Archive > NobodyOfAnyMatter > Story 3 Scene 2 (Series title wip)
 Sam woke up with sunlight bleeding through the curtains and illuminating the room. They yawned quietly and stretched out their arms and legs bathing in the reddish orange light of sunrise. Letting their limbs relax Sam opens their eyes and sleepily rolls onto their back. They feel the added heft to their belly as they shift and look down at the lump under the covers. After a few moments of confusion they rub their eyes recalling the events of the previous night and let out a quiet groan. Sam feels Jackie stir slightly in their stomach when they groan but it quickly stops. Sam pulls back the covers and watches their belly with its tight grip on Jackie’s form. The clear outline from the night before has faded some. A worried Sam then pushes and rubs their belly but they realize that their acids have just been filling up, being neutralized, and stretching their stomach instead of eating away at Jackie much to their relief. As Sam is tracing Jackie’s outline they start to stir and giggle as they feel the imprint of a hand gently rub across their body. Sam whispers “It's morning. Time to get up Jackie.” in a soft and soothing tone as they slowly rub their belly. Jackie lets out a moan and lets out a muffled muttering of “just five more minutes...” With a shake of their head Sam slowly sits up trying not to disturb Jackie any further and says “Okay, I will let you rest, but I am going to try and make breakfast.” Jackie squirms lightly sloshing around the inside of Sam’s stomach and softly rubs their face against the walls and murmurs happily “Your breakfasts are good...” Sam feels happy that Jackie is able to move more freely as they doubted being pinned in one place while sleeping resulted in a good rest. So with a smile and a soft sigh Sam rubs their belly and responds “Thank you. I hope you can get a little more sleep in there.” Jackie doesn’t respond but Sam can feel Jackie’s head rubbing inside them in a nod. Sam hugs their belly softly thinking that they could get used to this.
 Sam shifted their body to the edge of the bed and put their feet on the floor. They slowly get up to their feet and try to stand normally but they soon realize after almost falling forward that they would be having some difficulties. After getting their balance Sam turns back to the bed and sees a wet patch in the covers where their drool soaked into the sheets. Sam makes an annoyed noise with their mouth and leans forward and starts to pull off the sheets. Sam feels their belly hit the side of the bed as they reach to pull up the far side but don’t think much of it until Jackie starts squirming in their sleep as they are squished and squeezed. Sam quickly stands back up and softly apologizes again and again as Jackie calms back down. Sam shifts their weight between their feet sloshing their gut gently back and forth as they calm Jackie down till they continue their peaceful slumber once again. Sam carefully removes the rest of the covers and tosses them across the room and into the hamper. Sam walks towards the kitchen with a bit of difficulty from the added weight. With each step their stomach sloshes Jackie against the walls of their stomach causing Sam to feel a bit of pleasure from their moving gut. Soon however Jackie again starts to stir and Sam has to hug their stomach and lift it with their arms to prevent it from jostling them any further as they walk.
 Sam reaches the kitchen and pulls a stool next to the stove from the counter and sits down to rest. The added weight is a real strain on Sam’s legs and they take a moment to recover after just being up for a few minutes. They were not out of breath but they could feel the complaints that their muscles were throwing out and shook their head as they thought about Jackie walking around with themselves in their gut all the way to the restaurant a few nights back. Sam thought about how strong their legs must be and recalled how good it felt when they were lightly struggling last night. Sam bit their lip and thought about how a full strength kick must feel. Such thoughts however quickly brought a blush to their face and Sam took a few deep breaths as they calmed themselves down.
