Archive > TastyTales > Smut Note
[b][u] Smut Note [/b][/u]
Moonlight fell over the sleepy town of Clearspring, its doors closed and curtains pulled for the night. The streets were deserted, save for a single figure who walked among the stillness, his paws leaving no sound as he stepped.
“See? That’s another reason I became a Nickit,” the small fox thought out loud, his bulky tail swishing behind him to brush away his tracks as he walked. “Soft pads make me completely silent on my feet, big tail, big ears. Man, being a Nickit’s awesome!”
...He was getting off track.
“I’m probably getting off track,” The fox acknowledged, his ears twitching as he looked around to make sure he was alone. Not that it mattered, no one would be able to see him anyway, but he still had to build up the atmosphere. It was Halloween after all, and while he hadn’t written anything in months he felt like he needed to do something special for the occasion.
The only question was, what? Sure there were plenty of horror tropes he could put a vorish spin on, but none of them had really inspired him. “I did have that idea for the zombie virus that makes you horny when you get bit,” Z recalled as he scratched his chin, “But I dunno, it seems like it could get creepy rather than erotic.”
He paused for a moment to reach into his tail, pulling out the small pink notebook concealed within it. He flipped through the pages, his hazel eyes scanning each one as he took it into consideration. All his previous stories had filled him with so much energy, so much excitement to write… what had happened?
“Alright, that’s enough of that. This story isn’t about me self-pitying, it’s about getting back to writing.” The Nickit told himself as he put the pink notebook back into his tail and gave it a little shake to slip it down towards his storage sac. “It’s about finding the perfect Halloween story for Clearspring, Like The Mawile Amulet, or those Mightyena Mastermind stories!” he paused, “probably less cameos and vore scenes though. It’ll go a lot faster that way.”
He just had to find somewhere to start… someone to hone in on to begin the story. That was when he noticed the cottage on the edge of the town; the only one with its light still on at this ungodly hour: Rose’s Cottage. He could see the Espeon herself standing outside, the psychic glow of her gemstone lighting her face as she set up a telescope to do some stargazing. He didn’t even remember giving her that hobby, but it didn’t really matter. She was perfectly placed for a nice cold open. She’d go missing and the Winners would have to look for her and get picked off one by one by an unseen entity. That was a good plot for a Halloween story, right?
The fox grinned to himself as he began to walk towards her, adjusting the blue bandana on his neck like a napkin. She was always fun to write about as a prey, and she was popular among his readers to boot. His tail lifted behind him as he stepped towards the cottage, groaning hungrily as he drew ever closer to the unsuspecting Psychic-type. Soon he was standing right behind her, turning on one paw to engulf her with his tail. The fluffy appendage reared back like a hungry snake over the unsuspecting Espeon..!
[i]Clatter.[/i] “Ow!”
Z felt something leave his tail, and as he turned to look over his shoulder he saw the Espeon rubbing her head from where the notebook had landed on it. The Espeon looked up and, unable to see the yawning maw of the Nickit’s tail, picked up the strange pink notebook with her psychic and turned it over to read the cover. “....What the--?”
“Aaah, don’t look at that!” Z yelped, quickly turning back around to leap onto the Espeon and grab the notebook. Rose screamed as the Nickit materialised behind her, knocking over her telescope and launching the notebook through the air in surprise. She landed on her back with the small tod sitting on her chest, his eyes wide as they both froze in fear.
“...Well, this is awkward.” He grinned sheepishly, “You weren’t really supposed to see me.”
The Espeon’s hind paws found their mark on the Nickit’s chest and launched him off of her with a powerful shove. “How rude,” she huffed, her gemstone sparking as she got back on her paws. “Attacking a lady in the middle of the night, right outside her home too!”
“Well when you say it like that, I look like the bad guy.” The Nickit tucked his ears back as he rolled over and slowly got up, shaking the grass out of his fur in the process. “But I’m not; I’m the plucky protagonist who’s down on his luck. So if you wouldn’t mind just giving me my MacGuffin back I’ll be on my way…” the small fox said as he marched towards the pink notebook.
“I don’t think so.” The Espeon’s Psychic lifted it up first and hovered it back to her paws. “I’m keeping this. You need to learn that it’s not okay to skulk around in the dark attacking Pokemon.”
“You’re awfully calm for someone who just got attacked.” Z tilted his head.
“You’re awfully small for me to be concerned about you attacking me again.” She turned her nose up at the fox, maintaining an aura of authority as she shook the pink notebook at him. “You can have this back when you’re ready to apologise for your behaviour.”
“You’re joking,” Z blinked slowly. “I’m not a kid, you know.”
“Well, you certainly aren’t acting like an adult.” The Espeon rolled her eyes as she lifted the notebook out of the Nickit’s reach with her Psychic, her paws gathering up the two halves of her telescope. “And I’m not joking. As if jumping on me out of nowhere wasn’t enough, you’ve broken my telescope and ruined my evening.”
“Aw, I broke it? I’m really sorry about that, I didn’t even know you liked astronomy.” The Nickit tucked his ears back as he followed the Espeon into the warm cottage, his tail closing the door behind him as he entered. “But I really can’t leave that notebook with you, it’s way too powerful for a character--” he hesitated. “I-I mean, for a lady of such great character!”
“It still doesn’t change the fact you ruined my night, I was really looking forward to seeing Jirachi’s star.” The Espeon sighed, “It was supposed to be visible tonight, now I’ll have to wait for years to see it again.”
“Oof, sorry…” Z tucked his ears back. Perhaps that could have been a plot of its own; Rose getting three wishes from Jirachi and the chaos that ensued from them. “Hold on, I used to have a telescope when I was a kid, maybe I can fix it,” he said as he began to try to fit the two pieces back together.
By the time he looked up again the Espeon was going crimson under her fur, her gemstone letting out flustered sparks… and the Smut Note open on the desk before her. “AaH!” The Nickit gasped, body-slamming the desk to cover the book only for it to be snatched out from under him at the last second, still held by the light of the Espeon’s psychic grip.
“ ‘Rose fantasizes about being eaten by a Seviper’?, ‘Leaf and Rune get CVed and AVed by Rune’s Old Teammates’? ‘Rose starts a schoolhouse roleplay night at The Den’?” The Espeon squeaked, her paw slapping the open pages of the notebook as his gemstone gleamed in embarrassment. “Th-these are all about me and my friends!”
“Okay, before you freak out, let me explain…” the Nickit gulped, his paws raised in submission.
