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Witch's Pot [with story] By Leswaet -- Report

After her potion-infused candy had turned her prey into adorable, helpless, half slug creatures, collecting them had been easy. The hard part was finding a stew that could make the taste palatable. She'd tried many combinations before, always with a completely excessive number of 'taste tests', but it had never been quite right. But a true gourmand never let depopulation get in the way of the perfect meal. Her stomach was already whining in eager anticipation as she slithered about, adding the final ingredients. She'd gotten a little of the brew on herself, which wouldn't be much of a problem as she was always sure to cook topless, because if she couldn't be precise, she sure as hell could be extra.

She peered down at the swirling green soup. Dozens of the little creatures swirled around, packed so tight you could barely see the neon green liquid they floated in. Their little arms pushed against each other, dragging each other down, mewling frantic pleas. Some were pushed deeper below, drowning in an avalanche of wriggling bodies and thick broth. To her, it was all too exciting. She stirred the pot with her old metal ladle, noticing her hands shaking in anticipation. She pushed some to the bottom and allowed others to surface to breathe. What came next wouldn't be any fun if they were dead.

She lifted the ladle from the swirling goo. It held two girls and one man piled on top of each other, nearly falling off. She inhaled deeply, taking in the sickeningly sweet aroma of the stew. She did use a lot of candy and sugar in the brewing process, making it really more of a dessert than a soup. She looked down into the eyes of the three people held on the ladle. They had stopped their screaming, but the fear was evident on their faces. For a moment, everything seemed silent. The three little half human, half slugs stared up into her eyes. To them, she was so huge she seemed to take up all the sky. Then, in the next instant her mouth opened like a cave and they were pushed inside before they could even react.