 After a minute’s break Sam stands up and opens the fridge deciding what to make. The first thing to catch their eye is a stack of egg cartons containing dozens of eggs. Sam usually liked to make something fancier for breakfast but as Sam’s mobility felt limited they decided a few egg heavy dishes would be a good start. They picked out a few cartons of eggs knowing that Jackie needed them to eat a lot to help get them out and took out some cheese and vegetables and mushrooms to make the pile of eggs more palatable. Sam scooted the stool over to the sink and cleaned the vegetables and mushrooms. Sam then cut them up and put them aside the stove as they turned it on and started off by cooking some scrambled eggs. They cracked a number of eggs into the pan and tossed the shells into a bowl to dispose of later. They cooked several batches till they had a large mound of scrambled eggs piled high on a plate to the side. Eventually they turn off the stovetop and cover the plate to keep it warm while they prepare the rest. Next Sam fills a pot with water and puts it on the stove to boil as they start making omelets the size of the largest pan they had in the apartment. They tossed in a portion of vegetables, chunks of melty cheese, and mushrooms in each one they made. With some skillful flipping they make a pile of massive and pristine looking omelets on another plate as the pot finally comes to a boil. They add many eggs into the pot and put on a lid to let the hard boiled eggs cook.
 Sam scoots over to where they put down the prepared plates and hugs Jackie through their belly. Jackie stirs lightly and the sound of sloshing can be heard but after a few moments of rubbing their belly Sam concludes that Jackie is still fast asleep and gently lets their stomach hang as they reach over and pull the plate of scrambled eggs close. Sam plans to try and eat as much breakfast as they can without disturbing Jackie so they can be released sooner. Sam pulls the cover off the scrambled eggs and picks up a spoonful and holds it close trying to estimate its temperature. Seemingly a bit too hot Sam blows on it till it is roughly body temperature and puts it in their mouth. The eggs are light and fluffy, just as Sam likes and Sam swallows without chewing, feeling the soft eggs be crushed by their throat as it goes down. Sam waits to see if it bothers Jackie but they don’t even react as the soft mash lands in their wet hair and face covered in stomach juices. Satisfied that they won’t bother Jackie, Sam starts to happily eat the plate of eggs. Spoonful after spoonful goes down as Sam works through the plate. Their stomach slowly stretches as the mashed eggs pile up around Jackie. Jackie shifts a few times as they are buried in eggs but they are mostly undisturbed. With all of the added food Sam’s stomach grips Jackie’s form less tightly and the contours visible on the outside become softer. As Sam reached the end of the plate they scrapped the last of the scrambled eggs to one edge and shoveled them into their mouth. And with one big swallow they send the last of the scrambled eggs down adding another layer on top of Jackie. Jackie shifts kicking their legs out in their sleep causing Sam to let out a moan which they failed to fully stifle.
 Sam shivers and blushes as their earlier prediction turned out to be correct. That felt very good. After Jackie settles back down Sam checks how long the hard boiled eggs have been cooking for and turns off the stove and places the eggs in a bowl of ice water to cool. They then turn their attention to the omelets licking their lips. After making sure it was not too hot to eat Sam took a moment to think about how to eat them. Chewing them was the obvious solution but now that they know they can swallow a whole person why can’t they see how swallowing a omelet whole feels. Giving into temptation Sam picks up an omelet cupping it in both hands and bringing one end to their lips. They gently push it to the back of their throat while making sure to not tear the delicate dish. Sam tastes the outside of the omelet and murmurs happily at how well it turned out. They then swallow, sending the omelet down into their throat. The omelet is stretched but does not completely tear apart thanks to the cheese added resulting in it making it down into their stomach in one piece. Sam shivers pleasantly as it goes down and they feel Jackie shift after a wet splattering sound of the omelet dropping into the slurry all around Jackie. Sam rubs their stomach shifting the slurry around and across Jackie’s body and murmurs happily as they enjoy the feeling. Sam thinks to themselves that it is a potentially addictive feeling.
 Sam continues to clean the plate of the stack of omelets the same way as the first. Sam feels their distended gut as they rub it and guess that they could probably get Jackie out at this point. Sam bites their lip and argues to themselves that it wouldn’t hurt to let Jackie rest some more. And since Jackie will be resting they might as well continue to enjoy a meal. Sam knows that they are giving into temptation of pleasure but they can’t think of a good reason to not indulge at the time. With a sigh Sam rubs their belly and starts to remove the shells from the hard boiled eggs popping each shelled egg into the mouth and giving it a quick gulp before moving onto the next one. They continue down to the last egg and carefully savour it by licking the smooth outer surface letting their saliva pool in their mouth before swallowing it down with a mouthful of saliva. Sam lets out a moan as the last one disappears down their gullet. Jackie’s form is no longer clearly imprinted and Sam only manages to trace them out by pushing in causing the eggs to slosh and glorp around. Sam wants to eat more but can’t work up the will to cook some more food. Starting to feel a bit sleepy from their meal Sam decides to get some water and rest in bed for a while. Absentmindedly Sam fills a pitcher with cold water and moves to the bedroom. Sam’s legs are fiercely complaining over the strain as Sam walks and they need to take a moment to rest as they sit down on the bed. Distracted by the pain in their legs Sam gulps down the pitcher of cold water without a second thought and lays down on their back, sinking into the bed.