“You’ve been spying on us and writing everything we do, you pervert!” The Espeon shouted, her forepaw coming down hard on the Nickit’s backside. She quickly withdrew it, blushing as she recalled all the references to spanking in the notebook. “A-and when I figure out how to punish you without turning you on, you’ll be really sorry you did!”
“I-it’s not like that, it’s kind of the opposite actually. I write stuff down and [i]then[/i] it happens to you and your friends!” Z stammered, his hind claws digging into the side of the desk before he finally fell off it backwards and landed on his tail. “Whatever you write in that notebook happens to whoever you write about, so long as you know their name and can picture what they look like.”
“That’s ridiculous,” Rose shook her head as she finally settled the notebook back on the writing desk. “How would an unevolved Pokemon get their paws on something that powerful?”
“Well, I’m actually the--” Z began, only to pause as he stared up at the Espeon. He couldn’t imagine her reaction to being told she was a fictional character that he created… actually, he could, and it wasn’t great. Certainly not the kind of subject he’d want to go into in a holiday-themed vore story. The Nickit gulped nervously, “...I’m sort of like… a legendary in disguise,” he explained with a little grin. “I’m in charge of giving Pokemon kinks and then crafting situations where they explore them.”
“So you’re…” the Espeon tilted her head, “ a god of lust?”
“Yes.” The small, out-of-shape fox blinked slowly from his position lying on his back on the floor, his forepaws resting just above his tubby gut. “I am a sex god.”
“I would have thought a sex god would be taller,” Rose furrowed her brow suspiciously down at the Dark-type. “And evolved.”
“Oh come on, who wants to eat a Thievul?” Z rolled his eyes at the criticism. “And I can prove it! All you have to do is write down something in the Smut Note and it’ll happen.”
“ ‘Smut Note’?” The Espeon asked, her ear twitching at the name.
“In my defense I only had a month or so to come up with a title and that was still the best I had,” the Nickit replied. “Uuh, a title for the book you’re holding, I mean. The notebook, the Smut Note.” He smiled sheepishly, “So uh, anyway, if you write something in there it’ll happen, and then you’ll believe I’m more than an ordinary Nickit, right?”
“I suppose, though I still think you’re a creepy stalker,” Rose replied as she adjusted her red-framed glasses and picked up a pen with her Psychic. She flipped to a blank page and hovered the pen over the paper. “...What did you say your name was again?”
“Z.” The Nickit replied, “Just Z.”
“Z.” Rose tilted her head at the unusual name. “Is that short for--”
“It’s not!” The Nickit flailed his paws to stop her. “L-look, uh, the thing is I’m not really able to give my actual name. It’s sort of like how you can control some demons and yokai if you know their true name, right?” He smiled nervously. “So uh, yeah. Just Z… but I don’t think that’s going to work in the Smut Note, you’re the only one who’s able to see me.”
“How convenient.” Rose replied as she began to scribble on the paper. “And why do you suppose that is?”
“Probably because you touched the Smut Note.” Z replied as he finally pushed himself back up onto his haunches with his tail. “By touching something from the other realm you’ve become aware of it, which means you can see things that other Pokemon of this realm can’t.”
The Espeon paused, her expression softening momentarily as she considered the answer. It was the first thing the strange Nickit had said all night that hadn’t sounded like a lie. Finally she put the pen down and closed the Smut Note, her forepaws resting on its cover. “Well, I suppose we’ll find out soon enough whether you’re being honest or not. If you’re telling the truth, we’ll have some company any moment now.”
“Huh, really?” The Nickit perked his ears as he stepped closer to the desk. “What did you write in there? Can I see?”
“If you knew what it was there’s a small chance you could do something to influence it. In order for this test to work, you’re going to have to remain unaware until it happens.” Rose shook her head as she picked the Smut Note up with her telekinesis and put it on the highest shelf of her bookcase, far from the stumpy Nickit’s reach. “I suppose you wish you had chosen a Psychic-type as your avatar now, don’t you?” She smiled condescendingly at him.
“I dunno, I don’t think there are many Psychic-type Pokemon that’d suit me…” Z replied as Rose adjusted the two books next to the pink notebook to hold it in place. “Espeon would be my go-to if I had to pick a Psychic-type, but really Nickit just feels more ‘me’, you know?”
“Well, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of time to mull it over while we wait for nothing to happen.” The Espeon shook her head as she finally turned to face him. “I hope you realise if you’re lying, I’m going to report you to the local Rescue Teams for stalking, voyeurism and attacking an innocent Pokemon.”
“Come on, we’ve both seen what I’ve written about you. You’re not as innocent as you look,” Z winked, “Roux Blanche.”
The Espeon froze at the name, her fur standing on end. “How did you--”
There was a knock at the door, catching the Espeon by surprise as she glanced over her shoulder. She looked back at Z, the Nickit had a wide, excited grin on his face. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously as she slowly made her way over to the door and pulled it open.
The Persian stood in the moonlight, rain running down his glistening, unkempt fur. He ran his paw through his bangs, curving them to one side so he could see the Espeon clearly, his gemstone lighting up his face in a warm red glow. He gave her a fang-filled grin. “...Hey,” he said in a rumbling purr. “...can I come in for a sec?”
“S-sure…” Rose blinked as she stepped aside to allow the cat indoors. The muscular feline entered, his eyes wandering over the warm interior of the cottage as his tail curled behind him. The Espeon closed the door, her eyes drifting to Z briefly before returning to the Pokemon. “I wasn’t expecting to see you tonight, Malus.”
“Sorry to bother you this late. It started raining and I got locked out of the HQ.” The Persian replied as he reared up to shake himself dry. The Espeon quickly threw a towel over him to protect her furniture, and the Persian took it and began rubbing it over his fur. “Leaf’s clinic was too far into the forest and I didn’t feel like digging a den for the night, then I remembered you had a couch…” he pulled the towel away from his face, revealing a charming grin. “...and a double bed,” he winked.
“I suppose under the unusual circumstances, you could stay the night,” Rose replied, barely holding herself back from mewling in excitement. ‘Unusual’ was an understatement; it had been a clear night sky a few minutes ago, she hadn’t even heard it start raining. But there the Persian was, rain dripping down his muscular form and ruffling his fur in that bad-boy way she liked. She briefly glanced up at the pink notebook, her brow furrowing in contemplation.
“Hey… if you don’t want me to stay, I don’t have to.” Malus said, allowing the towel to fall off of him as he stepped closer to the Espeon. The Persian’s muzzle grazed against her own, his whiskers brushing soothingly against her cheek.“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything. I know this is really last minute.”