The screaming immediately resumed within her mouth, now muffled as she shifted them from one engorged cheek to the other. Her great forked tongue drank in the the sugary flavor the green candy broth gave her prey. As if sensing impending food, her belly began to groan pitiably. She absentmindedly rubbed her free hand across her mostly flat stomach, feeling the slight give of the soft pudge. Her hand moved up to just beneath her left breast, where she could feel her empty stomach grumbling just beneath the surface. But she did not swallow, not yet. The anticipation was delightfully agonizing. She let her eyes roll back almost involuntarily, craning back her neck to match, then arching her back as she ran her free hand up and down her stomach, then her breasts, then stopping to dig her nails into her chest beneath the collarbone. Her other arm simply clutched close to her body, encumbered awkwardly by the now empty ladle. The screams from the cauldron below and from inside her mouth brought her to an unmatched ecstasy. She dug her fangs into her lower lip, careful not to accidentally inject venom into herself. Swallowing such large objects took a bit of coaxing and preparation. She raised her head even further back, guiding the three of them towards the back of her throat. Truth be told, they took up so much of the room inside of her mouth there wasn't too much difference. Another wave of heat began to wash over her, and she knew this time she would not be able to resist. She felt the slug-tail of one of them begin to slip down. She grasped at herself so hard she left red marks across her skin as everything came together in one perfect moment. The muscles of her esophagus gripped whichever one of them had been unlucky enough to be first. She felt her throat distend as they were pulled down, flailing against her from the inside. She wanted to open her mouth to gasp for air, but she resisted. She separated the two remaining with her tongue, hearing the cries of the one she sent further back become suddenly more desperate and panicked. This one was much quicker as her throat again expanded, this time sending down her prey head first. The moment she did so, she felt her first victim finally fall heavily into her belly like a block of lead. It was a feeling that never failed to take her by surprise. She reflexively gasped for air, having just enough presence of mind to ram her remaining prey against the roof of her mouth. With her mouth open, she could now hear the distinctly feminine screams of her food. The sound was so adorable and helpless she could feel her face blush a burning red, and in a fit of passion she instantly swallowed the girl. She would have liked to savor her more, but she couldn't think about that now. She laid back into her serpentine coils as if they were a makeshift bed. She let the ladle drop to the floor as she devoted herself full time to rubbing and clawing at her own body. She felt the weight of two more people drop into her belly as she madly grasped at it. The three of them made her stomach rise just a little, but she needed more. She needed to feel her gut swell to bursting with thousands of terrified souls. A clarity of purpose gripped her as she laid her eyes back on the cauldron. In a swift slithering motion she whipped forward like a striking cobra to loom over the cauldron, hands clamped onto either side of the rim. A great shriek of fear went up from the dozens of unfortunate prey still stewing in the thick ooze, and her heart leaped with perverse pleasure at the sound. Men and women pushed and shoved at each other, each trying to put as many of their compatriots as they could in between themselves and her hungering mouth. She had a frenzied look in her eyes like a wild animal, fangs bared and dripping saliva in a sick grin, tongue flickering in and out, tasting the sickly sweet aroma. She plunged her face into the pot, taking a great swathe of terrified people into her mouth and sending lucky ones flying in a great wave, scrambling for a chance at freedom. She pulled her head back, drenched in green liquid, her mouth over-filled with screaming, struggling people. She greedily grabbed even more in clenched fists before retreating back to lay amongst her coiled serpentine body. The pot, now half drained of both liquid and people, settled into a quiet despair as those trapped inside found themselves surrounded on all sides by an insurmountable wall of slick, black iron as the water level settled. Some of those who were thrown free attempted to return to save those left behind, but their new bodies permitted only an agonizing crawl, while not far away the gargantuan witch was making short work of the others. She twisted and heaved in wild pleasure as she gorged herself on wailing little slugs. She had swallowed much of the great mass she had carried away, but the rest she laid on her belly, teasing them as she picked them off one by one. She had truly lost count of how many she'd eaten, but she could feel the space in her grumbling stomach becoming more and more cramped. They pressed tight against each other, pushing out against the shuddering walls of their prison as more were forced inside. Her stomach was groaning loud now, and she matched it with moans and hisses of ecstasy between the constant mouthfuls of unwilling flesh. Her belly was stretched tight now, having more than doubled in size, and she found herself having to choke down nausea as her body began to be pushed past its limit. There were only a few more left on the outside of her belly, and she found her pace beginning to slow. She really did feel fuller than she had in awhile, and the queasiness was getting the better of her. She held up a cute girl with jet black hair and uncommonly good looks. She opened her mouth as wide as she could, far wider then necessary. But she couldn't make herself swallow the girl. She had that feeling in the back of her throat, the body's natural reflex to keep her from literally rupturing her own stomach from overindulgence. She closed her mouth. How irritating, she thought to herself. Then she was taken by surprise by a loud and sudden belch. She felt a little of the pressure in her stomach dissipate. She grinned at the terrified girl before swallowing her whole. She had eaten everyone she'd taken, but she still wasn't quite satisfied. When the mass of people inside her shifted she could feel herself blush as waves of pleasure rippled through her. She knew she'd never be able to think of anything else if she didn't finish what she'd started. Laboriously, she pulled herself upright, unable to completely bend at the middle. She set her eyes on the cauldron once again.