 Jackie was pleasantly dreaming of floating in a vast expanse filled with warmth. Movement was difficult and slow like they were cutting through viscous water whenever they moved. Dull flashes of sensation appeared and they would shift their body but they were otherwise at peace simply floating. When they felt themselves rocking side to side it did not matter as they felt comfortable. Jackie however woke with an abrupt start when cold water splashed over their head snapping them awake. Jackie couldn’t see in the dark space but they could feel lumpy mush and fluid coating their body and they could smell cooked eggs all around them. They could not recall how they got there because they had a terrible ache in their neck from being pinned in a tight spot for hours as they slept. They started to stretch out and try to feel around but they soon found their limbs pressing against the walls of a stomach. They then recognized the gurgling sounds of a stomach all around them and a pleased murmur from outside. Jackie then tried to kick and punch and struggle as hard as they could in the hopes of giving their pred a belly ache. They heard a sharp inhale followed by moaning as they attacked. Emboldened they kept up the attack. The slurry sloshed all around them getting mixed into their hair and working in between their night wear and their body as they struggled. Acids poured in as their struggling picked up and while they were being neutralized for the moment they had no idea how long that would last. The moaning all around them turned into panting sounds of pleasure as they continued. They felt a pair of hands rubbing them through the walls of the belly and they heard “Jackie...” through the panting breaths of their predator. Jackie continued to kick and punch as they called out saying “Let me out!” whenever their head was pushed above the level of slurry surrounding them. Their predator continued to moan and say their name as they struggled and while it turned to a cute mewling at times they still failed to speak more than their name. After several minutes it seemed the predator was done feeling their prey struggle and rolled onto their stomach. The pressure built in the stomach as the predator’s weight pressed down but Jackie was still able to kick and move until they heard a loud burp and the now pulped eggs compacted around their body pinning them in place.
 Sam panted as they pinned Jackie under their weight, their body shivering from the waves of pleasure in which Jackie had unintentionally showered them. Sam had immediately realized that Jackie had forgotten where they were the moment they felt the first hard kick, but with such an overwhelming amount of pleasure they had barely been able to say anything except call out Jackie’s name as they struggled in a delicious fashion. Sam calmed their breathing as Jackie continued to squirm. Their body cried calling to let them feel the pleasure continue as long as possible but Sam cared about Jackie and did not want to betray their trust for even a moment. Sam finally managed to say between breaths “Jackie, calm down it is me Sam. I accidentally swallowed you in my sleep and you said to engorge myself to make it easier to get you out remember?” Sam had said this in a pleading voice allowing Jackie to calm down enough to think and try to recall. After a few moments Jackie wanted to facepalm as they recalled the incident the preceding night.