“It’s fine, I’d love for you to stay the night, Malus.” Rose blushed, resting her smooth gemstone against his. A shiver ran up her spine as they rubbed against each other’ bliss filling every strand of light purple fur on her body. Finally the Persian broke contact and walked right past Z without even noticing him before disappearing into the bedroom. The Espeon dug her claws into the carpet as she heard the mattress creak under his weight. The Nickit grinned smugly as he caught her glance. “Not a word,” she whispered, “And no peeking.”
“I figure I owe you some privacy after all the trouble. Enjoy your night~” Z waved playfully as he climbed up onto her couch and curled up, cuddling his thick tail as he settled into the cushions. “We can talk about where the plot’s going from here tomorrow, you’re probably going to be the main focus now.”
“Plot?” The Espeon blinked.
“Oh, uh… it’s an acronym us gods use,” The Nickit replied, his paw waving vaguely for each word: “Personal… Logistics.. Of… Uuuuaaahhh~” he yawned louder, his eyes closing as he pretended to fall asleep. He didn’t have anything that began with ‘T’ that would make that acronym make sense, and he wasn’t about to reveal his true nature to the story’s new protagonist. Rose frowned and moved to shake him awake.
“Hey Rose,” The Persian called as he emerged from the edge of her bedroom door. “You wanna wrestle to see who gets to be the pred tonight? Kinda want to see you get all Blanche Roux on me, but without the fur dye.” He smirked, “If you think you can take me, that is.”
“S-sure,” Rose blushed, glancing briefly at the sleeping Nickit on the couch before making her way towards the Persian, his tail curling around her as they closed the bedroom door behind them. As their voices faded behind the wooden walls, Z uncurled and rolled onto his back, a pleasant grin across his muzzle.
“A Death Note parody. Genius!” The Nickit praised himself, his bushy tail thumping against the couch cushions. “...shame I know absolutely nothing about it other than the basic premise.”
“...Eh, it’ll probably go fine.”
* * *
Rose opened her eyes as morning light poured through her curtains, illuminating the room in pink-tinted sunlight. Malus’ paws were still wrapped lovingly around her, having spooned her ever since she reformed. His paws curled tighter as he felt her stir, aware that she was awake. “Morning Rose, sleep well?”
“Very well, actually… despite everything we did last night.” The Espeon replied, rolling over in his embrace to rest her head on his chest. His fur still carried the petrichor scent of rainwater, despite being warm, dry and inviting. She yawned, rubbing her eyes to keep herself from falling back asleep before reaching out blindly to find her glasses. “What time is it?”
“Early… but it’s Saturday, we can sleep in a little later if we want to.” Malus replied, his tongue running over her ruby as she finally put on her glasses. The Persian ran his claw along the edge of her whiskers, his sultry smile spreading as he slowly came into focus for the Espeon. “I had a great time last night. ‘Dinner’ was amazing~” he purred.
“Hey,” Z whispered as his ears appeared over the edge of the mattress. “Ask if he wants breakfast in bed.”
“Z!” Rose whispered back, her fur standing on end at the sight of the Nickit in her bedroom.
“Huh?” Malus blinked, his sultry expression fading at the Espeon’s sudden reaction. “Sorry, I didn’t catch that.”
“Oh, uh… nothing. I just need to freshen up. Back in a moment,” Rose replied as she squirmed out of the Persian’s paws, much to his confusion. Once she was out of the room and Malus’ line of sight she shot a glare at the Nickit. “I thought you said you wouldn’t peek.”
“I didn’t! You guys had a whole night of vore and sex and I didn’t see it.” Z shrugged, “Kind of a letdown to be honest, I really like you two together. It’s kind of why I was hoping he’d have you for breakfast.”
“Well, perhaps you can still make that happen,” Rose replied as her gemstone lit up. She pulled the notebook off the shelf with her Psychic and hovered it down to the Nickit before laying it flat to offer it to him. “You’ve proven your point, Z. This notebook has powers… and if you were right about that, you’re probably being honest about who you say you are.” She bowed her head, “So um, please forgive me for intruding on your divine business.”
Shit. If he took the Smut Note back the story would be over, and he was barely an act into it! He had to find a way to keep it going until something on theme happened. “I-It doesn’t work that way!” the Nickit blurted out as he shoved the pink notebook back against the Espeon’s chest. “We have to reach a climax before you can give it back to me, it’s for the plot!”
“There’s that word again… you know, in this realm ‘plot’ is usually reserved for stories, fictional or otherwise.” Rose tucked her ears back as she took the notebook. “Are you just using it as a metaphor?”
“Y-yes..!” The Nickit’s eyes widened in delight. “That’s it! I’m using it as a metaphor, your mortal brain couldn’t possibly handle the true secrets of the universe!”
“The secrets that compel Pokemon to get sexual gratification out of eating each other and wearing bondage harnesses.” Rose replied flatly.
“Hey, not all secrets are about the meaning of life, you know.” Z huffed, his tail flumping on the ground behind him. “My role is more important than you might think. In any case, it doesn’t change the fact that I can’t take the Smut Note back from you just yet.”
“So you want me to keep using it?” Rose tilted her head. “After you were so eager to get it back from me last night?”
“It might make things more interesting, putting a mortal behind the wheel.” The Nickit grinned. “You just write about the stuff you’d like to happen to you and your friends and I’ll enjoy the show for a bit. Surely you must have [i]something[/i] you’ve always wanted to try but couldn’t?”
“Well…” The Espeon replied, her gemstone shimmering with inspiration as she put the Smut Note back on her writing desk. She felt a sudden rush of power as she picked up the pen with her paw. The infinite possibilities that came with the notebook; the ability to make any of her most sensual desires come to life.
“I’ll write my fantasies with my right paw…” Rose thought out loud, a giddy smile crossing her muzzle. She began to scribble furiously over the page, her left paw wandering to the bowl of berries on her desk. “And with my left paw I’ll take a Mago Berry…” she continued, plucking a single berry from the bowl, “...and EAT IT!”
She bit into the fruit, feeling its juices run down the sides of her muzzle as some of the juice droplets splashed down on the Smut Note. She paused, blinking in confusion as she chewed the rest of the berry and swallowed. “...Huh, that was weird.” She glanced down at the Nickit, “Why did I say that?”
“Oh, it was a reference to something,” Z replied with a slow blink. “Don’t worry, that’s the only line I remember.”
“Right...” Rose replied, furrowing her brow as the Nickit’s choice of words started to confuse her again. “So, um…. Are there any rules to writing in the Smut Note I should know about?”