There were still quite a few left in what remained of the concoction. Several were still trying to crawl away at a slugs pace, but she idly grabbed a few of them as she slithered past to grab more vials of ingredients to top off the mixture. Still, she couldn't find herself focusing. The writhing motion in her stomach made her periodically let out little gasps of pleasure, and the urge to rub her heaving belly was excruciating. She plopped a few more people into her mouth as she added to the concoction. Soon the cauldron was nearly full again, although the human inhabitants had been mostly wiped out. She put aside her vials and bottles and stood back, eyes narrowed in perverted anticipation. All the would-be escapees had either found their way to freedom or the depths of her stomach, so she plucked another wriggling victim from the pot. A brunette girl who pushed and struggled, but did not scream. The naga's tongue flickered in and out, absorbing the taste of sweet candy broth soaked with fear. Her other hand was already exploring her body with a mind of its own. Her belly now bulged out enough for her hand to rest on top of. She could feel her libido began to rise again as she pressed her hand into her stomach. The people within churned and struggled, pressed up tight against every wall, distending the organ to many times its original size. She pressed harder, feeling the mass of food shift in the digestive juices with a loud gurgling noise. She ground her teeth in pleasure, then opened her mouth and pressed her next victim onto her tongue. Her other hand moved to her hip, feeling how much her belly protruded. The feeling of the girl's weak little toothpick arms struggling about her mouth was just too much. She pushed the girl farther back with one finger, then sucked her lips in tight. Only the tip of the girl's slug tail stuck out beneath her giant index finger. She popped the finger back out, trailing a line of spit, and basked in the pleasure of the tail squirming at her lips. Then in one wet slurping motion the girl disappeared down her throat. She could no longer feel when another person entered her stomach, but the muffled screams and struggling motion were satisfying enough. Her hands reached downwards, caressing her stomach, then sliding downwards to separate the scales beneath her groaning belly and penetrate her sexual organ. Her other hand reached into the cauldron for more food. She picked up a man by the head and dangled him over her waiting mouth. Her other hand moved slowly, making her breath quicken and her mouth open even wider. She dropped her prey into her mouth and he hit the back of her throat with a wet plop before she swallowed him reflexively. Her hand was quickening now, and she darted for another victim, a girl with bright blonde hair. She bit her lip hard enough to draw blood as the girl slid down her throat. Her hand darted out again. A tall woman, a dark skinned man, a teenage boy, a short haired girl... She stopped looking. Her face was burning and she was drenched in sweat. She grabbed at victims and shoved them flat-handed into her mouth. She felt she could pass out at any moment. She was forced to take in sharp breaths through her nose as her mouth was constantly full. She felt it all come out of her at once, a tingling darkness at the edge of her vision, her body seemed to melt as she felt gray-white starbursts ring throughout her skull. Her mind went completely blank in a total oblivion of feral pleasure. Her tail thrashed violently about the room as she panted and moaned. She clawed great gashes into her own skin, muscles flexed, desperate to hold on to this moment and stretch it out forever. And it did last, but eventually the mania passed and her senses returned. Her heart still pounded so hard it frightened her, and her whole body heaved with exhaustion. Her fingers came away wet as she laid back and cuddled herself in satisfaction. Her belly still grumbled with digestion, now painfully full. She idly gave a sideways glance to the cauldron as she lay on her bed of coils, unwilling to get up. Only the broth remained, as far as she could tell. That was fine by her. Her hat had flown off at some point and ended up on the other side of the room. She lay on her back, eyes closed, with one hand on her stomach to feel the screaming mass inside boiling away into nothing. Her other hand fell lazily to her side and hit something unexpectedly sticky and warm. She opened one eye in bemused curiosity. One last little slug had been lucky enough not to be crushed by the throes of her maddened orgasm. She lifted up the little human who was struggling and weeping. She saw death in the girl's eyes. Her lips parted with a thin string of saliva. A loud, moaning burp erupted from the depths of her stomach, enough to feel the burn of digestive acid at the back of her throat. She pressed two fingers to her lips with a girlish giggle. Then her mouth opened, the little human shouted in surprise, then felt the burning heat of the naga's breath, the slickness of her saliva, and the last thing she saw was a giant hand disappearing behind closing teeth as she slipped away into darkness. The naga purred in satisfaction, feeling her eyes close heavy with exhaustion as she drifted off to sleep.

She woke after a long, restful sleep. She no longer felt movement from her stomach, and it had shrunk significantly, though she undeniably had gained a few pounds. She'd made quite a mess of the room, but it had all been worth it. As she lazily moved around cleaning up, she went over all of the ingredients in her head. It had been absolutely perfect, but that wasn't the point. She would have to try again, to experiment with new flavors. The slug potion had been interesting, but maybe this time she would try mice, or spiders, or maybe even bats...


Halloween late, spent too long writing a story. At least I didn't wait to post it until next year like I did with the ghost one. I haven't done a lot of writing so I hope this isn't terrible.

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Posted by kibroman 3 years ago Report

fantastic history
good work


Posted by TeruyukiKiryuin 3 years ago Report

Wow, such beautiful artwork and an awesome story. Two of my favorite creatures combined makes me so happy!


Posted by DemonicTacoTruck 3 years ago Report

This image is incredible! Her pose and her demeanor (and ooooo that gurgling gut) are all sexy as hell. And that was an awesome written piece, just so you know. Well done!