 “I remember now.” Jackie replied in a slightly embarrassed tone. “Why didn’t you wake me before breakfast though?” Jackie probes. Sam squirms above them before answering shyly. “I-it seemed like you still needed some rest so I tried not to disturb you. As my meal went on however I started enjoying stuffing myself too much and got absentminded… Sorry for pouring cold water on your head.” Sam rolls onto their side and starts to rub Jackie through their belly and break up the compacted food around them. Jackie squirms loosening up the food as well as they think of a response before they sigh and say “It is okay. Nothing bad happened and I might have done the same in your situation.” Jackie starts to rub the inside of Sam’s stomach as they become free as the compacted food returns to a slurry. Sam feels a bit better emotionally and murmurs happily as Jackie rubs their stomach walls. Jackie rubs around the inside of Sam’s belly and comments “You know, you still seem to have a lot of give left in your stomach. I am curious how much you could fit in here.” Sam blushes a bit and replies “Well I do still feel hungry for some reason, but I do have to go to class in a few hours.” Sam hugged their belly loosely as they spoke. Jackie smirked and teased “But don’t you want to feel full of delicious food?” as they kicked their legs lightly stirring up Sam’s stomach contents and causing them to moan lightly. Jackie stops kicking and says “This is your last day of classes for this week though right? Why don’t you bring your friends who fantasize about being prey home with you tonight. Then you can try to fit all three of us down your gullet.” Jackie punctuated their final words with a few solid kicks causing Sam to let out a cute mewling noise. Sam hugs their belly tightly and is unable to stop themselves from thinking about spending the weekend with their friends squirming in their gut. “Okay, I will ask them… Could you please struggle some more for me? That felt absolutely wonderful.” Sam said shyly. Jackie smiles and says “Sure, but go sit in the bathtub and guzzle down some warm water. I want to be able to move a bit more freely.” Sam gained a big smile and turned to climb down off the bed.
 Sam got to their feet and started to walk to the bathroom. They let their belly hang down and slosh as they walked as they no longer had to worry about waking Jackie. After a few steps Sam could feel Jackie’s body press against either side of their stomach as they walked. Their gut happily gurgling and sloshing its contents over Jackie with every step. Sam smiles and walks around in circles in the bathroom for a minutes enjoying Jackie moving inside them before they lay down in the bathtub. Jackie shakes their head and smirks as they notice Sam enjoying themselves but does not say anything letting them have their fun. Sam takes off their nightwear deciding to wash at the same time. They turn on the water and wait for it to warm up before putting their head underneath the facet and gulping heavily. As water pours in Jackie shifts around testing the viscosity until they are happy and tells Sam they can stop. Sam takes a few more gulps and pulls their head back from the facet and lets out a loud groan feeling their stomach sloshing loudly as they move. Sam lets the bathtub continue to fill up allowing them to soak in the warm water as they lather themselves in soap. Jackie playfully sloshes the contents of the stomach around for a minute or two before they find a comfortable position to pretend to struggle.
 Sam has mostly cleaned themselves by the time Jackie starts. Sam bites their lip through the first few kicks and shuts off the water and puts the soap back. Jackie kicks and punches against the walls of Sam’s stomach filling them with an aching pleasure that they were craving. Sam’s stomach loudly sloshes and gurgles with every kick. Sam’s belly indents outwards with each powerful strike revealing a clear outline of each fist and foot that impacts it. Inside Jackie was getting a decent work out as they disrupted the slurry around them while stretching the sturdy stomach walls that Sam possessed. Jackie smiled as they felt Sam squirm around them causing the slurry to slosh across them from head to toe. Sam meanwhile was quickly turned into a moaning and mewling mess as they squirmed in the bathtub trying to not splash the water out onto the floor. The splashing about washed off the last of the suds leaving Sam squeaky clean as they squirmed. Jackie continued to squirm and thrash about in Sam’s stomach until they were exhausted. Jackie felt impressed with the strength of Sam’s stomach as they had expected their fun would be interrupted by a speedy return up Sam’s throat. Sam really is a natural predator Jackie thought.
 Sam laid panting in the tub for a few minutes after Jackie stopped and tried to catch their breath. Their stomach was sore but still ached with pleasure. After a few minutes of rest Sam says with a hint of sadness “I guess it is time to get you out…” Jackie replies with a nod pressed against the wall of Sam’s belly. After waiting for Jackie to prepare themselves to exit Sam sits up in the tub kneeling and tries to copy how Jackie had gotten them out a couple nights before. Sam presses on the bottom of their stomach going upwards to give Jackie a firm base to push off. Sam feels Jackie’s hands wriggle their way into their throat and fights the temptation to swallow them back down. Using their arms to guide them Jackie pushes with their legs to shove their head and shoulders back up Sam’s throat. Sam squirms as they feel Jackie coming back up but continues to fight the urge. Sam pushes more tightly against their stomach now that Jackie has made room inside and makes it easier for Jackie to push out. With a new solid foothold Jackie again pushes with their legs and reaches into Sam’s mouth. Sam squirms when they feel Jackie’s hand against their tongue and their throat screaming at them to swallow but Sam grabs hold of their hand and helps to pull them out the rest of the way.