“There are a few I should go over,” The Nickit replied as he lifted up his forepaw. “Rule number 1; Have a reason the character, or ‘target’, ends up in the scenario. It works a lot better when it doesn’t come out of nowhere.”
“Makes sense,” Rose nodded.
“Rule 2,” the Nickit lifted his other forepaw. “Keep your target in-character. If you force a character into a situation they wouldn’t usually be in, they’ll probably act weird during it.”
“Like that time I signed up to be the prey in a predator training camp despite not wanting to be known as a voraphile?” Rose asked as she flipped to a previous page. “I always did think that was a bit spontaneous of me, I suppose now I know why.”
“Exactly, it was weirdly out of character for you.” Z nodded in agreement. “If you don’t want your targets to notice you’re pulling the strings, you have to make sure you write their characters well. Plus things generally flow better if it's in character for everyone involved.”
“I suppose I can understand that… I just hope I know my friends well enough.” Rose nodded to herself as she prepared to write on the page once more. “Any other rules?”
“Rule number three,” The Nickit raised his tail high behind him. “Don’t write fatal.”
“Don’t write fatal?” Rose blinked.
“Don’t write fatal. Trust me, it’s a lot harder to keep things light and lusty if someone dies” The Nickit nodded. “You want to try to end these entries in a way that’ll keep the status quo if you can, but the most important thing is keeping everyone alive so… yeah, don’t write fatal.”
“R-right, I won’t write anything like that.” The Espeon tucked her ears back at the rule. “Are there any other rules?”
“Rule number four--” the Nickit began, only to look down at his two raised forepaws and then back at his tail. “...Never mind, I’m out of stuff to lift up to count the rules on. Just three rules, just three.”
“Well, if you say so.” Rose smiled sheepishly at the fox before turning back to the page in front of her. She slowly got back into the rhythm of her writing, each idea carefully marked with a date to avoid all the events happening at once. She quickly lost track of time as she wrote, lost in her fantasies as she put them to paper. Z leaned over her shoulder to watch, his tail wagging in anticipation as he read through the Espeon’s notes. It was probably about time to move the plot forward.
“...Malus is still in the bedroom, you know,” Z reminded her, “It’s been about an hour now since you left him by yourself.”
“Oh, shit!” Rose hissed under her breath, slapping the notebook shut and shoving it under her desk before rushing back into the bedroom to attend to the waiting Persian.
“That oughta do it,” The Nickit grinned to himself, leaning casually against the desk as he casually scooped the Smut Note up and began to read it again. “And so our journey towards the climax begins…” he chuckled to himself, “...this is definitely getting an Adult rating.”
* * *
The next few weeks were everything Rose had written about; midnight visits from handsome bachelors, encounters with hungry snakes with a taste for Espeon, and traps that seemed to always catch her and her teammates off guard. Everywhere she went her fantasies were there to greet her; Flying-type Pokemon had been swooping down to snatch her up, plants were gaining sentience just to tangle her up in their vines before dragging her into their maws. Sometimes things would happen that she didn’t even remember jotting down, but sure enough when she checked the Smut Note it would be there in her very own handwriting. Each night she would return to her cottage, a blush on her cheeks and a grin on her muzzle as she wrote tomorrow's events before drifting off to sleep.
Each morning she would wake to new adventures, her fantasies playing out before her exactly as she had written them. All the while her new Nickit companion would watch, occasionally giving some feedback or input into her writing but generally letting her work as she pleased.
Until today, anyway.
“I’m just saying, it’s getting a little stale.” The Nickit said as he laid on his back, his neck resting on the arm of the couch so he could look at the Espeon upside down. “You need to include some plot too, if it’s just nothing but sex and vore it’ll get boring.”
“I haven’t broken any of the three rules, all these things are in-character for the Pokemon involved, none are fatal and all have a reason to happen,” Rose replied as she took her pen away from the Smut Note. She lifted it up with her psychic and hovered it over to Z, the scent of ink still fresh on the page. “And I do include plot in what I write, see?”
“ ‘Rose and Cyn get eaten by a Seviper because it was hanging from a tree and they couldn’t see it.’ “ Z read the line out loud, his ears falling lop-sided as he looked up at Rose. “That just sounds like another erotic fantasy to me, you need more than that to have a good plot.”
“So you keep saying, but everything you’ve written in the Smut Note reads just like that.” Rose shook her head dismissively. “I think you’re just looking for an excuse to keep lounging around on my couch and eating treats instead of getting back to work.”
“Well yeah, the first pages of the Smut Note I wrote look like that, but I got better at including plot as I went along.” Z tucked his ears back as he rolled onto his side. “And in my defense; if you stopped making cookies, I’d stop eating them.”
“In any case, I don’t think it’s my place to decide what my friends want out of life; ergo, I can’t write ‘plot’ that would lead to life-changing events or decisions. I can only write about things that don’t affect the status quo.” Rose shook the pink notebook at him, “which means I’m better off only using it to write for its intended purpose; giving erotic release to the Pokemon who need it. I haven’t broken any of the rules, so I’m not doing anything wrong, am I?”
“Even so, you should probably mix it up a bit,” Z suggested as his tail scooped another cookie off the plate and tossed it into his jaws. “Mh, I mean, how many horny Sevipers are out there anyway?” The Nickit asked as he chewed the treat up.
“Enough to feed a nosy Nickit to, once you tell me your real name.” The Espeon scowled as she hovered her pen to the Smut Note. There must have been a way to use it on the fox, she just hadn’t thought of one yet.
A knock at the door caught the Espeon off-guard. She hadn’t scheduled any visits today, or least none that she could recall. Perhaps it had been something she arranged as a surprise for herself. In any case her approach would always be the same; a sway in her hips as she walked, her tail lifted and her eyes poised to bat at whoever was on the other side of the door. Her gemstone lit up, gripping the handle and pulling it over as she posed alluringly. “Hello~?”
“Uh… hey Rose.” The Leafeon blinked. “Are you feeling alright?”
“P-Parsley!” Rose gasped, quickly standing up straight at the sight of her brother. “Y-yes, I just slept funny on my paw.” She grinned, bending her hind leg to demonstrate, “It’s still asleep… but enough about that! What brings you here?”
“Cyn’s called an emergency meeting for the Winners, she says it’s urgent,” Leaf explained as he tucked his ears back. “Apparently Virtue sent us a warning about our Rescue Team’s behaviour as of late.”
“A warning?” Rose gasped, her tail twitching nervously behind her. She glanced back over her shoulder at the Nickit on the couch, who gave her a shrug of confusion as he quietly munched the remainder of the cookie in his mouth. The Espeon turned back to her brother, biting her lip as she stepped out of her cottage. “Let’s go, I don’t want to keep them waiting.”
