there when your mom finally, uh, let me get out of bed I was fearing the worst... I guess she was so freaked out she decided to catch a cab home. Not that I blame her. I'm not gonna waste any time, I'm going to have that thing towed... I sure don't want her coming back here. God knows how much I'll have to pay her to cover this up, but..." he sighed and patted Warren on his furry head. "Let's talk about this later, kiddo... Go out and get your pajamas on and get some of that dawn sunlight so you go back to normal and nobody sees you walking around with a tail... and then, I think your mother has a surprise for you..."
Warren dryly swallowed with guilt, but then shrugged and broke into a fang-filled grin as he nodded eagerly and ran to get his things.
The Jones family enjoyed a perfect, picturesque Christmas morning, Leo and Lorena splitting their time equally between watching the kid play with his gifts and kissing and embracing one another warmly in between cups of hot cocoa. Father and son alike put the whereabouts of the achingly erotic female christmas gift who'd caused such drama the previous night out of their mind. Little mistakes in the past, both of them decided, was no reason to spoil a holiday that was over before you knew it.
Alas, New Years wasn't quite so happy a time. Police detectives came asking pointed questions regarding the disappearance of a grad student whose last known contact was being hired to come to the Jones household for a 'dance performance', and a quick search of the premises turned up the sexy outfit Ms. Alessandra Gilder had last been seen wearing wadded up and stuffed in the bottom of a hamper. Leo ended up facing a rather stiff sentence - life without parole.
Of course, the social workers were endlessly sympathetic to poor Warren. So traumatizing, to have his father turn out to be a thrill-killing psychopath during the holiday season, especially for a poor kid who'd already been abandoned to the system by his birth parents.
Imagine their surprise when a seemingly previously unknown 'aunt' of his stepped forth to oversee the last few years of Warren's education at a boarding school, and to pay for the rest of his education as well. How fortunate he was to have such a suprising benefactor - since his mother had married her second husband mere months after Leo was arrested and shown little interest in caring for the young man once her own daughter came along. Indeed, a few asked questions about why that was so closely followed by Leo's father mysteriously and tracelessly escaping from his jail cell soon after speaking with this strange aunt... but everyone who asked those questions was told to mind their own business by superiors.
And so it was that Warren got away with his horrific little indiscretion so thoroughly that, a little less than a decade later, he was enthusiastically engaged in ruining ANOTHER holiday by stuffing the second struggling young woman of a single night past his greedy jaws and down his throat...
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Werewolf CoVore Up -1: Do Not Open Until Xmas By Xali -- Report

Yo dawg I heard you like self-indulgent vore scenes so I put a holiday-themed flashback in yo holiday-themed flashback so I can interrupt the narrative with lengthy vore scenes while I interrupt the narrative with lengthy vore scenes.

Warning, this is "shota vore" with a pred who is definitely underage. There's no actual sexual content per se but, even so.

This is probably the worst thing I've ever written. In terms of being in poor taste, I mean - as far as the actual prose is concerned, it was fun.

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Posted by wolfSnack 4 years ago Report

Ooooooooo, I cannot wait to read this tonight :3 Your werewolf stuff is some of my favorite work on the entire site, I am *always* happy to see more of it~


Posted by Samhain31 4 years ago Report

Little Warren is so innocent compared to his older self in the last story!