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Krystal By Helios542 -- Report

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The big greedy possum brought her cigarette up in anticipation of downing this poor meal. as casually as if downing a big sandwich, she'd grabbed them, swallowed them up by their feet, and gotten them down to just a hand in the dark alley she was lurking.

The fresh smell of menthols on her at least made an effort to cover up her otherwise disgusting breath. her tongue lapped between the fingers and slurped the hand deeper in, now that they were this far gone, she could spend a lot more time tasting them before sending them packing straight to her rancid, trash-filled belly. she tucked her tongue under the grasping hand, pulled it to the back of her throat, and closed her mouth as the whimpers from her stomach grew in intensity, realizing their fate quickly as no one had even seen what was happening.


But as much as they cried, they found not even a shred of caring from the hungry possum woman.

She swished them around a little, eyes rolling back in ecstasy, before a sickeningly loud gulp sent the hand-shaped lump slithering down her fuzzy throat, landing in a heap in her massive white-furred gut. her off hand still in her jacket-pocket, she looked completely inconspicuous as she stepped out of the shady area, lunch packed away screaming and pleading in her heavy paunch as she casually smoked out in the open. so little did she care for the lives her gut has claimed, that swallowing someone was synonymous with going out for a smoke break. already she'd forgotten what they'd looked like, all that mattered now was processing that poor person into more punk pudge.

The bumps they made were easily smoothed out by the blubber, their pleads for another chance at life only making faint vibrations against her stomach, combined with their struggles, it brought them no closer to escape then just sitting in there and accepting it. sure people walked by and maybe a few saw the tell-tale hand print on the possum's belly, but it was far too late to stop them now.

and eventually like the giant pile of meat they were, her engorged, stretched stomach slowly broke her meal down into a sloshing slurry over the course of a few hours, people at the party that night kept making comments about how bloated her belly looked, as it pumped the pile of broken person into her guts, but they really had no clue what happened earlier that day.

Only Krystal knew what happened to them, and she'd probably end up forgetting all about them by the time she woke up with a horrible hangover tomorrow. only to do it all again the second she spotted some delicious looking treat waving themselves in front of her...

after all, whos going to stop her?


ugh, Krystal is such a fat bitch, cant even finish her smoke break before some dude catches her eye and ends up as possum chow. oh well, guess we'll just scrape whatever trash she coughs up from them into the trash and forget about it, i guess.

i got this A M A Z I N G piece from VeryBatty on this site and Twitter! go ahead and give em a peek if you haven't heard of them before! /
and if you like Krystal here, go ahead and check out her story here:

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Posted by Wolfknight130 3 years ago Report

I love how you give such great details in the story descriptions, and just enough but not too much fluff.

Always excited to see more work from you ^^


Posted by Helios542 3 years ago Report

hearing stuff like that never fails to make me smile thank you. :)