* * *
A sorry sight greeted the two Eeveelutions as they arrived at the headquarters and joined the meeting. The rest of the team had gathered, sitting uncomfortably on the chairs either side of the dining room table; at its head their shiny Liepard leader with her head in her forepaws.
“What is going on lately? We’re getting DESTROYED out there!” Cyn whined, her claws digging into her red fur. “Every time we go out on a mission we stumble into traps, or an ambush, or a trap that makes it easier to ambush us! We haven’t completed a mission successfully in weeks!”
“It’s just a string of bad luck,” The Swampert next to her said, his mighty hand resting on her back. “We’ll bounce back.”
“Well we better do it fucking soon! If we don’t finish a mission this week they’re going to disband our Rescue Team.” Cyn shouted, her eyes narrowing at the Persian and Ninetales. “I’ve read the reports, what the hell have you two morons been doing out there?!”
“Hey, don’t put the blame on us!” Malus yelled back as he slammed his forepaws on the surface of the table, “It’s not our fault there’s a bunch of new traps in our go-to Mystery Dungeons! Whoever heard of a Spanking Trap?”
“Or that trap that shoots ropes out and binds you in place,” the Ninetales sitting across from him added, his dainty paw resting on his scarf as he pictured them. “Has anyone else noticed you always seem to end up in the most exposed positions when you trigger one?”
“No Spice, when I get tied up I expect to end up with my ass and balls in the air for the whole dungeon to see.” Malus sneered at him, “And immediately pop a boner despite having nothing around to turn me on.”
“Except me of course, splayed before you with my tails tied upright, muzzle bound so I can’t use my fire breath to escape.” Spice winked, getting an uncharacteristic blush from the Persian.
“Well, you [i]are[/i] a lot more tolerable with your muzzle bound,” The Persian smirked back, getting a flustered murr from the Ninetales as he winked at him. “Guess you’re glad I’m tied up too when that happens, huh?”
“Oh, very much so.” Spice replied, his chin resting on his forepaws as his talis fanned out behind him. “You look good in ropes~”
“Is it just me, or are those two flirting with each other?” Leaf whispered to his sister. The Espeon ducked into her seat to avoid answering, avoiding eye contact with either of the two men as she shuffled her forepaws nervously under the table.
“I think we’d better all calm down, we won’t get to the bottom of this by shouting at each other.” Auric suggested as he held a large stack of manilla folders just under his chest spike. The Lucario placed the stack on the table and began to hand the folders out to each team member. “I’ve been looking over our recent mission reports, and it seems there’s a common element on all of the ones that went awry.”
“A… common element?” Rose asked, slowly peeking her head up. The Lucario made eye-contact with her, his usual stoic expression shifting into a concerned frown. The Espeon gulped nervously. Busted.
“There’s someone who has been on every mission that we’ve encountered unusual setbacks on,” Auric continued, taking his seat between Cyn and the large Swampert as he opened his own folder. “Cyn; last week you failed the mission after being devoured by a Serperior. Could you tell us what happened?”
“Ugh, it’s so embarrassing,” The Liepard groaned. “So, Rose and I were on our way to deliver the Warp Seed to the client when we encountered this giant Serperior. I get a few hits in on him but he eats Rose, but I thought I could still get to her before she hit the stomach so I leaped in after her.”
“You jumped down a Pokemon’s throat?” The Swampert asked, barely hiding his amusement at his sister’s story.
“Yeah, he opened his jaws for me and everything, wouldn’t stop teasing me about it either,” Cyn cringed. “Anyway, I didn’t exactly have an escape plan and I knew the client was on the next floor, so I wasn’t about to use my badge to warp out and quit. Then Rose suggested using the Warp Seed to get us out of there.”
“Warp Seeds can only teleport the Pokemon who eats them though,” Leaf tilted his head. “Wouldn’t that have meant leaving one of you behind?”
“We came up with a way to get around that,” Cyn replied, scratching the side of her neck nervously as she avoided eye contact with the Leafeon. “I sort of… ate her.”
“You ate her?” Leaf blinked, his attention turning to the Espeon cowering in her seat. “Rose, were you okay with that?”
“Chill out, Leaf, we get eaten all the time,” Malus grunted. “We keep Reviver Seeds on us, it’s not that big a deal.”
“That’s different, we all work at the Den in our spare time, and we know it’s a hazard in our occupation when we go to Mystery Dungeons. Some of us even enjoy it.” The Leafeon shook his head, “Rose is different; she joined the Winners to be a part of a Rescue Team, not some kind of kink club. She’d never willingly allow herself to get eaten.”
“Oh yeah,” The Persian glanced at the Espeon, a knowing grin on his muzzle. “Totally innocent.”
“Really, Parsley, it’s fine.” Rose spoke up, finally sitting up straight in her chair as she looked up the table towards Cyn. “I was the one who suggested it; if Cyn ate me and then used the Seed on herself, it would teleport us both out since I was inside her.”
“And that worked, but it left us without a Warp Seed to deliver.” The Liepard rolled her eyes, “Not that it mattered; a second after I hocked her back up we walked into an all-girl Monster House and got dommed by--” Cyn glanced over at Leaf, noticing his jaw had dropped at the story. “...nevermind, the important thing is, we failed the mission.”
“O-Oh my…” The Leafeon gulped. “That’s…”
“Hot.” Malus smirked.
“Oh, you like that, huh? That doing it for you?” The Liepard narrowed her eyes at the Persian. “Tell us more about the rampant buttsex you’ve been having with Spice, Malus.” she forced a grin past through her rage. “We’re all [i]really[/i] interested in hearing about your escape from the closet.”
“It’s not like that,” The Persian sneered as he flipped through the folder to his report. “Rose walked into some kind of pheromone trap and it affected the whole team. I don’t know what was in that gas, but we couldn’t keep our paws off each other.” Malus flicked his ears back as he looked over at the Ninetales, “It was pretty weird.”
“And for your information Cyn, it wasn’t ‘rampant’. It was an extremely passionate affair,” Spice noted, his nose turned up at the Liepard as he casually grinned over at Rose. “For everyone involved~”
“Why is he looking at you like that?” Leaf asked, his gaze drifting between the Ninetales and the Espeon. “...Please tell me you didn’t.”