 Jackie splashes in the bathtub in front of Sam with clumps of egg mash easily washing off their body as the water hits them. Jackie’s nightwear is stained from spending hours in Sam’s stomach full of neutralized acids. Jackie looks around and takes off their nightwear and tosses it into the hamper and gives Sam a confused look and then a surprised look as they look down at Sam’s stomach. Jackie asks “Firstly, did you eat only eggs? Secondly, could you try burping for me? Your stomach is still really distended.” Sam looks down and looks with surprise at how large their stomach still is even after letting Jackie out. Sam responds “I ate mostly eggs… there were some vegetables in the omelets. And give me a moment.” Sam pushes on their stomach some feeling their food slosh back and forth before straining their throat some and forcing out a large burp. Their stomach shrank some but the food and water in Sam’s stomach still left Sam with a bulge around the size of when Sam first found Jackie inside them. Jackie starts laughing as Sam blushes finally realizes exactly how much they had gorged on eggs. With a shake of their still laughing head Jackie turns on the shower and opens up the drain letting the chunks of egg floating in the bath drain away. Jackie rinses most of the remnants of the food slurry off their body and kneels down in front of Sam with a smile on their face and helps wash the slurry that dripped onto Sam as Jackie got out. Sam is sitting still and blushing hard as Jackie washes them off and then Jackie leans forward and teases “You must be really glad we have such a large fridge now don’t you? It is now going to be needed for two gluttonous people.” Sam blushes and squirms covering their face causing Jackie to start laughing again. Jackie calms after a minute and then pulls Sam’s hands away from their face and gives them a tender kiss on the lips. Jackie says “Come on, show me a smile. We had a little incident but it turned into something fun.” And with a teasing tone they add “And you found out a little bit more about yourself. You are definitely a natural born predator.” Sam blushes and squirms as Jackie leans on their full gut after saying that. Sam sighs and forces a smile even though they are steeped in embarrassment. Jackie shakes their head and starts to tickle Sam as the shower pours down on both of them. “Nope, I want a real smile!” Jackie says as the tickle Sam into a laughing fit, squirming under Jackie’s tickle attack. Sam begs with a laughing smile “Okay, Okay! Stop it! I will try and not feel so embarrassed! Now stooooopp!”
 Jackie lets Sam get a breather and Jackie, happy that they got Sam smiling, asks Sam to help clean up indicating their hair, filled with eggs. They spend about half an hour cleaning all the food off each other and the tub before getting out and getting dressed. Jackie pulled Sam to the couch and started to rub Sam’s stomach trying to help the food break apart and move down Sam’s digestive tract. Sam lays murmuring happily as Jackie pampers them. Sam’s belly bulge is eventually reduced enough to pass for someone having some weight issues at a passing glance. Jackie straddles Sam’s waist causing them to blush up a storm and says “Don’t worry, even though you can get your own gut full of prey, I will still give you rides in mine.” Jackie’s tone is both seductive and teasing at the same time causing Sam to go completely red in the face. Before Sam can reply Jackie leans forward and kisses them on the lips. Sam murmurs happily deep in their throat and they soon feel Jackie’s hands massaging their stomach. Sam feels like putty in Jackie’s hands as they tease their stomach and their lips. Sam hugs Jackie’s hips and the two of them spend time simply exploring each other’s lips. Eventually Sam needed to get ready for class and they broke apart. Sam took a number of deep breaths to calm down as they packed. Jackie helped them find a few misplaced items and soon Sam is at the door all ready to head out for the day. Jackie sees them off with a kiss and a wave as Sam grabs a cab to campus.
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Story 3 Scene 2 (Series title wip) By NobodyOfAnyMatter -- Report

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I was happy that some people favorited previous parts recently and ended up binge writing.

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