“It’s like Malus said, the pheromones were very strong, Parsley,” Rose tucked her ears back. “We couldn’t do anything to stop ourselves once we breathed it in, and by the time it had worn off we were already...” the Espeon blushed, “...’spent.’ “
“Is there a trap that can erase memories?” Leaf shuddered at the thought. “Because I could really use one of those right now.” He then glared at the Persian and Ninetales, “You two should be ashamed of yourselves, you’re supposed to be protecting her.”
“As if you wouldn’t be jizzing your lab coat if it were you in the middle instead of her.” The Persian rolled his eyes at the doctor, “sounds like the kind of thing you’d love to get in on. You’d probably try to find another trap just to get seconds.”
“What did you say?!” Leaf stood up in his chair, his forepaws slamming on the table as he turned crimson under his fur.
“Parsley, please!” The Espeon flicked her ears back, a pout forming on her muzzle. “I can handle myself just fine, I wouldn’t have joined the Winners otherwise.”
“I don’t suppose you have any encounters over the past week you would like to share, Doctor?” Auric asked, his arms crossed. “I’ve noticed you weren’t in any of the reports as of late.”
“I’ve been busy at the clinic, or working at The Den with you and Typh. I can’t even remember the last time I went on a mission.” The Leafeon replied, slowly lowering himself back into his chair as he calmed down. “Although, I [i]did[/i] have to save Rose from the Pokemon eating plant in my garden yesterday.” He tucked his ears back as he looked shamefully over at his sister, “Again, I’m really sorry about what happened. I didn’t realise it would use its vines like that.”
“It’s fine, really.” Rose insisted, her eyes darting around at her other teammates as she tried to shush the Leafeon.
“And then there was the sap it coated you with when I finally got you back out,” The Leafeon recalled as he tapped his chin in thought. “I didn’t realise it could produce something that would make a Pokemon irresistible to predators.”
“You can stop talking now,” Rose continued with a nervous grin, “Th-this isn’t even about The Winners, so I don’t know why it’s worth mentioning.”
“I just can’t apologise enough for how I acted,” The doctor replied, ducking his head. “I’m so ashamed of myself, eating you right after I got you out of that plant…” he sighed dejectedly, “and after you trusted me, your own brother… I don’t even consider myself a predator, the fact that I just ate you without a second thought--”
“Hold on a sec, you ate her too?” Cyn narrowed her eyes. “What the hell, Leaf? You literally just yelled at me for doing the same thing.”
“I think I overreacted because of that, I was projecting because I was angry at myself.” The Leafeon explained as he turned to the Liepard, “I should apologize; I’m really sorry to you too, Cyn.”
“Don’t sweat it, Leaf.” The Liepard replied, her scowl softening. “...You’ve been acting weird lately though.”
“Must be bad writing,” Z spoke up, causing the Espeon to jump in her seat as she glanced down at the small fox standing next to her. “Ran out of cookies,” he explained, wiping the crumbs off his muzzle. “So what’s going on? Is this the climax?”
“I don’t suppose you brought the Smut Note with you?” Rose whispered as she pretended to read the reports in the folder. “Everyone’s starting to get suspicious. I think they know something’s been going on.”
“Yeah, this is the climax.” Z muttered to himself, ignoring the question as he looked up and down the table at the gathered Pokemon, his thick tail dusting the floor behind him as it swished back and forth. “How many Pokemon have talked about their experiences?”
“Three,” Rose quietly replied. “Cyn, Malus and Leaf.”
“Uh oh,” The Nickit blinked slowly. “That’s the magic number.”
“I think by now it’s clear what the common element I mentioned earlier is,” Auric spoke up, drawing The Winners’ attention back to him. “Each time something ‘unusual’ happens, Rose is present. Moreover, it seems that the events are often triggered by her.”
“Shouldn’t have done so many self-inserts,” Z whispered, his paws resting on the table to get a better view of the action. “They’ll getcha.”
“Are you saying Rose is intentionally setting off traps and walking into ambushes?” Spice gasped. “That’s ridiculous! She’d never betray our team.”
“It’s not like that at all,” The Espeon tucked her ears back, her forepaw rapidly gesturing to the invisible Nickit to hand her the Smut Note. The fox tilted his head and repeated the motion back to her, making it clear he had no idea what she was trying to get from him. She turned her attention back to the table, clearing her throat as she sat up straight in her chair. “It’s just a string of bad luck, I’m sure.”
“No, Auric’s right. Something weird is going on,” Leaf stood up once more, his eyes narrowed behind his glasses as he looked around the table. “Someone is targeting Rose with kinky traps and situations!”
The room went silent, all eyes falling on the Doctor as he waited for their agreement. Malus ran his forepaw over his face and let out an exasperated sigh into it. “And I thought you were the smart one,” he groaned.
“He’s usually smarter, your bad writing must’ve Flanderized him.” Z shook his head in dismay at the Espeon.
“Flanderized?” Rose whispered, his ears tucking back as she looked at the Nickit, or as much of a glance as she could without drawing attention to herself anyway.
“You took one character trait and made it his whole personality; in this case, the fact that he’s your brother,” The Nickit explained as he gestured a paw to the Leafeon. “You made him overly protective, now he thinks you’re some kind of chaste nun.”
“B-but I barely wrote about him! Outside of that thing with the plant, all I’ve done is made sure he didn’t know about my interests,” Rose gasped, her paw raised to her muzzle as she looked around the table at the others. “Is my impression of him really enough to change his whole personality?”
“If you’ve got the Smut Note, yeah.” The Nickit replied. “It changes reality based on how you interpret it. Didn’t I tell you that?”
“Of course you didn’t!” Rose whispered sharply.
“Hm, maybe that was rule four.” The Nickit furrowed his brow. “Maybe I should’ve been a Ninetales after all, more appendages to count things on.”
“Arceus, it’s been 8 minutes. Someone get in my gut!” Typh suddenly roared out before grabbing Auric with both hands and shoving him headfirst into his maw, leaving Malus quickly leaping back to get away from the hungry Swampert.
“Looks like Leaf isn’t the only one you Flanderized either.” The Nickit blinked, watching as the Swampert rapidly devoured the Lucario. Cyn leapt up onto the table as if on cue, a lusty grin on her face as she prowled towards Rose. “See, this is why I said to add plot. If you don’t add plot it can turn into a horny mess.”
“What’s going on?” Rose whimpered, shuffling backwards in her seat until her back was pressed firmly against the back of her chair. “I didn’t write any of this!”
“When it devolves to this level you don’t need to,” The Nickit tucked his ears back as he backed away from the table. “There’s too much sexual tension and nowhere for it to go; it’s started to come out in random places, making Pokemon act out of character just to get their rocks off!”
“Game’s up, Rose~ It’s about time someone punished you for being such a naughty little girl~” Cyn purred seductively, her tail cracking like a whip against the table as she lowered herself and prepared to pounce the Espeon. “How about we find you a nice collar and drag you down to the Den for a ‘girl-to-girl’ talk~” She grinned, her fangs on full display as she wiggled her rump, “I want to try that thing that Pyroar girl showed us~”
“Allow me, Cyn. I can think of a few ways to get her to make amends for all she put us through~” Spice’s purple eyes glowed hypnotically as he got out of his chair and moved around the Leafeon sitting between them. “And I think it’ll start with her putting on a maid outfit and some thigh-high stockings; fully hypnotised of course so she’ll follow our every command~”
“Don’t bother, I’m just gonna tear it off before I carry her off into the forest,” Malus purred as he climbed up onto the table next to Cyn, his gemstone gleaming as he grinned down at the Espeon. “I’m gonna drag her by the scruff all the way through town, so everyone can see what a helpless little kitty she is. A tasty civvie totally dominated by a wild Pokemon, just like she secretly wants~”
“Y-you three..!” Rose whimpered as she looked between the three predators ganging up on her. It wouldn’t be long before the Swampert joined them, assuming they hadn’t already devoured him before he was finished with the Lucario rear dangling from his jaws.
“Don’t worry Rose, I’ll protect you!” Leaf shouted as he scrambled out of his chair. He immediately caught Spice’s hypnotic gaze and collapsed against the table, his normally hazel eyes glowing with a purple hue as he drooled. Spice tittered in amusement, his attention turning back to the Espeon as the trio loomed over her.
“Protective brother who’s totally useless at protecting you.” The Nickit raised an eyebrow, “nice.”
“S-so, that’s a ‘no’ you having the Smut Note?” Rose whimpered to him.
“Ah shoot, It’s back at your cottage.” Z shook his head, his paw slapping the ground as he remembered it. “Want me to go get it?”
“No, that’s okay…” Rose replied, steadying her breathing as her gemstone flashed to life. “I can get it myself.”
The pink hue of her Psychic surrounded Spice and launched him into Malus and Cyn, barrelling them both over in a single motion. With the trio temporarily stunned the Espeon leapt out of her seat and dashed to the front door, almost blasting it off its hinges with her Psychic as she ran, the Nickit barely keeping pace as the trio of predators raced after them.
“Nice move!” Z panted as he ran, “When did you get so strong with your Psychic?”
“Page 37! I did some suspension play with a Typhlosion who tried to eat me!” Rose shouted back as she approached the town square, and its bustling market. It would have been a great place to lose her pursuers, if it weren’t filled with equally lustful Pokemon who tried to grab her as she weaved her way through the crowd. “Why are there so many of them?!” The Espeon whined, her tail tucking against her legs just before the claws of a Feraligatr could snatch her up.
“You wrote the events too close together! You turned this whole town into a porn universe!” The Nickit shouted back, leaping onto the top of one of the market stalls to get a better view of the scene. “Also, are you seeing this? Horny zombies! I said it would be creepy instead of erotic. This is creepy, right?!”
“So creepy!” Rose yelled back as she struggled to keep a Salazzle’s jaws off of her with her Psychic. Finally she tossed it into a nearby apple cart and pressed forward, making a bee-line towards her cottage as it came into view.
The Espeon skidded as she reached the door, her four paws tripping over one another as she tried to turn herself around. Her gemstone lit up just in time to slam the door in a Bayleef’s face before dragging her writing desk in front of the door to block it. She could see the townsfolk through the windows, opening their jaws and slurping at the glass, leaving long stains of drool running over it.
Rose whimpered as she pushed her back to the wall, her forehead burning from the overuse of Psychic as she used her last ounce of strength to drag the Smut Note across the floor from under her desk before grasping in her paws as it came within reach. “Please tell me we can undo this!” She whimpered.
“There is! This is the moment I was talking about, the climax where you give me back the Smut Note!” Z replied as he scampered over to her side, his forepaw outstretched. The Espeon handed over the notebook with one paw and her pen with the other.
The window behind her shattered suddenly, raining glass over the two of them as they covered against the floor. A familiar Persian paw wrapped around the Espeon’s upper body and started trying to drag her backwards through the window. “Z!” She screamed out, her hind legs kicking. “Help!”
“Hold on, hold on, hold on!” Z yelled, flipping rapidly through the notebook and scribbling in the top corner of each of the pages. The world stopped, the sound of paper being torn filled Rose’s ears until it deafened her every sense. She shut her eyes tightly and waited for it to end.
And all at once, it did. The Espeon opened her eyes to find herself sitting in her cottage; clean and pristine as she always kept it; no broken window, no hoards of lustful and hungry Pokemon, no sunlight. She glanced up at the calendar on the wall; October 18th. Two weeks ago.
“H-how did you do that?” Rose blinked in disbelief as she shakily got to her feet. “Did we travel through time?”
“Not exactly, it’s just that part of time doesn’t happen anymore,” Z replied as he looked down at the scattered pages of the past few weeks. “I mean, it happened, but it doesn’t [i]happen,[/i] you know?”
“Not really,” The Espeon flicked her ears back in confusion.
“I undid everything you’ve written so far. Right up until the point where we first met and I told you who I was,” The Nickit explained as he held the Smut Note open for the Espeon to see. “I added a line to make sure you’d remember what happened, but as far as the universe is concerned we’re the only ones who experienced it.”
She was mostly just glad things were back to normal, though as she looked down at the torn pages she realised just how much she had written. She picked one out of the pile and examined it; now with two letters in the top corner. The same letters on each of the discarded pages: [b]N C.[/b]
“Non-Canon,” Rose muttered, her pupils dilating in revelation.
“What? No, it means…” Z glanced around, “Nickit Cancelled--”
“No, it doesn’t.” Rose lowered her gaze to the pages. “You’ve been talking about plot, and stories, and character development… it wasn’t just what I wrote in the Smut Note that affected the world, it was how I wrote it.” The Espeon looked up at him. “You’re not a God. You’re a writer, aren’t you?”
“...Uhhhhh….” The Nickit droned uncertainly, his forepaws tightening on the Smut Note and his pen.
“This whole ordeal was just a story, a story you wrote about me and my friends…” Rose rifled through the pages. “And since we’re all just a part of the story, that would make me a character--”
[b]N C.[/b]
Rose stared blankly, a soft ringing in her ears bringing her back to reality. She was sitting alone in her cottage; clean and pristine, as she always kept it. The Espeon’s ear twitched, wondering what had caused her to zone out, or what she had been doing before she had. She glanced up at the calendar on the wall; October 18th, the night Jirachi’s Star would be visible. An excited smile crossed her muzzle as she grabbed her telescope with her Psychic, giggling with glee as she ran outside.
The door stayed open just long enough for Z to slip out, the Smut Note tucked into the tip of his tail. He stopped for a while to watch her before breathing out a sigh of relief. “That was close, existential crises are [i]way[/i] too dark for a TastyTales story,” he smiled to himself, watching as the Espeon gazed through the telescope and scanned the stars for Jirachi. “Light and lusty,” he breathed out a contented smile.
“Still, another successful Halloween story. Longest thing I’ve done all year.” The Nickit laughed to himself as he walked away from the scene, back to roaming the streets of Clearspring to look for his next project.
All at once he walked right into it, in the form of a Mightyena’s bulbous gut. The Nickit bounced off the belly and landed on his back, staring up to find himself looking at a Mightyena in a dark tattered lab coat and goggles. “Patrick!” Z greeted him with open paws, “The Mightyena Mastermind, what a coincidence!”
“Not much of a coincidence, you said I could be a recurring character for Halloween stories if I stayed non-canon.” The Mightyena reminded him with a glare, “Couldn’t help but notice a lack of Evil Genius in your Halloween line-up this year.”
“Oh yeah, it’s uh… really hard to come up with new stories for you…” The Nickit cleared his throat, “Because you’re so great! Not to mention popular, did I mention how much demand there was to bring you back? I mean like,” he chuckled, “I mean [i]I[/i] want you to be in the Clearspring canon, I just don’t know how giant robots would fit into a low-tech civilisation.”
“I have some notes, but I think I’d rather make my annual appearance first,” The Mightyena smirked, his forepaw coming down hard on the Nickit’s fluffy tail to lock him in place. “This story hasn’t had a real vore scene yet anyway.”
“What? Auric got eaten like 3 pages ago!” Z yelled indignantly. “That was a vore scene!”
“That was two lines with no detail,” Patrick scoffed. “Lemme show you how it’s done, interloper.”
The Mightyena’s jaws parted wide, his fangs and drool-coated tongue catching the moonlight as it dripped thick globs of saliva over the Nickit’s face. The Mastermind lowered himself, his throat pulsing with each hot breath he let out over the smaller Dark-type. “Ugh, your breath smells like pocky and super noodles.”
“Quit ruining the scene, pipsqueak,” The Mightyena grunted as he thrust his maw over the writer’s head, engulfing it in a single motion. The Nickit raised his forepaws to try to block the oncoming jaws, but all that did was assure they would disappear down the Pokemon’s throat first. The MIghtyena murred in approval, slurping over the Nickit’s dark orange fur the fleshy muscles of his throat tightened and loosened around the fox’s forepaws, each micro-gulp dragging the Dark-type’s head a little closer to the precipice.
His tongue wrapped around the side of Z’s face, getting slobber in his eye just long enough to make the fox let his guard down. The Mightyena took his first massive gulp, dragging the Nickit’s head into the tight embrace of his neck and his slender upper body into his jaws .He took another gulp to drag the fox in up to his midsection, his tongue pinning him to the roof of his mouth as he lurched his head back, the fox’s hind legs dangling from his jaws. He began to gulp while holding Z in place with his jaws, allowing the fleshy walls to drag against him and smear him with drool while preventing him from making any progress. “A-ack! Come on!” Z complained, “This is just showing off!”
“MMmmm~” The Mightyena drooled, his tail thumping against the grass as he swivelled drool in his mouth around the Nickit’s sides. He loosened his grip on the fox, allowing him to sink a few more inches into his maw as he tilted his head back to bring the Nickit’s rump into place. He bit into it playfully, just enough to get an indignant yip of protest from the writer before he tossed his head back and snapped his jaws around it.
“I really should’ve made you a prey character,” The Nickit muttered, his tail lashing freely in the cold night air as he felt the teeth playfully chewing against his butt. His forepaws were locked together by the sphincter of the stomach, preventing him from doing anything but lashing his tail and squirming in place. “Can we please just get to the stomach part?”
It seemed there was one more step before that; the part for all the paw fans. The Mightyena parted his jaws just enough to reveal the Nickit’s paw, their pink pads glistening in the moonlight as the tip of the Mightyena’s tongue slurped over them. Finally he closed his muzzle, suckling on the Nickit’s toes before tilting his head back and gulping once more, dragging all but the very tip of Z’s tail into his body.
“You know, this is [i]really[/i] out of character for you,” Z cringed as his face was pushed past through the tight threshold to the Mightyena’s stomach, its sphincter squeezing him tightly before loosening to allow him to slide forward as the canine took another gulp. “I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to be indifferent to vore.”
“Eh, I’m non-canon,” Patrick replied, his voice muffled by the Nickit’s thick tail. The Mightyena sucked it into his jaws and gulped it down in a single motion, the hefty bulge of the fox’s tail sinking down his throat before finally disappearing into his stomach. “Mmh, happy Halloween Z~” he grinned, slapping his gut with his forepaw and letting out a hearty belch the moment the last of the fox landed in his paunch. “Thanks for the last minute cameo.”
“Yeah, yeah, Happy Halloween, ” The Nickit muttered as he cuddled up to his tail, his head tilted up to try to avoid the smell of the soupy contents sloshing around him. “You really didn’t have to eat all this instant ramen first though.”
“You’re not very filling by yourself,” The Mightyena replied, shrugging as he turned to walk back towards his secret lair, his gut swaying under him with each step he took. “Maybe you should evolve into a Thievul. They’re way more filling than Nickit.”
“Oh, haha. Very funny.”
The End
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Smut Note By TastyTales -- Report

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It was a normal night for Rose the Espeon, until a mysterious pink notebook fell out of the sky and changed everything. Whatever kinky scenario she wrote in the notebook would happen to her and her friends...

She might've gone a little overboard.

So I started writing this a while back to make sure I had it done on time. While I don't write a lot these days, I still wanted to do something for Halloween since I've made a bit of a tradition of doing a Halloween story. This idea originally came from a tweet I saw, and I had no idea how long the story would be when I started writing it. Still, it was fun to mess around with my Nickit author avatar some more.

Happy Halloween, everyone!

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Posted by Thejynxedlynx 3 years ago Report

Happy Halloween!


Posted by TastyTales 3 years ago Report

You too! :D


Posted by danya05kriat 3 years ago Report

It's so strange, but it very intrested!